Pany Akpabio's Books
Daddy lied about Santa
In the deeply personal enchanting novel Daddy lied about Santa Claus the story revolves around serious journey from innocent belief to a transformative revelation. From his tender years, zeals father spins tales of a beloved Santa's nice list eagerly obeys his parents and excels academically all in hope of receiving gifts from the holy old man. Meanwhile zeal's Best friend Ezra, burdened by the harsh reality of his parents tumultuous relationship seeks solace in the idea of Santa..,
Mom, you are Guilty too
Kali's story is a heartbreaking account of the impact of irresponsible parenting and continuous pampering. As a child, Kali stole a bicycle, and instead of correcting him, his mother helped him hide the evidence. This set a pattern of complicity and lack of accountability. He later stole money, and his mother encouraged him to spend it, further reinforcing his belief that he could get away with anything. A significant turning point came when Kali stole a competition result, leading to an argument with his father and his departure. His mother's misguided support deepened his sense of entitlement and a lack of consequences. As he grew older, Kali's troubled teenage years transformed him into a malformed man, making poor choices without a moral compass. Despite the pain caused by his mother's negligence, Kali forgives her, acknowledging his own responsibility. He wishes for his letter to reach parents worldwide, emphasizing the vital role of education and responsible parenting in shaping individuals. Kali's story serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of bad parenting and spoiling. It highlights the importance of discipline, guidance, and correction in a child's upbringing, urging parents to prioritize education and moral development to prevent the path of self-destruction that Kali experienced.