**Synopsis** Sia Musk, an orphan, finds her life spiraling into chaos as she becomes entangled with the notorious RAZ gang. During one of her missions, she crosses paths with Rexim Leir, an undercover government agent who inexplicably decides to protect her. Risking his career and safety, Rexim helps Sia evade capture, and his kindness starts to melt her hardened heart. But when the police raid her gang, Sia is faced with a harrowing choice: save herself or rescue her found family. What drove an orphan girl to become a wanted villain? How far will Sia go for love? And can she find the strength to complete her mission and move forward?
KINGDOMNIC, The Passionate Reign
SYNOPSIS/BLURB: A warrior, prince pial of Keswick kingdom was destined with an excessive love of a young graceful lady, Ixan. And he chose to espouse her against the queen's will. The coincidence has driven a serious problem in the kingdom family. And it has caused suffering to Ixan and her people. Although, prince pial continue trying to safeguard them. Alas, a serious outbreak exhilarated of queen lisha's defraud to Ixan's mother. Discovering Ixan the rightful heir of Keswick kingdom, Queen Lisha has to fight in two fronts. What's the secret behind queen lisha's lifetime? For how long does Ixan retain to collect the wisdom seized from her mother? Which trials of life has prince pial passed to succeed in his mission? Finds out in KINGDOMNIC (The Passionate Reign).