SinichiKudo26's Books
The 13th Zodiac Lover of Charlotte
Charlotte is a simple princess in the Kingdom of Canopus, who was a prisoner of her own parents in the dungeon because her sisters are insecure and intimidated by her beauty. However, when their kingdom was colonized by King Abaddon of the werewolf tribe, stargazer Venus helped her escape the dungeon to find her fated man who will redeem their kingdom and save her family from the evilest creature on their planet, King Abaddon.
The Zodiac Lovers
Morisette is an introverted girl who dreams of having a fantasy love story. One night after her class, while walking in the middle of the night, she picked up a book with 'magical book,' written on it. When she brought it to her apartment, a fairy appeared out of nowhere and told her to find her fated man, whose zodiac sign is compatible with hers. How many men are going to be in her life just to find her fated man?
The President's secret affair
Emmy is a submissive beautiful woman who experience a hell life in the hands of her abusive husband, Romualdo. Desperate to get out of her toxic relationship, she seduced President Adolf who eventually succumbed to the temptation despite his marriage with Monica. Their love quarrel will lead to deadly consequences they would never imagine to happen.