graciouz's Books
Diary of a lover boi
A young boy from a good christan background Suddenly turned bad in his bosses house, He left his fathera House to his bosses house as an apprentice, leaving with this family exposed him to different culture and lifestyle different from that if his parent For instance he mever sees his parents engaging in word to word challenges but his new boss always quarrel with his wife Been pained the woman has to come to gracious for comfort and affections He became a player at such a young age and doesn't value women because he got then st his disposal including his bosses wife, He so much admires what is beneath the leg i think this is what led him to been a lover boi This story contains many twists, all you need is cross your legs as you start reading the most amazing love romantic novel of this decade This story is composed by me Gracious
Biggest Temptation
He is good in taking. Charge of women using them for his own benefit making them pay him hugely and blackmail them to pay more Romance lord