tema baby's Book
Desire of the elite
In the heart of a bustling city, where opulence and influence reigned supreme, resided a man named Ethan. His wealth and power were undeniable, but beneath the facade of his success, he carried the hidden wounds of maternal abandonment. This story, he kept locked away, guarded from prying eyes.On the other side of the city, nestled in a charming neighborhood adorned with blooming cherry blossom trees, lived Olive. She exuded an aura of innocence and shyness, her gentle demeanor concealing a reservoir of untapped strength. Her family had showered her with love, and she treasured the bonds that tied them together. Fate, however, had different plans for them. In an era where arranged marriages persisted, their families saw an opportunity to unite their fortunes and legacies.Tentative conversations flowed, guarded smiles turned into genuine laughter, and slowly, their hearts began to unfurl. It was in these moments that they discovered their shared humanity, forging connections that transcended familial expectations.