~Shadow's Books
Behind The Scene
The loud cries of a newborn was heard in then background, accompanied with the panting of a woman with a gun in her hand. With hands like fire, she stood in front of three people: her parents and her sister. The child wouldn't stop crying, her hands wouldn't stop shivering, and the rest of the family wouldn't stop pleading. "It's better that we put an end to all of this. It's better that we just end all of this shit now! I'm tired of having to deal with all of you. I'm tired of the hatred and I'm tired of the lies.... I'm a bad kid am I not?" She asked and she laughed like her life depended on it. Silence...then she turned to her sister. "Happy 18th birthday to us," then bang! She pulled the trigger.
The White's: Behind Our Name
We are the White's, a family known across the city for it's beauty, wealth, and most importantly, our PERFECTION. We are known are the perfect family, but the question is...are we? Behind that perfect name; "White" lays lies, betrayal, and deep secrets that even siblings don't know. Every member of the "Whites" have a secret to keep. Meet five siblings who would die to portray themselves as perfection Meet a family who live in the same house but no one knows who the other truly is Meet a family where lies fly across the dinning table Meet a family where secrets are hidden between and beneath the sheets. Blood stained hands, lies, secrets, buried truths and defiled sheets makes up the White; the society's perfect family. Our mother is a lair, our father is a cheat. Our brothers are devils and our sisters are human like witches. Our wives are betrayals and our husbands are thieves. But when we're outside, we've got big smiles on our faces and roses on our dresses. Our name is "White" but deep down, black is brighter than we are. What happens when these secrets come to light? And is there even a hint of truth among us?