Kuningas Richard Kolmas by William Shakespeare
H?vyt?n koira! Seis, kun min? k?sken!
Pois rinnoiltani pertuskasi siirr?,
Tai, kautta Paavalin, sun maahan paiskaan
Ja sinut survon, korska kerj?l?inen!
(Kantajat laskevat arkun maahan.)
Kah! Vapisette kaikki! Pelk??ttenk??
Ah! Teit' en moiti, kuolevia teit?:
Pirua kuolevaisen silm' ei sied?, -
Pois, sin? hirvitt?v? hornan airut!
Vallassas oli vaan tuon kuolleen ruumis,
Mut h?nen sieluaan et saa; siis, poistu!
Sulo pyhimys, noin ?l? noidu, hurskas!
Ruma perkel, ?l? h?iri, Herran t?hden!
T?st' onnen maasta helvetin sa teit,
Kiroilla, tuskan huudoilla sen t?ytt?in.
Jos ilo sull' on n?hd? inhat ty?si,
Niin tuoss' on teurastustes taidon n?yte. -
Oi, herrat, n?hk??s: Henrik vainaan haavat
Suuns' avaa j?yk?n uuteen veren vuotoon!
Punastu, h?pee, rujo luodenkanto,
Kun l?sn?olosi saa kylm?t, tyhj?t
Ja verett?m?t suonet verest?m??n:
Tekosi luonnoton ja petomainen
T??n perin luonnottoman tulvan nostaa. -
Jumala, joka loit t?n veren, kosta!
Maa, mantu, joka joit t?n veren, kosta!
Murhaajan p??h?n nuoles iske, taivas!
Maa, ratkee, niele h?net el?v?lt?,
Kuin veren nielit hyv?n kuninkaankin,
Tuon hornan palkkalaisen teurastaman!
Rakkauden ohjett' ette tunne, rouva:
Hyv?ll? pahaa kosta; sit? siunaa,
Ken sua kiroo.
Konna, sin' et tunne
Lakia Jumalan etk' ihmisten;
Pahinkin peto tuntee s??limyst?.
Mut min? en, ja siis en ole peto.
Oo, ihme: perkeleetkin puhuu totta!
Ihmeemp??, ett? enkelit noin raivoo. -
Jumalan ihanainen naiseksi,
Suvaitkaa luulluista mun synneist?ni
T?ss' edess?nne t?ysin puhdistaita.
Ruttoinen vihalainen mieheksi,
Suvaitse tietyist? sun synneist?si
Mun t?ysin kirota sua, kirottua.
Somempi kuin voi mainitakaan kieli,
Suvaitkaa hetki mulle puolustukseen.
Rumempi kuin voi aatellakaan mieli,
Sill' itses puolustat, ett' astut hirteen.
Mun syyhyn saattais moinen ep?toivo.
Mut ep?toivo tuo sua puolustaisi;
N?in koston ansaitun sa itse saisit,
Jok' ansiottomasti muita tapoit.
Mutta ent?, jos en tappanutkaan heit??
Niin el?isiv?t; mutta kuolleit' ovat
Ja sinun kauttas, hornan palkkalainen.
En miest?s surmannut.
No, siis h?n el??,
Ei, kuollut on h?n: Edward h?net tappoi.
Sen valehtelit omaan p??h?s, herja:
Sen verenp? sen n?ki Margareeta
Sun murhaveitsest?si h?yryv?n,
Jonk' oisit h?nen rintahansa sy?ssyt,
Jos iskua ei torjunut ois veljes.
Mua h?nen herjakielens' ?rrytti,
Mun, syytt?m?n, kun p??h?n syyn h?n syyti.
Sua oma verivimmas ?rrytti,
Jok' uneksi vaan aina teurastusta.
Tapoithan t?m?n kuninkaan.
Sen my?nn?n.
Vai my?nn?t, m?yr?? My?nt?k??n my?s Luoja,
Ett' ilkity?st?s kadotukseen joudut!
Oi, lempe? h?n oli, jalo, hurskas.
Siis omiansa taivaan kuninkaalle.
H?n taivaass' on, mut sinne sin' et tule.
Mua kiitt?k??n, kun autoin h?nt? sinne;
H?n sopii sinne paremmin kuin maahan.
Ja sin? sovit parhain helvettiin.
Viel' yhteen paikkaan, - saanko sanoa?
ANNA. Niin, vankityrm??n.
Teid?n makuusuojaan.
Paetkoon rauha sinun makuumailtas!
Niin tekee, kunnes makaan teid?n luona.
Ma toivon vaan.
Ma tied?n sen. - Mut, Anna, -
Purevaa t?t? sanasutka-kiistaa
Kalsompaan ??nitapaan vaihtaaksemme -
Syy Plantagenetien ?kkisurmaan,
Niin Henrikin kuin Edwardin, se eik?
Lie moitittavampi kuin itse teko?
Sin' olit syy ja kirottu my?s teko.
Sulonne t?h?n tekoon oli syyn?,
Sulonne, joka unessa mua kiusas
K?siksi k?ym??n koko mailman surmaan
Vaan hetken ilost' iharinnoillanne.
Jos uskoisin sua, murhamies, niin raastais
Sen sulon poskiltani pois n?? kynnet.
N?? silm?t moist' ei siet?is sulon hukkaa;
Mun n?hteni sit' ette turmeleisi;
Siit' elvyn niin kuin mailma auringosta;
Mun p?iv?ni se on, mun el?m?ni.
Y? p?iv?lles, ja surma el?m?llesi.
?l' itse?si kiroo, sulo luomus:
Kumpikin olet.
Soisin, ett? oisin,
Niin ett? sinulle ma kostaa saisin.
Olisi mit? luonnottomin teko
H?nelle kostaa, joka sua lempii.
Olisi oikea ja viisas teko
H?nelle kostaa, joka miehein tappoi.
Ken, armas, sulta miehen vei, sen teki
Paremman miehen hankkiakseen sulle.
Parempaa miest' ei hengi p??ll? maan.
On mies, ken paremmin kuin h?n sua lempii.
Ken se?
Se nimi h?ll?.
Niin sama nimi, paremman vaan lainen.
Miss' on h?n?
(Anna sylkee h?neen.)
Miksi minuun syljet?
Oo, ett' ois surman myrkky? se sulle?
Noin ihanassa milloin asui myrkky?
Niin, vihatumpaan milloin osui myrkky?
Pois, konna! Silm?ni sa sokaiset.
Sun silm?s, armas, soaissut on minun.
Oo, jospa basiliskeja ne oisi
Ja kuoliaaks sun l?isiv?t!
Oi, jospa'
Niin saisin kuolla kerrassaan; nyt minut
Ne el?v?lt? surmaavat. Nuo silm?t
Kiers' itkun suolaisen mun silmist?ni,
Lapsekkain kyynelin ne soaisten,
N?? silm?t, joit' ei kostuttanut s??li.
Kun itkiv?t York is?ni ja Edward
Rutlandin parkuhuudon kuullessansa,
Kun musta Clifford h?neen miekkans' iski,
Tai uljas is?si kun lapsen lailla
Is?ni synk?n kuolintarun kertoi
Ja kymmenesti suupui nyyhkytykseen,
Ett' oli kuulijainkin silm?t m?rj?t
Kuin lehv?t sateessa; ja n?iss? kauhuiss'
Urokas silm?n' itkun hell?n hylki,
Ja mit' ei surut n?? siit' irti saaneet,
Sen sulos sai; mun soannut on itku.
En yst?v??, en vihamiest? k?rt?,
Ei mairesanaa kielenik??n tunne,
Mut nyt kun sulosi ma palkaks toivon,
Niin ylv?s syd?n k?rtt??, kieli mairii.
(Anna katsoo h?nt? halveksivasti.)
?l' ivaan moiseen huuliasi s??nn?.
Ne suuteloit' on eik? pilkkaa varten.
Jos et voi kostoltasi anteeks suoda,
Ter?v?k?rkisen saat tuossa miekan:
Se t?h?n uskolliseen poveen paina,
Vapauta sua jumaloiva sielu,
Sen kuoliniskulles nyt paljastan ma,
Rukoillen polvillani kuolemaa.
(Paljastaa rintansa; Anna tavoittaa h?nt? miekalla.)
?l' esty; Henrik kuninkaan ma tapoin,
Vaan sulosi mua siihen houkutteli.
No, joudu! Min? Edward prinssin pistin;
(Anna tavoittaa h?nt? miekalla.)
Vaan n?k?si taivainen mua kiihoitti.
(Anna antaa miekan vaipua.)
Nyt nosta miekka, taikka minut nosta!
No, nouse, teeskelij?! Surmaas toivon,
Mut en sen toimittaja tahdo olla.
Mun k?ske toimittaa se, ja sen t?yt?n.
Sen olen tehnyt.
Vihoissasi teit sen.
Se sano uudelleen, niin t?m? k?si,
Mi lemmen t?hden lemmen surmas sulta,
Nyt surmaa viel? taatummankin lemmen,
N?in syyp??ks sinut tehden kahteen surmaan.
Jos mieles tuntisin ma!
Se kielell?ni asuu.
Molemmat voivat pett??.
Ei silloin mik??n taattu.
No, hyv?, tuppeen miekka!
Siis rauhan mulle takaat!
Sen saat sa tiet?? vasta.
Siis toivoako saanen?
Sen kaikki saavat, toivon.
T?? sormus ota multa.
Ken ottaa, viel' ei anna.
(Panee sormuksen sormeensa.)
Niin kuin t?? sormus sormeasi kiert??,
Poveskin syd?n-raukkaseni kietoo!
Kumpaakin helli, kumpikin on sinun.
Ja jos suot ihastuneen orja-raukan
Sun sulok?dest?si armon pyyt??,
Niin ij?ks h?nen onnensa sa turvaat.
Mik' on se?
Ett? t?m?n surun toimen
J?t?tte h?lle, jolla enemm?n
On syyt? suruun, sek? Crosby-placeen
Menette oiti; Chertseyn luostariin kun
Pyhill? menoill' olen haudannut
T??n jalon kuninkaan ja hautansakin
Katuman kyynelill? kastellut,
Tapaamaan teit? rienn?n viipym?tt?.
Monesta salasyyst? rukoilen nyt:
Luvatkaa t?m?.
Syd?mmest?n' aivan.
Ja minua se suurest' ilahduttaa,
Ett' olette n?in katumukseen tullut. -
Tressel ja Berkley, mua seuratkaa.
Sanokaa j??hyv?iset.
Mut koska mairimaan mua opetitte,
Kuvailkaa, ett? tein jo j??hyv?iset.
(Lady Anna, Tressel ja Berkley menev?t.)
Edelleen ruumis viek??.
Trajectory presents classics of world literature with 21st century features! Our original-text editions include the following visual enhancements to foster a deeper understanding of the work: Word Clouds at the start of each chapter highlight important words. Word, sentence, paragraph counts, and reading time help readers and teachers determine chapter complexity. Co-occurrence graphs depict character-to-character interactions as well character to place interactions. Sentiment indexes identify positive and negative trends in mood within each chapter. Frequency graphs help display the impact this book has had on popular culture since its original date of publication. Use Trajectory analytics to deepen comprehension, to provide a focus for discussions and writing assignments, and to engage new readers with some of the greatest stories ever told."The Moving Picture Girls: Or, First Appearances in Photo Dramas" is part of "The Moving Picture Girls" series. "The Moving Picture Girls" is a series about the adventures of Ruth and Alice DeVere who live with their father who is an actor.
The plays in the New Kittredge Shakespeare series retain their original Kittredge notes and introductions, changed or augmented only when some modernization seems necessary. These new editions also include introductory essays by contemporary editors, notes on the plays as they have been performed on stage and film, and additional student materials.
Falstaff llega a Windsor escaso de fondos. Para mejorar su situación financiera, decide cortejar a dos señoras bien casadas, mistress Ford y mistress Page. Escribe cartas de amor idénticas a ambas señoras, y pide a sus respectivos criados, Pistol y Nym, que las entreguen. Ellos se niegan, por lo que Falstaff les sacude. Como venganza, los criados informan a los maridos de las intenciones de Falstaff. El señor Page hace caso omiso, pero el celoso señor Ford decide averiguar por sí mismo los planes de Falstaff.
"Then let's get a divorce!" With courage, Leora left her husband's house, after being accused of poisoning his mistress. Her in-laws and sister-in-law had planned various ways to kick her out of Peter's house and in the end Leora gave in. However, no one expected that things would turn 180 degrees after the divorce. When everyone who had hurt her was happy with each other's lies, Leora returned. This time, she was no longer the poor orphan girl from the orphanage. She has changed and not only that, she also carries a big secret that will make everyone turn to worship her feet.
"It was just one night stand, and now I'm pregnant with triplets? Gosh!" Josephine Jade never thought that she would have to run away from her own family while pregnant. She was alone, without money, without connections, with three fetuses in her stomach. How can she survive? However, Josephine couldn't give up now, until she managed to reclaim her arbitrarily seized property and get back at everyone who tried to get rid of her. A sick child, a past crush that comes back, a mysterious eccentric man, and a family that hates her, will weave together the journey of Josephine Jade's new life. "You have no right to separate me from my children, you bastard! I will survive and you will submit to me. Just watch!"
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..." But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
In her previous life, Kimberly endured the betrayal of her husband, the cruel machinations of an evil woman, and the endless tyranny of her in-laws. It culminated in the bankruptcy of her family, and ultimately, her death. After being reborn, she resolved to seek retribution against those who had wronged her, and ensure her family's prosperity. To her shock, the most unattainable man from her past suddenly set his sights on her. "You may have overlooked me before, but I shall capture your heart this time around."
"There will be no falling in love, we will only act as a loving couple when we are in public, we will share a room to make it believable, but no intimacy, touching is off-limits. We'll only have sex once a month, and that's solely to produce an heir. You won't interfere in my business, and I won't interfere in yours. You will be my wife in every sense and you will not be involved with any other man," he said, arrogance seeping from every word. I watch his mouth move, I'm not ready to fall in love with any man, especially not one as arrogant and egoistic as him. I can handle acting as a loving couple, and as for intimacy once a month. I can agree to that just to satisfy my sexual cravings with no strings attached. "Where can I sign?" I asked since I had nothing to lose. *** Nadine's wedding dreams turned to nightmares when she caught her sister and fiancé cheating! With a secret recording, she's ready for revenge. But then mysterious billionaire Logan West offers a deal: A Contract Marriage to take down her ex's empire. But what Nadine doesn't know is her life is getting complicated as she takes her chance to get revenge or risks everything for a chance at love?"
Belinda thought after divorce, they would part ways for good - he could live his life on his own terms, while she could indulge in the rest of hers. However, fate had other plans in store. "My darling, I was wrong. Would you please come back to me?" The man, whom she once loved deeply, lowered his once proud head humbly. "I beg you to return to me." Belinda coldly pushed away the bouquet of flowers he had offered her and coolly replied, "It's too late. The bridge has been burned, and the ashes have long since scattered to the wind!"