**THIS BOOK IS PART OF A SERIES** BOOKS IN ORDER 1. ANYTHING MY SWEET 2. GIVE INTO ME 3. DOLL FACE 4. HIS SECERT LOVE 5. DAUGHTER OF DON ANTOINO It's always the people who are in debt to the Mafia but what happens when the Mafia leader himself, is in debt to you? Fifteen year old Emma Steve went along with a couple of her friends one day to an abandoned factory, because her best friend Josh was an urban explorer. So he decided it would be fun to film there but little did they know what was awaiting them. Don Aroldo Esposito caught in a situation he never thought he would be in. Struggling to get out but no use, that's until he heard a gentle voice saying... "We have to help whoever is behind the door, come on guys, we can't leave."
"It is here by I, Aroldo Esposito accept the leadership of being your commander, leader and owner. All who shall fail to follow my orders will be, well, simply killed. You will obey me, for I am your mafiaking." I declared as I faced the men who were seated.
Pulling the knife out from the former leader's neck, I slowly wiped it on his shoulders. "Can someone please take his body and dispose it, my feet are getting tired of standing." I said gently as they all stared in horror.
It's not everyday you see someone take the throne from beneath one's feet, but I did. It was mine in the first place, but dear uncle that shipped me off to the orphanage at a young age and took it. "It's good to be home." I remarked, staring at little Zuse, uncle's son.
He was younger than me by two year's but less manly. "I saved you the trouble of the family business, you're most welcome." He charges at me with anger but I took him down easily.
Gripping his neck tightly, "Now, is that how to greet your cousin Zuse? Remember me?" His eye's bulged out as he gasps for air.
"You enjoyed the life of luxury while I was beaten and starved to death. I just came to take what was rightfully mine, this was my father's throne, but dear uncle decided he wanted it all to himself." I hissed, watching the color of his face change.
"I wish no harm on you dear cousin, the person that caused me harm is dead. Now, if you can ever be so kind in letting me know where uncle took my mother, then I'll spare your life. If not then it's simple, I------bring in the girl." I yelled.
Throwing him to the floor and watching how he crawled over to his pregnant wife was interesting. "You see how lovely she is, we wouldn't want anything happening to her or the child now do we?" I questioned as I gently caressed his wife's hair.
Bending down, I bored my eyes into his, "I don't believe in love or family Zuse. I wouldn't think twice in getting a knife and stabbing your wife's belly." I said, touching her stomach. "My, how big. How far along are you?" Her cries were loud, "Shhhh, shh, sh. We don't want the baby to feel stress. Don't cry."
Pulling her up gently, "Tell Zuse to tell me where my mother is and I'll let you and the baby live. That, you have my word."
Nodding her head quickly, she kneels in front of her husband. I took the moment, pulling out a cigar, lighting it up. "Zuse, please tell him what he needs to know, please Zuse. I can't lose this child, I've already lost two. I can't bare to lose this child as well." She begged.
"I have your word, that you will not harm her or the child?" Zuse shouted.
"You have my word, now. If you'll kindly tell me where your father hid my mother, then your wife will be on her way back to her parents house. Safe and sound." I stated.
I motioned with the tilt of my head for Andrew to take the wife away. Walking over to where he laid on the floor, like a dog. I stared him down, "Mama better be well taken care of or I can guarantee you, that I will make you chop up your wife and unborn child with your bare hands."
His eyes held fear and that's what I needed to see from him. He tried to get but I only kicked him back down. "She's in the west wing of the house", he whispered. "But I must tell you, she...she is not well nor doesn't remember anything."
"What do you mean she doesn't remember?" I asked as I clenched my hand's.
"She seem to have lost her mind after what happen to you and your father. Locking herself in the room, father pitied the state she was in so he let her stay. You were suppose to be dead along with your father, that's what I was told, that's what everyone knew." He said as he stared into my eyes.
The knife was still in my hands, I just took it and stabbed him in his shoulder. Over and over and over again as his screams filled the room. The men that were sitting at the dinner table started to move but my men held them down. "Shoot anyone that moves." I yelled.
I stood up, leaving my dear cousin in agony, screaming in pain. The maids were here, everyone in the household were here. I faced the closest maid and marched over to where she was. "Take me to the west wing, I need to see her." I hissed as I grabbed her arm.
My heart was beating quickly as I took each step towards her. After what seem like forever, we came to a stop. The hallway was dark, cold. I could hear soft whispers from behind the door singing a lullaby. My hand gripped the handle of the door pushing it open, the room was darker than the hallway. The room smelled like flowers after the rain, a figure stood near the window, holding a pillow.
"Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma
Fa la ninna bel bambin, Fa la nanna bambin bel, Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma." She sung to the pillow while holding it near.
"Go to sleep, go to sleepy
In the arms of your mother, Go to sleep, lovely child, Go to sleepy, child so lovely, Go to sleep, go to sleepy
In the arms of your mother."
I switched the light on but it didn't seem to be working. I stepped closer to her, trying to get a better look, standing in front of her. She smiled, "Shhh, my child is trying to sleep."
Her skin was pale yellow, her body was disintegrating slowly. The word mama was stuck in my throat as I watched her. "Mama", I choked.
Her eyes laid on me, she moved closer to the dresser that was near her. She seem to function well in moving but was her mind still intact?
The match lit up as she placed it on the candle, the pillow in her hand dropped as she gasped. "Rocardo", she said surprisingly.
"No mama, I am not father. I am Aroldo." Her eyes opened widely as her steps came closer. Her hands ran along my arms, stopping at my shoulders. Her eyes watered as she stared at me before moving her hands to my cheek. "Please tell me I'm not crazy, that you are really my son." She said as her tears fell.
I couldn't take it anymore, dropping to my knees. I held her legs tightly, hugging her. "I am real mama, I've come back for you."
I've haven't cried, since forever but my heart was aching. I learned to cope with my feelings but this time, I couldn't hold back. "I'm sorry mama, so sorry."
Bending down to face me, "You're alive, you're not dead." She said as she held me tightly, crying.
One year later......
"Safe trip my love", mama said as she walked down the stairs with me. "Be sure to call me when you arrive and don't stay too long, my heart can't bare to be apart from you." She placed a kiss on my cheek, smiling happily.
"Two days and I'm back mama, Andrew will care for you until I come back." I said as I kissed her forehead.
Entering the car, I look back at her one last time before leaving the estate.
Several hours later in Chicago....
"Welcome Don Esposito, I am Albert. I'll be taking you to meet Don Carlos, you and your men are my responsibility until then." He said as I reached the car that was parked near the plane I just came off. "Was your flight good?" He asked.
"Very." He nodded his head as he opened the door for me. Philip and Malkin were my trusted men, wherever I go, they go with me. They both entered the car with me as Albert drove off to our destination.
Thirty minutes into the drive and Albert inform us that we're being followed. "The car behind us, has been following us, I'll turn here to see if they truly are." He stated while making the turn.
"Fanculo", Philip cursed lowly. All three men take out their guns, getting ready for what was about to happen but a car crashed into us out of nowhere. Groaning that came from the men was all I heard before I fell unconscious.
Four days later.....
"Who are they, we've been here for four days and no one has come looking for us. The amount of screaming we have done should have been heard but no one is here." Philip hissed as he tried to untie himself.
It was pointless, we were about to face our death anytime soon. "Don Esposito, I have let you down. I am truly sorry." Albert said.
"You have done nothing, all I want to know is, who is behind this?" I was trying to wrap my mind on who could have done this but I came to no conclusion. I've made peace with every Don out there so why am I here?
"Emma, Josh is here." Mom yelled. I was in my room getting ready. "I'll be down in a minute." I yelled back.
My dumb friend Josh wanted to go film in an abandoned factory for his channel. He was an "Urban explorer", as he puts it, his channel was a hit due to me and my friend's reactions. Some places he took us were scary as f*ck while others were just ok.
I grabbed my phone and small bag that was filled with snacks, it gets boring sometimes while we're at these places. I exited my room, running down the stairs. Josh was waiting at the front door with Sean and Lucy. "Mom, I'm leaving. I'll be back by ten." I yelled.
"Nine", she yelled back from the kitchen.
"K, nine, bye." I said walking after my friends. We hopped in Sean's jeep, driving off to our destination. "So guys, act like you're scared and shit, like you've seen a ghost. I want this video to hit more than a million views." Josh said.
"All you videos get over a million silly", Lucy said.
"Yea, but I want more." Josh replied.
"So, where are you taking us this time? It better be in the city Josh, last time mom grounded me for coming home late." I stated.
"Yeah man, me too. Dad was on my case for a week for coming home at two in the morning, it better be in the city." Sean added.
"Would you guys chill, it's in the city, make a left here." Josh said. We entered a no trespassing zone, Sean parks the car and looks at Josh. "We have to walk from here, two hours no longer man. Lucy and I have a date."
We exited the car and looked around the fence that was holding us back. As always, Josh climbs the wired fence. We did the same and walked towards the once meat factory. Josh gets to work, opening his camera and starts to film.
"Hey guys, as I promised you another video. My friends and I will explore this place where I've been told, that the Mafia do their dirty work. This is the old meat factory, it's been abandoned for fifteen years now. Let's see if we'll find any dead bodies?" Josh said, talking to the camera.
We walk around the building until we found an open door, entering it slowly. It was dark but we had our equipment ready with us. "As you can see, the place smells and looks horrifying." Josh continued to talk. We heard a muffling sound from the upper floor, "Omg guys you hear that?" Lucy said terrified.
"Wtf, josh. Who did you hire this time to scare us for your damn video?" I hissed. He gave me a wtf look, "Oh shut up, you'll edit that out. But for real, did you?" I asked.
He turned off his camera which was odd, my stomach started to form knots. "I swear it's not me this time, someone must be here." He quickly open his camera back on started to speak. "Omg, guys my friends and I just heard something from the upper floor, I swear to you it sounded like a call for help."
Josh walked up the stairs to the second floor, we followed behind him quickly. My heart was racing, "guys maybe we should leave." Lucy said as she grabbed Sean's hand.
The muffling sound was heard clearly now, this time Josh closes the camera for good. "Nah, it's not worth it, let's go guys." He said pushing us back.
I pushed his hand and walked over to the door. "Emma, get back here." Josh whispered.
I placed my ear on the door and listened carefully. The sound was coming from behind the closed door.
"Emma, don't! It could be a serial killer waiting to attack us, don't open it." Josh hissed.
I was lost, someone probably needed help."We can't just leave, they need help. Look at this place, it's cold and dark, only God knows how long they've been in there." I said.
"Fine, you do this by yourself, We're leaving Emma." Sean said as he grabbed Lucy hand and left.
I was all alone and the muffling sounds were getting louder and louder. Inhaling deep, I tried to open the door but it was jammed. Looking for something to unlock the door. I felt someone behind me, gasping loudly while placing my hand on my chest. Gladly it was Josh, "Pray to God we make it out alive Emma, you and your kind heart will get you in deep shit." He said as he picked the lock open that was placed on the door.
How come I didn't see that?
He pushed the door open, pointing the flashlight in the room. We stared at each other before he left me alone with the four men that were tied up. "Josh come back, we can't leave them here." I yelled but he was long gone.
I picked up the flashlight and pointed it towards them, their eyes pierced through me. "Please don't hurt me, I'm only trying to help you guys. I'll untie you then leave." I said as I walked in. They watched my every move, especially the man in the middle, his blue icy cold eyes never stopped staring at me.
I just began uniting one of the men when I heard people talking from far away. "I can't believe we caught them, boss will be so pleased with us. We got the biggest Mafia leader of all Italy." A man said.
My heart stopped completely, I faced the men that were in front on me in horror. I got up as fast as I could, I just wanted to leave but I didn't want to feel responsible for their death. I quickly untied one of the men then the other, that's when gunshot were heard. I ducked down, shielding myself from harm.
(Authors note*** Make sure to support and comment your thoughts) "Let me mark you, Maya." He bluntly said. "Mark me? What's that?" "It's this!" He said, pulling me close to him. Before whispering in my ear. "Mate you, become one with you, or as you humans say. F*ck you, hard." Marine Seth Lones doesn't know what he's gotten himself into when he signed up to serve his country. The mission was, to capture something within the depths of The Black Forest. Not knowing what he would come across, he faced a beast. A beast called Maximus, also known as, King Zod. King Zod only followed Seth for a unique scent he carried. The smell of his mate. Being captured by humans wasn't apart of his plan. Locked up for months, he decided to take over Seth's body. So that he can find his mate.  What happens when he finds out his mate is half human, half witch? You'll have to find out.
**THIS BOOK IS PART OF A SERIES** BOOKS IN ORDER 1. ANYTHING MY SWEET 2. GIVE INTO ME 3. DOLL FACE 4. HIS SECERT LOVE 5. DAUGHTER OF DON ANTOINO "Let's make a deal, I'll marry you then I'll divorce you by the end of the year. You stay out of my way and be the perfect wife, then only then, I'll grant you you're free." He said to me as he held the woman on his lap tightly. I wasn't wanted here, I was the sinful child my father hid from the world. The father I never met in my entire life, now here I was forced to marry a man just because father said so. The deal was on, but we decide to get the most of this marriage but using each other, physically.
**THIS BOOK IS PART OF A SERIES** BOOKS IN ORDER (This is my favorite) 1. ANYTHING MY SWEET 2. GIVE INTO ME 3. DOLL FACE 4. HIS SECERT LOVE 5. DAUGHTER OF DON ANTOINO Zena had her life almost planned out. But being sold into human trafficking along with her friend wasn't one of them. Frederic Demchk is the biggest Mafia Dom that everyone is trying to kill. He turns even more ruthless after his wife's death and seek revenge to those who killed her. Blaming the Varrao's, he plans to take them down, but he needs to prove to everyone that he has moved on. He needed a girl! He needed a distraction! He needed a queen! He needed Zena! What will happen between these two and how will it end? Well, you have to just find out yourself.. ~~~~ "Is this crowning being the Dom's queen necessary? I mean, everyone already knows." She said, as she stared at him. Piercing his deep blue sea eye's towards her, he caused her to feel uncomfortable as he spoke. "Yes! It's necessary, they need to see that you are my the queen. So they would never think twice hurting what's mines." Warning Risks... Self-harm themes or scenes (including suicide and eating disorders)
**THIS BOOK IS PART OF A SERIES** BOOKS IN ORDER 1. ANYTHING MY SWEET 2. GIVE INTO ME 3. DOLL FACE 4. HIS SECERT LOVE 5. DAUGHTER OF DON ANTOINO Emily was your innocent girl who followed instructions from dear daddy and mommy. Living in small town where everyone knew each other wasn't very interesting. Her life monitored day and night to become the perfect preacher's daughter, reaching the limit. She decide to run away, catching the first bus to the big apple. ''Look, man. I swear I don't know shit. look I'll give you the money, I'll...I'll tell you were Deane is. just don't kill me man, I have a baby on the way man...please....'' I looked from behind the steps, three men holding guns to the man's head as he pleaded for his life. I covered my mouth with both hand's just so I wouldn't make any noises. ''Please Vick, spare my life man, I'm begging you please.'' the man plead some more as the gun was pressed to his head. ''You don't f*ck with Santos, and you don't f*ck with me." He pulled the trigger and shot him without any mercy. I gasped loudly, making them turn to see where the voice came from. I ducked deeper under the steps and held my hand over my mouth. shutting my eye's tightly but my ears could hear their footsteps near. My heart was racing rapidly and felt sweat running down back. ''let's go, whoever it was is gone.'' Their footsteps faded away. Hearing the engine car start then driving off. I looked through the steps and saw the man's body laying there. A tear fell down , I wished at that moment to be in my small room, under the blanket. I wished for my boring life back because this wasn't what I expected. I walked out slow, ''I have to call the cop's'', I said to myself. I ran out to find help. I yelled, ''HEL......'', and a hand clapped over my mouth shut. I felt something poke my head. ''Make a sound and I'll kill you just like that guy inside.''
**THIS BOOK IS PART OF A SERIES** BOOKS IN ORDER 1. ANYTHING MY SWEET 2. GIVE INTO ME 3. DOLL FACE 4. HIS SECERT LOVE 5. DAUGHTER OF DON ANTOINO Alicia suffers from past traumatic stress disorder due to an incident that happened when she was only eight years old. Nightmares of the past haunts her nights, which she doesn't even remember very well. Adopted by a the Washington's was the only thing that made each day pass by easily. One day, her life gets flipped upside down when her brother, Ryan, gets arrested for attempted muder. Ryan works for Salvador Gibinishy, a man with no filter. What he thinks, he says and doesn't care about the aftermath. Powerful and ruthless with no amount of feelings, thats how he was raised to lead a mafia kingdom. For Alicia to save her brother from jail, she has to work for Gibinshy. What happens when Alicia's past unravels before her eye's? Find out what happens in "Anything My sweet." For yourselves..
READ "CAPTURED BY LEO" TO UNDERSTAND THIS BOOK. THIS IS BOOK 2 Federo Dante is labeled as the ghost hunter. Nadia Varrao is the daughter of the man he seeks to kill. Bring this two together and you have a love twist so complicated that it will make your head spin. Federo is trying to eliminate Salvatore Varrao, But you can't kill what you can't see. So he makes a plan to take his daughter instead. Marriage is the plan, but will Federo fall for the beauty that has a devil as a father? Read to find out This will be book two in the mafia series, I highly recommend you read 'Captured by Leo' to understand this book.
After three years of loveless marriage, Kira was slapped with divorce papers. She has shown him her unrequited love throughout her entire marriage with him, but he decided to turn blind eyes all because of his lover. Distraught and heartbroken, Kira choose to sign the divorce papers with bitter heart. But then and there, she promised herself that when she's back, he will come crawling to her, but she will make him pay for hurting her. Join Kira as she transform to a wealthy heiress and soared as the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar empire, a remarkable healer and make her ex-husband pay!
For two years, Ashton had poured his heart into his marriage, yet Emalee's heart remained cold. Despite his dedication, Emalee presented him with divorce papers. She bluntly stated she could not remain married to a man whose net worth was less than a million dollars. Ashton signed the papers, closing one chapter of his life and stepping into a new beginning. Then, Ashton revealed his secret identities: a music mogul, a medical expert, and a martial arts master—each persona impressive enough to stun the world. As Ashton’s true capabilities came to light, Emalee was overwhelmed with deep regret.
It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but Carrie made the mistake of falling in love with Kristopher. When the time came that she needed him the most, her husband was in the company of another woman. Enough was enough. Carrie chose to divorce Kristopher and move on with her life. Only when she left did Kristopher realize how important she was to him. In the face of his ex-wife’s countless admirers, Kristopher offered her 20 million dollars and proposed a new deal. “Let’s get married again.”
Yelena discovered that she wasn't her parents' biological child. After seeing through their ploy to trade her as a pawn in a business deal, she was sent away to her barren birthplace. There, she stumbled upon her true origins—a lineage of historic opulence. Her real family showered her with love and adoration. In the face of her so-called sister's envy, Yelena conquered every adversity and took her revenge, all while showcasing her talents. She soon caught the attention of the city's most eligible bachelor. He cornered Yelena and pinned her against the wall. "It's time to reveal your true identity, darling."
Maria took her sister’s place and was engaged to Anthony, a disabled man who had lost his status as the family heir. At first, they were just a nominal couple. However, things changed when things about Maria were gradually exposed. It turned out she was a professional hacker, a mysterious composer, and the sole successor to an international jade sculpting master… The more that was revealed about her, the less Anthony could rest easy. A famous singer, an award-winning actor, an heir of a rich family—so many excellent men were chasing after his fiancee, Maria. What should Anthony do?
Widower and ex-boss to the Mafia, Zefiro Della Rocca, has an unhealthy fixation on the woman nextdoor. It began as a coincidence, growing into mere curiosity, and soon, it was an itch he couldn't ignore, like a quick fix of crack for an addict. He didn't know her name, but he knew every inch of her skin, how it flushed when she climaxed, her favourite novel and that every night she contemplated suicide. He didn't want to care, despising his rapt fascination of the woman. She was in love with her abusive husband. She was married, bound by a contract to the Bratva's hitman. She was off-limits. But when Zefiro wanted something, it was with an intensity that bordered on madness. He obsessed, possessed, owned. There'd be bloodshed if he touched her, but the sight of blood always did fascinate him. * When Susanna flees from her husband, she stumbles right into the arms of her devilishly handsome neighbour with a brooding glare. He couldn't stand her, but she needed him, if she was ever going to escape her husband who now wanted her dead. Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. She should have recalled that before hopping into Zefiro's car and letting him whisk her away to Italy. Maybe then, she wouldn't have started an affair with him. He was the only man who touched her right, and the crazy man took no small pains in ensuring he would be the last.