"What makes you think we can trust this Agent 1 guy?" "I-uh, I knew him before he was an agent...he's trustworthy...to an extent." "And I already told you I corrupted him. It's all good." "We're all going to die." *** Devin's hurt. Jason's missing. Lily's alive. The team finally has what they need to take down Garrett...but now they're short one agent. Lily can fill in for Jason but they still can't count on Devin till he's completely healed. So they decide to rely on a new ally...or maybe just an old enemy. When they need help who better to turn to than a new agent? As Lily's pointed out before, new agents are always easy to corrupt... But Agent 1 never really needed to be corrupted to begin with...this isn't going to end well. ***Book 3***
Hope you all enjoy the first chapter of, Agent 1.
I was going to wait till I had five chapters completed and written up, but I figured I wouldn't make you guys wait any longer. I'll make sure to post a couple more chapters soon.
Unknown POV
My phone begins to ring loudly, the sound splitting through the previously quiet house. I pull it from my pocket and freeze when I see the familiar number flashing across the screen, as if daring me to answer.
I knew he'd call.
I know what he wants...but am I willing to give it?
I debate not answering, and letting it go to voicemail.
What's the worst that could happen?
Scratch that. Not answering has more consequences than actually answering.
I guess I was just hoping he'd call later rather than sooner.
Just my luck he chooses otherwise.
I answer the phone.
"You chose the wrong side." His cold voice greets me.
"I should say the same to you, but I know it won't get through your thick skull." I retort coolly and he laughs bitterly.
"I'll give you one chance to take back your choice. It's in your best interest to choose wisely this time or you're going to join them in hell when I'm done with you."
"Don't waste your breath." I growl back through the phone. "It's not going to happen. I've chosen my side and you've chosen yours." There's silence on the other end. "And I wouldn't take back my choice for the world. There's nothing you can offer me, nothing you can threaten me with that will make me change my mind."
"Be prepared, cause as soon as the next flight's available...I'm coming for you."
"Give it your best shot...and I'll give it mine." I slam the phone down on the counter as hard as I can, shattering the screen.
It doesn't matter, I'm not going to be needing it anymore. Not where I'm going.
I stick my hand into my jacket and pull out the white crinkled envelope I've stuffed into my pocket. I've pulled it out a million times over only to stuff it back into my pocket a few seconds later.
But this time I keep it out a pull out the papers inside. My eyes briefly scan over the writing yet again but the words are not my concern. Not what I need. My eyes settle on the address written in the bottom corner.
I pull the last thing remaining in the envelope out. I allow the metal badge to catch the light before turning it over in my hands.
He's pissed off at me for choosing the wrong side...
Let's piss him off even more.
Cody's POV
"Why is the gate open?" Chase asks, his tone has a hint of panic in it as he begins to drive up the long driveway to Thirteen's house.
I shake my head but worry begins to unfurl in the pit of my stomach. Thirteen doesn't just leave the gate of her house wide open for anybody to come in...especially not after Lydia.
Chase and I get our answer as we pull up in front of the house. Several large construction trucks and moving vans are taking up most of the parking places in front of the house.
"What the hell?" I mutter as I peer out the window.
Thirteen comes walking down the front steps of her house after pushing off from the doorway in which she was watching. Chase rolls down the window and she bends over to lean slightly into the car.
"Back up a little and give me a sec." She says before either of us can get a word out. "I'll open up the garage for you two to park."
She pushes off from the car and walks off inside as Chase backs up the car like she said to. We wait a little while before the garage door slowly begins to open. Thirteen leans against the wall next to the controls and waves us in, gesturing for us to park on the far left of the garage. Away from the tarps covering several more cars.
Her garage is freaking huge.
I get out of the car with Chase and he locks the car as Thirteen walks over to us. I pull her into my arms as soon as she's close enough. I see her roll her eyes but smile none the less. I give her a quick kiss on the lips.
"Yeah I'm still here." Chase states, a smirk plastered on his face. I flip him off and Thirteen just rolls her eyes again.
"So...what's up with the vans and trucks?" Chase asks as he points at the driveway.
"Long story." She says as her happy expression turns into a resigned and tired look. "Here's the fastest way to sum it up. What do think is the first thing Lily wanted to do when she was released from the hospital last week?"
"Move in?" I suggest and Thirteen tilts her head back and forth as if weighing her options.
"Alright what was the second thing?" She finally asks instead.
"Redecorate?" Chase suggests this time and Thirteen shakes her head.
"I wish." She says simply. She turns towards the door connecting the house to the garage.
"Then what was it?" I ask and Thirteen cringes.
"I'll give you a warning and a hint." She says as she pushes open the door and begins walk down the hallway into the main room. "The warning...don't go into the backyard. The hint...what she wanted, is the exact opposite of what she named it."
Both me and Chase stop in our tracks and I see him pale...I'm sure my face matches his.
"No." I finally manage to say and Thirteen just nods with a grimace.
"Yep." She says. "Lily has given it free reign of my pool. So I hired some people to make a new pool, and to fence in the 'Angel' currently living in my backyard."
"Why would you let her bring that thing here?" Chase practically yells, panic in his tone.
Thirteen glares at him. "I didn't let her. She went behind my back and smuggled it in here with the help of Henri."
Henri must really like Lily...or just really enjoys scaring the crap out of people.
"Where is she?" Chase questions. "I'm going to ring her scrawny little neck."
Thirteen just shakes her head. "Yeah good luck with that one. Fair warning, if you do run into her in the next ten minutes, just take the damn sweaters and put them on...and don't mention anything."
"Mention anything about what?" I question and I get my answer as we enter the main section of the house. I turn towards Thirteen. "Remind me again what month it is." I mutter.
I don't even know what to focus on. My eyes drift to the giant Christmas tree set up in the middle of the room and decorated with the brightest lights, gold garland, and red bulbs. There's wreaths strung up everywhere along with more garland. There's fake snow covering every inch of the floor, and mistletoe hung above every doorway.
"It's not December." Thirteen mutters. "But don't tell her that."
"She does realize we're in the middle of spring, right?" Chase asks as he looks around at the decorations in confusion. "Christmas has already passed."
"Again, I warn you, don't tell her that." Thirteen runs a hand through her hair and lets out a tired sigh.
"Any word on Jason?" She asks.
I nod. "Actually yes." Her eyes find mine as I talk. "Zero was able to get access the security footage from the building across the street from the hospital. The video is slightly blurry, but it clearly shows Jason walking out of the hospital building on his own. No one with him, following him, or around him."
Thirteen's eyebrows wrinkle in confusion. "Then where the hell did he go? And why did he leave?"
I shrug. "I don't know. We've tried calling him but if he has his phone he's not answering it."
She nods. "I'll try calling Ryder again to see if he can find him."
"Ryder still not answering his phone?"
"No and neither is Nicky...I'm beginning to get a little worried."
"I'm not."
All of us turn to look at Lily as she descends the staircase like she's some kind of queen...only, she doesn't exactly look the part.
Candy-cane striped leggings, a green elf dress, green heels, and a Christmas elf hat sitting on her head...and then there's her hair.
She's dyed the left side of her hair red, and the right side green.
"My brother may not have as many lives as me left, but I have no doubt that idiot's alive somewhere. Do you have any idea how many people want him dead? My motto is, If I can't kill him, no one can."
She makes it the bottom of the stairs as she finishes off her little speech. She holds out two of the ugliest Christmas sweaters I've ever seen.
"For you two." She says simply, holding them out at arm's length and expecting us to take them.
"Yeah there's no way I'm going to-"
Thirteen's elbow makes contact with Chase's rib cage before he can finish his sentence. She leans in closer to him as he clutches his side in pain and shoots her a look.
"I told you to just take the damn things." She mutters for only us to hear. Lily still holds out the sweaters expectantly and I take one from her.
"You do realize it's not even close to Ch-"
Chase is going to have some fractured or broken ribs if he keeps talking.
"What did I warn you about?" Thirteen hisses.
"I've been in a coma for the past four, almost five years." Lily interjects. "I have missed...five Christmases and therefore I'm giving you all the honor and privilege to spend my make up Christmas with me."
Chase looks her with slight annoyance but I see him giving in to her and he finally takes the second sweater from Lily. She smiles gleefully and bounds off.
"Does she really expect us to wear these?" Chase questions. He's holding the sweater out at arm's length like it has some kind of disease on it.
"If you ever want to get a wink of sleep for the rest of your life, I suggest you put the sweater on before she comes back." Thirteen says. "Devin's pranks and jokes are absolutely nothing compared to Lily's, and she happens to know how to work the traps in this house. Remember that."
"Why aren't you wearing a sweater?" Chase presses and Thirteen smiles smugly.
"I'm the only one who can win an argument with her." She sounds rather proud of herself. "I also have to leave in about, " She looks down at the watch on her wrist. "Fifteen minutes. I have a company meeting that I have to attend. So you two are on babysitting duty."
"I'd rather babysit the gator." Chase says flatly. Me and Thirteen laugh.
"That can be an option." Thirteen says and Chase pales ever so slightly.
"I see you've healed." I speak up, changing the subject.
Thirteen smiles slightly. "Only because I've been stuck in the hospital, or this house for the past nine weeks...and Lily may have handcuffed me to the bed at one point to keep me from getting up. Leg's still a little sore and I could potentially reopen the wound, but it's healed...for now at least."
She shrugs and her expression turns serious. "How's Devin doing?"
I laugh. "He's giving the nurses and the doctors hell. He's pissed that he's still stuck in that hospital instead of over here with us."
"The doctors say he's going to make a full recovery, but they want to keep him at the hospital for as long as possible to make sure nothing's wrong. Gunshots to the chest are deadly, daggers even worse, and coupled with poison...well it's bad." Chase adds in and Thirteen looks away with a pained look on her face.
"It wasn't your fault." Both me and Chase say the exact same time. Clearly the same thought was running through our minds when we saw the look on her face. She just smiles gratefully at us.
"And Devin's going to be fine. He's already being as annoying as possible to try to get the hospital to dismiss him and then he can come here." Chase adds.
"He also says he's beginning to understand your hatred of slings and crutches." I chime in and she turns her attention to me.
Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion. "Are they making him use crutches?"
I shake my head with a smile. "Nope. Zero's had him confined to a wheel chair. He says he finally understands why you're always so grumpy."
She scowls, but a smile appears on her face a moment later. She shakes her head and motions for us to follow.
"Agent 1 is scheduled to get here within the week...but I think it's safe to assume he won't be here till next week." She says as we walk up the stairs to get to the third floor.
"What makes you say that?" I ask and she shoots me a devious smile over her shoulder.
"Lily-even though she claims to have 'corrupted' him-still doesn't know if she can trust him completely. So she's currently sending him on one of her wild goose chases before she finally leads him here. She wants to see how much of her horror houses he can put up with."
"I feel bad for the guy." Chase mutters.
"Eh." Thirteen waves off his concern. "He'll live...hopefully. Worst that happens is he dies of a heart attack before actually getting here."
And Thanks!
"She was my best friend. Someone I trusted far more than anyone else." "What was she like?" "She was worse than Devin if you can believe that." *** When the team goes on the hunt for Agent 77, aka Garrett, they discover some key information in finding him...Only one problem, the last person who had it was Agent 57. While they retrace her last steps, they run into Eliane, a civilian who gets caught in the cross fire. When they are put in charge of protecting her till the mission's over, they learn exactly how much Thirteen hates other girls. But when Eliane starts getting closer and closer to Cody, Thirteen begins to revert back to her cold self. While Chase and Devin blame it on jealousy, Jason tries to look at it more closely, coming to the conclusion that while Thirteen seems to not be able to stand this Eliane girl, there is something more to it that's fueling her anger. While Thirteen struggles to prove that there's more to Elaine than they can see, she gets a blast from the past. Thirteen's a closed off and secretive person, so how will the team react when they find out exactly how open she can be around the right people? And what will they do when they have some questions that only she can answer? Thirteen's always known more about the case than she's let on. But when she refuses to answer their questions they need find some one who can. Unfortunately the only other person with answers, is Garrett... ***Book 2***
"With all due respect sir, adding a new member to this team will only slow us down." "On the contrary, if anything your team will slow her down." *** She's the ghost story you tell around a camp fire. The monster that hides in your closet. The nightmare that wakes you from your sleep. She's the definition of the word 'deadly'. She never smiles, never shows any emotion other than a blank stare. Unless, she's pissed, then it shows. She doesn't trust any of the other agents, only the chief. She doesn't play nice with others. She's a solo agent, always works alone, but that's about to change. Respect her and she'll take a bullet for you. Mistreat her and she'll put a bullet in you...if you're lucky. She's Agent 13... ***Book 1***
For as long as Emily can remember, she has wanted to overcome her shyness and explore her sexuality. Still, everything changes when she receives an invitation to visit one of the town's most prestigious BDSM clubs, DESIRE'S DEN. On the day she chose to peruse the club, she noticed three men, all dressed in suits, standing on the upper level, near the railing. Despite her limited vision, she persisted in fixating on them. Their towering statues belied the toned bodies concealed by their sharply tailored suits-or so she could tell. The hair of two of them was short and dark, and the third had light brown-possibly blond-hair that reached the shoulders. The dark, crimson background incised their figures, exuding an air of mystery and strength. They stood in stark contrast to the unfiltered, primal energy that pulsed through the club. Shocked by the desires these men aroused in her, she was disappointed to learn that they were masters seeking a slave to divide and conquer. She couldn't afford the fee, and she also realized that they were outside her league. Emily hurriedly left the club, feeling disappointed and depressed, unaware that she had also caught the group's attention. A world of wicked pleasure, three handsome men. Over the years, they have lived a life of decadence, their lavish lair serving as a stage for their most sinister desires. But despite the unending parade of willing subjects, one woman sticks out. A mysterious stranger with white porcelain skin and a killer body, a slave, a name with no address, the first lady to attract their eye and they will go to any length to obtain her no matter the consequences.
Belinda thought after divorce, they would part ways for good - he could live his life on his own terms, while she could indulge in the rest of hers. However, fate had other plans in store. "My darling, I was wrong. Would you please come back to me?" The man, whom she once loved deeply, lowered his once proud head humbly. "I beg you to return to me." Belinda coldly pushed away the bouquet of flowers he had offered her and coolly replied, "It's too late. The bridge has been burned, and the ashes have long since scattered to the wind!"
For three years, Shane and Yvonne were wed, sharing heated nights, while his devotion clung to his ex. Yvonne strove to be a dutiful wife, yet their marriage felt hollow, built on desire rather than real warmth. All changed when she became pregnant, only for Shane to thrust her onto the operating table, warning, “Either you or the baby survives!” Broken by his cruelty, she vanished in grief and later returned, radiantly accomplished, leaving everyone awestruck. Haunted by remorse, Shane begged for another chance, but Yvonne only smiled and replied, “I’m sorry, men no longer interest me.”
It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but Carrie made the mistake of falling in love with Kristopher. When the time came that she needed him the most, her husband was in the company of another woman. Enough was enough. Carrie chose to divorce Kristopher and move on with her life. Only when she left did Kristopher realize how important she was to him. In the face of his ex-wife’s countless admirers, Kristopher offered her 20 million dollars and proposed a new deal. “Let’s get married again.”
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..." But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
Two years ago, Ricky found himself coerced into marrying Emma to protect the woman he cherished. From Ricky's perspective, Emma was despicable, resorting to underhanded schemes to ensure their marriage. He maintained a distant and cold attitude toward her, reserving his warmth for another. Yet, Emma remained wholeheartedly dedicated to Ricky for more than ten years. As she grew weary and considered relinquishing her efforts, Ricky was seized by a sudden fear. Only when Emma's life teetered on the edge, pregnant with Ricky's child, did he recognize-the love of his life had always been Emma.