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Jayce Ryder, 29 year old bachelor set in his ways that he was the man, and he can bend every woman to his will. Until Lily arrived on his doorstep with a briefcase and a backpack. Another feeble act of his mother to find him a Mate before the council ruled him as unfit to be King. Like Hell he'd share his reign with a human woman. Yet he couldn't deny the attraction he felt toward her, and the fire that coursed his veins whenever they touched. She wasn't easy to break, but he'll have her screaming his name by first snow fall.

Chapter 1 What is the best


The warmth of the sun in winter.

I spent the next couple of days walking around the house, memorising the layout. I had learnt the schedules of the guards and roughly when the alpha would leave the house for his duties.

I would also sneak visits into the cells and bring them whatever food I could steal from the kitchen.

Today would be the sixth day and tomorrow would be the day the alpha would decide to reject me.

I was not sticking around for that humiliation.

"Oh hello," a voice brought me out of my thoughts. Glancing over my shoulder, a dark haired girl stood behind me. I was currently in the corridor, looking out of the large glass windows, watching the people outside.

"You must be Artemis!" The girl smiled at me. Her blue eyes and black hair were the exact same as the alpha's. The resemblance had my breath hitch in my throat.

I hated how much this bond was affecting me. Here I was, pining for the guy who held me captive and was going to dismiss the me in less than 24 hours.

"I'm Aurora. Aurelius' sister," she continued, her smile never faltering. "I see those dresses I picked for you really suite you," I looked down at my attire.

Every morning a fresh dress has been laid on my bed, all of them being light summer dresses. Today's dress was a nice blue with small white polka dots.

"Oh, thanks," I said.

"You must be pretty bored in here. Come on, let's go outside," I didn't argue with her and followed her out the house. The guards didn't even give me a glance this time, unlike last time, where they had all but shoved me off when I tried to leave. Apparently the alpha had given strict instructions.

The crisp air greeted me and I inhaled a lungful, already feeling some of my stress and irritation melt away. My bare feet sunk into the soft snow and the sun peeked out from the clouds as if greeting me specifically.

I stepped into the sunlight, enjoying the feeling of the warmth all over my skin. The cool breeze softly ruffled my hair and I sighed, letting my tense muscles relax.

"You really like being outside huh," I opened my eyes to see Aurora watching me. Her eyes looked sad and the corners of her lips turned downwards. "I'm sorry about my brother. He's not usually such an ass," I shrugged off her apology.

I began walking around the large snowy expanse, looking around and watching the people below as they carried on with their lives. I walked further into the expanse, looking around the large open space for anything interesting.

Aside from the forest a little ahead, it seemed the house stood alone in the vast white space. There wasn't a single tree or leaf out of place in the snow and I frowned. There was plenty of space for a beautiful garden.

"So tell me about yourself," Aurora began.

"What's to tell?" My tone came out more bitter than I intended. I didn't bother facing her, instead kept my eyes ahead, occupying my thoughts with an imaginary garden to avoid the difficult topic.

"I don't know, where are you from?" I thought about the question for a second.

"South," I answered.

"Okay," she nodded, looking at me expectantly. She wanted me to elaborate, but it was all I knew. "What about family?" I furrowed my brow at her. Whatever game she was playing with me needed to stop.

"I'm a rogue," I stated. It was common knowledge that rogues often didn't have families or weren't on the best terms with them, hence why most of them roamed alone.

She blinked up at me, her eyes wide.

"What?" She squeaked.

"I'm a rogue. Family and pack history is a sensitive issue. I would suggest you don't go around asking that to other rogues. They might not have the same courtesy as I do," I explained.

She looked surprised and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her. Even pack embers knew this; it was common sense.

"You're a rogue?" I frowned at her and she paused walking. I stopped too.

"Yes I'm a rogue, why'd you think I was being held captive?" I asked. Quite frankly, I was getting irritated. Yes I was a rogue but that didn't mean I didn't have feelings. Pack wolves looked down on us and I hated it.

They either felt disgusted of us or pitied us and I despised either reaction from them.

If anything we were stronger, standing up to oppressive leaders and having the guts to leave. We deserved admiration and respect. We could survive without relying on others and we witnessed the true horrors of the outside world, nothing like these pampered and sheltered little pups were.

"Why didn't he tell us?!" She cried. She looked back at me, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I have to get back. I'm sorry," she choked out before scurrying away.

I scowled at her retreating form, turning back to continue assessing the land. I took my time, trekking around the house and through the forests until I found the perfect route. I quickly turned around and headed back inside, wanting to visit the cells one last time before I set everything in place. The house was eerily silent as I snuck back into my room.

"Where were you?" A deep voice growled. I rolled my eyes but didn't answer him. His scent wafted towards me as he stepped closer.

"I went on a walk with your sister but she ditched me halfway," I shrugged, keeping my back towards him as I gazed out the window.

"I gave you specific instructions not to go outside," he growled again. Honestly, all the man could speak in was either growl or snarl.

"I'm not one of your little lap dogs, obeying the every command of the precious alpha," I snarled back, whirling around so I could stare him in the eyes. I could feel my eyes glowing their bright gold and I turned back around, quickly composing myself.

"What if something happened to you? What if my pack attacked thinking you had escaped?" He bit back. While a part of me was comforted knowing he cared for me on some level, another part of me, a stronger part of me, was insulted knowing he thought I couldn't handle myself.

"I can handle myself perfectly well," I retorted. I felt him step closer to me, so his warm breath was tickling my hair. I still didn't turn around.

"Is that what you said to yourself when my pack was surrounding you and your little boyfriend?" I couldn't help the little smirk on my face at the jealousy in his tone. He thought Conan was my boyfriend.

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Latest Release: Chapter 1 What is the best   04-09 15:11
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