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Wake Up, Dream Boy!

Wake Up, Dream Boy!

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Having some of the poems in the first edition of the poem collection, 'The P.O.T (Poured Out Thoughts)' published in several poetry magazines as High On Poems, Earthborne Magazine, Deadsnakes and so on, the author has ushered in the second, titled 'The P.O.T (Poured Out Thoughts) ---The Reloaded. It is said to be 'reloaded' because there are other poems to be added to make this edition slightly richer than the first. With poems as 'Out of the Box', 'Dad Loves Me', 'Heralding God's Magnificence' being published in notable poetry journals and magazines, the sequel is hoped to make an impact to the entire world, beginning with the readers. The Table of Contents has the additional poems that readers, who have read the first edition, would realize. They are intended to look into general issues, family, gender, parental, religious (Christian faith), children, love and personal/motivational. The aim behind this piece is simple. As said in the first edition, it is about entertaining, enlightening, inspiring or motivating and enabling people think for themselves. Worthy of Note: The author believes that subsequent edition(s) of the work would carry the above-stated aim.

Chapter 1 How It All Began

How It All Began...

Tom came back home from school, feeling tired. He managed to switch on the TV and tune in to his favorite TV program, Celebrity Timeout. His tiredness soon disappeared as he saw the program's anchor present his favorite actor, Dan Dunne as guest for the program. Tom's eyes were glued to the TV with his ears paying rapt attention to the interview.

Anchor (Dressed in white gown with a complementing high-hill pair of white shoes sits to the left of the screen. She begins the program): Hello viewers at home, this is Ms. Frances, your anchor for Celebrity Timeout showing on this station, Ch 123. As you all know, this is a program that takes a look at the lives of our today's celebrities before they became what they are...Their experiences with the opposite sex and what lessons they learned to become better when it comes to relationships. I have with me in the studio a known authority and a force to reckon with in the entertainment industry. He's no other than Dan Dunne!

Dan Dunne (Dressed in suite, all-smiling and full of life responds): It's a pleasure!

Ms. Frances (Talks a little about Dan and ask the first question): Dan, it's no news that you're a sought-after actor at the moment. Your name is noised everywhere in all nooks and crannies of the place. Yes, news stories, particular stories coming from the entertainment world, have said a lot about you... However, viewers watching this program would love to hear you confirm what had been said about your rise to fame. Now, up close and personal...

Dan Dunne (Clears his throat): Well, I'd say my rise to fame wasn't an easy one. By the way, viewers, my actual name is Gary Don. Dan Dunne is actually my thespian name...

Ms Frances (Interrupts, expresses her surprise): Wow! I never knew this! Dan Dunne is actually Gary Don?! It's gets interesting!

Dan Dunne (continues): Yes, most of my fans aren't just aware of this...But to them, if you didn't know ...Now you know! On set, call me Dan Dunne but off it, I'm Gary Don! Now back to the discussion...I'm the very first and only child of my father who single-handedly raised me to the man I am today after the demise of his wife, my mom, when I was barely three years of age. Growing up for me was mixed with the good, bad and ugly. Back in the day, my dad would always ensure I'm indoors all the time studying. A teacher he was, he trained me to realize that education comes first more than anything else. It was ugly for me because the things I like to do like playing with my friends in the neighborhood in the peak of the afternoon hours was sacrificed for studying. I saw the bad side of life when my father had a fatal accident that damaged the left-side of his leg. To this day, though I'm happy he's pretty much alive and young even at eighty; his limping movement has always been a reminder to what happened to him about forty years ago.

Ms. Frances (Sees the rather pale look on Dan's face and feels pity for him): Oh...This really happened? Life...Hmmm! Well, for every fame one attains in life, there comes a price. That leads to the question: Your rise and rise to fame...Tell us how you climbed through the ladder of success in the entertainment industry. Your status isn't easy to come by.

Dan Dunne (Pale look disappears... Puts on a lively outlook): Where do I begin? It's a long story but I will cut it short. I started my acting career in my elementary class. My class teacher recognized that I was outspoken and ostentatious in character. So, she decided to put me on in the school's Theater Group. I'd done a lot of Theater displays when I was five years old. But the big break came through when I met and fell in love with Trisha. She was sixteen at the time. Interestingly, she became my first fan! It was through her I met the then rave-of-the-moment film-maker, Jesse Toms. She happened to be his daughter. Trisha was my first love and her encouragement spurred me to wining my first-ever awarding in acting at age 18: Young Actor of the year. I got quite a number of jobs and as they say, "one thing leads to the other", from being an aspiring mainstream actor to the one I'm today, I met quite a great number of movers and shakers of the industry. As a result, I'd always count myself a success!

Ms. Frances: You've really inspired me a lot! But you seemed to have missed one thing: Is Trisha still there with you? Please, tell us...

Dan Dunne (Laughs mildly): Ah... Should I disclose my privacy to everyone simply because I'm a celeb? Okay...I will...but I will only disclose a tip of the iceberg: we are still best of friends and she's always been, still is and will forever be my number one fan! Anything else won't be necessary.

Ms Frances: You're a star, no doubt. Your cute look and sense of panache would have attracted a bevy of female admirers. How do you get to handle them?

Dan Dunne: That's the nature of what we do as actors. We're bound to encounter a company of female admirers. But for those of us who are focused, including me, we've learned to draw the line between pleasure and business. Business comes before pleasure. Yes, to be the entertainers we are, we have to give 'room' for them to be with us. But that don't mean they have a greater influence on's through our profession they got to know us.

Ms. Frances: I picked a phrase from what you just said...and that was " be with us..." Do you just date them or have fun with them?

Dan Dunne (looks confused at first but gathers his composure): Well! Well! Well Hmmm...By " be with us", you're right when you said date them. But we don't get to date them seriously. Trust me, we don't!

Ms. Frances: Dan, how has been your relationship with the opposite sex?

Dan Dunne: Apart from Trisha, I handle my relationship with my female friends, supporters and admirers on platonic grounds. No strings attached! Nothing more nothing less!

Ms. Frances (asks the last two questions as the program comes to an end): I'd to ask you two questions: What's your advice for aspiring actors and those who wish to be in a true relationship?

Dan Dunne (answers briefly): As for the first question, I'd say that you have to keep working out your fame---improve on your artistic ability, attend film festivals and never give up, despite the discouragements you're facing---home, friends and other sources. And for being in an honest relationship, I say this to my fans out there: please, whatever you see me do in movies stays with the movie life. An honest relationship is something that should be worked out by two individuals who have decided to be with each other, no matter what.

Ms. Frances (Rounds up the program): Yes, you've heard it from the Horses' honest relationship ought to be worked out by two individuals who have decided to be with each other, no matter what and keep working on your artistic ability, attend film festivals and never give up on your dream. Viewers, we have come to the end of the program Celebrity Timeout. Join us again, same time and station next week for another bumper package. Dan, it's a pleasure having you on this program and I look forward to seeing you subsequently.

Dan Dunne (responds with a smile): You're welcome! I'll always come around...

Ms Frances (Rounds off): Bye for now!

The program ends. Tom switches off the TV set he was watching the living room and goes straight to his bedroom upstairs.

As he lied on his back on the bed, he thought to himself: "I've been asking out different women...Though not in school. Yet, they don't get to answer me. They look at me as being naïve... someone who doesn't know his left from his right. A mom's boy! Despite my huge-looking physique, my presence puts them off. What am I not doing right?"

Tom pondered on this question for about two minutes. Somehow, he articulated the answer---a decision--- to try out the girls in his class. "Yes! I see why I've been getting things wrong. Instead I tried the girls in school, I go for outsiders. So, I'd have to make the move...ask first the five girls in my class---Alisha, Jane, Michelle, Vivian and Miriam. I really like them all but I'd like to work out an honest relationship with the one that agrees...I doubt if two would...But you never know! Anything can happen! I'll woe them at different locations in school and at several times-lunch time, closing time...whatever! I have to begin planning it out! I'm not my favorite actor, Dan Dunne, though I'm inspired with what he'd said some minutes ago on Celebrity Timeout...He's star! I'm not...But I pray to be one someday! I'd start the whole thing tomorrow in school. Afterall, the earlier, the better"

Tom worked plan. He decided he'll start with his most admired girl in his class-Alisha during lunch time. But he took it a step further: he will ask each of them out throughout the five-day period-discuss with one for each day. "After Alisha" he assured, "the rest would follow suit as I'd be 'lead'". His strategy would lead him to something his obsession later hinged on...

Day 1: With Alisha, at Lunch Time while in class

"Alisha, it's true I've not been talking to you all the while. But I find you quite interesting"

"Tom, it's surprising that you of all persons can decide to talk to me...It's exciting to know!" Alisha responded in amazement.

"Yes...the only thing in life is change. And that's the change I've come to ask from you"

"What change, Tom?" Alisha curiously asked.

"Well, to be frank, ever since I set my eyes on you the first day, something told me you'll be a good partner to me. But my naïve self wouldn't let me let the cat of the bag. Nonetheless, this time is an opportunity for me to say what's held me bound for weeks: I WANT YOU TO E MY GIRLFRIEND"

"You must be kidding Tom, Tell me you were joking!"

"I'm dead serious, Alisha"

Alisha jovial look soon turned bitter. But Tom wasn't moved at all.

"If you're joking, please stop it!" Alisha warned, pointing the 'warning sign' at Tom, "I entertained you because this was your first time talking to me. Thinking you'd discussing with me very important; you came with an impossible offer! Now, take a good look at yourself... From your head down to your toes, you are yet to come to the full stature of maturity."

"What do you mean by 'full stature of maturity'?" Tom asked, seeking for clarification.

"When you get home, do your your findings. As you can see I want to arrange my book for the next class"

Tom left her disappointed. Yet, he didn't back down. The weight of disappointment encouraged him to proceed with whom he'd ask the next day. His 'leading' guessed Jane.

Day 2: With Jane at Break Time in the classroom...

"Jane, I want you to be mine friend"

"Everyone is my friend, including you, Tom. Why ask me what you already are"

"You didn't get me right...I meant I want you to be my priceless jewel."

"What do you mean by 'priceless jewel'" Jane asked, looking a bit confused.

Tom answered: "I want you to be my only lover"

It appeared all hell was let loose. Jane's wrath of dissatisfaction hit the audible nerves of Tom ears.

"Have you ever been told that you're a monster? Your intimidating physique makes me think you're alien! Honestly speaking! Now, an alien asking me out is almost the most hilarious and impossible task I can ever think of... Now Tom, before I report you to the head class teacher, I want you to leave me alone and right now!"

Tom departed and spent the rest of the day at school in anguish. He talked to himself: "Why should this really happen? The common theme so far has been my physique. Jane and Vivian have repeated this. But Vivian said this jokingly and that was a long time ago! ''Big guy'' was what she said and that was it! But Jane...Hmmm... Should love be determined by one's physical looks? Should a girl look at the maturity status of a boy to be her lover? I don't just get it! But I chose not to be confused. I will follow my plan to the! My next pick will be..."

Again, following his guessing, he picked Michelle for Day 3...

Day 3: With Michelle at closing time

Michelle was leaving the school premises when he heard from behind a baritone voice yelling: "Hello Michelle, stop there!!! I want to speak with you!!!" As she saw it was Tom, she halted her fast movement, waiting for Tom to approach her-where she was-the school's gate. Other students also looked as well to hear Tom's yelling.

"Can I have a word with you for a minute?" Tom asked, after he got to where she was.


"Do you mind us going to the playground site?"

"I don't."

Michelle was wondering what Tom really wanted to talk to her about as they approached there.

Tom began the discussion...

"I know time is of the essence... Please, I want you to be my girlfriend"

"For what?" asked Michelle, looking at her wristwatch.

"You'll understand as time unfolds" Tom assured

"In that case, I'm not interested! In fact, it can't be possible for the reason you that's obvious"

Michelle stared at Tom from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet. Tom got what she meant.

In anger, Tom reacted: "Impossible is found in the memory of fouls!"

With a sadistic grin, Michelle replied: "It's only impossible if two don't agree! Can two work together if they don't agree? Tom, don't be the foul here! I have to go home. Bye"

"Bye too"

Tom was more disappointed than he was. He was still head-bent. As usual, he was 'led' to pick Miriam as his Day 4 talk-mate...

Day 4: With Miriam, Lunch Time, at the playground

"Hello Miriam. You must be wondering why I urgently needed your attention and why I wanted our talk to be held right here..."

"You got it right, Tom! In fact when you told me in class during Break Time that you really wanted to see me, I was surprised---You've never for once talked to me...Now, you wanted to see me urgently. I later thought through this twist and decided to honor your request...Please, What's it you want to discuss with me...that urgent issue?"

Miriam's tough countenance took its toll on Tom: It was difficult to pass his message. However, his about-twenty-seconds muteness calmed the wave of the welling up of incoherent words in the voicing-out of his vocal chords.

"The urgent thing---I mean the very reason I really wanted to see you is---I like you. As a matter of fact, it will be a thing of joy if you become my girlfriend"

"What?! You must be joking! How do you want a 'yes' from me when I barely know you? If you're in Dream World or Island of Fantasy, please, wake up and face the reality of the day---things like what you just requested don't happen at an instant. Except you're seeking for the services of a whore, of which I'm not, then you have no clue as to what you're asking of. By the way, anything else aside this, Tom?"

Tom's word loss became obvious as he stared at Miriam's face.

"Hmmm...You know...You see...I would like us to..."

"Yes, you know what, you see what and I'd like us to what...? I'm all ears, Mr. Lover boy Tom?"

"Okay...I 'll"

Miriam realized the need not to waste her time: she knew Tom had nothing else to say.

"I'm sorry I'd have to end the discussion myself at this point, since, you have nothing else to tell me...Tom, when you're ready to discuss something important, my door is open. You're free to come knock at it...And I will surely open it for you to come in. Do have a great day ahead, Tom!

Miriam left him and went to the classroom. This was ten minutes before the end of Lunch Break. Tom stood there motionless for the next five minutes. But he summed the courage to leave the place and head straight to class for school's teaching period-two minutes before.

"Miriam happens to be the fourth girl who has turned down my request", Tom observed, lying helpless on the bed in his room, hours after he came back from school, "Tomorrow, the last day of the school week, I'll have to pick the last-but-not-the-least girl. Hmmm... That would have to be ... Vivian! This is what I'd do...just give up! But before I do the hanging-up thing, I'd seek for one who is experienced in the game of love. Who could that be? Will find out after tomorrow...I've made up my mind---; get Vivian talking and if she doesn't agree, what's next to do? Seek for someone who is experienced in the game of love. She has once told me, though casually, that I'm a big guy, I want to use this to possibly see if I can establish a relationship with her."

Day 5: With Vivian at Break-Time

"Vivian, I want you to know that I like you for who you really are...You're just my type of girl"

"Where are you driving at, Tom?" Vivian asked, though pretending not to know his intent.

"I want you to be mine..."

"That's way too funny, Tom. You know, the first day I set my eyes on you in school, I thought your being reserved meant a great deal...but now I know...Tom, to be honest, I really like you gentlemanly outlook but this, to me, can best qualify you as my friend. Nothing more, nothing less!"

Tom pressed further: "We can get started from here. Vivian, you'll make my day if you just give me the keys to your very soul and let me in...I promise I'll open it gently, come in and take proper possession of it by loving forever."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Tom", Vivian applauded but had something different to say, "Never knew you had it in you-the instinct of a poet. But Tom, I want you to get this---I'm not interested. I have a guardian taking care of my education since cradle and I don't want to disappointment his mandate given to me--- your education comes first before anything else. Look for that girl that's made for you---she could be somewhere else waiting... I'm not available at this time. I'm sorry, Tom. I want to visit the Ladies. If you don't mind, you can wait for me when I get back"

For the rest of Tom's stay at school, he was lost deep in thought as to whom he'd talk to---the one who is, in his words, 'experienced in the game of love'. He got the 'leading' to meet Kyle, his friend and close-door neighbor after he was done with the day's activity in school. Instead of going home, he chose to pay Kyle a visit at his apartment. Fortunately, Kyle was very much around, though Tom didn't inform him of his visit. He began the discussion:

"Kyle, I watched Dan Dunne's interview on Celebrity Timeout. He's my favorite actor and in fact, the very one I look up to. He said an honest relationship is certainly work-out stuff. On that reason, I decided that I work out one with the girls in my school. Yes, I tried other ladies but my approach was too trivial. They bounced me! I thought I had a better chance of hooking up with just one of the five I mapped out for discussions. I used a five-day, one-day-for-a girl plan, beginning with the girl I most admire---Alisha. Unfortunately, everything all backfired after I discussed with them all. That left me really frustrated. At this point, Kyle, I need your advice as to how to go about working out an honest relationship"

Kyle, sited on his couch, took a look at Tom who was restless on the couch he was sited, and shook his head.

"Tom, do you think relationships work like that? I'm sorry they don't and for your information, an honest relationship would involve the decision between two individuals who have taken it upon them to 'stick' with each other. I do not follow anyone's belief on how to go about working out an honest relationship. Experience has taught me a lot of things! Tom, from what I know, what worked for me may not get you the success you desire. You'll need to find that peculiar approach, of course, resident in you, to make it work. Therefore, I strongly advise that you focus on your studies. As you do that, that peculiarity would well-up on the inside would bring out the right idea and positioning you to get the right girl of your choice. And it would be lot more easier to work out an honest relationship with her.

Kyle's advice went to Tom's deaf ears. Tom's unhidden look of disappointment at Kyle encouraged him to leave his apartment and worked about ten steps to his. Tom was lost in a trance after thinking through all that had been said to him in the past few days. In the living room, Tom had a still voice whisper: Tom, you're at the crossroad---an in-between---the devil and the deep blue sea. You've approached five embodiments of feminine energy. Yet, no one complemented you. Five is actually a symbol for grace. You know deep down within you that the grace has been exhausted. Anything else you do on this issue will lead you to nothing. I have come to help you...Embrace the energy of the world system---the EVIL-LIVE energy. That's the fulfillment you can ever get and what would take you beyond the illusions of being in an honest relationship. In your own interest, look for the book, THE BOOK OF EVILS. It's the only solution to your predicament...

"THE BOOK OF EVILS" was the words he declared when he regained his consciousness. This was thirty minutes before his mom, Sarah with his siblings, Stan and Gat, returned from work

But the beginning of Tom's turning point from working out an honest relationship to what would be his persona began from that moment...

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