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Sacrificed To Her King

Sacrificed To Her King

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“THE KING HAS ARRIVED!” the guards shout. The sea is parting in 2 separate ways as if it needs to make place for something majestic. Slowly a mighty figure is walking towards the shore. I can’t take my eyes of the man rising from the sea. He must be at least two meters long and more importantly, he’s completely naked. I have never seen a man naked before but if they all look like this I can't complain. I study his body first from his long muscular legs to his impressive abs and wide shoulders. I quickly take a glance at his manhood and think to myself that it looks enormous compared to the pictures I have seen in books. His face is much different than I expected. He has golden blond hair with green eyes and a strong jawline. No one told me the King of the sea was this handsome. Which makes me wonder or anyone still would mind being sacrificed now. Suddenly the king is in front of me. His green eyes look at me coldly and he says, “Turn around for me.” I hold my ground and won’t move. I am not some piece of meat to be examined. And a hello first would have been nice. Who the hell does he think he is? The King gets an annoyed look on his face and then makes his hand into a fist. I immediately feel my lungs fill with water and I can't breathe. The King looks at me with no emotion when he says, “You will not disobey me. If I say you must turn around, you turn around without hesitation. If is ask you a question then, you will address me as your King. Am I clear?” I feel my head get all fuzzy but then he unclenches his fist. I gasp for air and say, “Yes my King.” I decided then and there that I hate this dominant guy. “Hold out your hand,” he commands. I do what he says and he takes my small hand in his big hand. His hands are surprisingly soft for such a big brute. The moment our hands touch a light between them begins to shine. The light glows around us like a big bright star. People around me gasp, so I assume this hasn't happened before. The King looks at me with a look that I can't understand. “At last I have found you,” he says. Before I know it he has picked me up in his arms as if I am as light as a feather, and he walks towards the sea with me in his arms. Blurb: He needed to break his curse, she needed an escape. Once magic was the heart that made the Mortal Realm thrive. Nowadays humans with magical powers only exist in stories. For Noelle magic and adventures only exist in her dreams. But that is all about to change because she is about to turn 18. When she is 18 she can finally explore the world and have adventures of her own! However, things do not go as planned on her birthday. She gets selected to be sacrificed to the King of the Sea. He is rumored to be a giant man with no kindness in his heart. Every year, the King of the Sea picks an 18-year-old virgin to bring to his kingdom. He hopes to find the long-lost heir to the witches to break his curse. Noelle has no idea why she got chosen and what will happen. However, she sure as hell knows that no one can put out the fire in her heart. She gets sucked into a world of magic, temptation, and desires. Will she find her destiny or get lost along the way?

Chapter 1 Battle of the realms

Queen Fiona was surrounded by dead bodies, her people were mutilated. Witches and mortals were lying scattered like broken pieces of glass.

Next to her sat her husband, on his knees. She looked into the eyes of King Bran, not realizing it was for the last time. He looked at her with warm loving eyes, but also with regret from the loss of their people.

They did what had to be done to banish Hades the King of Hell. They knew there would be consequences at some point.

She smiled at Bran but then caught sight of a coming blade. The blade buried straight through Bran’s heart, and she saw the light extinguish from his eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek when she looked at the person holding the sword.

Hella, the daughter of Hades, looked at her with a cruel smile and chuckled, “Don’t cry Fiona, you will join your husband soon enough.”

Fiona looked behind Hella and saw Gabriel, King of the Sky, with a collar around his neck, being restrained by one of Hella’s demons.

Next to him stood Roan, King of the Sea, unrestrained, but his eyes were full of remorse. She looked back at Hella, who was standing in front of her now.

“Any last words Fiona dear?” she asked.

Fiona closed her eyes and felt her magic pouring out, one last time she let her power rain down on the earth.

She looked at King Roan and said,

“I curse you King Roan, for standing by idle, where you could have made the difference between defeat and victory. I curse you to a life that stands still, you and your people will not age, will not reproduce, will not be able to enjoy the pleasures of life. You will be trapped in your kingdom under the sea, not being able to do anything just like you did today. Once a year you will be able to leave to try to find redemption. Only when the lost heir of the witches falls in love with you, then the curse will be broken.”

Hella rolled her eyes, “Ugh if I knew you were going to be this boring, Fiona, then I would have killed you immediately. But where is the pleasure in a quick death?”

Hella looked around and shouted, “SIGFRIED!”

Her demon servant came running.

“Make the woodpile ready, let’s give our witch Queen the goodbye that she deserves.”

They tied Fiona to the pole in the middle of the pile.

“You will burn as your ancestors did,” Hella said with a wicked smile.

She held out her hands and shot fire towards the wood. The fire licked on the wood like hungry snakes, and soon Fiona was engulfed by flames.

She felt her body burning but she would never give Hella the satisfaction of screaming. She suffered silently. As she felt her soul leave her body, her ancestors spoke through her in a prophecy:

“One will come who was long lost, with powers of the elements she will be stronger than nature itself. One with both darkness and light. One with the power to bring peace to the realms once and for all.”

Fiona felt the emptiness of the departure of her ancestors, leaving only a dark black void.

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