"Carson, Sam dinner is ready go wash up and have a seat at the table." Rebekka yells out the door. "Coming mom! Whatever is for dinner it smells good." "Thank you baby, now go wash up. Where's your dad?" "He did not say anything about coming but I know he heard you. I even told him to come on let's go eat and he threw a wrench at me as I was leaving," "Here sit and start eating, I will go get your father." Rebekka goes out to the garage and is met with a hammer thrown at her, this time she ducked so she would not get hit. She is so tired of being battered every time she sees him. "Carson why are you doing this? It is dinner time for once just come in and eat like a family does. It really won't kill you to do this you know." "Shut the hell up bitch! I will never eat dinner with you and Sam and you know it so quit trying. You are such a waste of time, piece of shit, both of you are." She just turns and walks back inside and sits down to the table where she and Sam start praying for their meal and thanking God for their food and blessing them for what they have. Sam is seventeen years old with reddish brown hair and Hazel round eyes and a senior in high school and cannot wait to leave the house to get away from his father but is very reluctant to leave Rebekka behind. He knows all too well that he will never see his mother again if he leaves her in this house with his abusive father, she will end up in the hospital again but this time when she goes she will go straight to the morgue. Carson Niles is a fifty year old man with dark brown hair and almond shaped brown eyes, who was abused by father growing up everyday, every second he was awake and sometimes when he was asleep. His mother was the same way and he swore he would never turn out like his mom or dad but he actually did. He did not know how to control his anger and took it out on his family and refused to get help, he doesn't think he has a problem, it's everyone else who has the problem. Rebecca is a sweet hard working fifty year old woman who light red hair with blonde highlights and green round eyes. She comes from a hard working family that loves hard and plays hard. But when she met Carson her world stopped and she married into an abusive family without even knowing the background. Her family, specially Dee Lyons-Mackley, has tried to get her to leave him and take Sam with her since he was at the age of three. She has stayed all these years and Dee knows that she is a shattered angel and cannot take much more abuse. What will she do to get away from her abusive husband? How will she do it? Read and find out.
"Carson you did not finish the dishes, do the laundry, clean the house and mow the grass! Get off your ass now and get it done or you will be punished!" His father yelled at him.
"Dad I am doing my homework for school."
"I do not care your chores are more important boy, get them done NOW! And do not ever talk back to me."
Carson angrily gets up and pushes his chair into the wall behind him goes to the sink and washes the dishes by hand. Heaven for bid he gets to put them into the dishwasher that he is not allowed to use. Once he is finished with that he moves onto the other chores on his list and does them fairly quickly so that he can get back to his homework.
He hears a dreadful scream coming from outside and runs to the back door where he hears the sound. He sees his mom on the ground clinching her stomach and then there's a bone crunching sound coming from her face as he watches his father punch her in the face. He just stands there and watches with a smirk on his face knowing that is what she gets for doing the same thing to him.
"You Son of a Bitch keep your hands to your self." She yells at her husband.
She looks back at Carson who is smirking at her and runs towards to her son opens the screen door and body slams into him punching on him.
"If you would have done the house work like you were supposed to I would not have gotten these beatings, you bastard." She tells him with every punch, hit, and kick she makes on him.
He takes the beatings per usual and when his mother was finished beating him his father started in on him. He could not catch a break from either of his parents. He did not understand why his dad was angry all the time from the time he woke up to the time he went to bed and sometimes he would get abused during g the night for no reason.
Carson swore up and down to GOD that he would never do this to his wife and family. He would walk away until they both calmed down and come back together and talk the problem out. He hated being at home around his family and could not careless if either one were to parish and never to be found.
After he graduated high school he left his home in North Carolina and moved to California. He went to UCLA and partied with the best of them had many girlfriends. He drank all the time and did drugs of all kinds but graduated at the top of his class. He does not know how he did it but he did.
A few months after he graduated he had a job with a promising future then he met his future. His wife, but he had to get to know her before making her his wife. He remembers the promise that he made not so long ago and wanted to hold onto that promise.
He ditched his habits of drinking and drugs and got cleaned. He did not reveal his not so long ago past history to her and probably never would as he was moving forward to something better. He got rid of his old friends and started making new ones that were more positive and lived the lives as christians.
"Hey I have never seen you here before what's your name?" He asks a pretty dark haired girl.
"I have been here for two months you must not pay attention to what or who is around you." She replied sarcastically.
"Huh, little sarcastic are we not darling?"
"Got a problem with that because I sure don't, and that so called pick up line does not work with me."
"Wow, I have never been turned on by a pretty little thing like you before. How about we go out on a date?"
"Hah, I don't think so and before you ask why, you're not my type bud."
"Okay, I'll bite, what has made you so hard and mean the way you are?"
"I really do not think it is any of your concern for one and two I said no. So you need to move a long and find someone else."
Rebekka walked off and went about her day. She just started working at the coffee shoppe four months ago when she graduated college. She was in the process of looking for a full time job. She likes her job but hates the jerks that come in and try to hit on her.
Rebekka was off the next day and Carson walks in whistling a seductive tune while scanning the coffee shoppe looking for the girl he saw yesterday. To his dismay he did not see her but ordered a black coffee to go and left. He thought he would come everyday to see if she would even budge going out with him. He never had any problems getting women to fall for him and into his bed.
He could not figure out why she was not into him and blowing him off like she was. She proving to be a challenge and a challenge is what he up for and Rebekka was providing a good chase for him.
The next day she is working and sees Carson walking into the shoppe. She looks at her co-worker who looked to see who it was and looked back at Rebekka.
Star walked by her, "He came in yesterday and was not happy that you were not here. Make him happy when he comes to talk to you it's good for business," then walks away.
Rebekka was shooting daggers into Star's back and killing her with threatening looks. She did not want to look at this stupid idiot walking towards her.
"What can I get you, sir?"
"A cup of you," he says with a quirky smile.
Rebekka just rolled her eyes and poured a cup of black coffee with cream and handed it to him. She did not care if he did not drink it or not she just wanted to get him out of her sight.
He took a sip of his coffee and spat it out onto her. She jumped back in time so she did not have to have disgusting spit on her from an irritating customer who kept harassing her.
Here we are picking up where book five left off where Huey and Duey and their pack of rogues attacked Dee, Lachlan, and their entire pack. Huey meets his mate and does not reject her but encourages her to listen to her alpha as he is the bad guy but she does not believe him. With that said he kidnapps the two people the boss is wanting and does so but only moments after Dee kills Duey. We learn the twisted lies and betrayals that family brings to our lives and the scars that those must live until they become of age to understand the carnage left for them to try and clean up. Some must live the life of a thug for their boss while planning to retake back what belongs to them while one dies and the other is so brainwashed since he was a very young boy. Not knowing who to trust he must trust his gut and confess who true identity to his mate and family whom he has been betraying all along. Does he win their loyalty and get the help he so deserves? Do they find out the truths of their long lost family members they thought were dead? This is the final book of the series where EVERYTHING comes out and wars happen and lives are lost or are they? Read the first book of the series to understand who all the players are then join in this twisted finale of who is who.
Evander, Rebekka and Sam have since landed in Scotland, drove to the pack with Sam full of questions and wide awake like a night owl however Rebekka kept sleeping on and off. "Sam there are things that you and your mom will have to know. It is up to me to tell you and show you but you can ask any of my brothers questions and they will be more than happy to answer or help you out, ok?" "Ok, but what are you talking about?" "We are not one hundred percent humans, we live with something else inside of us and so does your cousin, Dee." "What is it that lives with you, a bug? Is it contagious? Will we die or get sick from this?" Evander is laughing but trying hard not to but he just cannot stop but contains himself and continues his talk with Sam. "No, Sam it is not like that at all. It is harder to explain and easier to show you but I or my brothers will not do that till later on but only when your mother is up for it." "I'm cool with it, so what is this thing that lives inside all of you?" "We are different, I have a dragon, and my brothers are either Lycans or dragons except for Dee and Conall they have both." "Real dragons? What is a Lycan?" "Yes, very real and Lycans are very big fury wolves which we are all killing machines. But we love our pack or family if you will, and we protect each other with our lives. We have very strong warriors who fight along side us in wars agains unwanted predators like rogues, or hunters or kidnappers and such." "So...when Uncle Gene came to the house the other day he grabbed Carson and took off with him, is he a wolf too?" "Yes, and so is his family and the doctors and nurses that saw to your injuries and your moms injuries. Your mom has my blood in her so that she could heal faster, and if you tear off this bandage here, she won't have a scar any longer." Evander explains everything to both of them even though Rebekka is in and out she is listening to the conversation and smiles at her son for asking all kinds of questions she is not able to.
Bethanie is introduced to all the brothers but only three are left remaining single and still looking for their mates, Lachlan, Evander and Dahman. Bethanie has a boyfriend who she is truly in love with and does not see his flaws or possessiveness, that is until she meets her mate. Lachlan tries to ask her out on dates the old fashion way but she does not see this. Her current boyfriend sees this as a threat and gets jealous and confronts Lachlan to fight over Bethanie for her love and hand in marriage. But what he does not know is that Lachlan can kill the punk fairly quickly. She has heard through the grapevine what is about to partake and is does not know what to do so she confides in her friend Dee to come up with a plan. But Dee cannot tell her about who or what she is or what any of them are it is all up to her mate to tell her. Will Dee accept her mate and new pack or will she run into her boyfriends arms and leave her true love behind? Does she give them all a run for their money? Read Book 3 to find out what happens next in the series.
Cassidy (Cassie) visits her aunt all the time but one day when she is having dinner she meets one of the brothers who had tagged along with Connell. Mathe was smitten with her from the start but she has a boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He was not always nice and very possessive with her and right now she was not in a need of a boyfriend. But Mathe was going try and change her mind but he would need the help of his new sister-in-law. Her ex wants her back but Mathe will do anything he can to keep his future and claim her, and that means eliminating her ex if he has too. Mathe and Cassie are into each other but good relationships can bo south at times. Will that happen to these two who are perfect for each other or will they be forced apart for good? Continue to read Her One and Only Love and see what happens on this epic journey of Love.
Dee is an older woman who has worked two jobs all her life and put herself through college. She finally graduated college with her teaching degree and still had big dreams of traveling abroad. She set the wheels in motion to go travel abroad. She had met some gentlemen but did not know they were Lycan or Dragons decent. Conall claims to be her mate but does not confront her but is determine to get to know her so he can change and mark her, but not against her will. As they are leaving the airport Dee comes in contact with a stranger who trys stealing her purse and suitcase. She took to him and fought him off breaking his arm and pulling it out of socket. The brothers were impressed with her fighting skills and all decided that she would be good for their pack as a luna. She got into a fight with rogues with the pack and was slashed nearly to death. Does she live or die? Read and find out,
Clara is the only child in the castle being raised by her father King Matthew. She has personal body guards who adore her and do not let her out of sight. Her mother was pushed out of the castle after she had Clara by her husband but the mate bond was never broken. She is a witch and seeks asylum with a group of misfits where she raises her other children. Clara's mother and father would meet at a secret place to continue seeing each other which lead to two other children younger than Clara herself. Clara barely remembers her older brother but does not even know about her two younger siblings. She had wondered into the woods and met with a wonderful woman which she intern asked her to come and see her. She told Clara that she would have to sneak out oft he castle disguising herself by wearing all black from head to toe. She would have to wear a cloak and mask her scent as she did to want others in her pack to know where she was going, In her mothers group, a bunch of misfits so to speak, were witches, warlocks, were bears, wolves, you name it they were living there hidden away in the forest undetected. Clara started her training around the age ten with her older brother and other men and women that were also disguised along with their scents masked. Clara trained to become a warrior unlike no other but so did the other people that she was training with. It wasn't until years later that it came to be that Clara was not being groomed well enough to take over her rights as the queen because her father was seeing someone else, not her mother. The other she-wolf wanted her son to take over as king but Clara has to fight for her rights in the palace and the thrown. Follow along on her life's journey and see where she goes as her future depends on her to uncover the nasty dealings that is in front of her. Truths, lies, and a fight to death with someone she loves but does not truly care for once she finds out the truth. She makes it her life mission to force a take over.
"Never let anyone treat you like shit!" I learned that the hard way. For three years, I lived with my in-laws. They didn't treat me as their son-in-law but as a slave. I put up with everything because of my wife, Yolanda Lambert. She was the light of my life. Unfortunately, my whole world came crashing down the day I caught my wife cheating on me. I have never been so heartbroken. To have my revenge, I revealed my true identity. I was none other than Liam Hoffman—the heir of a family with trillions of dollars in assets! The Lamberts were utterly shocked after the big reveal. They realized what fools they had been for treating me like trash. My wife even knelt down and begged for my forgiveness. What do you think I did? Did I take her back or made her suffer? Find out!
In her previous life, Kimberly endured the betrayal of her husband, the cruel machinations of an evil woman, and the endless tyranny of her in-laws. It culminated in the bankruptcy of her family, and ultimately, her death. After being reborn, she resolved to seek retribution against those who had wronged her, and ensure her family's prosperity. To her shock, the most unattainable man from her past suddenly set his sights on her. "You may have overlooked me before, but I shall capture your heart this time around."
There was only one man in Raegan's heart, and it was Mitchel. In the second year of her marriage to him, she got pregnant. Raegan's joy knew no bounds. But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love. After an accident, Raegan lay in the pool of her own blood and called out to Mitchel for help. Unfortunately, he left with his first love in his arms. Raegan escaped death by the whiskers. Afterward, she decided to get her life back on track. Her name was everywhere years later. Mitchel became very uncomfortable. For some reason, he began to miss her. His heart ached when he saw her all smiles with another man. He crashed her wedding and fell to his knees while she was at the altar. With bloodshot eyes, he queried, "I thought you said your love for me is unbreakable? How come you are getting married to someone else? Come back to me!"
Katie was forced to marry Dillan, a notorious ruffian. Her younger sister mocked her, "You're just an adopted daughter. Count your blessings for marrying him!" The world anticipated Katie's tribulations, but her married life unfurled with unexpected serenity. She even snagged a lavish mansion in a raffle! Katie jumped into Dillan's arms, credited him as her lucky charm. "No, Katie, it's you who brings me all this luck," Dillan replied. Then, one fateful day, Dillan's childhood friend came to her. "You're not worthy of him. Take this 50 million and leave him!" Katie finally grasped Dillan's true stature—the wealthiest man on the planet. That night, trembling with trepidation, she broached the subject of divorce with Dillan. However, with a domineering embrace, he told her, "I'd give you everything I have. Divorce is off the table!"
Allison fell in love with Ethan Iversen, the soon-to-be Alpha of the Moonlight Crown pack. She always wanted him to notice her. Meanwhile, Ethan was an arrogant Alpha who thought a weak Omega could not be his companion. Ethan's cousin, Ryan Iversen, who came back from abroad and was the actual heir of the pack, never tried to get the position nor did he show any interest in it. He was a popular playboy Alpha but when he came back to the pack, one thing captured his eyes and that was Allison.
While Sienna reached the pinnacle of her success, Julian remained the forgotten son of his family, the one who had secretly stolen her first kiss in the shadows of the night. As Sienna hit her darkest moment, Julian returned home, leaving his life behind, only to witness her tears glistening in the moonlight as she reluctantly accepted another man's proposal. When Sienna needed Julian more than ever, he had risen to a position of power and had become her most steadfast pillar of support. "Please marry me." There was no one else in the world who could love Sienna as deeply as Julian did.