A young girl who lives with her cruel stepmother and sister, accidentally meets 3 young and rich cousins who live a luxury life in a big mansion and is hired by the boys grandpa to look after their bad behavior.
We start with Su min telling us the story of Cinderella. Then Su min brings us back to reality, Cinderella wouldn't have time to find her prince because of the part-time jobs. She also points out that all of the princes are stuck up assholes.
Su min rides up to a basketball court where some college students are playing. She tells herself that it's a nice view and reminds herself that the next month she'll be a college student. She completes her pizza delivery.
On her way back she stops because a motorcycle is blocking her way. He seems to be trying to get something back but a fight breaks out. The guy with the motorcycle helmet beats everyone up and takes make the bag that he went there to get. misinterprets the situation and believes that he actually stole the bag. She's pissed so she follows him on her moped. She follows him to the park and stops just in time to see kris Han return the bag to a woman. He refuses a coffee or to give out his information before driving away. Su min inquires about the man and finds out that the bag belongs to her. She decides are are still some good people in the world. She then gets a phone call and tells her boss that she'll be there soon
Hye Ji is waiting for when she spots Kevin Han coming out of the restaurant with one of her friends and she calls to him. She accuses him of picking her friend to date. He tells her that there are 2 types of women. Women that he's dated and will date, her being her friend doesn't change anything. Kris arrives and tries to usher her off when his brother accuses him of hanging around the hotel a bit too much for someone who wants nothing to do with the business. Kevin tries to tease Kris and tells him that he will never be able to become the heir and he's trash. Kris gets a little violent. Hye Ji asks Kris why he always gets into a fight with his older brother. He tells her that he doesn't like seeing him. She tells him no too and he reminds her that she should do the same. He also tells her that he must approve of the man she'll marry.
Su min goes to work and takes home some products that'll go bad by the end of the day. When she gets home her step-mother and step-sister are eating fried chicken. She gets chastised for not scrubbing the dishes properly and for not picking up her sister's dry cleaning. She is truly Cinderella. The step-sister says aloud that she takes after her dead mother. When she goes into her room, the audience gets to see that she's saving up for her college tuition and working hard at multiple jobs.
Kris, Kevin, and Kyle Han all receive a text telling them that they must arrive at the office at 6 pm sharp or else. They all arrive and we get to see what type of personalities they have because everyone asks about something different. Kevin asks about the money, Kris asks about the location of their grandfather and Kyle is worried that he passed out.
They all get handed a black card, but the only one who seems interested in it is Kris. The letter is actually a wedding invitation to their grandfather's wedding. They are advised by Yoon Sung that the 3 brothers must go. Kevin and Kris both asks who are brothers. We find out that Kris is seen as a cousin. Kris storms out of the meeting. The only one who agrees to come to the wedding is Kevin because it's his grandfather's 5th wedding.
Yoon Sung remembers to when he brought Kris to the house for the first time. Kris and Kevin had an altercation after Kevin acted all high and mighty towards him. Finally, Yoon Sung introduces Them to each other as cousins. Kevin starts to go into the lineage of kris's mother and this tells everyone how focused on status he is. He insults CEO Han say that it's normal for him to pick up stray grandchildren. This doesn't get on Kris's good side.
Director Kang comes to see the CEO and tells him about the news continually britting gossip columns about the Kang family. The CEO tells him not to worry about it since he took over the publication the previous day.
The CEO is frustrated about his grandsons and mentions that he can't keep running the company alone. He needs to find a successor. Yoon Sung mentions that all of his grandsons are still young. The CEO is determined to have his grandsons duke it out among themselves. He also tells Yoon Sung that his grandsons must be there for his wedding because many people will be watching them that day.
Kris is at work when a customer comes in and starts yelling at another worker. He asks what's going on and he's told that they customer is trying to blame them for the issues with his car after he gets some parts changed. Kris gets pissed and rams into the customer's car with his own car. The customer turns to him and without finishing he tells the man that he will pay for all the repairs on the 2 cars and in return, he is never to show his face at the shop again.
Kyle is playing his guitar in the stairwell when everyone starts looking for him. Since he has his headphones on he can't hear his phone ring.
Kevin is at a restaurant when a girl walks in and throws her phone at him. She can't believe that he dumped her via a text. He mentions that he sent her a smiley face. She leans forward and asks if it's true that he wishes every girl 1 wish after they break up. He tells her to say the word and she drives off with his car. This seems to be a regular occurrence, though.
CEO Han comes out with Hwa Ji, his fiancée and teases her. Later she takes a phone call and she tells the person on the other line that she's only getting started. The music changes and she tells the caller to not worry about the grandsons because they're all 3rd generation rich boys. (Well not all of them.)
Kevin mentions that his grandfather's new wife is going to be the same age as his mother. He decided that he and his friends will have to crash his grandfather's wedding. He tells his friends that the next girl that comes through the doors he will ask to the wedding. His friends mention that girls who go to that hangout aren't easy and he tells them that the crazier the better. They wait with baited breath and su min is the next girl who comes in but she's only there because someone ordered pizza.
They guys started picking on her and he mentions that he asked for them to send the prettiest girl. They end up dumping the pizza on the floor. Kevin is about to step forward to help the girl when his friends hold him back saying that he'll be paying for a hospital bill if he uses his fists. He is about to tell his friends that he's going to use his wallet when the man goes flying because of the girl. She gets the men to pay and to apologises. Kevin seems to have fallen in love. Su min apologises for the commotion before leaving. Kevin's friends tell him that he can pick a new girl, but he tells them that he's a man of his word. He tries to catch up with her but ends up taking a picture of the moped.
Soo Kyung and Yoo Na are checking(su min step mother and step sister) Yoo Na's college applications when su min arrived. Needless to say, Yoo Na didn't get into any. Su min asks to use the computer and she checks her status. Before, however, her stepmother, Soo Kyung, tries to put her down. She ignores them and finds out that she's accepted. when her step-sister, Yoo Na. reminds her she needs money, Su min tells her that she's already saved up enough for the down payment. She goes in her room and celebrates a little. She tells her mother that she'll be able to fulfil her wish and become a college student.
CEO Han comes to the house and calls out toe the butler. He asks why the house is a mess and they hear a noise which directs their attention to the ceiling where the butler is tapped. The Butler quits and calls his grandsons devils. They leave and CEO Han tells Yoon Sung to hire someone because he's sure he will find someone willing. He mentions that he can't have the 3 grandsons continue the way the are and he wonders where he could hire someone to beat some sense into the boys.
Su min is super happy that as of payday the next day she can pay her deposit for her college. Kevin goes to Su min's work place to buy an ice cream. She mentions that it's a BOGO item and when he asks what that is she explains that he gets the 2nd ice cream free. So they sit down together to have ice cream. He mentions that she eats fast and she tells him that it's free. He mentions that she'll be perfect and asks to buy her time. He tells her that he has money and then buys everything in the store to prove it. Kevin writes his number on Su min's arm and tells her to call him.
Hye Ji is looking for fabric at a showing but the stall that has the colour she wants won't see out of wholesale amounts. When their display gets toppled over she tells the shop owner that if she can reset up in display in 30 minutes he has to sell her fabric. She comes home wth the fabric and gets to work.
Kris goes to the garage and asks if he the crew has eaten. When he finds out that he hasn't he heads to the closest convenient store to buy food. He realises that he's forgotten his wallet at the shop and goes back. When he's there he overhears one of his colleagues complain that he's keeping all of the money to himself. His boss tells him not to talk like that since he's still the same person. Kris is hurt by his friend's words and walks away. Su min stops him since he needs to pay for the food and he tells her that he'll be back the following day to pa. They have a mild altercation and she tells him that he better return.
Kris goes to see Hye Ji and overhears her on the phone. Some had called her to tell her that Kevin might be bringing a girl to his grandfather's wedding. He comes in after he hears her exclaim in pain from pricking her finger. He chastises her about hurting herself all the time and then goes to get band-aids for her.
su min is at home when she looks into her keepsake box filled with pictures of her and her mother. She texts her father to find out if he will be making it home for her mother's death anniversary before going to bed.
Su min goes to the mausoleum to find that the cubby is 5 years overdue. She asks how much is due and finds it 5 million won. She doesn't have the money but she begs to have her mother brought out of storage. Kris recognises her from the convenience store and noticed how different she's acting. He walks out without saying a word. She travels back to town with the flowers that she couldn't give to her mother.
When she gets back to town, she sits and talks to her mother she tells her that she wants her to go to college so she can't use the money that she has. She breaks down crying and tells her mother that she doesn't need to go to college it's just that everything is so difficult right then.
Hye Ji shows Kris the dress she made and tells her that it's for the wedding. She tells Kris that Kevin will be bringing a girl to the wedding. When he asks if it bothers her, she side-steps and asks him to come with her. He tells her that he would normal grant her any favour. She understands and apologises for asking.
Su min meets up with Kevin and she asks if the offer is still valid. He tells her that it is and he also tells her that she has to play the role of his fiancée. He tells her that his grandfather is ill and wants to see him tied down before he passes. He really lays on the sob story. She totally buys it. They introduce themselves and once they get in the car Kevin tries to get cosy with Su min who isn't having it. She reminds him that everything will be over at midnight
The news is covering the event and is wondering if the 3 cousins will arrive at the wedding.
Kevin ushers su min to his rooms to get made over. She asks what everything is for and he tells her that she needs to transform into his fiancée. The door rings and he heads up leaving Su min alone. He is met with Hye Ji asks about the girl he's with. He asks her if she doesn't get tired of obsessing over him. He tells her to let it go and goes back in.
Hye Ji goes into a room and holds up the skirt. She wants to quit but his grandfather is waiting. Kyle happens to be in the room and overhears her. He peeks out and sees her. He subtly takes her phone when he meant to take his that was lying next to it on the bed. She walks out of the changing room where Kevin is waiting with her shoes. She gets handed over to the makeup artists and gets transformed into a stunning lady.
Yoo Na is with the choir who are going to be singing at the wedding. She pissed off at the outfit but gets calmed by the thought that she's the prettiest one there.
Hwa Ji gets her bouquet and reminds herself she's halfway there. CEO Han finishes getting ready before he and Yoon Sung leave for the hall.
The choir comes out, the marrying couple comes out a short while after. Kevin and Su min preps to go in and Kris just arrives. Su min and Kevin come out the opposite side to his grandfather and they are spotted right away by them. (Well Su min is essentially wearing a very chic wedding dress.) Su min realises what's going on and tries to stop him but he keeps walking. When she refuses to move he picks her up. When they get to the stage they ask her who she is and she answers honestly. She chastises him and tells him that he's not a child. She tells him to apologise and he tells her that he doesn't want to. She twists his arm and forces him to his knees with ease and apologises. CEO Han is speechless as she manhandles his grandson and smacks his head.
They step out of the ceremony and she tells him that she's leaving. He asks for a second round. Kyle comes over and asks if she's really his fiancée and she says nothing. A girl tells him that he shouldn't be acting this way in front of Hye Ji. He reminds them that he's not in that type of relationship with her. She comes over and tells su min that it's a pleasure to meet her, but before their hands touch Kris pulls her away and asks if she has no pride. Kris must have recognised her because he if she came all this way for money and he drops a load of cash at her feet.
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"You're a creepy bastard." His eyes smolder me and his answering grin is nothing short of beautiful. Deadly. "Yet you hunger for me. Tell me, this appetite of yours, does it always tend toward 'creepy bastards'?" **** Widower and ex-boss to the Mafia, Zefiro Della Rocca, has an unhealthy fixation on the woman nextdoor. It began as a coincidence, growing into mere curiosity, and soon, it was an itch he couldn't ignore, like a quick fix of crack for an addict. He didn't know her name, but he knew every inch of her skin, how it flushed when she climaxed, her favourite novel and that every night she contemplated suicide. He didn't want to care, despising his rapt fascination of the woman. She was in love with her abusive husband. She was married, bound by a contract to the Bratva's hitman. She was off-limits. But when Zefiro wanted something, it was with an intensity that bordered on madness. He obsessed, possessed, owned. There'd be bloodshed if he touched her, but the sight of blood always did fascinate him. * When Susanna flees from her husband, she stumbles right into the arms of her devilishly handsome neighbour with a brooding glare. He couldn't stand her, but she needed him, if she was ever going to escape her husband who now wanted her dead. Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. She should have recalled that before hopping into Zefiro's car and letting him whisk her away to Italy. Maybe then, she wouldn't have started an affair with him. He was the only man who touched her right, and the crazy man took no small pains in ensuring he would be the last.
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