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King of underworld

King of underworld

5 Chapters
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When a young man who didn't care about the world, fall in love with a girl, she was her friend, she want to marry him, that young man appealed to her father but he insult him badly, his friends proposed him an idea to run away, but he didn't give much attention, after a few years later, he got the news that his friend die in a car accident, this news was too big for him to digest because of this he also gets into an accident and because of there guilt of not able to that life they desired, godsend their soul to a different world, but in that world they are born in that kingdom which are swearing enemy to each other and always read to kill each other.

Chapter 1 Not ready for beginning

this is story of me when I was young and I am just 20 years old. my college is over and I was making my own company

I was average in study. student who got 60-80% marks. yes I am one of them my life is normal

but one day my friend yes she is just friend. going out with me to enjoy amusement park

when we enjoy view. while eating snacks and we sitting on park chair. she ask me something. that I never expected

yes a marriage proposal. I don't understand when she talk I feel like my heart beat racing and wind catch its speed like it calling me to wake up

my friend name is amelia she is perfect girl. she Carring,full of energy, her cooking is unmatchable , she is loving ,cute and bueatifull. she is the girl you can't resist and want to get married

amelia:- hi I want to ask something

me:- what is that you look so serious tell me did something bothering you

amelia:- my father is rich you know that right. and he searching man for me

me:- that nice so what happen

amelia:- you don't understand me. I was thinking that I want to marry you. I know you don't have girlfriend. can you ask for my hand from my father

me:- OK I will ask for your hand don't worry

if I tell the truth I am not ready for marriage but I say yes and I was struggling to rise my business and marriage is so much for me but that time I can not see her in trouble

I went to meet her father and I know he was ceo of big campany and his net worth was 6 billion dollars

I know I don't have a chance but for my friend sake I am ready to give my hand in lion mouth. yes I give. and it was painful

me:- I am here to ask for your daughter hand

amelia:- father I want to marry him

father:- I grow my daughter with love and care I can't give my daughter hand to anyone and I am searching for man who can take care of my daughter and her every needs. tell me why you want to marry my daughter it's for money.

me:- she was my very good girlfriend and I want to marry her because I love her and understand her

father:- love is not the reason to get married if you don't have 100 million dollars then I reject you

amelia:- how I can marry someone who is a stranger

father:- tell me how can you marriage someone who is that useless, begger,greedy,worthless and piece of shit. I reject him already and I am your father don't talk back. I didn't give you this kind of sacrament. and you now get out from my office

then amelia and i take fresh air in park

amelia:- I am sorry. I became trouble for you

me:- no. please don't say sorry atleast we try our best

amelia:- let's run away. no I can't do that so I am powerless now

me:- don't be sad I think. you going to marry better man than me and he will love you and take care of you. don't get depressed and I love your smile so just keep smile

amelia:- you making hard to accept my fate. I really want to marry you. let's just forget and move on with life

that day she was about to cry. I feel so stupid and I regret I didn't understand her feelings before. may be she is the one I shouldn't give up on

I feel like I lost very luxurious gift from God. that day I also feel pain . I hope I try harder to get her hand from her father. or run far away with her

that also true her father is monster if I stay there little longer he will eat me and his word really cut my heart into pieces

then i was sit there alone. and thinking now what should I do now. if I tell the truth I only interested in making money, growing my business. marriage never excited me. family, children is really too much for me

after that. i spend my life or I can say devote my life in my business and because of my luck and hard work it turn me into billionaire

I am rich and my net worth was 5 billion dollars and I was all alone in my big house. always busy in work and never feel loneliness maybe because I really like my work and I am 25 years old rich single adult

but one day things change I get phone and they told me my college friend and her husband die in car accident

it was invitation for funeral and that really make me depressed. I was thinking if I never let her go that day. run away with her or maybe beg for her hand then she can live happily and with cute smile

the thought of that I no longer see her face. really shrink my heard. my heart beat racing again. I lost my mind. tears flowing like water from eyes. time really stop for me and after few minutes later I get back to my senses

I take my key and run towards my car. and try to reach their as soon as possible

when I reach their I saw what I never wanted to vitness

her own father was late in her daughter funeral. just because he was busy with work

that's really piss me of. I start screaming at him and matter get more worst

me:- how can you are so blind in money. you can't even see your own daughter death. how can you be so clod hearted

father:- you give you right to say that to me. do you how many important meeting I have to attend. you don't have to care about my daughter. it's none of your business

me :- if that day I run away somewhere so far from you. maybe she was alive right now. but you treat her as your money making doll. have you ever seen this world. maybe you don't have time to waste

father. I listen enough now get out from my house. I am older than you. I am more mature that you

me :- you are really a piece of shit . you are just blind in money. greedy dog

after that they throw me out from their house. I wast angry that time and I ride my car at full speed

then I get in accident. a truck driver is drunk and I was blind in anger crash our vehicles and die.

soon when I walk up I saw a bueatifull place with different colors of cherry blossom and a woman drinking tea .she invited me to join her tea party

goddess:- hi I am goddess of death don't just stand their come and join me

me:- what is this place and where I am and I was in accident. let's forget that who are you

goddess:- wait don't ask so many questions. let answer you first. yes you are dead. tell me why you haven't live your life properly. you are a boring person. this is a last level of heaven. I know it bueatifull. but you are here because according to our law. you get two options 1. spend your time her then reborn again and this cycle go on or 2. your dead friend tell me that see going to wait for you in second world. she was trapped in devil castle. if you protect her and reborn in that world. your memories will be washed away and you will only remember your goal to protect her. but she remember everything

me :- okey I will protect her and please let me reborn. I will protect her this time no matter what. I can't take this regret anymore

:goddess:- OK I give you secrets permission to reborn

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