Redemption is the only way to salvation
In the dead of night, somewhere in Los Angeles sprung forth immense bright light from the skies producing a meteor shower, hitting the atmosphere and creating a massive shockwave that devastated its entire surroundings. Rising from the burning ash were the seven deadly sins, each one with a mark placed on them representing their sins.
They made their way, naked, into the city. Amongst them were four boys and three girls. Some onlookers stared at them, while others gave way, and some recorded with their smartphones. Suddenly, a group of gangsters approached them, being enticed by the female nakedness. The gangsters stupidly approached one of them and as one started touching her boobs, he was tossed aside with impact, shattering a kiosk beside him, breaking his back and bleeding out.
The rest of the group members then charged ferociously to attack the sins but were confronted by a female sin, who singlehandedly defeated the thugs. Just then, the police arrived to the scene, but most thugs were able to escape, so few were arrested.
The sins stood calmly without struggle, taking in their surroundings as they were approached by a female officer, assisted by a male officer who couldn't believe his eyes and was staring directly at the naked girls.
Focus, officer, said his female superior, ordering her comrades to bring in sheets to cover the sins' nakedness as they were taken to the station for questioning.
Meanwhile at the station, police began interrogating the sins individually, asking their whereabouts and where they're from. Without being able to detect their location, identity and nationality in getting information about them as they kept repeating individually that they're from a higher dimension known as the heavenly realm.
The captain demanded an answer. She suspected they were just teenagers trying to play pranks on them. But their dangerous stunts had caused a massive shockwave that leveled the entire vicinity with ease. She didn't have proof, but she believed they'd caused it.
The officer began investigating the premises where the seven deadly sins emerged. The burning ash still remained fresh, covered in tiny flaming particles. During their investigation, the burning ash began reoccurring and transforming into a thick cloud of smoke that burst through the atmosphere, landing on some of the officers as dark particles took over their bodies turning them into strange horrific monsters. Other officers began shooting at it, but it had no effect until chaos revealed itself as it made it exist wandering into the unknown. The officers fought against their possessed comrades. One of them tried to kill the other but was saved by another being who killed it, then stood before him in great luminous light, revealing herself to be the leader of the seven virtues. Their comrades saved the officers from their possessed victims.
Giving him a hand as he stood up, the leader of the seven virtues introduced herself to the officers, telling them that they had come to save humanity from the chaos itself who is in search of the seven deadly sins. At one point, the officer became confused and lost to their explanations asking them if the government authorized this testing some biochemical weapon of some kind.
Meanwhile, an officer noticed a mark on one of the seven virtues' neck, the one who had introduced herself earlier as Ariel, the virtue of diligence. On her she bore the mark of the unicorn virtue.
The leader of the seven virtues explained that they are in search of a powerful sacred treasure capable of defeating the monster known as chaos and if not found, that the entire human race would cease to exist.
Meanwhile in a nearby neighborhood, lived a certain man who once believed in an ancient story told by his parents as a kid about the coming of fourteen deities fused together in stopping a bloodthirsty demon and saving humanity.
Mr. Pinyin, who happened to live not far from the city with his only daughter Chi-Chi, had seen the news on TV about the strangers from out of town. He was into collecting and studying magical artifacts. The news spread like wild fire as everyone began complaining about the mysterious presence in the city.
With the presence of the seven virtues in town, they began their search for the seven deadly sins and the sacred treasure.
Reports came to the chief officer about the death of their comrades during an investigation informing them about the dangers they encountered. The sins heard their conversation, and one of the sins in rage demanded for their release. The officers in charge asked them if they knew any information concerning the situation. Among the survivors of the officers who witnessed the death of their comrades, spotted some markings on the sins and secretly went to Inform his commander.
Just as allegations were forced on them, Mr. Pinyin walked into the station to make a report about missing persons who he boastfully claimed to be his relations. The officers took him to a special room where the prisoners could not hear or see the face of their interrogator, asking him to identify the missing persons, pointing out to the seven deadly sins. The officers were in shock, doubting Mr. Pinyin's statement to be true as he was told to name at least three of their names before they could release them. With the sins' angelic powers, they were able to hear his thoughts as they instilled their names into the minds of Mr. Pinyin. He called out their names, and not just three, but all seven of them which are Samsaveel, Azriel, Ertael, Metatron, Azazyel, Toumiel, and Touriel. In shock the officers doubted and laughed at Mr. Pinyin, then the chief officer then called them by the same names Mr. Pinyin had called them. The officers were flabbergasted.
Before the officers could let them go, he told them that he'd keep an eye on them. There was no physical proof to link them to the damage done in Los Angeles. The elderly man then took them to his home, introducing them to his beautiful daughter Chi-Chi who in an instant fell in love with one of the sins, the sin of sloth. Mr. Pinyin then asked how he was able to know their names and how they were able to communicate telepathically. One of the sins replied, saying it's one of their specialties, as easy as child's play.
Later that night, great fog covered the entire city infecting anyone in sight. The sins could feel its power; "this must be the dark powers of Chaos", Metatron said. "Its plague is contagious to humans, transforming them into demonic creatures with immense dark potentials". As they discussed, one of the sins recalled what the officer said concerning chaos and the arrival of the seven virtues.
"The seven virtues, isn't that your counterparts", Mr. Pinyin asked. "An ancient prophecy foretold that fourteen divine deities will fuse together in stopping the demonic God called chaos". They all looked surprised when Mr. Pinyin mentioned about the evil god chaos. Revealing to them an ancient book of spells containing transcriptions, inscription and prophecies, they found Mr. Pinyin interesting to be with, seeing that one has faith in humanity's survival, but one of the sins wasn't happy about this at all, for being a fugitive of the heavenly realm, so he walked out in rage to take fresh air.
Their leader then insisted that they stay hidden and avoid an unwanted attraction to prevent the virtues and chaos from locating them or else they could start another war here on earth.
The next day, the city of Los Angeles became devastated and extremely quiet as the people looked around curiously and in shock to what had happened to their city. Just then a liquid substance began coming out of each sewer line and wrapped around those who were unable to find shelter. Absorbing the life force of individuals, it became a ginormous horrifying mud like creature burning in flames as it caused havoc in the city. Explosions occurred, alerting the sins who watched from afar the terror happening in the city. The police came but could not overpower the situation. The city was in a ruined state and when all hope seemed lost, the seven virtues came to the rescue battling with the demon who then split itself into minions as it regained its humongous size and shape.
The virtues battled earnestly against the demons, one aiming towards the ginormous horrifying monster. He was struck aside with great impact, crushing against a building as it collapsed on top of him. While defeating the minions, the demon then created a massive energy blast ready to make waste of the entire city, but one of the virtues who wasn't amongst the fight watched, taking notice of the monster, observing it before landing a fatal strike which caused the demon to explode massively with its own attack used on itself.
The city now free from the terror of the demon and his cohort, one of the virtues used his sword, waving it around the city, causing the citizens to lose their memories of the event that occurred, instilling in them to be an earthquake distance. The sins remained hidden until further notice.
Meanwhile back at Mr. Pinyin's apartment, where the sins now lived, Chi-Chi (who had a crush on one of the seven deadly sins, the sin of sloth whose name was Samsaveel, a leader of the seven deadly sins) began asking some questions about their arrival and if he'd ever missed his paradise.
Samsaveel began telling her of their history and how they got to there. He went on telling her about the seven virtues and their hierarchy, stating that they were misunderstood by their creators and were only trying to prevent the inevitable from happening. Chi-Chi, curious, then asked of what the inevitable means that they're trying to prevent; he went on further telling Chi-Chi that not all sins were aware of his plans because they might get in the way, although they're all siblings most of them would get in the way of his perfect plans. During their discussion, Ertael the sin of greed, the fox sin, listened to their conversation secretly after Samsaveel had explained the both hierarchies of the virtues and sins which are listed below.
The seven deadly sins are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 deadly sins: Sloth, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Wrath.
(Boy)Samsaveel: sin of SLOTH (the slothail= sloth and snail sin) counterpart to the virtue diligence and leader to the seven deadly sins who is also known to inflict laziness upon the children of disobedience
(Girl)Azriel: sin of PRIDE (the liopeak= peacock and lion sin) counterpart to the virtue modest and second in command to the seven deadly sins
(Boy) Ertael: sin of GREED (the fox sin) counterpart to the virtue generosity and members of the seven deadly sins who is sometimes not to be trusted.
(Boy) Metatron: sin of GLUTTONY (the pig sin) counterpart to the virtue temperance
(Boy) Azazyel: sin of ENVY (the snake sin) counterpart to the virtue kindness
(Girl)Toumiel: sin of LUST (the goat sin) counterpart to the virtue chastity
(Girl)Touriel: sin of WRATH (the dragon sin) counterpart to the virtue patience
The seven virtues are listed according to their hierarchy: 7 virtues: Diligence, Modesty,
Generosity, Temperance, Kindness, Chastity, Patience.
(Girl)Ariel: Virtue of DILIGENCE (the unicorn virtue) and leader of the seven virtues, counterpart to the sin of sloth
(Boy) Michael: virtue of MODESTY (the phoenix virtue) counterpart to the sin pride and second in command to the seven virtues
(Boy) Raphael: virtue of GENEROSITY (the lamb virtue) counterpart to the sin greed
(Boy) Gabriel: virtue of TEMPERANCE (the eagle virtue) counterpart to the sin gluttony
(Boy) Kokabiel: virtue of KINDNESS (the dolphin virtue) counterpart to the sin envy. He's known to infect others with his kindness if there is rage among them.
(Girl)Uriel: virtue OF CHASTITY (the rabbit virtue) counterpart to the sin lust
(Girl)Yomyael: virtue of PATIENCE (the dove virtue) counterpart to the sin wrath
Samsaveel also made mention about the ten commandments who are said to be the ultimate judge of creation and added that with the sacred treasure stolen from the heavenly realm of which he'd not deny holds the key in balancing creation, but in the wrong hands it will be the end of all existence including the supreme rulers. He told her that if the commandments were ever to wake up from their slumber, they would bring judgement to the earth without any cause of reasoning.
Chi-Chi found out that the explanation given doesn't require them to steal the sacred treasure from heaven, but he went further telling Chi-Chi that it wasn't because they stole it for their personal gain, but it was because the archangels wanted to overthrow the rulers, thereby releasing chaos from its imprisonment and ending all existence, saying that the rulers took it upon them as they were condemned and banished from heaven.
Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, the archangels who had formed allegiance with chaos prepared the rest of the heavenly host to battle against the seven deadly sins as they prepared their chariots waiting for the signal to be given by chaos.
The seven virtues began their search for the sins unable to track them down. Kokabiel, the virtue of kindness, was able to shapeshift into one of the officers as he made his way into the station, being able to perceive previous events like visions. He then asked for the files of the sins and their whereabouts. Getting the information he needed, he informed the others as they made their journey towards the sins' location.
Meanwhile, Mr. Pinyin and some sins who accompanied him went on an errand, leaving others of the sins with Chi-Chi who was outside on the rooftop assisted by Touriel drying some clothes when the virtues arrived. Their connections grow stronger and they were able to identify the sins by their immense auras. Just then, the markings began to glow on each and every one of the sins and virtues. Seeing one of the sins, Kokabiel quickly attacked his counterpart who was able to dodge his attack. Toumiel came in to assist. She was also encountered by her counterpart as they battled.
Meanwhile, the Yomyael, the counterpart of Touriel, located her as they battled while telling Chi-Chi to take cover. But the leader of the virtues wasn't pleased as to see the three sins who were overpowered by the virtues demanding that they surrender what was stolen. In rage, Touriel broke free of her bond as she tried attacking the leader of the virtues but was stopped by an immense blast from the leader of the virtues that sent her flying to a nearby building, shattering it as she fell to the ground and passed out.
She kept demanding that they return what was stolen as they threatened the human's life. One of the sins then told Ariel to piss off, which angered the leader, who then displayed her power on the girl saying she would end her in an instant. She released the energy which was aimed at her but was averted by the leader of the sins as Chi-Chi was rescued by Azriel who ordered her and Mr. Pinyin to get as far as they can from the premises.
With just a hand swing from the leader of the sins, their chains were broken, freeing them. He told his counterpart that they were on a wrong path and had been brainwashed by the supreme rulers, blindly following orders that will end the fate of humanity.
The leader refused to believing the truth, jumping into action with her counterpart, clashing and causing a massive shockwave that devastated the entire surroundings. The sins then faced off against each other. Their battle was fought tremendously, but the sins took caution of human welfare. The leader of the virtues demanded that with the sacred treasure, they would be the one to save humanity from chaos and from the sins as judgement will be passed on them as well.
They fought, shattering the cities as well. The sins who fought with their counterparts were still able in some ways to prevent collateral damage upon the citizens.
During their battle, a massive dark cloud hovered above the entire city and began producing tremendous lightning bolts that struck randomly, destroying buildings and cars. At the same time, a young girl who was lost from her parents began crying as a direct lightning was heading towards her, but she was saved by one of the sins. Most virtues saw this with their own eyes, and began wondering if they're on the right path fighting for the same course. But the leader of the virtues insisted that one good over a human life isn't compared to what's about to become of their world.
The lightning began striking tremendously, hitting everything it touched, vaporizing it. Just then above the hovering clouds, a ginormous horrifying face was formed. The face opened up its large mouth and began raining hailstones and sulphur. The sins and the virtues then formed an alliance in battling this terrifying monster sent by chaos, revealing itself to be a walking disastrous cloud that controls the elements.
Joseph Benjamin Carmen, also known as JBC or Unkillable, fused with infinite variants of himself, each representing different versions of his being across the multiverse. This fusion resulted in the creation of a prime version, possessing unimaginable power beyond comprehension. However, this newfound power came at a steep cost: the absorption of so many diverse counterparts triggered what is known as personality madness. To contain this madness and his limitless potential, JBC bears three mystical markings on his forehead, which serve to seal and suppress his powers. JBC is forcibly sent to an isekai world-the last of its kind-by a mysterious and powerful force he encountered after the fusion. In this strange new world, he must undergo a journey of self-discovery to control his ambitions, or risk unleashing chaos and destruction. As he explores this dimension, JBC notices significant changes in himself and his abilities, making him question his purpose. Will he rise as the protector of this new world, or will he become its greatest enemy? Author's Note: To learn about Unkillable's origin, refer to Beyond Dimensions: The Tales of Unkillable - Episode 4. The full story of his origin, along with those of his variants, will be revealed as the story unfolds.
With the death of Azriel's primal form, her reign of chaos was thought to have ended. The world, though devastated, was still recovering from the aftermath. People faced the harsh reality of their world escaping its dying age, forced to return to a fraction of the Stone Age, with limited technology, food supplies, and shelter. But little did they know, something unexpected was about to happen that would change the course of history, awakening the ineffable, forming new alliances and adversaries, and heralding the dawn of the supernaturals.
In the annals of time, the clash between supernaturals brewed long before humanity's transition into their ranks, a conflict ordained by ancient forces. The battle for supremacy exacted a toll, paving the way for a fragile coexistence among humans and their ethereal brethren. Colonies and clans, torn asunder by strife, found themselves reunited beneath the banner of an uneasy peace. Yet, amidst the tranquility, whispers of a new prophecy emerged—a prophecy destined to shape the destiny of both supernaturals and ordinary mortals alike.
ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.
"Emma thought she had it all until her fiancé shattered her heart. Seeking refuge in a small coastal town, she meets a mysterious man on the beach who she feels an instant connection with. As she tries to heal and move on, Emma can't help but wonder if their meeting was fate or just a coincidence. Will she take a chance on a second chance at love, or let her past hold her back? Broken is a poignant story about heartbreak, healing, and the possibility of finding love when you least expect it."
For centuries the supernaturals had lived with the mortals, side by side they formed an alliance and sworn allegiance and drove out the darkness called the IMPERISHABLES. Dracula, father of all vampires of the immortals, sacrificed himself to bring peace at all cost. And after five hundred years of peace, there came war amongst the supernaturals. This war led to the separation of power and unit, for among them was before all. Therefore, the supernaturals were splitted into various colonies and even among their colonies and clans, absolute power still corrupts absolutely.
Despite being an illegitimate daughter, Lena bore a striking resemblance to the young lady of the Evans family. Faced with their threats, she was forced to take her half-sister’s place and marry Dylan. As an act of defiance, Lena seduced Dylan night after night, until she had him completely wrapped around her finger. Using his affections to her advantage, she set out to undermine the Evans family. Over time, Dylan began to notice something odd about his beloved wife...
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."
Rumors claimed that Fernanda, newly back with her family, was nothing more than a violent country bumpkin. Fernanda just flashed a casual, dismissive grin in response. Another rumor suggested that the usually rational Cristian had lost all sense, madly in love with Fernanda. This frustrated her. She could tolerate gossip about herself, but slander against her beloved crossed the line! Gradually, as Fernanda's multiple identities as a celebrated designer, a savvy gamer, an acclaimed painter, and a successful business magnate came to light, everyone realized they were the ones who had been fooled.
She thought she was the love of his life, and he became the love of her life that fateful day she had seen him at the pack's party. Selene Grace was only a replica of Alpha Leo's real mate, and when he spotted her, Leo immediately claimed her as his Luna in order to suppress the rumors of him being mateless. Being unable to conceive turns Selene's marriage into a nightmare, and as if that wasn't enough, Alpha Leo finally reunites with his long time lover and mate, rejecting a pregnant Selene as a result. 5 years later, Selene, a now successful doctor, receives an invitation to the moon shadow pack in order to rid the pack of a deadly disease which has struck it. Will Selene return back to the pack which had caused her so much pain, and what would she do when she realizes that she is mated to the Alpha who had betrayed her in the past?
As far as everyone was concerned, William had married Renee under duress. Now that his one true love was back—and with child—they couldn’t wait for him to abandon Renee. Surprisingly, Renee was candid about the situation. "To be honest, I’m the one asking for a divorce every single day. I want it even more than any of you!" But they brushed off her remark as a paltry attempt to save face. Until William made a declaration himself. "Divorce is out of the question. Anyone who spreads false rumors shall face legal consequences!" Renee was at a loss. What was this crazy man up to now?
"Ahh!" She was in a moaning mess. She did not want to feel anything for this man. She hated him. His hands began to move all over her body. She gasped when he pulled down the back chain of her dress. The chain stopped at her lower waist, so when he zipped it off, her upper back and waist were exposed. "D-Don't touch m-ummm!" His fingers rolled around her bare back, and she pressed her head against the pillow. His touches were giving her goosebumps all over her body. With a deep angry voice, he whispered in her ear, "I am going to make you forget his touches, kisses, and everything. Every time you touch another man, you will only think of me." - - - Ava Adler was a nerdy omega. People bullied her because they thought she was ugly and unattractive. But Ava secretly loved the bad boy, Ian Dawson. He was the future Alpha of the Mystic Shadow Pack. However, he doesn't give a damn about rules and laws, as he only likes to play around with girls. Ava was unaware of Ian's arrogance until her fate intertwined with his. He neglected her and hurt her deeply. What would happen when Ava turned out to be a beautiful girl who could win over any boy, and Ian looked back and regretted his decisions? What if she had a secret identity that she had yet to discover? What if the tables turned and Ian begged her not to leave him?