It's Friday, I just got out of work and who says Friday says Weekend! Except that as my boss took leave for 3 weeks, automatically I too am on vacation, since I am a medical secretary! When I get home, I call Seda, my childhood friend. -S: Maviish! -Me: Mdrr how are you? "I'm going to translate gii by girl mdr" -S: I'm fine and you? -Me: Well yeah wait, I'm on vacation! -S: Vallaha mi? (Swear?) Luck! I work tomorrow. -Me: You work in sales, that's normal. -S: How come you're on vacation? -Me: My boss has taken his leave. He will come back 3 weeks later. -S: Hmm dac. Have you heard from your guy? -Me: In his dün konuştum onunla, ama yarin onu görücem nasil olsa. (Last time I spoke to him was yesterday, but I'm going to see him tomorrow anyway.) -S: Nasil yani? ( What ?) -Me: Yanina gidicem, Ispanya'ya. (I'm going to join him in Spain.) -S: Are you serious? And your mother ? -Me: She was against it at first, but she finally gave in. I took the tickets anyway, I'm going to surprise him. -S: Oh, he doesn't know about it. -Me: No, that's the purpose of a surprise. -S: Good.. Hayirli yolculuklar ozaman. (Have a good trip then.) -Me: Neyin var? Sevinmedin gibi.. (What's wrong? You don't look happy..) -S: Bah nn. He doesn't deserve you to move for him. -Me: Seda.. -S: Well it's true. Ok he's nice, he's not a bad guy.. but I don't know, I don't feel it. -I know. That's why I go to see him without telling him. -S: Ah well, you have doubts too! -Me: Biraz huylaniyom evet. Ispanya'da iş için gittiğini söyledi ama, ben pek inanmadim. His haftalardir garip davraniyor zaten. (I have a little doubt yes. He told me that he left for work in Spain, but I didn't really believe him. He's been weird for the past few weeks.) -S: You reassure me there. Go see him tomorrow and you'll let me know! -Me: Tkt. Hadi öptüm canim. (Come on kisses my darling.) -S: Optüm! (Kisses !)
Little info, I've been with Can for 2 months. We met on instagram, and it worked out pretty well.. but in the last few weeks he's been weird. I don't know how to put it, but it's not like the first day. So I'm a little suspicious, as you can see. And also, he left for Spain last week for "work". Finally at home, I'm going straight to give a kiss to my mom. -Mom: You must be hungry. Go wash your hands and eat. -Me: Tamam annecim. ( Ok mom.) My mother is my everything, there are no two like her. Since dad is no longer there, she had to raise me on her own, with the help of her parents.
I will do anything to get a smile from him, I love him more than anything. -Me: How was your day? -Mom: As usual huh, I'm glad it's the weekend. And you? - Me: Yes it's fine, I'm on vacation. -M: Oh yes, that's true. Yarin gidiyorsun huh? ( You leave tomorrow ?) -Me: Yeah, Can'ın yanina gidicem. (Yeah, I'll go next to Can.) -M: Dikkat and kizim, hiç tanimadiğin bir ülke. Kaybolursun diye çok korkuyorum. (Take care of yourself my daughter, it's a country you don't know. I'm too afraid that you'll get lost.) -Me: Merak etme anne, uçakdan inince hemen taksiye binicem. Ingilizcem var az cok. (Tkt not mom, as soon as I get off the plane I'm going to take a taxi. And my level of English is average so it's ok.) -M: Neyse, sana bir sey söyleyecem. (Anyway, I'm going to tell you something.) She scares me there. -I do ? -M: I met a man. -Me : .. -M: We've been together for 6 months. - Me: Oh.. I didn't know what to say anymore. I didn't expect that from my mother. -M: I don't want you to think that I'm going to abandon you. On the contrary. It's just, I need a man too Mavi. Me: Are you serious? -M: Ciddi olmasaydik, hiç görüşmezdim onunla. (If we weren't serious, I never would have gone out with him.) -Me: And... is he your age? -M: No, he is two years taller than me. And.. -Me and ? -M: He has a son. -Me: Ok I'm going to have a stepfather, but also a half-brother. -M: Hep bir abin olmasini istiyordun, al iste. (You wanted to have a big brother, there you go.) -Me: It's not the same.. but anyway, we'll see when I get back. -M: I'm sure you'll get along well! I give him a slight smile and pack my suitcase. I wasn't ready to hear that.. it's going to be really weird to see my mother with a man other than my father. In short, she has the right to a second chance.. I prefer to meet them first before judging them. The next day, I said goodbye to my mother and headed to Spain! After 1 hour of flight, here I am in Madrid! Even in the heat, the city does not lose its serious beauty. I take a taxi, and give the address of Can to the driver. Arrival, I go up to the 2nd floor and ring the doorbell. No answer, I ring again.. but still nothing. He is not there ? Yet it is 8 p.m., and he finished his job a long time ago! I call him on his cell phone and...shock. The ringing of his cell phone comes from inside his apartment. - Me, knocking on the door: Caaaan! Evde olduğunu biliyorum, aç kapiyi! (Aaaan! I know you're home, open the door!) I ring for another two minutes, and he finally opens it! - Me, ironically: Surprise! -Can: Mavi? -Me: Hoş buldum. (Good evening to you too.) -C: Excuse me, I was sleeping. He gives me a hug, but I return it lightly. He was shirtless, it bothers me. -Me: Içeriye almiyacak misin? (Won't you invite me inside?) -C: Of course, come in. I finally enter his house, and look right to left. -C: Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? -Me: I wanted to make a surprise. Aren't you happy? He smiled... forcibly for my taste. -C: So of course it is. It's just that I'm not used to it. -Me: Well, get used to it, I like surprises.. and make them too. He was thoughtful, as if embarrassed. It's not the Can de France, it's really weird there. -Me: Uh..I'm going to open the windows, it smells seriously locked up. -C: It's cold wesh. -Me: It's good, for 5 minutes you're not going to die lol. Plus I'll get you a top so you don't catch a cold. I walk towards the bedroom door. As it is a small apartment, it is easy to guess the rooms. -C: Wait! I open the door to his room, but he holds my arm. -What me ? -C: Ben alirim. (I'll take me.) He walks into his room and I follow him. -C: I told you to stay outside. -Me: You're kidding yourself, it looks like you're hiding something from me! -C: You're the one abusing! -Me: Anyway, do you sleep without a blanket? Mdrr you are weird. -C: Uh.. yeah I don't like the covers. -Me: Hmm.. otherwise it smells like being locked up in this room too, open the window. He opens it and puts on a T-shirt in two seconds. -C: Come on, let's go to the living room. We were about to leave his room, but... I heard a sneeze. Me: Who was it? -C: It's... it's me. You wanted to open the windows, I'm going to get sick now. I couldn't believe it, I was sure it wasn't him who sneezed. I turn around and open her closet quickly. -C: Mavi hard! (Mavi wait!) And there .. big shock of my life. I see a blonde, naked with a sheet around her in the closet. No more sound comes out of my mouth, I was in shock. I look at him, and he had his hands over his face. -C: Açiklaya bilirim. (I can explain everything.) He's kidding me here? Nerves are starting to rise... Me: What are you going to explain to me? What were you doing while I was away?? -The blonde: ¿Quién es esa chica? (Who is this girl ?) I can't breathe anymore. I absolutely have to get out of here. I walk towards the exit but he holds my arm. I turn around and slap him with all my might. -Me: Dokunma bana! Pislik herif! (Don't touch me with your filthy hands!) -C: Mavi.. -Me: Fuck you Can! Bunu hak edecek n'aptim ben sana eh? Allah seni bildiği gibi yapsin! (What did I do to you to deserve this huh? You're a motherfucker!) And I finally leave this apartment with my suitcase. Tears start to flow as I walk I don't know where. I had my doubts about him, but I didn't think he would go this far! Who would have told me that I was going to find my boyfriend's bitch in his room? -Me: Damn, damn, damn!! That's it, I'm freaking out. I throw my suitcase and my purse on the sidewalk, and fall to the ground. Why the fuck?? -Me: Can I hate you!!! Go fuck yourself! You motherfucker! I stop crying little by little.. Why am I crying too? This asshole doesn't deserve my tears! Come on Mavi get up, don't let the nerves control you. I take a deep breath, and... -Me: OOHHH!! Two men take my suitcase and my bag, and run away. I get up quickly and run after them. Damn it was more than that! -Me: FUCKING STOP!!! I speak in French as if they were going to understand lol.. After 10 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped running. You're wasting your breath. -Me: Allah'im ben n'apicam simdi?! Bittim well! (My God, am I going to do it now?! I'm screwed!) I catch my breath and look right and left. I'm in a small street. Ok I'm lost, that's a good sign –'. How am I going to get home now? I don't even have my passport or my wallet... NOTHING! I don't even know where I am! For a moment I remember that I have my cell phone on me, I take it out of my pocket and... no more batteries! Great, I'm really screwed! I take a direction and walk. I had to find the main road and go to the police.. I'm not going to stay locked up in Spain! From a distance, I see a man against a wall, but he seemed to be hiding. I don't care, I join him to ask for help. -Me: Excuse me, I'm lost and can you... - Him, muttering: Damn he was missing more than her! I'm saved! -Me: Are you French? Damn you save my life! - Him: Get away, it's better, otherwise I'll ruin your life! -Me: I have 2 minutes! You just have to tell me where the nearest police is! -Him: But get out of here wesh! -Me: But you are... -... : He's there !!! -...: With an extra girl!! - Him: Shit! "holding my arm" Come here! And he runs dragging me behind him. -Me: But let go of me, are you crazy or what?! - Him: Shut up! -Me: Who are you kidding? -Him: But shut the fuck up! He pulls me harder and we run like we're being chased. Although it's true, I see men running behind us. What the fuck is this day?? Bim! I scream when I hear the sound of guns. We stop running and hide behind a wall. I see the guy pull a gun out of his back. I'm even more shocked here! -Him: Don't move. He shoots the men chasing us, then hides, then shoots them again and so on. -Me: What the hell did I get involved in?! -Him : If you speak again, you will lose your tongue! The guy tells me to shut my mouth when my life is in danger because of him! I hate men it's official, you're all sick! Damn but in real life I'm freaking out too much, they're shooting at each other like it's a water gun -'. What is this country there?? -...: Surrender!! You can't run away from here with your girl! His girlfriend ? He's talking about me here? I see him frown even more, a vein stands out on his forehead he is so angry. I'm not lying to you, but he scares me. - Him, in a low voice: Fuck, swarm the guys! -Me: What guys? He looks at me with his black eyes.. I should have shut my mouth! - Him: What did I tell you? -Me : .. -... : Boss ! I turn my head and I see 4 other men in a van, not far from us. Who are them? -Him: Finally! He takes my arm and quickly runs towards them. -Me: But let the fuck go! He held me so tight that my arm hurt. Unable to escape, I had to follow him. Arrived in front of the van, the guys look at me questioningly. -Mec1: Who is this girl boss? -Him: This is not the time to ask questions! "addressing me" Climb up! -Me: You thought I was going to go up when.. Shots are heard again. We see from afar the men who were chasing us, and come running towards us. -Him: UP!! Seeing that I'm not moving, he pushes me inside the van, and he gets in and then the driver starts. We were out of breath, I was shaking with fear, I had a day filled with adrenaline! -Mec1: Are you okay boss? Ok if I understood correctly, this guy is their leader. -Him: Yeah yeah.. -Dude2: Who is she? -Me: I have a first name! -Mec2: Yeah but I don't care! -Me: Damn but in real life all the guys are assholes! -Mec1: And.. what do we do with her anyway? -Him: She's coming with us. -What me ? -Him: You heard right. You come with us miss! I'm screwed! Who are these men? Why are they chased by other men? And why is this man taking me by force with him? Several questions are linked in my head, I should never have come here. But who would have told me that my first day in Spain was going to be the start of my nightmare? Or rather.. the beginning of a new adventure? ** A little introduction is in order in my opinion: So as you may or may not have noticed (for non-Turks), my name is Mavi which means the color blue. I am 21 years old and I am a medical secretary. I live with my mother whom I love so much and I am an only child. We lost my father when I was very young, I really have no memory of him. I was dating Can, but as you have seen, he cheated on me.. Seda, also 21, is my best friend. She works in a retail store. -Him: You heard right. You come with us miss! I'm screwed! Who are these men? Why are they chased by other men? And why is this man taking me by force with him? Several questions are linked in my head, I should never have come here. But who would have told me that my first day in Spain was going to be the start of my nightmare? Or rather.. the beginning of a new adventure? -Me: I'm coming nowhere, stop the car! -Him : .. -Me: Hellooo, I want to come down! -Dude1: You better shut up! - Me: You thought I was going to close my mouth when you take me I don't know where?! But you are all sick I swear! -Dude1: Shut up, vallah you've already swelled my head! -Me: Stop that fucking car! The leader closes his eyes and clenches his fists. Ok I pissed him off I think but I don't give a fuck! -Me: Are you deaf or what?? I want to get off !! -The boss: You shut up right away, or I'll shut you up! - Me: Well let me come down, so you won't hear me talking anymore! -Leader : .. -Me: Ok, I'm going down to my ways then. I walk over to the door to open it. Yeah I'm suicidal I know, but I'd rather break my arm than be in the hands of men I don't know. -Mec1: But she's a freak! He puts his hand on my arm and pulls me back. -Me: Damn let me go!! He holds my two arms forcibly, I move my legs to try to escape, but guy2 comes and grabs them. -The chief: Tie her up and close her mouth too, she broke my ears! -Me: NO!! You do not have the right ! I see guy2 take a rope that was in a corner of the car, and tie my feet, then my hands. - Me: Nah but leave me!! You are fucking bastards, but also... I couldn't even finish my sentence when he put a piece of cloth over my mouth to close it. Great, I hate being cut off! -Dude2: Damn the eyes you got! Pfft, looks like he's never seen blue eyes?! Here I am sitting between two men, hands and feet tied behind my back, and unable to speak! I can just scream.. and that's what I do by the way. -Chief: SHUT UP THE FUCKING!!! And the guy on my right slaps me. I immediately stop screaming so much I'm shocked there. This is the first time in my life that a man raises his hand on me. I wanted to cry but no. I don't want them to see that I'm weak, even if I am one... but I prefer to cry discreetly. I look askance at the chief, he was pensive looking at the road. Pff dirty asshole, it is because of him that I am in the shit. Why did I ask him for directions too? I never have a chance pff! 30 minutes later, the car stops. I look through the windows, and see a large villa between the trees. But where am I? The guy on my left undoes the rope that was tied around my feet only. -Dude2: Don't even try to escape. He gets me out of the car, and we all follow the leader who heads for the villa. As soon as we cross the door, I hear footsteps coming to join us. They are two young girls. -...: Ah well, you were o.. She stops talking as soon as she sees me. -Girl1: Who is she? - Guy1: I don't know. - Girl1: How do you not know? You bring chicks like that? -Girl2: I want to say she's a whore, but I don't think she is. Ok, I'm being called a bitch now! The chef goes to the living room and everyone follows him, including me. Looks like a flock of sheep –' -Chef: It's a girl that I ran into while I was escaping from the others. -Girl2: And? Why did you bring him here? -Chief: Because they think it's my.. my girl. -Everyone: WHAT?? -Dude1: Damn it was missing more than that. -Girl1: Ah.. I understand. - Girl 2: I don't understand! You don't know her, you don't care about her! They just had to grab her and do with her what they want! What can it do to you? -Girl1: Are you crazy or what?! We can't leave it like that! I don't understand anything anymore. Just because the men chasing us, think I'm the chief's girl, that he dragged me here?! I move and scream for them to take the rope out of my hands and take the damn tissue out of my mouth. -Girl1: Oh damn, sorry, I'm going to release you. She comes to me and takes it all away. Phew, I was tired of having my mouth open. - Me: Thank you. - Girl, smiling: But nothing. I turn my head and look at the chef. -Me: Don't tell me you kidnapped me because those men think I'm your girl!? -Chief: You already know the answer. - Me: But you had to tell them that I am nothing for you shit! -Chief: Did you really think they were going to believe me? -Me: Why won't they believe you? -Chief: Because they are my enemies! I will be clear with you. They already want to kill me, and seeing me with you in a small street in Spain, they think we're together. They're going to want to hurt you now! If I had left you, believe me you would be in the hands of these men by now! - Me: Really? But you're the one hurting me! Wesh you tied me up by force, but as if that wasn't enough, one of your men slapped me! -Chief: Are you going to cry for a slap there? Believe me, you'd rather be here than be with them! - Guy1: He's right. Basically, we saved your life. -Me: Save my life? But are you serious here?! You fucking kidnapped me! -Chief: Damn it's good, shut your mouth! -Me: No, I'm not closing it! Did you think I was going to stay good like a little girl while I'm being kidnapped?? And why do I have to believe you? If you had left me, they would have done nothing to me sometimes. -Chief: Damn she's breaking her balls! -Dude1: You better believe us, because it's the truth. - Me: Pfft! -Chef: Are you tired of opening your big mouth? Vallah I'm tired in your place! He annoys me. -Me, whispering: Hayvan işte, n'olucak!? (A hmar I swore!) When I look up at them, I see them staring at me.. I have the impression that they are surprised. -What me ? Why are you looking at me like that? -Mec1: What did you say, Taleur? -Me: I said you were all Hayvans, is that okay? But you don't understand anyway, so leave me alone! -Girl1: Shocked! But what did I fall into?! They are all weird! I see the leader approaching me. -Chief: Speak correctly! - Me: I speak as I want! And tkt no, hayvan means weird. Lol, that means Hmar yeah! Basically in the sense of the sentence, it means con. But when you're in deep shit, you always say the wrong translation to save your skin lol. -Chief, taking my arm: Are you kidding me!? -Me: Get off me! -Chief: What's your name? -Me: Georgette. He squeezes my arm harder, I fucking feel the pain. -Chief: YOUR NAME THE WHORE OF YOUR RACE!! -Me: Let go of me, you're hurting me! -Chief : .. -Me: Mavi! If I didn't tell him my real name, he was going to squeeze my arm even more. I don't want to have a wesh blue. -Girl2: Uh.. why did she tell you about my life? There you go, I was sure they were going to make such a remark to me. At school, everyone told me that! -Me: My name is Mavi! -Girl1: She took her name from her eyes, it's so beautiful! The leader continues to stare at me, I lower my eyes and try to free my arm from his embrace. -Dude1: Boss let it go. After one of his men tells him to let go of me, he finally lets go of my arm. -Chief: If you don't want to get tied up again, you better control your mouth! -Girl1: It's okay Rüzgar, leave her alone. You have to understand it too. So there, SHOCK! I heard you right? -Me: Ruzgar? I look at the chef, he looks at me too but doesn't answer. -Me: Are you Turkish? - Chief: El hamdulillah. And he leaves. Ok, I took the shame Taleur when I made him believe that hayvan meant weird. I feel dumb all of a sudden. -Girl1: And I am Betül. And he "showing me the guy1" is my brother Enes. -Girl2: My name is Célia, and he is my brother Dylan "showing me guy2". Their brothers leave to join the chief... finally Rüzgar. -Me: I can't believe you're Turkish...well, especially the chef. -Célia: I am French. -Me: Yes I know, but I wanted to say that... I wasn't expecting that in fact. When I heard Rüzgar, I was shocked. "Rüzgar means the wind" -Betül: I know mdrrr, you should have seen your face! I should have filmed. -Me: Bah it's like you, when I said hayvan lol. -B: Mrrr. I was doubly shocked. From 1, I didn't expect you to be Turkish too. And two, you're really crazy to say that to Rüzgar! He's the chief wesh, nobody talks to him like that! -Me: Beni buraya zorla getirmeseydi ozaman! (He shouldn't have dragged me here then!) -B: Mavi, inan bana o adamlari tanisaydin, burda olmak isterdin! (Mavi, if you know these men, you'd want to be here believe me!) -C: Speak French! -B: Mr. It's automatic wesh, it comes by itself. Lol. They make me sit on the sofa, and I start to think about my life, and especially about this day! -B: So? - Me: So what? -B: Tell. What are you doing in Spain? Are you on vacation? -Me: We can say that yes. She looks at me to continue. Should I tell him everything or not? Come on, it's good to talk to people you don't know sometimes. -Me: I came to surprise my boyfriend.. my ex rather. -C: Why did you separate? -Me: Because he .. cheated on me. -B: Pislik herif! (Damn asshole!) -C: And how did you and Rüzgar meet? -Me: Bah.. when I left my ex, I didn't know what to think anymore. I broke down outside, got on my nerves by throwing my suitcase and my bag on the floor. But.. -B: Thieves stole them. Ah be güzelim, berbat bir gün geçirmissin. (Oh dear, you had a bad day sweetie.) - Me: you can say that! -B: After? -Me: After that, I didn't know where to go. I wanted to return to France but without a passport, without papers, without money, it was impossible. I had to go to the police station but since I didn't know the route, well I had to ask someone. And that's where I met Rüzgar. -B: Hmm okay. -Me: I should never have spoken to him pff! -B: Kader.. (It's fate.) Fate ? Being betrayed by my boyfriend was my destiny yes! It's all because of him! It's because of him that I came to this country pff! -B: In short, in any case Welcome. I have a feeling we're going to get along well Maviish! I smile at him as soon as I hear him call me with that nickname. It's Seda, my best friend who calls me that. Nostalgia lol. -B: But frankly, I like your eyes! Gökyüzü mavisi gibi. (Looks like sky blue.) -Me: Thank you, I am often told that lol. But I'm planning to go home, I'm not going to stay here! Betül was going to speak but Enes, his brother interrupts us. -E: Rüzgar seni çağırıyor. (Rüzgar calls you.) -Me: Why doesn't he come? -E: You really think you are the Queen of England! It concerns you, so you better hurry. - Me: Pfft! I get up and follow Enes upstairs. He opens the door to a room for me and I enter alone. I notice that I am in an office and Rüzgar is standing in front of the window. -R: We're going to talk seriously. -Me: I'm listening. -R: I know you don't want to be here, but it will be just for a while. You told me you wanted to go to the police, right? -I do. -R: Why? -Me: Because my suitcase and my bag were stolen. I can't go back to France without anything in my hand! -R: Ok, I'll try to find your suitcase and that thief. -Me: Seriously? But how are you going to do it? It's a big city ! -R: I have my sources. Anyway, if I can't find it, I'll get you a fake passport. You have to leave this country for your safety. I was a little relieved. Well, it's not because he's going to help you that you're going to give him your trust right away Mavi! Until I get home, I'd better be wary of everyone. Besides that, who tells me that Rüzgar is telling me the truth? What if the men chasing us were the "good guys" and Rüzgar the bad guy in the story? Of I don't know, I will be well in the days to come.. I was in my thoughts when the door opened without being knocked. A girl, very scantily dressed enters and joins us. -Her: My darling! She bounds into Rüzgar's arms, and gives him a kiss on his cheek. - Her: I missed you. -R, pushing her: Since when do you come into my office like that? -Her: Sorry, it's because I missed you too much.. -R: Yeah yeah it's good your face. I don't have the head to listen to you here. She turns her head towards me and looks me up and down. Uh what does she want? -Her: Who is she? -Me: You know, I'm right in front of you, you can talk to me directly! -Her: Yeah, but I don't want to talk to you, you see? -Me: Yet you just did it there. -Her: Who the hell is that baby? -Me: Me the bitch? If I am a bitch, what are you then?? -Her: His wife. Me: I pity you. And I walk out of this room leaving them all alone, I have other issues to deal with. Seeing this girl, I suddenly thought of Can, my ex. He cheated on me with this kind of girl too, it disgusts me. How am I going to forget everything that's happened to me? How to forget Can? One thing tells me, it's that I'm going to experience a lot of things being here.. After leaving Rüzgar and his girl alone in the bedroom, I go downstairs to join Betül. I only get on well with her so far. -B: So what does he say? -Me: That he will try to find my things so that I can return to France as soon as possible. -B: Hmm, okay. -Me: A girl came. -Celia: Pfft. I turn my head towards her, and she's staring at the floor. -B: Yeah it's Cathie. -Me: And who is it for Rüzgar? I already know the answer but I ask them to confirm lol. -B: His girl. -C: His bitch yeah! -B: Celia! -What is it ? It's the truth ! Rüzgar simply sleeps with her. Pff I do not understand what he finds of her! -B: You know very well that Rüzgar does not like to change his habits! -C: Yes, but there are girls better than this bitch! -B: Ah, because you know she's not good in bed? Are you a dyke or how is it? -C: Don't say anything! -B: Well then explain! What do you have against Cathy? -C: Nothing, but I don't feel it, that's all. I just find it a shame that Rüzgar can't find a better girl to have fun with! -B: Like who? -VS : .. -B: Well, go answer it! -C: I don't know, but he could at least change. -B: You know it's impossible. Celia huffs, and gets up to go to her room I guess. -Me: She has something against him. -B: I know. Me: Do you think she's jealous? -B: She is Mavi. She doesn't want to tell me but I know she has an attraction to Rüzgar. -Me: Onun gibi birisini nasil çekici bulur, aklim almiyor! (I can't believe she finds Rüzgar attractive!) She raises an eyebrow suddenly. - Me: Ne? ( What ?) -B: You're the first to tell me that. - Me: I say what I think. -B: Don't you find him handsome? -Me no ! -B: Wesh he's too handsome, you're abusing it! -Me: I don't care Betül, I don't have the head to examine his face! All I know is that he has monster looks! -B: Rüzgar iste. (It's Ruzgar.) A short silence settles. I think of the conversation that there was between Betül and Célia Taleur. -Me: So he doesn't like change? -B: Let's say he trusts no one except my brother. He uses Cathie for the night, that's all. Rüzgar is a person who pays great attention to those around him. He does not put anyone in his bed, for "fear" that it is a girl from the other camp. As he knows that Cathie does not belong to our enemies, well he keeps her. - Me: Hmm okay. And in fact, why are you in Spain? -B: Because the Rüzgar gang is wanted in France by their enemies. So we fled here, but as you might have noticed, they found us. Oh I understand better. The men who chased us were his enemies who were looking for him in France. -Me: Now what? -B: Well, I don't know what we're going to do. -Me: Yes, but if they find you, they'll come here, won't they? -B: No, they won't dare, there are far too many men here. They wait until Rüzgar is alone to catch him. -Me: Are there too many men? Hani nerd? Ben hiç görmüyom. (Where? I don't see.) -B: Mdrr, outside the house. We are well secured tkt not. Me who wanted to try to run away, well, it failed. It is impossible if the house is surrounded. -Me: Ama Betül, sen niye burdasin? Ailen yok mu? (But Betül why are you here? Don't you have a family?) -B, lowering his head: Yok. Annem ve babam ben küçükken trafik kazasinda kaybettik. Sonra dedem bizi büyüttü, ama geçen sene onu kaybedince, abimle yalniz kaldik. (No. I lost my parents in a car accident. Afterwards my grandfather raised me with my brother, but when we lost him last year, we were left alone. ) -Me: Allah rahmet eylesin. ( All my condolences.) -B: Amin, thank you. And now, I couldn't leave my brother. I followed him here. Suddenly I thought of my father. -Me: I understand you a little, I lost my father when I was very little too. -B: But you live with your mother at least. -Me: Yes.. by the way.. Oh god, my mother! She must be worried sick, since the airport I haven't heard from her! -Me: Betül, do you have an iPhone charger please? Annemi aramam lazim. (I have to call my mother.) -B: Olmaz olur mu?! Lol. (But of course, it's the base wesh lol.) She gives me the charger and I plug in my laptop. After 4-5% charge, my phone turns on and I see several missed calls and messages from my mother, from Seda but also from Can. Pff I delete his messages before even reading them, is he really serious about contacting me after what he did to me? -B: On the other hand, don't tell your mother that you're here. -Me: You really thought I was going to tell my mother "Yes mom, I called you to say that I was kidnapped by an asshole and that I'm in deep shit. But tkt not I'm fine ". Yüreğine iner vallah! (She'll have a direct heart attack!) -B: Mr. I call my mother in front of her. She picks up quickly. -M: Kiziim, nerdesin sen? Kaç saattir seni ariyom! (Daughter, where are you? I've been calling you for hours!) -Me: Anne iyim merak etme. Telefonumun şarji bitmiş. (I'm fine mom tkt not. I had more batteries.) -M: Hmm. You're lucky Can's with you, otherwise I was already worried sick. - Me: Can? -M: I called him, and he told me that you were sleeping, you were so tired. But I still wanted to hear your voice for relief. Myth! This guy is a liar. What if I tell him the truth? No Mavi think, if I tell her that I left Can, she will tell me to go home right away.. something I can't. FYI, I'm a pretty free girl. I know it's frowned upon for a Turkish girl to be in a house alone with a guy, but my mother trusts me. She knows very well that I will not exceed my limits. Even if I had come for Can, I was going to spend my stay with him but in different rooms lol.
She had three wishes. Being free of the hate charged towards her by standing up for herself. Getting to kiss the hottest guy in school whom almost every girl had a crush on. And her last wish☄️ Dating him, the hottest guy in school just like every other girl wanted but what happens when her last wish took a twist. Of course she isn't someone to have three wishes in which two of them centers around a 'guy' but as they say 'there's a reason behind every action'. Layla Moremi Williams is an African American who resides in Las Vegas, her father Michael Ajagun Williams is African, a Nigerian to be precise. While her mother Celine Marton Williams is an American. Obvious to this fact, she was mocked by almost everyone who knew of it, she was always taunted and avoided in school for having a black father. The mockery got so deep into her that it left her weak and timid. "What happened?" Was the question on everyone's lips when the weak-hearted Layla suddenly turned fierce and dauntless, ready to crush bones and rip hairs. There's more to the new Layla than everyone knows. The reason behind those wishes is more than the eyes could even tell.
– Yes my baby go ahead, yes I feel you, oh how so sweet, yes fuck me, drive me crazy my darling. Oh push me to the height of pleasure, oh my baby…. – You are so sweet my princess, oh your pussy is so sweet.. – Thank you darling, oh!!! Suck my breasts, they are yours suck them…Oh my God, baby penetrate me well, more than that baby… – Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!! Silence suddenly reigned and Charles, who was the knight, had dismounted and lay down next to Rose, who had a look that did not inspire joy at all. The latter who had stood up and faced Charles had begun to speak. – Charles what is wrong with you, what problem do you have exactly? Charles who did not understand what his sweetheart was saying to him, had straightened up to ask her what was wrong and the latter had continued. “So you think you just made love to me, right? “Of course, my princess. – Don't ever call me your princess again, what the hell is this mess, you climbed on top of me and you didn't even do two minutes and you came inside me, you sweat like the one who did stamina with a cougar. While you haven't done anything, Charles, I'm tired of living this ordeal of this house, because I like to be made to feel like a woman, yes I have to feel that I'm with a man and not with a kid. Even some kids manage to do better than what you are doing to me in this house. Oh really you disappoint me… Look at everything I have, my breasts, my buttocks, this beautiful shape for which men are fighting in the meantime. I give it to you as a gift and you have fun with it, the only position you know is Missionary and that's it. “But my baby, did you change your position and I refused to penetrate you? “Shut the fuck up, are you even tough so I can give you another position? With those words, Rose got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.
He felt like he was empty. He kept crying and screaming. At that moment, he thought back to his words that his father told him “you are a man, a future great type of this nation. A man must be strong” but today he felt like it was just an illusion. He saw his dreams fly away. He had no more hope. Only the salty taste of his tears added a bitter flavor to what he was going through. Where was he going to go? Cry, cry and don't stop crying his inner being told him. Let these tears drain you so that you can forget what is happening to you. He walked without knowing where to go. He was guided by the wind and the loneliness. When, he knelt in the middle of this empty street. This street full of wandering rats. In the dark, he couldn't see anything. Luckily the little torch light on his phone was helping to light him up. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...” he prayed.
Appreciate, smile, cry, laugh, despair, love, lose ... all these words that make you understand how life makes you learn, makes you cross falls of mines that are more and more powerful and long but above all dangerous.Of course with every blow you fall but you always have this person who loves you and who helps you to get up.This is the case of the three young girls Olivia TOUALI, Cynthia GUEU and Maya AMESSAN.They love life as it is and as it comes.
What's going on when a young woman becomes the object of desire for the most powerful man in the country? I just lost my parents in a traffic accident in my care my little brother Idriss and my grandmother Amandine. Without that I knew it, I will draw the attention of Yayi the President of one of the companies most powerful of my country. What will happen in my life? This married man he could fill me with true love?
Rumors said that Lucas married an unattractive woman with no background. In the three years they were together, he remained cold and distant to Belinda, who endured in silence. Her love for him forced her to sacrifice her self-worth and her dreams. When Lucas' true love reappeared, Belinda realized that their marriage was a sham from the start, a ploy to save another woman's life. She signed the divorce papers and left. Three years later, Belinda returned as a surgical prodigy and a maestro of the piano. Lost in regret, Lucas chased her in the rain and held her tightly. "You are mine, Belinda."
"Carroll Brown is dead! But you have to marry him in your sister's name." My mother said to me in a cold tone. My sister was engaged to the hottest billionaire. It should have been a perfect marriage. Unexpectedly, Carroll was dead in an accident. My sister didn't want to become a widow, so she forced me to marry her dead fiance. And I had no right to refuse her. Actually, I was the biological daughter of the Smith family. My sister was an adoptive one. My sister and I had been swapped at the hospital when we were just born. My parents had already had a deep relationship with her. So they chose to sacrifice me. On the wedding day, I was taken to the mourning hall. "Ma'am, please keep Master company and let him feel warm." The housekeeper said with a cold expression. I couldn't help but look up at the portrait above the coffin, and my heart skipped a beat at this glance. The man in the portrait was more handsome than the superstars in Hollywood. Carroll Brown? My dead husband? Wow, he was really handsome! I didn't know how long had passed when my stomach began to rebel. After one glance at the coffin, I swallowed my saliva and then begged with my fingers crossed. "Mr. Carroll, I'm starving! May I eat your pastries? You don't mind, do you?" "I do." "Ah!" Scared, I broke out in a cold sweat. My legs went limp, and I fell to the ground. I shouted, "Ghost!" Carroll curled his lips, leaned over, and touched the black coffin. "Mr. Carroll has risen from the dead. What do you think of this headline tomorrow?"
For three years, Shane and Yvonne were wed, sharing heated nights, while his devotion clung to his ex. Yvonne strove to be a dutiful wife, yet their marriage felt hollow, built on desire rather than real warmth. All changed when she became pregnant, only for Shane to thrust her onto the operating table, warning, “Either you or the baby survives!” Broken by his cruelty, she vanished in grief and later returned, radiantly accomplished, leaving everyone awestruck. Haunted by remorse, Shane begged for another chance, but Yvonne only smiled and replied, “I’m sorry, men no longer interest me.”
Lucien Gray, the young and powerful head of an international consortium, has always had everything within his reach-wealth, influence, and any woman he desires. But when the unassuming Nina Morrison crosses his path, something unexpected happens. She doesn't fall at his feet, nor does she seem impressed by his status. Her indifference sparks an irresistible challenge in Lucien-a desire to conquer her at all costs. Determined to make Nina his, Lucien's pursuit becomes relentless. But Nina's fiery spirit and refusal to be controlled push Lucien to his limits. With every struggle and defiance, the tension between them grows, threatening to shatter the boundaries Lucien has always maintained. Now Lucien vows to claim her as his own. Will Lucien's obsession break Nina's spirit, or will she force him to confront his deepest vulnerabilities? In a game of power and desire, who will win-and at what cost?
Belinda thought after divorce, they would part ways for good - he could live his life on his own terms, while she could indulge in the rest of hers. However, fate had other plans in store. "My darling, I was wrong. Would you please come back to me?" The man, whom she once loved deeply, lowered his once proud head humbly. "I beg you to return to me." Belinda coldly pushed away the bouquet of flowers he had offered her and coolly replied, "It's too late. The bridge has been burned, and the ashes have long since scattered to the wind!"
Kara Martin was known as Miss Perfect. She was a beauty with good personality and successful career. Unfortunately, her life changed at one night. She was accused of adultery, losing her job, and abandoned by her fiance. The arrogant man who slept with her did not want to take responsibility. He even threatened to kill her if they met again. What's worse, Kara was pregnant with twins and she chose to give birth to them. Four and a half years later, Kara returned to work at a large company. As the secretary, she would frequently face their notorious CEO. Kara thought it wouldn't be a problem, but as it turned out ... the CEO was the father of the twins!