Good careers, beautiful houses and cars and a baby boy. From the outside looking in you thought it was perfect. But Leon made one big mistake that cost him his relationship with his one true love. Charlize thought his love for her was unbreakable but never say never because one day Charlize realises that love doesn't last forever or that is what she thinks. Leon wasn't going to stop until he gets the love of his life back. And that's a promise. Every minute of every day she wonders why she wasn't enough for Him. Author: ariesstarz Publisher:EasyReading
"Found it " Jessica said running into the room with a bottle of our favourite wine.
I had just gotten Jayson to sleep in his bed after the rough day we had. Jayson is only 6 months old and just like any young boy he loves his father. But Leon has a demanding job and most of the time comes home just in time to play with his son.
Me and Leon met 6 years ago at a wedding and we instantly fell in love you could say. I promised myself that I wouldn't get in a relationship however when Leon was at the same school as me it was hard to stay away. A baby wasn't really in his plans.
The thing that most attracted me to him was that he had this plan, had his future all mapped out. He wasn't messing around he knew what he wanted and was hungry for success. You try and tell me that isn't attractive.
Last night me and leon were arguing about how he never spent time with his son. I wanted him to create a bond with Jayson but he is too focused on his growing company rather than his fast growing son.
I screamed and hit him and I ended up in our bed alone after he shoved a nights worth of clothes in a bag and left. He had the money to go anywhere, where he would sleep tonight didn't worry me.
All couples argue I know that, but there's only so much I can take. It's either about him not being home or the countless times i accuse him of prioritising other women over me. After all I was just the woman who stayed at home taking care of our son.
I stay home most days with taking shifts at my brothers shop as his co-owner. He doesn't like how i am in charge of taking care of jayson but he was helpful in providing me with a job that i didn't have to leave the house for.
" you can't seriously be happy with Leon " Jess, my best friend says as we watched a tv show in the lounge. I had invited her over to stay the night after telling her the fight we had last night.
This was a usual event for us, every week we fought.
I looked at her " I can't just be selfish Jess, I have my son to think about and he deserves to have a life with his parents, both of them" I tell her.
She doesn't have children so she can't understand that you just have to sacrifice for your child.
" Jayson may only be 6 months but he would never want you to suffer. Leon doesn't deserve you and you're sacrificing way too much for him " As you can tell Jess isn't Leon's fan. At the beginning of our relationship she adored him but recently He has been given her reasons to despise him.
" just think about it at least " she added on as she turned to face the screen again.
I nodded " I will " I replied to her, my eyes falling to my phone. It was depressing that I kept looking at my phone waiting for him to message me. We watched tv for the rest of the night until both of us fell asleep.
I woke up at 5 am when I heard my son crying. He was screaming my name from his room, like he always does when he wakes up from his sleep.
I grabbed my jumper and rushed to meet Jayson who was sat up in his bed.
" oh my sweet baby mummy's here" I said picking his up and bringing him into my chest.
His head rested on my chest as I rubbed his back. His cries we calming down now as he leant on my chest, he could probably feel my beating heart.
Jess joined me in the room with a bottle of milk for him. I knew he needed to be changed and probably was wondering where his father was.
I placed him down and grabbed a brand-new nappy and started to change him as Jess made funny faces at him to distract him.
" you think we can get him into this" Jess said pulling out a black and white outfit from around her back.
I laughed because she always loved dressing him up in cute outfits. When she came to visit me at the hospital after delivering Jayson she already had his going home outfit ready.
She loved Jay just like her own and I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant that she was going to be his god mother. I didn't really have a choice though.
Her face when I asked her was something of a surprised one because I had only found out a few days before that she had sex with my brother. Neither of them wanted anything more but I was annoyed that they wouldn't tell me.
When I called them to the house they thought I was going to be angry and possibly hate them but I actually invited them over to tell them I was pregnant and for them to be my sons god parents.
At the time my brother thought I was having a girl.
" here you try and get him in there" I passed over Jayson.
She happily started to change him. She occasionally tickled him to get him to break out into giggles.
I decided to have a shower before I needed to make him breakfast. My phone was vibrating with different notifications before I could even open the large glass doors.
I found a few images from last night with Leon and his business partner at an event.
Jealousy overcame my mind as I noticed how he was smiling around Emily he was happy. His arm was around her waist.
There was a video of them talking that random people were tagging me in. Leaving all types of comments that were implying a lot of different things.
I had received a lot of messages from friends with advice and support. This is the first time that they had been seen together in the media but for me, I have seen this many times.
I placed my phone down and jumped into the shower. I let the water drip down my body I tried not to be too bothered about it but my eyes were trailing down my body.
He used to love my curves, he would admire my body and he would worship me like I was some one in a million woman.
These days I don't get any of that attention. Now it's on a different woman, maybe my post baby body was unattractive for him now.
Pushing my new found insecurities to the side I finished showering and got dressed.
I found Jay and Jess in the lounge sitting watching a show on the tv.
I smiled. I don't know what I would do without Jayson.
Another vibrate brought me back to my phone.
Relationship on the rocks? Leon appears to enjoy a night away from his family with Emily. See pictures.
It read.
Someone had mentioned me on instagram with numerous pictures showing Leon with that same woman.
As I scrolled through my heart broke when I saw the picture.
" babe? " Jess said standing in front of me as I stared at my phone.
She took the phone from me?and gasped. Clearly she hadn't expected him to do that to me.
Why would he cheat on me. He didn't even have the decency to break up with me before he goes and kisses another woman.
He's lucky we're only engaged, it makes me wonder why he bothered to propose when he would just do this to me.
" Stay with Jayson I'm going to find this son of a bitch" I said walking back into my room and grabbing my boots and jacket. This was the final straw, I was not going to be made a joke by Leon.
She cradled Jayson as she watched me. " I'm sorry babe, you Sure you don't want to calm down first" I could tell that she was nervous of what I was going to do.
" no, can't you see he's taken advantage of me, sitting back and being the perfect girlfriend. I won't let my kind heart let him get away with this" I said grabbing random things and shoving them into a bag.
At this point I didn't even know what I was shoving into my bag.
I messaged my brother quickly telling him to come and bring three large suitcases.
This is him home I don't want to be here. Not where we created this life together.
" I know. Call me if you need anything" she said watching me run around the room.
I nodded before walking out the door and running over to my car. Thank god I bought this car myself and not relied on Leon to provide everything.
It was already 10 in the morning so I knew he would be at the office. I drove to the address and pulled up to the entrance. Not caring I was blocking the door with my car.
I smiled at the doorman. " don't worry I won't be long " I said throwing him the keys. He gulped as he ran towards the car, probably to move it out of the way.
As soon as I walked inside, I noticed that people were staring at me. Some with serious faces and others were probably itching to make fun of me. It truly hurts knowing how many restless nights I spent here at the beginning when there were just 5 employees here.
I walked up to his floor and noticed the alarming look that his assistant was giving me. She jumped out her seat.
" Charlize, he's in a meeting can I get you a drink maybe, coffee" she smiles at me stopping me from bursting through his dark brown doors, leading to his multimillion-pound office.
Didn't know we were on first name basis if I'm being honest. Kelly is one example of a woman who tried to steal my man.
I stared her down " No I'm fine. If he's in a meeting, I'll just wait for him here" I said walking over and sitting on the sofa. I crossed my legs and leant back. My mind was clouded with fury I didn't even feel like crying.
I crossed my legs and waited patiently.
" okay " she mumbled quickly running to her office probably to give my loving fianc�� a heads up. Would be a good idea.
I laughed when I found Jess sharing a video of her trashing his office at the house. My brother could be seen in the background trying to not laugh.
The view count was crazy.
It wasn't long before I saw her walk out his office.
You have got to be kidding.
She didn't make eye contact with me she tried to escape but I stepped up to her. Her alarmed and scared eyes were amusing. I was itching to smile.
" I know you hate me but please don't make a scene here. We are running a business here " she tells me looking around.
Her staff were poking their heads out their offices trying to get a good look.
" Of course, sorry I'm just a dumb housewife so I don't know anything about business" her smile soon disappeared. Even she knows what I did at the beginning of this company.
I made the motion like I was about to leave but instead of just walking away I brought my hand up and slapped her right across the face.
The slap echoed and people gasped, probably didn't believe that would dare touch her. Security were already heading my way, speaking into their . She held her hand up to them. They stopped walking.
" men don't know how to keep their dicks in their pants. Leon didn't have a single
Bone in his body that thought about my family or his son. But I hoped that you would have" I said to her.
She looked slightly guilty but she didn't say anything. Probably lost for words.
I turned around and found Leon standing at the door of his office his eyes showing guilt, sadness, regret and pain.
" you want to do this here or inside" I said standing in front of him. He wasn't making any room for me to go inside.
As soon as we got inside, he reached for me. I slapped his hands away.
" Don't fucking touch me" I shouted at him pointing my finger at him. He didn't look surprised at my reaction.
Leon wasn't stupid.
" Liz please, I can explain" I groaned. Why do they always start like that.
I'm not that difficult, if he wanted another woman we could easily break up and he would still see his son without a problem.
" I've sat back for way too fucking long. Watched you become this man with an office, nice cars a beautiful son and you still want more" I laughed thinking at how stupid I had been. Blind, I was blind.
He leant back against the wall. His hands moving to loosen his tie.
Stressed are we.
" she's not you, I fucked up baby, but I would never choose her over you" he says stepping forward and coming towards me.
I felt sick. Is that supposed to make it all okay.
" Fucked up, tell me something was she just in here, her lips around you huh? I said coming face to face with him.
I needed to vent, scream.
My words surprised him. He glared at me " don't be so vulgar Of course not" he tried to defend himself. Key word, tried.
Probably didn't think I'd go and find out for myself.
I grabbed his belt and dropped my hand underneath his pants.
He stiffened. This proved nothing for me but it was fun to see him squirm.
" you have ruined everything we built and if you think I'm to going to forgive you because you claim to have fucked-up you will need some serious help Leon" I screamed at him.
He held onto my shoulders " what are you going to do leave me. We have a son you're my fianc�� you're mine Charlize " he said bringing me close to him.
I had to laugh. Now he wants to remember we are a family, that he has a son.
Makes me sick. Where were these thoughts last night.
My hands pushed him back, I had no control over my anger, my frustration.
" Don't forget your place" he said lifting up my chin and staring down at me. Last year I would have fallen weak to his charms.
My fingers moved to the over exaggerated diamond ring on my finger.
I knew he was watching. " don't" he said, reaching for my hands.
I turned around and continued sliding the ring off my finger. Once it was off, I threw it at his chest. It dropped to the floor right between his legs.
" I won't sit back and let you treat me like shit Leon. I will never take you away from your son because I'm not a monster but you're going to have to fight for his time. He deserved your time and love but you'd rather cheat on us"
I moved around his body reaching for the door.
" I can provide for him more than enough. What makes you think the judge will let you have full rights to our son" he said just before I opened the door.
His words made me stop.
" you're a intelligent man Leon but that was honestly the most stupidest thing you could have ever said"
With those words registering in his brain I walked out the office. My head held high and my future to look forward to now.
Elle takes a new job coaching an amateur swimming team in the UK. She moves from America all the way to the UK to not only coach a team who needs her help. But to also meet Theo, who coincidently has the exact same neck tattoo that she was given from her grand father. Coincidence or Fate? Author: ariesstarz Publisher:EasyReading
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He watched her with curious eyes. He knew exactly who she was and he wasn't new to the idea of the walk of shame he'd made girls do it plenty of times. After that time I t he elevator both Freya and Alex haven't been able to keep their distance they always seem to end up together again and again. Freya haunts Alex's mind, constantly reminding him that some idiot had the audacity to take all of her and dump her like some old trash, it infuriated him. Author: ariesstarz Publisher:EasyReading
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" you girls wear these sexy revealing dresses making it harder for men, every minute you Arch your back or bend over " his mouth is dangerously close to my ear. I felt his hot breath and I was nearly a weak mess. Author: ariesstarz Publisher:EasyReading
Boys were just distractions right, that was what Alexis believed going into her first year at university. But a deeper connection builds between Cole and Alexis as she falls for the surprisingly vulnerable Cole Hamilton. Finding herself coming to Cole's aid, knocking down every single barrier. Jealous girlfriends are the least of her worries. Author: ariesstarz Publisher:EasyReading
Allison fell in love with Ethan Iversen, the soon-to-be Alpha of the Moonlight Crown pack. She always wanted him to notice her. Meanwhile, Ethan was an arrogant Alpha who thought a weak Omega could not be his companion. Ethan's cousin, Ryan Iversen, who came back from abroad and was the actual heir of the pack, never tried to get the position nor did he show any interest in it. He was a popular playboy Alpha but when he came back to the pack, one thing captured his eyes and that was Allison.
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!
For two years, Ashton had poured his heart into his marriage, yet Emalee's heart remained cold. Despite his dedication, Emalee presented him with divorce papers. She bluntly stated she could not remain married to a man whose net worth was less than a million dollars. Ashton signed the papers, closing one chapter of his life and stepping into a new beginning. Then, Ashton revealed his secret identities: a music mogul, a medical expert, and a martial arts master—each persona impressive enough to stun the world. As Ashton’s true capabilities came to light, Emalee was overwhelmed with deep regret.
It took only a second for a person's world to come crashing down. This was what happened in Hannah's case. For four years, she gave her husband her all, but one day, he said emotionlessly, "Let's get divorced." Hannah's heart broke into a million pieces as she signed the divorce papers, marking the end of her role as a devoted wife. Within Hannah, a strong woman awakened, vowing never to be beholden to any man again. Embracing her new life, she embarked on a journey to find herself and command her own destiny. By the time she returned, she had experienced so much growth and was now completely different from the docile wife everyone once knew. "Is this your latest trick to get my attention?" Hannah's ever-so-arrogant husband asked. Before she could retort, a handsome and domineering CEO pulled her into his embrace. He smiled down at her and said boldly to her ex, "Just a little heads-up, mister. This is my beloved wife. Keep off!"
Her fiance and her best friend worked together and set her up. She lost everything and died in the street. However, she was reborn. The moment she opened her eyes, her husband was trying to strangle her. Luckily, she survived that. She signed the divorce agreement without hesitation and was ready for her miserable life. To her surprise, her mother in this life left her a great deal of money. She turned the tables and avenged herself. Everything went well in her career and love when her ex-husband came to her.
Daisy is the illegitimate daughter of Mr. Hubert. His company went bankrupt, so he asked for help from Drkov's house. They agreed to help Mr. Hubert but with one condition. One of his two daughters must marry their nephew - Atlas Drkov. Atlas Drkov is a billionaire but he is disabled and uses a wheelchair. Yaretzi - daughter of Mr. Hubert's official wife - does not accept marrying a disabled man. She and her parents made a plan. They kidnapped Daisy's mother, threatened her, and forced her to marry Atlas. To save her mother, she accepted. However, after getting married, she fell in love with this man, and so did he. Difficulties start from here.