Miya led a pretty normal life, went to school, hung out with friends you know the norm. But her pretty normal life was about to be turned on its head when she met the gang leader Charlie Wilson. Everyone in town knew who he was and what he was capable of, but Miya was to learn first hand what really goes on. She gets swept up into his life, where things from her past start to make a reappearance, lies and family secrets start to unravel before her eyes. Causing her to wonder, maybe her and this "bad guy" aren't so different after all. Read on to find out if this pretty normal girl, can survive falling in love with the gang leader. Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
It was a lovely day outside, the birds are singing there's not a cloud in the sky, but what am I doing? I'm sat in my kitchen helping my mother with the monthly clean, of the already clean kitchen. It would be alright if I wasn't the only person doing the cleaning, she thinks of these ideas but doesn't like to follow them through herself.
I walk into the sitting room to see my mum, who's meant to be helping, sitting there talking with my younger brother, who also got out of helping.?
"Why am I the only one cleaning?" I ask, crossing my arms as they both look up at me, my brother sends me a quick smirk but changes his face before our mum can see.?
"Your brother isn't feeling well, I have to check up on him," she sighs, putting her hand to his forehead as he sends me another smirk, he wasn't sick.?
"He's eighteen, he's old enough to check up on himself ,especially, when you were meant to be helping me clean the kitchen," I exclaim, trying to prove my point, but my mum looks up at me mouth wide open, oh no she's annoyed.?
"It's alright mum I can help Maddie clean, I'm not that sick," he says standing, letting out a fake cough, which makes my mother push him back to sit on the sofa.?
"No hunny, Maddison can manage she is your older sister," she says giving me a hard look, I accept it and was making my way into the kitchen, but Wilson had to open his annoying mouth once again.?
"I told dad I'd go get him the ingredients for dinner tonight" as soon as those words left his mouth, I knew what was about to come out my mother's mouth.?
"Don't worry about that love, Maddison can do it" she says, I stop with my fists clenched but I take a deep breath in and smile, turning around.?
"Of course, anything for the sick little solider" I smile, Wilson thinking he's won says he'll go get the money from upstairs.?
"Well I was thinking, we're running low on the cleaning stuff so I'll pick some up, but it is a lot to carry, do you think Wilson will mind if I borrow his car?" I ask nicely, I knew too well he wouldn't be happy, he always hides his keys away from me.?
"I'm sure he wouldn't hun, here's his keys," she smiles, going into the draw handing me his spare car key, I hide the key as he makes his way back into the room.?
"Here's the money and the list of stuff we need," he says handing it to me, I smile walking towards the front door, once it's open I hold up his key.?
"Thanks for lending me your car Wilson" I smirk, I see his face full of shock as I walk out the front door, as much as he will try he'll never win.?
I arrive at the shop and I don't know why but I was getting really bad vibes, I try to ignore it taking a basket from the front of the store and start going through the list of stuff I needed. I was looking at the tomatoes, debating whether I should get a packet or just like two or three, when I huge bang like a gunshot came from outside, I drop the basket running out the shop not even knowing what I was doing. I stand in the street where people were running around screaming, like I should've been doing. Out of the jewel shop in front me walk around seven guys holding bags and guns, this should be another sign just to take off running back in the shop but I stood there, frozen staring at them. They run over to a car dumping the bags in the boot while also taking their masks so I could see their faces, one turns clocking me watching them, this was the final signal I actually listened too and took off running back into the shop and hide within the isles. I hear the doors to the shop open smashing following.?
"Come out!" A mans voice shouts, his voice ringing throughout the shop, I quietly walk into the next aisle seeing the doors right in front of me, I take off running and actually make it outside but I'm grabbed from behind and pushed up against the wall.?
"You saw things you're not allowed to," he says in a dark tone, I fought to get out of his grip, I literally thought I was about to die but someone shouts running over, I actually recognised him, but I was way too scared to try and figure out where from.?
"Leave her alone, we need to leave," he says, pulling the guys arm, literally.?
"She's seen too much," the first guy shouts, looking towards me but the second guy also shouts.?
"You listen to me not the other way around, now get in the car," he shouts, the guy lets me go but I drop to the floor not daring to look up, I soon after hear car tyres screech but then silence for a few seconds.?
I stay on the floor, until a woman runs over to me placing her hand on my shoulder asking if I'm okay, but I don't talk, I couldn't get those men's faces from my mind, the man was about to kill me.?
"Can I call anyone for you?" She asks, still trying to make me talk, I nod saying boyfriend I didn't want my parents fussing over me right now.?
"What's his name?" She asks, I unlock my phone ringing Charlie my boyfriend but I pass her the phone, I didn't know if I could manage a whole conversation.?
I look around while she's on the phone, police cars start piling into the town running into the jewel store, the woman who was with me shouted for one to come over. A policeman runs over but I still just look where their car was. The policeman tried to talk to me but I just couldn't, within minutes Charlie runs over kneeling down in front of me, I just wrap my arms around him and started crying, I was so terrified.?
Around an hour passes before I'm allowed to leave, Charlie drives me home in his car, the police tried to ask me questions but I couldn't talk, I was shell shocked. I could have died if it wasn't for that guy, we pull up at my house where Charlie opens the door walking me in, I hadn't spoken a single word the whole car ride.?
As we walk in, Wilson stands up off the sofa both my parents were there, he walks straight over to me.?
"So where's my car?" He asks, but he looks at my face and knows somethings up "you've crashed it haven't you? I told you she shouldn't have driven it" he says, but Charlie cuts him off.?
"Your car is fine you'll have to pick it up later, there was a robbery in that new jewel store, the guys that did it chased Maddie trying to hurt her," he tells them, that's all I could really tell him or the police, without bursting out crying again.?
"Oh, hunny are you okay?" My mother asks, running over to me my father close behind.?
"I'm okay, I just wanna go and have a lay down," I say, slowly making my way upstairs.?
"I'll be up in a minute babe," Charlie shouts,? as I make it to the top of the stairs I burst out crying, I could have died if that guy hadn't had come over when he did, I probably would be here.?
Charlie walks up the stairs placing his hand on my shoulder walking me into my bedroom, where I stay for the whole night.?
I was back in the shop holding the basket of food again looking at the tomatoes, when the shop doors slam open, in walks the guy again.? I drop the basket trying to run but I wasn't getting anywhere, I look behind me to see the guy taking big steps towards me as he gets closer and closer, the shop was getting darker and darker.?
"You saw things you're not meant to," his voice says in my ear, I scream help trying to get out of his hands.?
"Maddie," a voice says, but I still scream help over and over again.?
I open my eyes to Charlie shaking me calling my name over and over again, I look up to see it was morning, I was almost soaked with sweat, wow that nightmare was intense.
"You were screaming help in your sleep," he tells me, rubbing my back I look up and smile saying I was okay "why don't you jump in the shower while I make you some breakfast" he smiles, I nod getting out of bed walking into the bathroom, I knew I didn't smell that great.?
After a short shower, I walk down the stairs where my family and Charlie were sitting at the table waiting for me, I don't speak and just take my seat at the table, which was next to Charlie and Wilson.?
"Did you have a nice sleep?" My mum asks, I just shrug my shoulders playing with my food, the table was silent nearly the whole breakfast, I didn't eat a single thing I actually wasn't hungry.?
"Charlie and I are going to pick up my car now, why don't you come?" Wilson asks, I look up and shake my head, I really didn't want to go back there what if the men come back??
"Come on babe, it'll be good for you" Charlie smiles, I look at him and eventually nod, it wouldn't hurt to go I can just stay in the car I guess.?
I leave the table slipping my vans on, I was about to walk out the front door but my mother stops me wrapping me in a tight hug. I hug back a little opening the door walking out. Charlie shouts he's just getting his keys while Wilson was grabbing his coat, I walk down the path heading towards Charlie's car, but it was locked so I just had to stand there. Something in the bush makes me jump,? I take a step closer to it, fear creeping through my body,I go slow as I make it to the bush a white cat jumps out running down the street, making me smile to myself. I'm being so paranoid about everything even a cat in a bush, I was about to turn but something was put over my head making the world go black. I start screaming as I'm grabbed from behind, while someone else grabbed my legs starting to run, I fight against them screaming help.?
"Maddie!" I hear Charlie shout, but it was too late I was put in what I think was a van, the doors close shutting me off from the world. The car starts to drive down the road, away from my home.?
The ride didn't take long, along the way I take the bag off my head. I was right I was actually sat in the back of a van, as we stop I slam into the side of the van hurting my arm, but I had more things to worry about. The doors open a few men were standing there blocking my exit, I knew if I wanted to escape it had to be now or never. One grabs my leg and pulls me out the van, I swing my leg back kicking him where the sun doesn't shine making him cry in pain letting me go, I take off running the other men chasing me, I nearly made it out the area but a guy jumps out from behind the wall making me fall on the ground so I didn't run into him. I look up to at the man and fright takes over my body, it was the guy from yesterday, I crawl backwards away from him but I'm picked up and swung over someone's shoulder. I came to my senses fighting against the guy, cause I knew if I allowed him to take me in that big scary factory building, I probably wouldn't come back out, across the yard I see the guy I kicked still on the floor in pain, holding onto his injured you know what, at least I took one down but before I knew it, I was taken inside the building the doors closing behind us.?
The man walks me into a little room with only a chair in the middle, I'm sat on the chair as he grabs my arm I cry out in pain, that's the arm I hurt being thrown into the van. He didn't seem to care and tied both of my hands around the back of the chair and my legs to both of the front legs of it, once he finished he doesn't even look at me he just walks out, slamming the door behind him.?
"Don't cry Maddie" I say quietly to myself, I can't let them see me break cause that's they want, I need be strong.?
I'm left in that room alone for what feels like forever, the chair wasn't helping my arm at all, the door to the side opens and in walks another guy, at first I couldn't see his face but it ended up being the other guy, the one that actually helped me.?
"What have they done?" He asks, running over to me starting to undo the ropes keeping me to the chair "I'm so sorry, those guys don't know how to follow orders, I told them to check on you cause of yesterday not kidnap you, I apologise" he says, once he frees my legs he goes to my hands, I stand up walking backwards away from him.?
"I know this is so strange and scary but I didn't tell them to do this, come on I'll get you out of here" he says opening the door standing beside it, I stare at him not daring to move "or you can? stay in here alone again" he says, which eventually makes me start to walk over to him and out the door.? He walks in front of me smiling as we walk down a dark hallway.?
"I'm Brent by the way," he says, while we continue our journey down the hall, I knew this meant he wanted to know my name, he seems nice enough.?
"I'm Maddie," I say, he looks back and smiles at me, while we stop at a door near the end of the hall.?
"I just have a few things to sort out, once I'm finished I'll drop you off home, you can wait in here until then" he smiles opening the door, it had a single bed, a window with bars on it and a desk, that was it??
I take a look at him, does he really think I'm gonna go at sit in there with bars on the window, it's like I'm in some kind of prison.?
"I'll make sure no one goes in there to hurt you, but I need the right time to get you out of here, you understand don't you?" He asks, placing his hand on my shoulder as another man walks down the hall, I quickly walk in away from him.?
"I'll be back a bit later, get some rest" Brent smiles closing the door, seconds later I hear it lock.?
Did he really just lock me in this room, no no no I'm actually in a prison, I run over to the window looking through the bars, but it didn't shed any light, the factory place looked like it was near a dump in the middle of nowhere. I freeze, I didn't know what I was meant to do at this point, I mean if you're put into this situation what is the protocol, is there a protocol? I walk back sitting on the bed pulling my legs up to my chest, with my back against the cold wall, what am I gonna do?
Three years have passed since Charlie and Miya got married but did he make the right decision by continuing being a gang leader after he and Miya had a child Past friends come out the wood work and cause trouble for the couple,when his family is put in danger what's he gonna do Will he be able to keep his family safe? This book follows on from my other book loving the gang leader you don't need to read it to like this book but it would give you a better understanding of some of the characters Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
What would you do if you found out your family wasn't who they said they were? What if you found out your father was in fact a huge gang leader? Well that's exactly what happened to Emily, she thinks she knows her family but she couldn't be more wrong. When her parents go missing she's forced to go and search for them, dark secrets are revealed ,evil people appear who want nothing more than to pull her family apart and maybe a bit of love, she starts falling for her brothers best friend but will all the gang business pull them apart. Will they end up finding her parents before it's too late? Read on to find out This is the third and final book to my gang leader series you don't have to read the others to enjoy this one, but it might give you a better understanding of some parts of this story Enjoy Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
Maddison had heard all the stories about the gang that operates around her town, but she never fully believed or cared, but that was about to drastically change. She was going about her normal day when she witnessed a horrible robbery of one of the stores, being the only witness the gang has ever kept alive, she feels lucky that she can just go back to her normal life.....or so she thought. She's kidnapped and forced to stay with the horrible gang members who hurt and kill people, she soon finds out maybe they aren't so horrible and maybe the leader isn't such a stranger, but her old stalker/best friend who she forgets all about. But he definitely hasn't forgotten her and all he wants is to keep her under his control. She does everything he says, as if she's his puppet and he's the puppet master,hoping by the end she can go home, but he's got other things in mind. Will she ever leave and get back to her family? Or will she always be stuck being controlled by the puppet master? Read on to find out. Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
Taylor Westlake, a girl who had experienced some of the worst pain a person could. Not only had she been kidnapped and attacked by one of the most wanted men out there, she lost her wolf before she had time to even meet her. She was determined to not let that man get away with hurting anyone else, he was going to pay for ever robbing what was rightfully hers. She trains her whole life and eventually becomes an alliance agent, where her sights are set on bringing the evil to justice but also, catching the guy that altered her life forever. That was until she's assigned a new case, the agent that was trained to show no emotion would freeze in the presence of the cruelest Alpha out there, her mate. She can't let this man distract her from hunting down the man that attacked her all those years ago, but her mate will stop at nothing until she wears his claim. Join them on her hardest case to date, The Case Of The Alpha. Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
Synopsis: Erika Parker, this totally normal girl living a totally normal life in her totally normal town. That was until her totally normal life is turned upside down, she arrives home to discover her town is under attack, now if that wasn’t bad enough, it was under attack by wolves. Within the attack was an Alpha, who as soon as his eyes land on Erika, he’ll stop at nothing until she’s under his power. Erika feels like she’s under this mysterious man’s spell every time she looks into his eyes. Ex’s and lies start to fill Erika’s life, all at the hands of the man she locked with eyes the night of the attack. Will she ever be free from his spell? Could she learn to love a monster? Read on to find out how it really is to be, Mated To The Enemy. Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
Miya led a pretty normal life, went to school, hung out with friends you know the norm. But her pretty normal life was about to be turned on its head when she met the gang leader Charlie Wilson. Everyone in town knew who he was and what he was capable of, but Miya was to learn first hand what really goes on. She gets swept up into his life, where things from her past start to make a reappearance, lies and family secrets start to unravel before her eyes. Causing her to wonder, maybe her and this "bad guy" aren't so different after all. Read on to find out if this pretty normal girl, can survive falling in love with the gang leader. Author: Beth Venning Publisher:EasyReading
Janet was adopted when she was a kid -- a dream come true for orphans. However, her life was anything but happy. Her adoptive mother taunted and bullied her all her life. Janet got the love and affection of a parent from the old maid who raised her. Unfortunately, the old woman fell ill, and Janet had to marry a worthless man in place of her parents' biological daughter to meet the maid's medical expenses. Could this be a Cinderella's tale? But the man was far from a prince, except for his handsome appearance. Ethan was the illegitimate son of a wealthy family who lived a reckless life and barely made ends meet. He got married to fulfill his mother's last wish. However, on his wedding night, he had an inkling that his wife was different from what he had heard about her. Fate had united the two people with deep secrets. Was Ethan truly the man we thought he was? Surprisingly, he bore an uncanny resemblance to the impenetrable wealthiest man in the city. Would he find out that Janet married him in place of her sister? Would their marriage be a romantic tale or an utter disaster? Read on to unravel Janet and Ethan's journey.
In her previous life, Kimberly endured the betrayal of her husband, the cruel machinations of an evil woman, and the endless tyranny of her in-laws. It culminated in the bankruptcy of her family, and ultimately, her death. After being reborn, she resolved to seek retribution against those who had wronged her, and ensure her family's prosperity. To her shock, the most unattainable man from her past suddenly set his sights on her. "You may have overlooked me before, but I shall capture your heart this time around."
Kaelyn devoted three years tending to her husband after a terrible accident. But once he was fully recovered, he cast her aside and brought his first love back from abroad. Devastated, Kaelyn decided on a divorce as people mocked her for being discarded. She went on to reinvent herself, becoming a highly sought-after doctor, a champion racer, and an internationally renowned architectural designer. Even then, the traitors sneered in disdain, believing Kaelyn would never find someone. But then the ex-husband’s uncle, a powerful warlord, returned with his army to ask for Kaelyn’s hand in marriage.
Her fiance and her best friend worked together and set her up. She lost everything and died in the street. However, she was reborn. The moment she opened her eyes, her husband was trying to strangle her. Luckily, she survived that. She signed the divorce agreement without hesitation and was ready for her miserable life. To her surprise, her mother in this life left her a great deal of money. She turned the tables and avenged herself. Everything went well in her career and love when her ex-husband came to her.
"Sign the divorce papers and get out!" Leanna got married to pay a debt, but she was betrayed by her husband and shunned by her in-laws. Seeing that her efforts were in vain, she agreed to divorce and claimed her half of the properties. With her purse plump from the settlement, Leanna enjoyed her newfound freedom. The constant harassment from her ex's mistress never fazed her. She took back her identities as top hacker, champion racer, medical professor, and renowned jewelry designer. Then someone discovered her secret. Matthew smiled. "Will you have me as your next husband?"
"Carroll Brown is dead! But you have to marry him in your sister's name." My mother said to me in a cold tone. My sister was engaged to the hottest billionaire. It should have been a perfect marriage. Unexpectedly, Carroll was dead in an accident. My sister didn't want to become a widow, so she forced me to marry her dead fiance. And I had no right to refuse her. Actually, I was the biological daughter of the Smith family. My sister was an adoptive one. My sister and I had been swapped at the hospital when we were just born. My parents had already had a deep relationship with her. So they chose to sacrifice me. On the wedding day, I was taken to the mourning hall. "Ma'am, please keep Master company and let him feel warm." The housekeeper said with a cold expression. I couldn't help but look up at the portrait above the coffin, and my heart skipped a beat at this glance. The man in the portrait was more handsome than the superstars in Hollywood. Carroll Brown? My dead husband? Wow, he was really handsome! I didn't know how long had passed when my stomach began to rebel. After one glance at the coffin, I swallowed my saliva and then begged with my fingers crossed. "Mr. Carroll, I'm starving! May I eat your pastries? You don't mind, do you?" "I do." "Ah!" Scared, I broke out in a cold sweat. My legs went limp, and I fell to the ground. I shouted, "Ghost!" Carroll curled his lips, leaned over, and touched the black coffin. "Mr. Carroll has risen from the dead. What do you think of this headline tomorrow?"