Undisclosed Desires A G.E.M (Government Enhanced Men) series is a romance, action, choose your own path story. The government has kidnapped and tortured children transforming them into super beings to carry out their own agenda. This story follows the bravery of Savion and Shadow, twin brothers and their adopted family David, Melody, Sara and Jet who escaped the government fiends who call themselves the Cloak, which includes five members total. Savion's and Shadow's mission is to protect their family from the Cloak's advances while unveiling the secret plot that threatens to consume the world. Enthrall yourself in this action-packed romantic novel with superpowers.With Savion and Armarria on kiddie detail his twin brother Shadow, as a result, is left alone to do the grunt work which is to locate the next cloak member poised to fill Raul's newly vacant role. As if that in itself weren't enough of a headache, he is also on the hunt to track down a water elemental by the name of Sephora. However, when Sephora and Shadow finally do cross paths he finds that she won't go along so easily as she is on a grueling quest of her own - to find her long-missing sister. While she may be somewhat enamored by Shadow's quick-witted charm it doesn't change the facts: 1) he's a heartless killer and 2) they both have important yet conflicting missions. With nothing but a darkened past behind her and an uncertain future ahead, she has to make a decision about Shadow and soon. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
"Cruelty is a big part of my life. Controlling emotions is the only way to survive. I was taught these ways by the same people who murdered my parents. The ironic thing is now I am hunting them and I vow to kill them. Love is never an agenda. I have never known love or seen it until my twin brother Savion met his woman, Armarria. Of course, I believe my brother to be weak for falling in the mere seduction of a woman, but I am coming to understand I was wrong. Love has never phased me until now."
Shadow walked into the warehouse full of the Cloak flunkies. There were no hints of power anywhere so he knew them to be pawns. They were playing a card game before they noticed Shadow's presences. "What the hell?" One of them yelled, grabbing his gun, pointing to Shadow. Shadow held his hand up. "Now now. Before you can even think about pulling that trigger I will have already sliced your throat."
Another jumped up behind him, placing the tip of the gun to his head. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Coming in here? Do you know who warehouse this is?" Shadow rose his cufflinks. "I am pretty sure I know whose warehouse this is. Have you not heard of me?" He asked, sounding very taunting.
"This is Raul's territory. We don't give a shit who you are. You don't know who you are dealing with."
"Aww yes. I do recall the name. I remember it like yesterday his death, torturous and painful. I wish I had done it, but what I like to know now is who is your new boss." The flunkies looked confused at each other. Were they so stupid? Or did they honestly have no clue Raul was dead? No they must've known he was dead unless they never dealt with him personally. Shadow contemplated all these details. The thugs began to laugh.
"You want us to honestly believe you killed an immortal man?"
Shadow's eyebrows rose as a smile crept on his face. "No. I told you I never killed him, but it is possible by ripping every single molecule from his body until he is no more. I have seen it."
The thugs looked worried now as some talked it over with each other. "Who is your new boss?" Shadow asked again, this time meaning business as unbuttoned his suit jacket.
"You really think you can come in here and demand we tell you the name of our boss?" Shadow pondered over the thought for a moment.
"No. I was hoping all of you would fight me all at once. Maybe then you squeal like a fucking cat and tell me who your boss is." The smug look on Shadow's face infuriated the thugs, causing the one pointing the gun close range by his head to fire.
With a swift movement Shadow moved back before the bullet could put connect with his skull. His super hearing allowed him to hear the click of the gun allowing him to move before the bullet left the clip. He grabbed the guy's arm bending it upper ward, causing the attacker to drop the gun from his broken arm. ?The other thug with the gun at the table was ready to fire his gun at Shadow, but a water lasso surrounded the gun in midair forcing it to slow down and fall on the ground.
Before Shadow could react the thugs were being attacked one by one with this water trick. Furious Shadow snapped the neck of the attacker by him and threw him toward the source the water was coming from behind some crates. "Ouch. Watch it."
A female voice rang out. "Interesting." Shadow whispered to himself. He walked forward to meet the woman, but a thug with a bat began to swing towards him. Shadow stepped back quickly, dodging the attacker. He swung again. This time Shadow grabbed the bat from the thug and hit him across the face with it breaking his neck in the process.
"Hey! I do not appreciate you interfering." He screamed out the woman. Another thug attacked shooting his gun. Shadow took cover behind some crates to protect himself. He disappeared into his surroundings walking up behind the attacker snapping his neck before he even realized Shadow was there. "Come out." Shadow gritted his teeth angry.
A liquefied body walked out from the darkness. Shadow looked shocked as he couldn't even hear a heartbeat, but the liquefied shape showed a shape of a tall fit body woman with small hips and a small waist. Every step she took began to become a solid woman with long wavy black hair that reached down her back to her butt. She had polished white creamy skin with thick full lips covered with black lipstick to match her black leather corset and leather pants attire. The woman would've made Shadow hard as bricks if he wasn't so pissed.
"Who the fuck told you to interfere? Those were my men to interrogate."
She stepped in his face fearless. "You were going to kill them which makes you no better than them." ??He could see her aqua eyes now. There was determination in them with a dash of spiciness. Dare say Shadow liked.
"I know you." He remembered seeing her face several times from his last visit and pictures Armarria brought back. "You are the water element." She stepped back with confusion.
"How have you heard of me?" Sirens began to sprang out that only Shadow could hear. "The cops are coming." He warned calmly. She turned to walk away until Shadow grabbed her wrist. "We are not done here."
They locked into each other's eyes as a lightning bolt appeared in their pupil. Confused by the unfamiliar feeling she melted her hand into water as she tore from his grip.
"Don't touch me."
She attacked Shadow with sharp razor knives. He dodged the knives, but then was caught off guard by her twirl kick to his stomach. He ground sled a little, catching himself in a crouch. She attacked again, with water like shots towards Shadow. He disappeared before the loads of water hit his face. She turned looking around the room for him.
"Pretty impressive." She admired. She gasped as he wrapped his arm around her throat, forcing her down on the ground. He mounted on top of her, with his sword in his hand ready to slice her throat if he needed.
"We need to talk." Shadow said, loosening his grip around her neck. She took the opportunity to attack him with a kick to his back and slice to his chest cutting his shirt. Shadow jumped back off of her before the knife cut through his flesh. He growled low, annoyed.
"This was my favorite shirt." She smiled and blew him a kiss. "I hope I never see you again." He raced towards her to attack, but she flopped on the ground as a puddle of water. He watched her move toward the exit of the door where the police were trying to get in. He frowned, disappearing as he left the warehouse.
Shadow called his brother as soon as he got to his hotel. "Did you find her?" Shadow scoffed. "Did I find her? You forget I am the best tracker around..."
"You lost her right?" Shadow frowned as his brother laughed, knowing him way to well.
"She is interesting that woman. She turned to water and got away."
"Hmmm...must be a very powerful G.E.M. We have to have her on our side. Be nicer Shadow."
Shadow slumped on the bed, exhausted. "I was nice enough. I will find her though. She will not escape me."
Savion laughed softly. "Use any tactics necessary. Take your shirt off and your pants to get her to come back with you."
Shadow quickly hung up the phone on his brother's teasing. He had to admit he loved him this cheery and funny Savion. It was rather annoying, but once Armarria was in the picture everything within him stilled. Shadow couldn't deny she tamed the beast inside him.
He missed his other brothers and sisters as well. David would be eighteen soon. He was becoming a man now. Shadow was proud of him and loved the teen for coming into his own. He trained hard with them, more focused and steady, ready to protect his brothers and sisters from anything.
Shadow noticed David leaned more towards Savion to help him with his social skills than fighting and leaned towards Shadow for the stealthy side of combat. Melody was the next oldest. A fierce introverted damaged soul everyone felt they needed to protect. She was twelve close to thirteen attempting to overcome all her fears.
A smirk crept upon his face when he thought about Jet and Sara. They were the youngest Jet older than Sara, but they were inseparable. He had a soft spot for them all that he protected with everything within him. Which is why he needed the water element. The cloak would be to powerful. He drifted to sleep thinking of how he would capture the water element and bend her will.
The next morning Sephora woke up to her daily routine of jogging to the police station. The chief walked up to her with a sad look on his face. "Any news today on the missing person report?" The chief shook his head.
"Sephora we have been doing this for four months every day. You're going to run yourself crazy. Have you been sleeping? Eating?"
Sephora looked down at his desk. She couldn't give up on her sister. "I sleep. I eat sometimes. How about the lead from the thugs at that warehouse?" She replied, hoping it would be enough for Chief Ross. A sigh escaped the Chief's mouth as he leaned over.
"Are you prepared for the worst?"
Sephora had already thought the worst, but couldn't accept it. "She is out there somewhere alone and afraid. I promised to.." She stopped herself before her voice cracked. "She needs me. She's only fourteen."
Chief Ross placed his hand on her shoulder. "Go home Sephora and get some rest. As promised I will call if something comes up." Sephora stood and walked out the office with an attitude.
As always the police weren't doing their job in finding her only family she had. Then the guilt kicked in. She sat on a bench biting on her nails to keep herself from crying.
"Mind if I sit?"
Her head jerked up to the smooth velvety voice that spoke to her. The man from the warehouse just last night wearing basketball shorts and with no shirt stood beside her. Sephora stood unable to contain her eyes from staring at his chest and up to his face.
"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" She stood in a defensive position.
"Calm down. Once I have your voice stored in my memory it was not hard to find you." Shadow responded simply, with a shrug as he explained. She took a step back from him.
She assumed him a G.E.M already from their previous encounter. She admitted to herself she was intrigued to meet him again considering how long it was seeing another G.E.M.
"You're crazy. That doesn't help me to calm down now that you said that. I'm friends with the chief of police I can get a restraining order out on you."
Shadow laughed. "You would not want your chief of police hurt now would you? You and I both know that would never stop me."
"What is it that you want then?"
He gestured for her to sit down so she could relax. She hesitated, but obeyed as he sat beside her. "I came here for you. Elizabeth Martin is dead and the Cloak are coming after all the children she took from the lab back." Sephora's eyes bucked open.
"My God. I knew the fog on my memories were lifted but I didn't think she was dead. Armarria must be so upset."
She looked at him for confirmation. "She is, but my brother is helping her through it." He confirmed.
"The Cloak are coming after us whether to kill us or recruit us we need all the elements on our side. Come back with me to my home in Mississippi. We have a house there."
She stood abruptly. "I can't leave." She began to panic. "My sister is out here somewhere and I have to find her." She began to run off. Shadow ran after her.
"Wait please."
He caught up easily with his long legs taking long walking strides. "Tell her I'm sorry. I can't leave just yet." She stopped inside the coffee shop. Shadow followed her of course.
"I cannot leave without you. You are in danger." He grabbed her arm before she walked away again. "I am trying to protect you." She jerked away wanting to transform her body into water and just wash away, but people were around staring. No one else knew she was a G.E.M but this man.
"Just tell me your name."
She relaxed, not wanting to make a scene.
"Its Sephora." He held his hand out for a handshake.
"They call me Shadow."
She accepted his hand shake. Their hands touched and the spark between them enlightened again. The lightning bolt sparked inside their eyes again. They jerked away quickly.
"What the hell was that?" She stared at her hand.
"Aww shit." Shadow grabbed his forehead in disbelief.
"What?" Sephora became worried. "What did you do?"
"I did nothing. Can we go somewhere private and talk please?" He held his head again trying to block out the noises. She saw he was uncomfortable and could even feel his discomfort.
Which was odd. She never could feel somebody else before. They walked together quiet until they reached a quiet place at the park. Shadow still felt uneasy and fidgety.
"Are you on some type of drugs or something?" Sephora asked, half joking. Shadow looked all around them.
"I apologize. I am not use to being so exposed like this." She could tell. He looked so out of place and uncomfortable with the people and the sun.
"You don't get out much do you?" She teased as she sat on the grass, drinking her tea. He squatted beside her. His weight being supported by his calf muscles. She looked at him again this time as a man and not an enemy. He had the most beautiful body she had ever seen.
Pure muscle perfection, with slight hair on his chest. He had the blackest eyes she had ever seen with the most serious face attached. Her type of man. His hair was cut on the sides shorter than the cut at the top.
"I do not." He admitted, bringing her back from her trance.
"Now what was that spark back there? It happened at the warehouse and just then."
Shadow hung his head low. "My brother told me this is how he and Armarria connected. A spark between them. He could not let Armarria go after that. It has to be some kind of curse."
"Or a sign they were meant to be together." She quickly added. "Not saying we are supposed to be together just saying for them." Shadow laughed softly.
"Is Armarria happy?"
Shadow looked ahead at the view presented in front of them. "It looks like she is."
Sephora sighed. "That's good. I haven't seen her in a long time. We use to play together when we were little. We were almost like sisters." She held her head down, thinking of her own. Shadow sighed irritated. He could feel her sadness now. He cursed in his mind.
"What happened to your sister?" He asked, through gritted teeth. "She is missing that's all." She dismissed the conversation.
"If you do not come with me I have to stay here in protect you. You may think yourself tough, but there are G.E.M out there tougher than you. You will need my help. I am an excellent tracker. I will help you find her."
She glanced back to him, anger. "I never asked for your help."
He stood mind made up. "I think you need it. I will show you were I am staying." He reached for her hand.
"Now you trying to take me back to your house?" She scoffed. "No thank you. You are fine, but not fine enough for me to sleep with you on the first night."
Shadow looked confused. "It is not my intension to sex you Sephora." He waited for her to accept his hand. If sex wasn't on his mind, then why was it all over her mind.
"Unless you prefer I stay with you?"
She refused to take his hand. "I told you I don't need your protection. I have been on my own for this long now without you just fine." She stood up, patting herself off. Shadow frowned.
"Well here is my room number and hotel I am staying in. I am sure you can find your own way there." He started walking off, leaving Sephora a tad bit disappointed he didn't pursue her more.
He stopped and slightly turned his head.
"What are you doing tonight?" Shadow looked concerned. "I will be attending an underground cage fight tonight to continue my mission to find the Cloak members. Why?"
"Cool. I will come with you. Sounds exciting." She replied, jogging away. "I will meet you in your hotel." Shadow shook his head confused at the woman's actions, but he had to admit he looked forward to tonight.
"It is a date then." He called out to her, watching her disappear around the corner.
The world is full of corruption, tragedy, and disaster. Rape, murder, embezzlement, human trafficking. You name it. There is nothing humans won’t do for money, power or self-gratification. More than that it always seems that the downtrodden and the good-natured always suffer the most. The cherry on top? All this suffering is supposed to be rewarded in heaven when you die…if you make it there that is. Sounds ridiculous, right? Don’t worry you aren’t alone. My name is Jasmine Peters and I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired as the world around me crumbles while Sky Daddy watches from his ivory tower. I was cursed with the ability to read minds and now I’m owning this curse on my own terms and saving whoever I can with it. If God won’t help us… I will.Gabriel: I’ll never understand The Almighty’s infatuation with these creatures. Humans demand so much, but yet they give so little and whatever they are given they destroy. The audacity of this human especially leaves me particularly annoyed. She dares to defy divinity and scoffs in the face of The Almighty when it was divinity that has gifted her with the ability to do so in the first place. Only a creature as lost as a human would be given a gift and label it a curse. Nonetheless, as the hand of The Almighty, I will do as I am asked by tending the flock and heard this lost sheep back to pasture. As troublesome as she may be, I fear there is something much more sinister at play and she appears to be at the epicenter of this chaos. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
As long as God's light has existed so has the darkness, and thus creatures of the darkness--ancient creatures nearly as old as the devil himself. God, however, in all of His mysterious ways, has a plan. A plan that may yet bring enlightenment to one man and salvation to others. Unfortunately, not all participants in His plan are willing, and being volun-TOLD, for anything, is where Ray Segal draws the line. Ray had his own plans and they didn't involve a mythical sky daddy, a shady priest, a beady-eyed "book collector", and least of all burying the one person in the world who always had his back. Now, Ray must open his mind and his eyes to new possibilities and find a way to deal with the harsh reality of his brother's passing. But, to do so means going deep within the bane of his whole childhood existence...the church. Will he find the answers he seeks? And if he does, can he bear the burden of that knowledge? Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
If Amarria Martin knows anything in life then it's definitely heartbreak. Once she meets the inhumanely strong and handsome Savion however, she soon learns that she, like her fierce new protector, is much more than what meets the eye. Overcome with an inexplicable attraction Savion has placed himself in the beautiful Amarria's path - and potentially placed her in the midst of danger as well. Will these unshakable feelings be explored or will she high tail it out of Savion's inviting reach to reclaim the quiet life she has always known? Will their time together lead to an amazing adventure filled with challenges they can only overcome together or will Savion’s judgment now intertwined with desire lead to unspeakable tragedy? Indulge yourself in a world of secrecy, passion, rage and preternatural feats then decide. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
If Amarria Martin knows anything in life then it's definitely heartbreak. Once she meets the inhumanely strong and handsome Savion however, she soon learns that she, like her fierce new protector, is much more than what meets the eye. Overcome with an inexplicable attraction Savion has placed himself in the beautiful Amarria's path - and potentially placed her in the midst of danger as well. Will these unshakable feelings be explored or will she high tail it out of Savion's inviting reach to reclaim the quiet life she has always known? Will their time together lead to an amazing adventure filled with challenges they can only overcome together or will Savion’s judgment now intertwined with desire lead to unspeakable tragedy? Indulge yourself in a world of secrecy, passion, rage and preternatural feats then decide. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
Ken has always hated who he is: a half vampire. His guardian, Allen, encourages the young man to embrace the darkness within. Vampires can’t help but feed on humans. Why fight something that’s a part of you? Ken knows that behind Allen’s charismatic demeanor lies a monster. He also realizes that every step he takes into the world of blood and brutality moves him further away from love and humanity. Ken has managed to carve half a life for himself by refusing to give in to his temptations, but that all changes when he meets Teya. Teya is a lonely college student who is recovering from a painful breakup. After she witnesses several vampires savagely murder her roommate at a frat party, she finds herself in grave danger. She has information that vampires would kill to keep secret and that vampire hunters would just plain kill to keep. Ken vows to protect Teya but begins breaking his own rules as he grows closer to her. Ken has always believed he can never be with a woman due to his nature, but Teya just might inspire him to start thinking differently about his identity and his future. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
Teya never realized how much she would miss the pleasures of having a normal life. From lifestyle changes to relationship altering circumstances to an army of nocturnal, blood-lusting New Breeds trying to sink their teeth into her flesh, Teya needs more help than what she thinks. As her love for Ken grows, she becomes desperate for her fight for normality and begins to search for it. This leads to some interesting finds... Meanwhile, her lover, Ken, is trying to adjust to his new life as well. With the darkness of his vampiric ancestry coursing through his mind and body, he is fighting barbaric nature in order to stay sane. With the threat of the New Breeds lurking, he will need assistance from his father, Kenneth and the Leader of the Vampire Association, Markees, to bring the fight to the New Breeds. Ken, in a blood rage, embarks on a search for the one thing he wants. To kill the one who turned him into this God forsaking Vampire. Author: Shaniqua Hill Publisher: EasyReading
After three secretive years of marriage, Eliana never met her enigmatic husband until she was served with divorce papers and learned of his extravagant pursuit of another. She snapped back to reality and secured a divorce. Thereafter, Eliana unveiled her various personas: an esteemed doctor, legendary secret agent, master hacker, celebrated designer, adept race car driver, and distinguished scientist. As her diverse talents became known, her ex-husband was consumed by remorse. Desperately, he pleaded, "Eliana, give me another chance! All my properties, even my life, are yours."
To the public, Arabella was Owen's trusty secretary who catered to all his needs and served as the primary blood donor of his beloved, who was in a coma. Behind closed doors, she was Owen's submissive wife. Arabella was quiet and obedient, and she endured every humiliation without a word of protest. Rumored to be a neat freak, Owen had tossed the last woman who had dared to kiss him into the river. Yet he pinned Arabella against the wall and demanded, "Give me a child, and I’ll let you go!" Arabella pushed him away and flashed him a cold smile. "You are not worthy!"
The dream of everyone with regards to marriage is to be able to find that special someone and settle down with them. Even arranged marriages grant you an opportunity to meet your partner briefly before the wedding. How will you feel about waking up in the morning with someone sleeping next to you who is not just anyone but your legally married partner yet with no memory of how that had happened in just a few hours of going out the previous day? This is the story of Jason Haward and Julia Harrison, two strangers trapped in a marriage they never planned. The quest to find out why led to the unfolding of a mystery which made them realize they are both living a lie. To find out more, read this amazing story of love, betrayal, revenge and murder.
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."
Rosalynn's marriage to Brian wasn't what she envisioned it to be. Her husband, Brian, barely came home. He avoided her like a plague. Worse still, he was always in the news for dating numerous celebrities. Rosalynn persevered until she couldn't take it anymore. She upped and left after filing for a divorce. Everything changed days later. Brian took interest in a designer that worked for his company anonymously. From her profile, he could tell that she was brilliant and dazzling. He pulled the stops to find out her true identity. Little did he know that he was going to receive the greatest shocker of his life. Brian bit his finger with regret when he recalled his past actions and the woman he foolishly let go.
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!