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The Cursed Gift

The Cursed Gift

6 Chapters
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Karanax, a boy born from two ancient species suffers from a curse placed by Yazar an aqua male witch. In his 16th year of life, he discovered a shocking truth about himself which changed his life completely. Now, he as to face the hurdles of life, with the help of his friends, he shall defect is father's sister, for it has been prophesied that "a child born from a aqua Phoenix and a mermaid shall destroy every root of evil, for he controls the waters and lands". Join Kar in this surprising and adventurous journey into the unknown.

Chapter 1 New Beginning

Unknown POV

It was raining heavily with the moon hiding behind wethe clouds, Lois could be heard screaming while in labour, but the baby wasn't coming out.

A few mins later, Raven came rushing into the room "leave" she yelled at the midwives, and they left immediately

"Take a deep breath Lois" and she did "now will your inner spirit of your ancestors take over you"

Closing her eyes, Lois focused on her powers to will her inner spirit to take over her, suddenly, the moon shined in its fullest and brightest form and at that same time, the cry of a baby filled the room.

"Lois your baby is a boy," Raven said, handing the baby to Lois.

"His curse mark is on his back," Lois said crying, the words of Yazar playing loudly in her head.

" From moons, he'll draw light, from the rain he'll take powers and life will be his weakness and he wouldn't last a minute on earth or in water" Lois cried upon remembering the Yazar words.

"I visited the temple of the gods, and there's a way to prevent him from dying" she stated, upon hearing this, Lois sat up and urged her to continue.

" He can only leave for 16yrs if this step is taken, but if the curse could be broken in his 16th year, he shall live" Raven stated.

"What's the step we should take," Lois asked, Raven was resisting telling her, but she had to "he can only leave if you give up your spiritual essence".

"What are we waiting for, let's do it," Lois said " if we go ahead with this, you'll die" Raven stated.

" I'm ready to lay down my life for my son, what will I have to live for if my son died" Lois yelled.

"I understand, but we fight to finish, we've barely started, you dying now won't help at all" Raven pointed.

" So are you saying I should let my son die when there's a way I can help him?" Lois asked.

"We don't have much time left, it's either you help me or leave, I need to save my son"

"It hasn't gotten to that, I'll help, but I don't like how things are turning out to be, but I'll still help either way. Who'll take care of your son?" Raven asked.

"Raven you are the only person I can trust to take care of him, I have no one else, it's only you that I have. Please take care of him like he is your flesh and blood" Lois said.

With tears rolling down her eyes, she closed her eyes and willed all her powers to her core and they formed a little pearl which she put in the baby's mouth, and she blessed him.

" The moon, you shall control, the earth, you shall conquer, and the ocean you shall possess and you shall be called Karanax" after giving her blessings, three gems appeared on his forehead, but as quickly as they appeared, they vanished.

"Raven you've been a good friend to me, I plead with you, take care of my son, be his mother, his father and his friend" Lois pleaded while crying.

"I will, I promise to protect him from every danger both on earth and in the ocean", with that being said Lois looked at her son one last time and she breathed her last.

"Lois, Lois, Lois" Raven yelled while crying, Lois was dead. Raven carried Kar from the floor and looked deeply into his blue eyes, it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"I promised your mother that I'll take care of you and I'm going to fulfil my promise" she said.

Wrapping she decided to head somewhere safe, going into the water isn't the safest thing to do right now.

* * * * * *

Mira, a land which ran into the throne room like a person being chased by a ghost.

"Azuya, Azuya" she yelled.

"What is it Mira" Azuya-leader of the ocean- asked.

"The worst has happened, Lois, your brother's wife is dead"

"That's a good thing, my dear Mira" she beamed with joy.

"At last a weight has been lifted off my chest" she sounded so satisfied.

"She gave birth to a boy, during the delivery, the child was stuck in the womb because of the repelling spell placed on the curse after it was cast" she started.

"She willed her powers and that of the ancestors of the merfolk to her child, that was how she was able to deliver her child. Now he'll be able to live for sixteen years with the curse" Mira said.

"Only 16 years?" Azuya asked.

"Yes, in his sixteenth year, if the curse isn't broken he'll die"

Displeased by this piece of information, Azuya rose from her throne, pacing the floor, she was feeling a lot of emotions. She felt happy, confused, disturbed and unhappy.

"What are his powers, what can he do?" Azuya asked worriedly.

"He doesn't have a specific power, he can control everything and anything" Mira answered.

"He has the same powers as me" Azuya said to herself a confused expression on her face.

"No, he sure does have the power to control everything in the waters, but he can also control everything on land" Mira said.

"What?" Azuya was shocked.

"That's not all, he's the only one that can destroy you" Mira said with satisfaction.

With this, Azuya lifted Mira telekinesisly and threw her across the room. Hitting her back on the wall,

"hmm" she winced in pain.

"Tell me where I can find him" Azuya yelled.

I don't know where he is or where he could be" Mira replied, the pain from the slam with the wall was evident in her voice.

"I can't sense any powerful energy," Azuya thought to herself.

" He is not in the ocean" She turned to Mira " You are a land which, why can't you find him" she shouted rather angrily.

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