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The Return Of The CEO

The Return Of The CEO

2 Chapters
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Joseph travelled out of the states without any information to Sia. He stayed in a more convenient and better place. He enjoyed it there and never planned on returning back home. He didn't want Sia to find him too, not knowing she had his baby before he travelled. Years passed and Sia was all alone in Perusia. She delivers her child which she called Amy . Sia visits a grocery store and finds the most heartwarming guy in the whole world named Tyler, forgetting about Joseph just like he forgot her a long time ago. They introduced themselves and wished to get along just well. Sia falls for Derek later on and Tyler gets mad at his brother for taking his crush from him. They were both bent on making Sia theirs until the main CEO, Sia's first CEO showed up. "Joseph?" she called out looking surprised at what and who she saw. "I hope I am not late Sia?" Joseph smirked as he glared at Tyler who was by Sia's side. "I have come to take back what belongs to me" Joseph asserted with his hands dipped into his pockets. What will happen now? What choice Does Sia have? Will she go with Joseph, Derek or Tyler? Find out as you read more on Return of the CEO.

Chapter 1 Leaving For The States.

The Return Of The CEO.

Author's POV..

Characters In The Return Of The CEO.

CEO JO: He is the rude, nasty but a lonely

CEO who barely moves around the states

without his best friend, his brother Andrew.

CEO Jo falls in love with Sia and desires

to get married to her but his father refused

saying that he must travel out of the

country leaving Sia behind.

He later travels out but without Sia and later returns but finds it difficult to get Sia back to himself.

Sia: A beautiful female /Lady who fell in

love with Joseph and wished to be with him forever. She tries her best to make sure that he is happy by her and always loved too.

She gets employed into CEO JO'S company and their love ignites the more knowing that they've been each other's crush since high school.

Just when they were about to get married, Jo's father disapproved of her saying that she Is a low class girl and wouldn't make a good wife for his son.

Jo's Dad; the former CEO , the man who

doesn't want Sia and Jo to get married to

each other because of his selfish needs.

He sends his son abroad out of his will

so he wouldn't be close to Sia.

Andy/ Andrew; CE0 Jo's best friend. His

brother and his helpmate. They never wish

to be separated until Jo's father intervened.


Tyler; the new main lead. He is the son of a billionaire who doesn't care about anything else except himself. Tyler becomes the new CEO of his company and wishes to make it better.

Tyler, in the process of finding a better

deal for his company gets to meet Sia in a

grocery store and they both Iinked.

Tyler Becomes Sia's new boyfriend but

not for a long while.

Derek; Tyler's brother, Sia's admirer, A

banker who loved Sia, kind and cool, Sia's

kind of man.

Lydia, Joseph's Betrothed, Evil, wicked,

hates Sia and never wants to see her

around Joseph she was betrothed.

Amy; Sia's daughter, smart, kind , cheerful

and loves Derek, hates Joseph because he abandoned her.

Synopsis: The Return Of The CEO.

After CEO Jo's dad threatened to kill Sia if

he married her, Joseph decided to do his

father's wish.

He didn't want any harm at all on Sia and that was why he had to make the hard


Joseph travelled out of the states

without any information to Sia. He stayed in a more convenient and better place.

He enjoyed it there and never planned on returning back home. He didn't want Sia to find him too, not knowing she had his baby before he travelled.

Years passed and Sia was all alone in

Perusia. She delivers her child which she

called Amy .

Sia visits a grocery store and finds the

most heartwarming guy in the whole world

named Tyler, forgetting about Joseph just

like he forgot her a long time ago.

They introduced themselves and wished to get along just well.

Sia falls for Derek later on and Tyler gets mad at his brother for taking his crush from him.

They were both bent on making Sia

theirs until the main CEO, Sia's first CEO

showed up.

"Joseph?" she called out looking

surprised at what and who she saw.

"I hope I am not late Sia?" Joseph

smirked as he glared at Tyler who was by

Sia's side.

"I have come to take back what

belongs to me" Joseph asserted with his

hands dipped into his pockets.

What will happen now? What choice

Does Sia have? Will she go with Joseph,

Derek or Tyler?

Find out as you read more on Return of

the CEO.


Jo's POV.

It was getting late and my dad would call

me soon which I didn't like.

I was a grown up man and yet he treated

me like a nine year old kid who still needed

his parents around him.

"I would be leaving soon so I decided to

use this opportunity to inform you and your

mom about leaving the states after our

marriage"I announced and I could tell how

shocked Sia was by her looks

"Leave? I don't understand" She stuttered, placing her gaze on me.

"We would discuss more on that soon

Sia, but we are leaving the states

immediately we get married by next

week"I stood up from the seat I was sitting

immediately I finished talking to her.

I bowed to her speechless mom and

gave them both an assuring smile before

leaving the house.

I was glad that at least her mom was

aware of it now.

It was time to go face my crazy dad at

home and I knew it wouldn't be that easy to make him understand my reasons.

I got to the car and immediately, I

climbed into it before zooming off.

I got home very late and I was expecting

the usual from my dad but he seemed

rather calm than hot.

I went straight into my room and

changed to a better night wear. I

deliberated on how to tell my dad about

Sia and when the idea came, I rushed out of my room to go meet him.

"Hey dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" I questioned as I stood in front of him while he was sitting on the couch with a paper in his hand.

He was well focused and distracting him

for useless stuffs might make him curse


He looked up and nodded as if to say sure you can. I took in a deep breath before sitting down close to him.

We discussed about work for a while

and finally, I had to bring up the marriage


"I Want to get married Dad" I spoke out

with so much confidence but with fear hovering on the inside of my body.

"Wow, that's great . So who is she? Do i

know her? I bet she would be the perfect

one for my Mr. CEO" He looked happy and

that alone was weird to me.

He didn't look angry, he didn't look

Like he was going to get angry so I opened up to him immediately.

"She's Sia dad, the girl you saw me

with at the office the other day" I

announced and suddenly, he stood up from his seat looking so furious.

It almost looked like he was going to devour me before I could say any more

word from my mouth about Sia.

"What the hell did you just say???!"He

bellowed and it made me tremble in fear.

"I... I love her dad!" l asserted still on my seat with my eyes facing up as I gazed at him.

"You can never and will never bring

shame into my household. You will never

marry a low class girl Joseph." He declared like it was his own life to live.

He turned around and was about to walk out when I just couldn't take his silly words into my ears again.

"If I can't marry her, then it's obvious that I won't get married at all dad!!" I stated

clearly as I stood up from the couch.

I couldn't stand and watch my dad make

silly decisions for me when I was a grown

up man of my own.

"Are you threatening me this moment

Joseph?" My dad walked closer to me as

he questioned.

"I will marry Sia dad and that is final!!!" I

said to his face without any fear.

I was so bold that I thought I would actually collapse talking to him.

"Marry her!!! Marry her Joseph and

watch me destroy everything you've built

these past years!! Marry her and watch me

kill her in front of your silly old face Joseph!" My dad threatened through his gritted teeth.

"You will do no such thing dad"I whispered violently.

"I see you feel you've grown right? I can't tell you what to do anymore right?" he chuckled as he sat back on his seat.

That was weird because I wasn't

expecting such an act from him. It made me wonder what was going to happen next.

I preferred seeing my dad angry and

yelling than seeing him keep mute and


"Get ready Jo, you are leaving for the

states this night!! You can't be a disgrace to me because of some lowly girl" He announced, making me feel bad.

I felt hot tears threatening to fall off my

eyes at that moment.

' If it was going to be tonight, talking with Sia and telling her everything that happened won't be possible' I thought to


I went into my room and had to shut my

door while I thought to myself for a long

while, in silence.

"It's best I leave so she can live. I

can't put her life In danger because I love

her., I need to help her because I won't be

able to see her cry or die in my arms!" It was one hard decision to make, but I

had to do it for her sake.

" I love you Sia"I said out as torrent of

tears rolled down my eyes before I left for

the states.

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