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5 Chapters
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After the encounter, Leverius imprisoned Demora, on the rest of the Anito camps on the veto of death from which they came out. He combined thirteen amulets to defeat Demora until she could no longer withstand the energy coming from the amulets. With the help of the Albularmen, they closed the veto so that the Anitos could not escape from that abbys. Using the cane held by Leverius with amulets attached to its end he threw the Incantation causing the sudden appearance of stone pillars, and large vines that looked like temples to protect and hide from the evil slaves who were about to release the Anitos, the portal.

Chapter 1 The Conquest Of The Anito In The Kingdom Of Avalonia

Sometimes there is a peaceful town on a green land. All the people here live peacefully on their farms and they happily deal with their neighbors until the day comes that they do not expect.

The quiet town ruled by the good king was invaded by evil creatures, their kingdom. The former peaceful way of life has been replaced by grief and anguish caused by the evil brought on by enemies. So the whole town was enslaved under the rule of the wicked Queen, Demora. The Queen of the Anitos who came from the abyss of death and is now here in the town of Avalonia to rule.

Sampo of her dominions they defeated the king's army. They were all defeated so the king did nothing but surrender. The Albularmen tried to fight but they failed. They could not withstand the strength of Demora and her servants. The Albularmen fought as best they could but Demora still defeated them.

"Surrender! You guardians of this town! Don't fight anymore because the kingdom of Avalonia will finally be mine as well as all of you!" exclaimed Demora while still laughing.

"Even if you win now, it won't last long. The time will also come when you will face the one who will defeat you! Remember that, Demora. Evil will not prevail as long as life prevails, you will pay for it in the end!" brave promise of Ingkong Bagwisan - the leader of the Albularmen while lying on the ground bound and behind him is Demora's soldier.

"There's nothing you can do. I'm your god now and all of you Avalonia are my slaves," she turned her gaze to the king, "and especially you, Eleuterio." She pointed to the king.

With all her strength she wrapped the vines around the Albularmen and she sucked up their strengths until they became skeletal. The hiding soldiers fought in Avalonia and they relentlessly attacked the slaves of darkness with their weapons. Because they are only mortal, the Anitos quickly overthrow them because they are Spirits. The king's soldiers could not hit the Anitos so they were defeated.

Other citizens of Avalonia who were outside the kingdom tried to fight with their bamboo spears, arrows, gulok, itak, bolo, dagger and tail pague but the village chief warned them not to fight anymore but to hide. get away from the kingdom.

"Look now, Eleuterio, what I will do to your daughter," Demora told the king that she would torture his daughter.

The king struggled to break free from the shackles but could do nothing.

"You're really shameless, Demora! You're a demon!" cry of the king mocking the Queen of the Anitos.

Demora was wearing only all black. Its skin is a long cloak that looks like a Trend. Her eyebrows are black, eyelids but her eyes are red. It also has long black nails. She is also crowned with three horns and it has a staff with a human skull at the end and it is also surrounded by a strange Incantation of doing evil.

The Queen touched the hair of King Eleuterio's daughter Princess Tallea.

"Your daughter is very beautiful, Eleuterio. She inherited from her mother. Just in case she passed away," said Demora as she circled around Tallea standing held by two creatures whose head was a goat and whose body was a handsome human.

"What do you need from me, ah? Why are you doing this to us?" the king asked Demora.

"Nothing, I just want to take over the kingdom. I just want to enslave man and suck the soul of a virgin to keep my young face." Suddenly, Demora sucked Princess Tallea's soul until it became skin and bones and fell to the ground because Demora's two servants had already released the Princess.

When the king saw that, he cried out and mourned for the death of his child.

"You are shameless, Demora! You are a plague! You are an animal, you killed my daughter! You are an animal, Demon!" even as the king struggled to break free from the shackles, he was not able to break free from that chain.

The Queen motioned for her soldiers to strike the King to sleep. Demora's soldiers did so and King Eleuterio fell to the ground after being struck on the head by two pawns.

The other Avalonia who were taken captive by Demora's troops were dragged away to be imprisoned. The slaves occupied all the citizens of Avalonia. The king was also put in the cell even though he was unconscious from being hit on the head.

All the colorful decorations inside and outside the kingdom were replaced by Demora with scary, dark and unpleasant decorations. The statues that used to be statues of brave soldiers he replaced with her slave soldiers. She has a horn and carries a large ax. She also replaced the colorful curtains with black curtains. The clear stream flowing on the edge of the kingdom was replaced by skeletons thrown into the stream.

The water tester turned to oil, it smelled pungent and it looked really disgusting. The elegant and stately hall of the King became a hall similar to monsters and witches. The once golden sunlight reflecting through the hole in the wall is now covered with roots and vines. Every wall, mural and pillar of the kingdom is already roots and vines. The former beauty of Avalonia is gone.

And the seat of the Royal Majesty was made the stone seat of the greedy Demora. It sits on the Royal seat that has turned to stone.

"Finally I will be the one to rule this kingdom." Demora sat down on the King's chair.

But she was approached by one of her oracles and they confessed something.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for daring you," said the oracle who approached Demora.

"What's that?" Demora asked.

"According to our prediction, a blazing meteor will end all this," the oracle confessed to Demora.

Demora was stunned and the smiling face was replaced by apprehension.

"A Meteor?" the language is Demora.

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the oracle.

"How can the meteor finish what I worked for? Will the meteor fall here in the kingdom and burn us all?" mockery said of Demora.

"A child will be born when the day comes. He will be a blacksmith and from the meteor he will appoint it as an amulet. Because of this he will defeat us all. He will bring us back to our origin," the oracle explained.

"Who's the man to be a blacksmith? Do you know?" Demora's womanly eyes asked the oracle.

"I don't know. All I know is that he will be born scheduled. I'm not sure if the pregnant mother is in the palace or out of the kingdom."

"Then we should kill that boy! How can we counter the power of the meteor?" the Queen asked.

"Actually, all power does not come only from the meteor but also from the Incantation of the Albularmen," the oracle said.

"Albularmen? Didn't I kill all the Albularmen?"

"Yes, but it is possible to study being Albularmen. I think there are still people outside the kingdom. They already know by this time that the whole kingdom is in the hands of evil. And they will prepare everyone to retaliate here with us. So while they are not yet ready, go ahead of them. "

"I will not allow you to be disappointed. Then find all the people and kill them!" Demora shouted at her soldiers and they immediately moved to look for people to kill.

Demora just sat there confused about what to do.

"I have to be the first to get the meteor before anyone else gets it," she said.

"That's right," the oracle agreed.

"Do you know when it will happen and where it will fall?" the Queen asked.

"I'm sorry. My ability in such things is limited. But if by the time we get the meteor stone you will be more powerful. Through the prayer you wish will be fulfilled. Even eternal life or power eternity will be yours," the oracle's persuasive response.

Demora smiled at what the oracle said.

"By the time it falls, it's up to you to look for it. When I get it in my hands, I will reward you oracles," Demora promised the three oracles and the four of them smiled.

Troops of gnomes scoured the entire kingdom of Avalonia in search of a pregnant woman to kill them.

The king, on the other hand, was still unconscious and lying in a cell in the basement of the castle. Some high-ranking government officials were also imprisoned there.

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