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Ex-wife's Attraction: Winning Her Heart Isn't Easy

Ex-wife's Attraction: Winning Her Heart Isn't Easy

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In their three years of marriage, Chelsea had been a dutiful wife to Edmund. She used to think that her love and care would someday melt Edmund's cold heart, but she was wrong. Finally, she couldn't take the disappointment any longer and chose to end the marriage. Edmund had always thought that his wife was just boring and dull. So it was shocking when Chelsea suddenly threw divorce papers at his face in front of everyone at the Nelson Group's anniversary party. How humiliating! After that, everyone thought that the formerly-married couple would never see each other again, even Chelsea. Once again, she thought wrong. Sometime later, at an award ceremony, Chelsea went onstage to accept the award for best screenplay. Her ex-husband, Edmund, was the one presenting the award to her. As he handed her the trophy, he suddenly reached for her hand and pleaded humbly in front of the audience, "Chelsea, I'm sorry I didn't cherish you before. Could you please give me another chance?" Chelsea looked at him indifferently. "I'm sorry, Mr. Nelson. My only concern now is my business." Edmund's heart was shattered into a million pieces. "Chelsea, I really can't live without you." But his ex-wife just walked away. Wasn't it better for her to just concentrate on her career? Men would only distract her-especially her ex-husband.

Chapter 1 Did You Have Feelings For Me

"Edmund, you and Chelsea have been married for three years. It's time for you to consider having a child."

The door of the study was ajar, and the old man's earnest voice could be heard.

Edmund Nelson responded coldly, "I will never have a child with a woman I don't love."

Chelsea Williams was outside the door, and she was about to knock. But when she heard this, she suddenly stopped, and her gentle face turned pale.

Edmund's voice sounded again, and this time it was a little more impatient. "Grandpa, again, I solemnly declare that Chelsea and I will never have a child. So please stop nagging me about it."

The old man got angry at once. "You brat!" he scolded. Then there was a sound of a cup being thrown to the floor, followed by the sound of footsteps towards the door.

Chelsea hurriedly hid in the bathroom next door. And because she was in a panic, her waist was accidentally scratched by the sharp edge of the sink.

The tearing pain spread throughout her body, including her heart, making her eyes fill with tears at once. But she wasn't sure if she was crying because of the pain from her wound or the pain from what she overheard in the study.

A few days ago, she received a pregnancy test result from Edmund's first love, Diane Stevenson.

At the same time, there was a message from Diane dripping with sarcasm.

"Chelsea, after being married to Edmund for three years, you still haven't made him fall in love with you. You are such a failure!

You are always by his side, guarding him, but you can't win over his heart. You are the only woman who can do such a humble thing. Where is your self-esteem? Or do you still have it? If I were you, I would have jumped off the building to kill myself."

Before marrying Edmund, Chelsea didn't know about Diane's existence at all.

But on their wedding night, Edmund left Chelsea alone and didn't come back all night. The next day, the news early in the morning was all about him and the famous actress Diane. They were seen checking in and out of the hotel.

It was only then that she realized that her husband already had someone else in his heart.

Ironically, even after she found out, she still had the expectation that they could live happily together. He would take good care of her, and he would sever ties with Diane since they were already married. That was why she resigned from her job and became a housewife.

But unfortunately, nothing changed in the past three years.

Chelsea was still immersed in the memories when the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, making her stagger back a few steps.

And she saw that the man who walked in was her husband, Edmund.

He had an indifferent expression on his face, and he looked even colder in his black suit. As soon as he saw her, he grabbed her chin unceremoniously. "Was it you who asked Grandpa to urge me to have a baby with you? Chelsea, you have become more and more cunning over the years."

Before Chelsea could say anything, Edmund's eyes became colder as he continued, "Three years ago, you set me up for you to become my wife. Now, you wanted to use a child, so you can stay with me and my family for the rest of your life, didn't you?"

The expression on her face changed. She pressed her lips tightly for a while before she said, "No, I didn't."

"You didn't? Then why did you eavesdrop on my conversation with Grandpa? You only wanted to confirm if I would agree, right?"

Edmund's eyes were full of mockery, and he sneered, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But you heard it right. And from the very start, you already know my attitude towards you. Chelsea, let me tell you, you don't deserve to be the mother of my child."

Such cruel words from Edmund made Chelsea clench her fists tightly. She was so angry that she didn't even notice her nails had already dug deep into her palms.

She always knew the fact that Edmund didn't love her. But when she heard directly from his mouth that she didn't deserve to be the mother of his child, she felt like thousands of arrows pierced her heart.

For three years, she had conscientiously performed her duty as a wife, and she never dared to slack off.

She thought she could slowly melt his heart through her efforts. But now, she realized that his heart was an iceberg that she couldn't melt no matter what she did.

"Edmund, for three years... Did you have feelings for me, even just a little bit?"

Chelsea's voice was very low, and her body was shaking violently. It was as if she had used up all her strength and courage.

Such a humble question made Edmund feel strange, but it was just fleeting.

Coldness filled his eyes again as he asked back, "What do you think?"

The mockery and disdain in his voice pierced through Chelsea's heart like a knife. She was almost numb with pain.

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