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Alpha Ray's Human Mate

Alpha Ray's Human Mate

5 Chapters
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It was a full moon, the crickets were chirping and the occasional owl hooted in the night air. There was no doubt that I was in the woods, with the way tall trees were situated at every corner in the field i woke up in. "How did I get here?" I muttered to myself, trying to remember how I ended up in this open field. I try to remember the last thing i did, but my memories of the last few hours were hazy and unclear. "What the hell?" I scream, and crawl backward a little after spotting the bodies of several young women scattered around the field. Strangely, they were all wearing the same red, see-through gown, and there was blood on their laps. "What the hell?" I whispered as fear grip me. "Were they kidnapped? Were they sexually assaulted? Are they dead?" The thought of a serial killer preying on these women and then leaving their bodies here was too much to bear. "No, I need to get out of here," I said, trying to stand up, but a wave of dizziness washed over me and I fell back to the ground. "Shit!" I cursed, hold my head, and try to make out whatever was going on. As i lay on the ground with my hand on my head, i suddenly spot a bright light at the edge of the field. The night means that they might be campers, who can call the cops and get me out of her. "I need to head there." I said, and began crawling my way towards the light. I crawled for almost half an hour, and as i get closer to the light, a large wolf and a bloodstained man emerged from the forest and began fighting each other. They both were standing few meters away from me and i just lay on the ground, frozen with fear, unable to look away or move.

Chapter 1 The blood war

Raymond's POV

It's so peaceful; the 21st century i mean. Everything, everywhere, the atmosphere, the people and even the smells are all so gentle, blissful and peaceful.

"Astonishing!" I heard myself saying that as i watch the people from inside my car. They were all so full of life and non of them were sucked in blood or was crying over the death of a love one.

"Wow!" I muttered in amazement and continue watching.

Who could imagine that the peaceful world we all fought so hard for actually came. The peaceful world that the two most important people in my life died for.

"If only they could see how beautiful it is now."

I said under my breath and continue staring at the humans from my car as they go about their day. My personal butler who i have known since i changed my identity and build up a billion dollar company was driving me through the city and to my company.

He is the only human companion i have. But enough about me. I am guessing you want to know what happened to the two most important people i mentioned earlier. And why i said they died fighting for peace.


You see, three centuries ago my father's pack with the help of all six other werewolves pack came together with the witches to fight the vampires caused they wanted full control of the world and the people living in it.

The damn blood suckers wanted to expand their numbers as fast as they can but the only way they could do so is if they attack and bite as many pregnant mortal women as they can during the night of a very rare blood moon.

A moon that comes out every thousand years.

So just like how our wolf strength, speed and stamina are at it's fullest during every full moon. The vampires are a hundred times stronger during any blood moon, and so when the blood moon came up one night, they all went on a killing spree.

I sometimes still hear the screams of some of the innocent children that were slaughter on that unfaithful night.

"Sounds like hell." My wolf softly spoke out to me. Looks like he also haven't forgotten what transpired that night. The cries, the sound of flesh being ripped apart and worst of all. The look on the pregnant women faces when the vampires broke into their homes and slaughter their children and husbands in front of them.

"Fuck!" I uttered with a furrowed brow and place my finger between my eyes. I promise myself that i would never visit that memory because of the nightmares it gives me, but now i just did.


Any way, the night of the blood moon was bloody hell for not only the locals living in the vilages the vampires attacked. But also for us all, who lost friends, family, and mates during our fight against them.

I still vividly remember--

"Hey watch were you are driving!" My butler suddenly shouts at an incoming taxi that suddenly came out of no way and blocked us from going through the one way road. The taxi was also heading to the one way road, but it wanted to be the first to enter it. And my butler being the angry french man he is, wouldn't stand for that.

"You are the one who watch were you are going and get out of the way." The taxi driver shouted to him from inside his car.

"You fuc--"

"Just go through the express way." I interrupted my butler before he could swear at the taxi driver.

"But sir." My butler gruff.

"Don't worry. I am not in an hurry." I said, and continue watching the humans.

"Okay." My butler answered and revise the car. He was now going to take a longer root to the company through the express way of the city, and honestly am glad he did that.

To be honest i don't really like going to the company. Why? Because it is filled with humans. Simple weak humans, who acts the same, look the same and smells the same. Sometimes i even think they are clones the way to talk the same.

The humans now and the humans before are like two totally different species with the same body features. They don't go for hunting anymore, or fight for lands or marry more than one wife like before.

Now they work all day, stare at that four corner screen device they call a phone and watch other humans kick balls around like it's something cool.

The humans lives are so boring and one dimensional now. But hey, it's better to be living a boring life with peace than to be living a exciting one with danger lurking around every second of every day.

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