Princess Claire is the most beautiful, elegant and respected princess among all the seven princesses of Aither kingdom being the king's favourite earn her a lot of hatred but she couldn't care less as she dominate the palace. Falling into a trap one night she suddenly became fiancé to Prince Michael her 'Hansome Savior' but having to move to another Kingdom where she's the last and powerless among the other princesses, Princess Claire fought her way to the top trampling on her opponents and dominating her husband Kingdom. Prince Michael is the last prince of his kingdom with no interest in the throne unlike his three brothers he chose the business world but after an incident he became engaged to Princess Claire, they both have lot of misunderstanding especially about prince Michael first love who he can't seems to get over. He tried to change his fiancee thought about things and ended falling in love with her.
The maids run helter scatter as they search the whole palace almost tearing it down with the sound of their footsteps they were all thrown into chaos as they search the whole palace for the princess it was an important day in the palace and the sixth princess who was supposed to take the speech was nowhere to be found as the king's favorite she has been honored with the task of representing the royal family at the royal initiation ceremony in which every other important royal families will be present but just few minutes to the event the princess was missing and no one has any idea where she i
s, the royal family gathered in the big room waiting for news of the princess the king looked very worried something might have happened to his beloved daughter he was blessed with seven daughters from his seven wives but he has loved his fourth concubine the most since she was the only one who bear him a son so this love was transferred to her two children but the king has always love the sixth princess most because of her outspoken behavior and has chosen her instead of the first princess to take the initiation ceremony of the prince, few hours back she was in her room preparing but then her maids came to inform them that the princess was missing although the palace was big enough the princess couldn't have lose her way in the palace she lives in
"Am sure this is just a drama of hers to gain attention from father again" one of the princesses whispered with a sneer
"The sixth princess has always been mischievous and an attention seeker I wonder what scheme she's planning this time" another whispered to the first
"What if something has actually happened to her?" Emma asked concerned about the situation she's the seventh princess
"Huff, nothing could have possibly happen she's just want to ruin things for her younger brother" another princess said aloud for everyone in the room to hear the king gave her a glare and all kept quiet
"Boston, any news yet?" the king asked the head of his guards
"Am sorry my king we are trying our best to find her" he apologized
"The ceremony is about to begin what should we do?" the queen asked the king and he sighed without no choice he asked the third princess to take over the task and she accepted with a big smile on her face
"yes father I won't disappoint you" she spoke for the first time since all the chaos about the princess started she smile satisfactory to herself, thanks to her fast thinking her desire has been achieved.
Down in a secluded place, Claire lay on the floor with her hands and legs bonded together she slowly open her eyes and scan the place she was in, minutes ago she was in her room practicing her speech and then one of her maid brought her something to drink she drank it and...
She wanted to get up from the floor but it was a bit difficult since she was tied down like an animal waiting to be slaughtered "hello! Anyone here?" she shouted but got no answer
She struggle with the rope but it won't budge she look around for anything that would help her seeing nothing she started to roll herself on the ground to the place where she saw a dim of light after so much struggling she got to an entrance she breath in and out to catch her breath she start another round of rolling till she got out of the place to an open area she look around and saw that she was still somewhere in the palace she heard the sound of music from afar, the ceremony must have started she thought she look around again for someone or something to help but there was none she resign feeling exhausted from all the rolling she has been doing, she can't give up now she encourage herself and made a roll again then she felt something on the ground she turn to see what it was "shoes?"
She look up to see to see a man in a dashingly suit with his hands in his pocket she didn't have a chance to see the face clearly she wonder who it could be
"Can you untie me please?"
The stranger waited a second before bending down to her level he stare at her trying to figure out who she was he had this babyish look that Claire thought he would at least be in his early twenties he looks younger than her and isn't wearing a royal robe maybe he's one of the entourages who came for the ceremony
"Hello mister can you please untie me?" she asked again a little louder
Michael stare at the woman in front of him he wondered why she's being tied down like this studying her dress she doesn't look like a commoner or a maid, even with the dirt all over her body, her beauty was obvious he hesitated in helping her not sure if she's a criminal trying to escape from the palace, seeing the look on his face Claire knew at once was he was thinking "am not a criminal okay am a princess am just in this state because someone played a trick on me just help and my father will reward you" she explained and watch him
He brought out a small pocket knife from his pocket and cut the rope with it he held out his hand to help her up after she got up her smile at him feeling grateful
"Thank you stranger if you can tell me your name I will have my father reward you"
"Who are you and why were you tied up?" he asked ignoring her question
"You look so cute and handsome just my type of man" she said admiring the man in front of her
Michael was a bit taken but quickly snap out of it he felt amused by the lady on front of him "shouldn't you be a bit restrain as a princess? Complimenting a man like that isn't what a princess do, am I wrong?"
"Because am special?" she said making a cute smiling face at him, he gave a small laugh and Claire also laugh with him
"So you here for the ceremony?" she asked dusting the dust off her clothes
"Yes and you still haven't told me why a whole princess is being tied up?"
"Why are you here then?" she asked ignoring the last part of his words
"To save you?"
"Well thanks for saving me then" she said and gave a funny bow "I hate to leave but I must, see you another time handsome savior" she said and walk away, she turn back to him again this time her smile was gone "why not come watch a little drama?" she suggested and walk away from the place
Michael gaze followed her as she walk away although he wasn't sure if she was telling the truth about her identity he felt good talking to her though he prefers restrained woman but she wasn't bad and he love her sense of humor, he wonder what she meant by drama, he resume his walk with a thought of the lady in his mind.
A ballet music played in the background and the people let their body flow to the rhyme of the music, the royal families sat at the high table and smile at the guests in the hall, Princess Zoey's smile was the brightest she has always wanted to do this standing in front of the people both royals and commoners to show them what she's got and now it's happening although Claire planned the whole event she will be the one to take all the glory now and after that she will be recognize by the king for her outstanding duty as a princess
Although King Josh was smiling and keeping a cool face he was worried internally there's still no news of the princess whereabouts the chief guard came over and whispered that the princess has been found, seeing the king's face lightened up with relief in it the members of the royal family knew the sixth princess has been found, Zoey quickly call one of her maid to find out the situation of things it almost time for the princess's speech and she can't let Claire spoil things for her just as her maid was about to leave the room the door fling wide open the people in the hall turned their attention to the entrance curious to see what was going on "everyone please welcome her highness, princess Claire the sixth princess of Aither" everyone eyes became fixed on the door as they wait eagerly to see the sixth princess not that everyone love her that much but she has quite the reputation she was the most favored and beautiful of all the seven princess in the kingdom.
In a royal purple dress mixed with a trail of pink colour, the dress look like one of a kind as it sleeps it way down to her waist showing off the elegant posture of her waist she has the preeminent appearance, with a beautiful crown on her head Claire walk graciously inside the room her eyes fixed she kept a stony face which made her look more appealing to the people her beauty was sure rarest in the whole kingdom her golden brown hair fall down to her waist as she swing them graceful with her as she walk in in a magnificent style with a maid helping her with her dress behind her she stopped in front of her father and bowed to him, king Josh had a big smile on his face as he expected she has left everyone speechless with her beauty which outshines all, the audience start talking among themselves marvel at the beauty in front of them she has really proved the rumors about her being the most beautiful lady to be true, the other princesses look unhappy at the attention she was having to herself some of them show their displeased on their face as they watch as everyone in the hall praise the sixth princess.
Claire after greeting the important royal family in the hall she made her way to her seat near the other princesses she stood in front of Zoey who was sitting on the seat presently and gave a little smile in respect "Zoey you can leave my seat now am back" she said calmly
Zoey look at her with scorn she wasn't ready to move a muscle from there she look like she was ready to have a fist with her the other princesses divert their attention to the two "do you want to leave or should I force you to?" she asked the smile no longer there
"Father already told me to take this position and you have no right to ask me to leave" she bluntly refuse
"I was thinking of asking you to leave my seat only but it looks like I will also ask you to leave the hall as well"
"Who do you think you are to ask me to leave here? You are nothing but a concubine's daughter who seduce the king shamelessly..."
Without allowing her finish her words Claire raise her hand up and slap her across the face causing everyone at the hall a great shock the press start to take pictures of them flashing their lights on them the whole room turn to them shocked at the scene the princesses were also shock so is the king, Zoey held her face as she felt the slap she just received she look back at her furious and with a killer gaze "why? Are you scared to slap me back? You were running your mouth a little moment ago"
Zoey look around her and saw the people watching her if she was to retaliate now everyone would think bad of her action and this may leave her with a bad reputation after the ceremony but doing nothing also will make her look like a weakling and a fool who gets easily bullied by her sister, she calm down herself and change her countenance to a remorseful look
"Sister you could have just told me to leave your seat for you, I was only keeping it since you ran away from the ceremony and didn't show up I was only trying to help sister"
Claire scoff at the act she knew Zoey has always been a drama queen always trying to spoil her before the people and has always envy her status in the palace and besides no one else except her would have benefited from her disappearance right before the ceremony
"Is that why you kidnapped me right before the initiation ceremony, just to help me or to take my place?" she asked her raising her voice for the audience to hear
"You have no evidence to prove I did that, and besides why would I hurt my sister?" she replied still appealing to self-pity
"Because you are jealous of me and want my position to yourself and why would you ask me for a proof when you are innocence and know nothing"
The people watch the drama with murmuring amongst their selves it looks like a big tiff between both princesses the press did not hesitate to take pictures of the happening
King Josh after seeing what this could be all about went over to stop the fight along with his queen "please ladies can we leave this till after the party?" he said his voice lower than ever
"Not until she leaves the hall" she insisted her raising her voice
King Josh look at Zoey who stare back at him not believing what was happening, she was actually being sent out of the hall because of Claire, with fury she gave her a last glare and left the room with her maids trailing after her Claire walk to her seat with the aid of a maid as she sat gracefully with pride obvious in her eyes.
Amused than ever Michael watch the drama in the hall, it was a good thing to have come back to the hall he had left because he wasn't interested in royal ceremony like this being a prince wasn't something he admires and that is why he has chosen the business world which seems more appealing to him, he never had a like for things or event like this but today he was forced to come here because of his father, it's the initiation of the crown prince and Aither being a powerful kingdom than Silverbell he has to be his present at the ceremony
Seeing her now in her royal wears she look really attractive and irresistible and just like he expected her beauty outshines although she has a gentle and innocent look she seems to be rough lady without no restraint and the pride she possesses as the most favored princess is so evident in her actions it would be a hard thing taming her to succumb although this was a task given to him by his father which he really never had interest in but seeing the lady he seems interested in this mission if he had known back then that she was the princess he came here for he would have made his move back then but it is never too late for him he just need to plan carefully and ensure his marriage to her before the ceremony ends.
When it was time to give her speech, Claire make sure there was no mistake and impress the audience with a best speech everyone applauded her and she gave a big smile to appreciate the audience, next the main ceremony which was the initiation took place, Prince Caleb was crowned the crown prince of Aither kingdom everyone hailed and wish the crown prince a long life after the prince gave his speech it was time for merriment as the people enjoy meet together and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Claire excused herself from the room and walk out with her two maids following after her "which one of you drugged my drink?" she asked and stop moving, turning to face the two behind her
They both look down not giving a response, Claire got angry at this and yell at them "are you both deaf?"
"You are both going to spend a long time in the prison" she promised them
"Isn't that too harsh? You are not even sure they are the culprit yet"
Michael walk up to her with his hands in his side pocket seeing him now he doesn't really look that babyish but he's still kind of cute and handsome "am sorry to intervene I just felt it's too harsh on the young ladies" he saw her leaving the hall and has followed after her
"We see each other again handsome savior" she said delighted her expression change from an angry face to a cheery expression
"Yes I guess it is fate" he said more cheerful
"I don't believe in fate" she told him bluntly
He gave a small laugh amused again by her other princess will have readily agree with him "can we hang out together just the two of us?" he requested
She nodded with a smile and turn to face the two maiden still standing "make sure you inform my father am with..." she turn to him for a help with that
"Michael, Prince Michael"
"Prince Michael" she told them and ask them to leave
"So you are a Prince?"
"Why don't I look like one?"
"No, just didn't realize it the first time we met" she explained and he nodded at her, they got to one the rooms in the palace and both decide to stay there to have sometimes together they ask for a bottle of wine to be brought and drink as they talk about different things after a while the two begin to feel drowsy at first they thought it was because of the wine they took but after sometimes they realize something was actually wrong with them after struggling for a while Claire gave in to sleep as she lay on the bed in the room
Michael went over and cover her up he stare at her admiring the beautiful lady in front of him suddenly he felt a desire but quickly push it off, apart from the fact that she's a princess and needs to be respected Michael doesn't feel like hurting the beauty resting in front of him even though the desire he was feeling now is against that thought, he lie down next to her and watch her sleep after few minutes he also fall asleep beside her putting his hand across her body as they both enjoy the night sleep.
Rejected unfairly because she was deemed as useless, incapable and unworthy of being the Luna of the Woods pack. Emily Wilson found out that she is more than her mate Aiden Woods sees her to be. She is the Heiress of not just not any clan but the Nightshade, the most powerful and wealthiest clan. Emily came back as a prestigious guest to the Woods to show him how bad his lost is and Aiden could not help but be captured by her new beauty and powerful identity. But then he is not the only one attracted to Emily, his brother Andre also thinks she's gorgeous and take her hands sweetly in a kiss with a charming smile. So when Aiden comes to ask for a second chance, Emily said with a good sneer. 'You have to be worthy of me'
Abby is a nerdy girl who is best friend with the best playboy in school Huxley Ford. After getting told by her boyfriend that she is boring and that is the reason why he cheated on her, Abby decide to get drunk for once and ended up in bed with her best friend. Hux fears responsibility and try to keep his relationship with every girl just a sex thing and nothing more. In a bid to console his best friend Abigail Zimmerman, he had sex with her and took away her innocence. Hux panicked and decide to be a jerk after the sex ghosting her completely. After few weeks, Abby come crying to him that she's pregnant and freaks Hux out of his mind. After seeing the baby ultrasound image, He change his mind about aborting the little foetus abd decide to protect both the baby and Abby, even if it means going against his Dad and giving up his inheritance to become a pauper.
When Aiden breaks off his eight years engagement with Alyssa, he felt his world coming to an end until Emily came into his life through an accidental encounter and he finds solace in her But then his unsettled love with Alyssa stands as an obstacle to this love as Alyssa wants him back at all cost even if it takes committing crimes Aiden had to fight through with Emily by his side and unravel the mystery behind his older brother's death
Shaina has always feel inferior to her older sister who always steal what she wants, when her first love was taken by her, Shaina decided to outshine her this once and that is to get married before her older sister does. After a night lie, she found herself entangled to Samael, a thousand years Demon who has taken interest in the human world. The Demon seeks a remedy to the growing dark power in him and after accidentally encouter with Shaina who asked him to become her husband for a night, Samael felt he has found his soulmate and his cure. Will the two different beings have a lasting love? Or will their worlds break them apart?
Yasmin Cassidy had a one night stand with her boss and got fired by him, treated unfair, she came back to settle scores with him But for Kyler it's a disaster as he couldn't get his mind off his former secretary who is filling his heart slowly, faced in the dilemma of choosing his wife or the other woman
Rumors claimed that Fernanda, newly back with her family, was nothing more than a violent country bumpkin. Fernanda just flashed a casual, dismissive grin in response. Another rumor suggested that the usually rational Cristian had lost all sense, madly in love with Fernanda. This frustrated her. She could tolerate gossip about herself, but slander against her beloved crossed the line! Gradually, as Fernanda's multiple identities as a celebrated designer, a savvy gamer, an acclaimed painter, and a successful business magnate came to light, everyone realized they were the ones who had been fooled.
Five years ago, Alessia La Rosa's life took a drastic turn when, suffering from memory loss, she wed to Dominic Carter under her grandfather's mysterious arrangement. But their marriage was a facade, bringing her only humiliation and heartache as Dominic showed no love, and she couldn't conceive. Upon discovering Dominic's infidelity, Alessia sought liberation through divorce. Yet, fate had more in store for her. Five years later, spurred by an anonymous email hinting at her lost child's whereabouts, she returns to the city with her twin babies in tow, determined to uncover the truth. As she navigates the tangled web of her past, a surprising twist awaits. Dominic, upon meeting her again, finds himself drawn to the woman she has become, unaware of her true identity as his former wife. Little does he know, the woman he's falling for is not only his ex-wife but also a powerful Doctor and Master Hacker.
My family was on the poverty line and had no way to support me in college. I had to work part-time every day just to make ends meet and afford to get into the university. That was when I met her—the pretty girl in my class that every boy dreamt of asking out. I was well aware she was out of my league. Nevertheless, I mustered all my courage and bravely told her that I had fallen for her. To my surprise, she agreed to be my girlfriend. With the sweetest smile I had ever seen, she told me that she wanted my first gift for her to be the latest and top-of-the-line iPhone. I worked like a dog and even did my classmates’ laundry to save up. My hard work eventually paid off after a month. I finally got to buy what she wanted. But as I was wrapping my gift, I saw her in the dressing room, making out with the captain of the basketball team. She then heartlessly made fun of my inadequacy and made a fool out of me. To make things worse, the guy whom she cheated on me with even punched me in the face. Desperation washed over me, but there was nothing I could do but lie on the floor as they trampled on my feelings. But then, my father called me out of the blue, and my life turned upside down. It turned out that I was a billionaire's son.
After hiding her true identity throughout her three-year marriage to Colton, Allison had committed wholeheartedly, only to find herself neglected and pushed toward divorce. Disheartened, she set out to rediscover her true self-a talented perfumer, the mastermind of a famous intelligence agency, and the heir to a secret hacker network. Realizing his mistakes, Colton expressed his regret. "I know I messed up. Please, give me another chance." Yet, Kellan, a once-disabled tycoon, stood up from his wheelchair, took Allison's hand, and scoffed dismissively, "You think she'll take you back? Dream on."
Charlee was left at the altar and became a laughingstock. She tried to keep her head high, but ultimately lost it when she received a sex tape of her fiance and her half-sister. Devastated, she ended up spending a wild night with a hot stranger. It was supposed to be one-time thing, but he kept popping up, helping her with projects and revenge, all while flirting with her constantly. Charlee soon realized that it was nice having him around, until her ex suddenly appeared at her door, begging for another chance. Her tycoon lover asked, “Who will you choose? Think carefully before you answer.”
Due to the plight of her family, Phoebe had no choice but to embark on the path of selling herself. In an accident, she had a tangled night with Alexander. Everything began to derail, and even if she fled to the ends of the earth, she would still be found by him and entangled... *** Phoebe screamed in frustration, "What do you want from me?" What was this supposed to be? He raised an eyebrow wickedly. "What do I want? You'll find out soon enough." With that, he hoisted her up and carried her back into the office. The door slammed shut with a kick, and he cleared the desk with a sweep of his arm before laying her down on it, his body pinning hers in place, completely trapping her in his grasp. Every cell in his body was telling him he wanted her. He wanted to claim her again. This time, there would be no escape for her-he wouldn't let her slip away. Never again. If he had suffered for five years, then this woman wouldn't get off easily either!