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Teacher and Student Love

Teacher and Student Love

5 Chapters
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Annabel: daddy I want a mommy! Matthew: what about Kylie? she would be a good mommy to you Annabel: Nu daddy she a meanie, I want Jessica to be my mommy and Hannah to be my auntie! Matthew: But sweetie I don't like Jessica like you want me to I love Kylie.... Annabel: but daddy Matthew: No buts Annabel May! Annabel: daddy! -tears up- You have to read more to find out

Chapter 1 Chapt 1: 1st Day Of School

Jessica P.O.V

I got up out of my comfy bed once my clock went off at 6:30am to get up for the day to go to the place that people call hell/Prison that Is call school.

I grab my clothe and went to my bathroom that is connected to my room and took a 15 minute shower and then got out dry myself, and went to eat my breakfast which my is my love and that is pancakes that you can warm up in the microwave.

After I was done I went backup to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I gotten done and went to my car and drove to my best friend Hannah's house so we can go to school and to find out what classes with have together.

So let me tell you about myself, I'm 18 years old, senior in high school at West High School, I have one best friend name Hannah like I mention before, I had a 4 year old sister named Carly but her and my parents died in a car crush when I was 14-15 years old and it was drunk drivers fault! I want to go to college and work with kids and open up my own babysitting job! My birthday is September 16th! That's right Jonas Brothers fan share a birthday with the FREAKIN HOT NICK JONAS!!!

I got to my best friend's house and honk the horn to let her know that I'm here. She came out in this really cute outfit

I parked my car once we got to hell and we went inside the prison aka school and went to the cafeteria to wait for one of the teachers in the office to pass out our schedule for our classes and then when the bell rings to go to our homeroom class.

The principal came down to the cafeteria and passed out our schedule, I went over to Hannah while she was looking at her classes that she has for our last year of night school and then she grabbed my to look at it.

Hannah: Well Jess, we have 4th, 5th, Break, lunch and 7th period together

Jessica: Really just 3 classes together I was hoping we had all the hours in the same classes

Hannah: I know me to girl! Dumbass teachers!!!!

I chuckled at her comment about teachers being dumbasses for not having us in the same classes expect for 3 of them!

( Hannah's Class Schedule)

1st Hr - LifeSkills/Cooking with Mrs. Tate

2nd Hr - Math with Ms. McKinley

3rd Hr - Creative Writing with Ms. Mitchell Senior Lunch

4th Hr - Science with Mr. Knight

Break time

5th Hour - History with Ms. Irwin

6th Hour - Art with Mr. Maslow

7th Hr -English with Mr. Williams

( Jessica's Class Schedule)

1st Hr - Math with Ms. McKinley

2nd Hr - Gym with Mrs Shaw

3rd Hr - LifeSkills/Cooking with Mrs. Tate Senior Lunch

4th Hr - Science With Mr. Knight

Break Time

5th Hour - History with Ms. Irwin

6th Hour - Art with Mr. Maslow

7th Hr - English with Mr Williams

((PS The Teachers ARE made UP expect for 2 people James Maslow and Steve Irwin's Wife.))

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