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He left without a goodbye

He left without a goodbye

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What happens when the guy you have been crushing on finally asked you out?? Then the day you both started dating was the day something mysterious happened to him and you couldn't find him anymore And as fate the both of you met but he couldn't remember you That was the case of BRIELLE ANTHONY Brielle Anthony is a sweet and naive girl who lived with her parents She finally got the chance to date someone she has been having a crush on for long which was JAYDEN WHITE JAYDEN WHITE A cute charming guy loved by all. Every girls dreams. Girls flocks over him but he decided to choose Brielle over them Their day was bright and going smoothly till everything changed Now the question is: What happened to Jayden on that day?? How would she feel when her lover can't remember her?? Find out on this novel It wouldn't wanna miss it

Chapter 1 Brielle's Tears


7:15 AM

Waking up to the sound of an alarm can be so annoying especially when you are just enjoying the sleep

"Grrrr"The alarm sounded again and I was forced to open my eyes,,I grabbed it and threw it to only where God knows.

"Damn,,,so annoying"I muttered rubbing my eyes and let out a loud yawn.

I was still rubbing my eyes when I remembered my crush,the tought of him gave me energy which made me rush out of the bed to the bathroom

"Damn,,I would see his handsome face"I thought and entered the bathroom fully


I came out of the bathroom dripping wet,I used the towel to wipe the back of my neck.

"7:15"I said and went into my dressing room to get dressed,I came out of it fully dressed

I sat on a stool in front of my dressing room pack my full hair into a pony tail and lay edges

I added a shiny lip gloss on my red lips and smiled after getting satisfied with my looks.

As soon as I got down stairs I inhaled a familiar scent

"Yay,, spaghetti and meatballs"I said and rushed into the kitchen where I met my mom

I was still sneaking to scare my mom when I heard her voice

"Morning starlight"She said and I halted my step

"Urn,,mom you spoilt my surprise"I said hugging her and shedding fake tears

"Sorry,baby,mom is sensitive and I heard you say yay, spaghetti and meatballs ball"She said and broke the hug while I pouted

"Ohkay baby,here's your food"She handling the food to me

"Thanks Mom I love you"I said and collected it from her

Minutes later

"Alright mom,I'm off"I said standing up picking my bag and headed outside

I got outside and I met my driver standing beside my car.

"Morning ma'am"He greeted

"No no,I say call me by my name,not ma'am,,it making me kinda look old"I said squinting my face

"Morning elle"he said

"That would be better,, morning sir"I replied

He chuckled and open the door for me and I got into the car while he went to the driver's seat

I know you are all wondering who I am,,well I think a little introduction would do


My name is Brielle, though some people call me Elle,am nineteen,I attend brixler high,am in my final year in high school.i aven't told you all my secret,no way am not gonna tell you,I said it a secret,well I think you guys wanna know,I have a crush on my best friend,yeah like my second best friend,cos Sophie is my first best friend.

Should I gist you about my crush,,no way,,you all are ganna meet him in school.

My crush is very very very handsome,that all I think you should know


"Brielle we are in school"My driver voice jolt me out of my thoughts

"Oops didn't notice that,, anyways take care of yourself"I said and got down from the car

"And you too"He shouted after me and I smiled

"Morning Brielle"some students waved and I waved back with a smile

If you are wondering we are quite popular,and when I say we,I mean my best friend cos there's no students that doesn't know Jayden,he's father is the owner of the school.

I was walking down the hallway when I saw my friends coming.Immediately I saw him,,I almost lost control.

"Damn Brielle control yourself"I muttered rubbing my hands

As soon as Sophie sighted me she screamed and ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug almost suffocating me

"Sophie,I would die at this rate"I muffled

"Sowie,,I was just happy to see you"She said

"But we are together on Saturday"I said and she laughed

"Yha,I just missed you"She said

"Crazy"I muttered

"I guess am now invisible"Jayden voice came up.

"Hi,"I greeted with red cheek

"Morning sunshine"He said and wink at me I swear i almost fainted,he's winks are sexy

We are still staring at ourselves,my cheeks obviously red than tomatoes

"Ohkay guys let's get to class"Sophie shouted obviously tired of the long stare

"Yeah, let's get to class" I said in awkwardness and Sophie let out a chuckle and I glared at her

We all walk to the class,Jayden at the middle me by his right and Sophie by his left,that how we walk.

🗣️ Jayden one night stand

🗣️ Jayden I love you

🗣️ Jayden just look at me

🗣️ Your handsomeness make me wet

🗣️ Jayden date me

The students started their talk as soon as we enter the class,I rolled my eyes and scoffed silently,can't they just shut up

"Gbamm"We heard the banging of a table and all eyes turned to a particular direction

"Avery,,,,damn,,that girl always making mouth on social media about her and Jayden dating."

"Now,listen and listen good,, our parents agreed that Jayden and I are getting married as soon as we get out from high school,,he's my husband to be,so you guys should stop lusting over him,he's mine and mine alone"She yelled and every where became silent

I looked at my side and couldn't find Jayden then I looked towards our sit and find him there putting on a headphone,closing his eyes and resting on the chair head board

"Isn't he ganna say anything,,,does this mean this is true,so I have no hope with him,,his parents wants him for avery"I looked at him heartbrokenly and I ran out of the class tearfully.

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