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The delta force: rise of warriors

The delta force: rise of warriors

11 Chapters
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Alien cyborg's came to earth to archive two goals, to destroy humans and rebuild earth. Many innocent were killed so the government decided to create a special force that is different from other forces ,the special force will be the ones that Will protect earth against the cyborg's called crakas. But not all things can be done with the help of a whole force, so the special force created a team that is strong and fearless.The team is the (Delta force).

Chapter 1 The opportunity

"Please food or money, anything you can render".mike begged carrying a bowl."orphans really have no future, I will give you a dollar". A well dressed trader said dropping the money inside the bowl." Thank you very much".Mike said with a smile."Just get something to eat".The trader said leaving."I really need something to eat ,maybe a burger will do the job".mike stood up and was about to go to the burger shop,but before he could take a step ,someone pulled a dagger at his back. "If you don't want to die,don't scream".

The man warned." Ple...please don't kill me".mike pleaded.The man dragged mike to a very dark place and hit his head on a wall


"Search him"!!. The man ordered

Immediately two boys came out from the dark ,they carried mike and searched all his body.

" you stupid fool".one of the boys said.

"What did you see,drax". The man asked.

" he only have a dollar ".drax replied.

" are you sure that is all he have".the man asked."yeah,he is as poor as a church rat".drax replied. The man moved closer to mike and examined his body with his eye

Until he saw a golden dragon necklace on mike neck. "I don't think you will need this". The man said removing the necklace from his neck." Please,that is all that is left of my parents, give it back "mike pleaded." Do I look like a person that care about that, hahahaha".the man laughed.

"Come on guys let's go".the man said leaving.

" Give me back my necklace ".mike shouted pouncing on the man .mike dragged the man

Collar and began to send the man pitiful punches on his face." Get this animal away from me ".The man shouted. The two boys carried mike,but mike managed to bite drax hand.



" sky,get his dirty teeth's off my hand".drax said in throwed a punch straight to mike face,causing serious injury on his face.

But mike didn't give up,he carried a rod and hit

it on sky arm. "Arghhhh". Mike didn't stop there,he was about to hit the

rod on sky again, but drax quickly grabbed the

rod and send a punch to mike chest.


Mike fell down and got back up cleaning the blood on his mouth.

"You are a really crazy kid". Sky said sending a punch again. Although mike is not skilled in marital art,but he dodged it impressively and

pinned him from behind making sky to fall,mike was about to go to the man and get his necklace but drax hit a rod on mike leg.


"Now you know how it feels like" drax said.

"Let's kill him".Sky said." I don't think will should do that,killing him will be a disadvantage for us ".drax disagreed.

" Yes,we will not want something that will get us in trouble,let just leave him and get out of here. "The man said leaving and drax, sky followed.mike got up from the ground with tears dropping from his eyes." Why does this world hate me. "Mike asked himself.He took his bowl and begun to walk,few minutes later

the sky changed his whether,with a lot of unfriendly winds. Just few seconds later the rain started in a unfriendly way. Mike didn't have any choice but to keep on walking in the heavy rain,no one could give shelter people think of him has a lifeless orphan.Mike enduring so much of coldness, he finally reached the orphanage.

He entered soaked and cold shivering." Mike what in the world happened to you ".mike best friend whose name his Noah asked. But mike was too weak to answer,he was seriously shivering." Why are you all gathered ".Amanda, the orphan carer asked." Oh,mike you're back, now where are the money you earned from the street begging" .Amanda asked. But mike didn't answered. "Am asking you where is the money". Amanda asked again. But mike didn't reply." Don't make me ask you again".Amanda yelled. "There is no money with me". Mike replied."what!!,there is no way you will be out that long without earning something,so give me the money". Amanda shouted." I said there is no money with me,I was attacked by thefts they took everything away from me."Mike snapped. "You will be highly punished for that". Amanda said." Huh,what has he done that he deserved to be punished, is it because you don't have any money to lavish,you're so unfair ".Noah snapped." How dare you talk to me in that manner ".Amanda shouted sending Noah a pitiful slap." Okay,the two of you are punished together,the two of you are to clean all the floor's in the building with a toothbrush, the rest should go to bed now!!. Amanda yelled.immediately the orphans ran to their room's and Amanda left."Dude,you shouldn't have help me,we are now in the same boot of punishment ".Mike said." Mike,you're my best friend, I couldn't bear it anymore,when she blamed you for what is not your fault ".Noah said." Alright then,we better start cleaning ".Mike said."Thanks man".Mike added.

" Dude,where is your necklace ".Noah asked.

" The thefts took it ".Mike replied looking so sad." The necklace was so precious to you".Noah said."l never saw my parents, the necklace was the only thing I had.l did not know anything about them,I don't know who they are, what kind of work they are in to.Amanda only told me that my parents died in the crazy war against the crakas,I don't know what the crakas look like and I never heard of them,all I know is that my parents were killed by the crakas, no matter how hard it is, I will find out about the crakas and avenge my parents".mike said clenching his fist."I now see that we are really in the same boot,my parents died the same way too and all I have to remember them is the audio voice player, I play it always hear the voice of dad and mum,I been hoping to find what killed them too".Noah said." I have something am thinking about ".Mike said." What are you thinking ".Noah asked." Am thinking about the door Amanda called (the forbidden door),there might be something beneficial inside".Mike replied. "Hope you're not thinking of going inside". Noah asked." I'm thinking of going inside".Mike replied."Dude,Amanda told us to never go inside, she said it's dangerous ".Noah said." Since when did Amanda care about us."Mike asked."alright then, but we must go fast ".Noah said. Mike and Noah quietly walked to the forbidden door and slowly opened it." Woah,so many boxes here".Mike said. "There are just boxes and more boxes with each person names on it,borrrrrrrrr." Noah said."Wait, back up, do you just said boxes with each person names on it. "Mike asked." Yes,that is what I said. "Noah replied." Dude are you thinking what am thinking ".Mike asked." That there will be cashes inside ".Noah replied." No,man maybe something about us is inside".Mike said going to the box is name was."Mike wait,I can hear someone coming ".Noah said." Shit,it might be Amanda,let go ".Mike said. Immediately they rushed out of the room and took their brushes pretending that there were cleaning the floor. As there were cleaning, Amanda forcefully entered ,when she saw mike and Noah cleaning she went back." Dude,that was close".Noah said."But also exciting ".Mike said and they both laughed. " man,am feeling sleepy. "Noah said." Why don't we rest for awhile after resting we will continue ".mike said.the two friends layed down and after some seconds they slept off.

They woke up the next day and saw a dark in complexion,bald man in a very strange military cloth's." Hello,my name is commander crugger,am from the secret force,nice to meet you"commander crugger said. "Nice to meet you too,sir" .mike and Noah replied. "What are your names". Commander crugger asked. " my name is Mike and this is my friend Noah".Mike replied. "Why are you in the orphanage". Commander crugger asked." Well,we don't know much about it, but all we were told was that our parents were killed in war against the crakas."mike replied. How old is the two of you".commander crugger asked. "We are both 16 years of age" Mike replied."Now will the two of you join the force and avenge your parents or stay here and become a beggar forever ".commander crugger asked. Mike and Noah looked at each other for awhile and finally came to a discission." We will do it,we will join the force ".mike and Noah be continued.

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