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Chasing the Bliss

Chasing the Bliss

41 Chapters
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"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy." Nightbird The cold wind blows against my face as I read this quote. I gently tucked my hair to the side to keep it from blowing away in the wind. I hugged myself and looked at the beautiful sky. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This time I'll choose to follow my heart. I've been running away for almost 5 years and now I've decided to be strong enough to face my past, not for me, but for my little ones. I don't know what's waiting for me, but for them I will lay down all the cards that I have. "Mommy" I opened my eyes and saw Octavia, one of my twin children, running towards me. "Hi, there my little pumpkin" I carried him inside the unit because it was too cold on the balcony of our unit. "Is it true? Is it true?" he eagerly asked me while holding both of my cheeks "What is it baby?" I laughed at this question "We're going to your hometown!" she giggled excitedly "Dada Calyx said we're going to the Philippines" Lincoln suddenly came out of the kitchen followed by Calyx I narrowed my eyes at Calyx because she took the lead in telling the kids again. I sat on a long sofa and held my four-year-old twins. Octavia's eyes are full of excitement while Lincoln's face seems he doesn't like the idea. "I think it's time to go back. I let you see where I grow up" I happily said here "We'll be able to see Daddy, Mommy?" Octavia's eyes lit up at her question while Lincoln waited for me to answer. "Hmmm, I'm not sure baby but Mommy will try my best to look for him, okay?" "Okay, Mommy" the twins answered at the same time before planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'm gonna pack my things now" Lincoln got off my lap first. "I'll come brother" Octavia called here Lincoln stopped and waited for his brother. He holds his sister's hand as they go to their room. I smiled as I saw my son's gesture. "Are you really going to find Hugo?" Calyx suddenly asked me Calyx Estrada, the man who never left my side since I gave birth to the twins. He's my closest friend/bodyguard for almost 5 years. "Maybe? Calyx, I'm still hesitating. What if he rejects the twins? I don't think I can. I can't see their hearts being shattered into pieces" "Yeah, that's my worry too" he sighed before looking at me again. "Are you sure about this? Won't you change your mind?" "I'm tired of running away. It's probably safe to go back to the Philippines. There haven't been any movements lately, right? And how can I take care of what Mommy and Daddy left for me if I'm not there? I think this is the best plan" "I'm not comfortable with your decision but I'll stand by your side. I also have something to go back to the Philippines" and he sniffled and tried to suppress his smile "You're just thinking that you're excited. Are you still in love? It's been a while" and poked her side "Do you still love me?" I was stunned when he returned the question to me. Do I still love you? Yes, it's not lost. Still here. Every time I hear or read his name, my heart still skips a beat. He is still the reason for its disappearance. "It doesn't matter" and just shrugged. I've been living here in the States for 5 years now. I was forced to leave the Philippines because of threats to our lives. My parents got involved with the syndicate. They borrowed a huge amount of money and they didn't pay, so they hunted them down and eventually were killed. I am an only child and because I was the only one left, I was the one who was searched for and it was broken news that my parents left me a large sum of money but I can only get it at the age of 26. My uncle and my cousins ​​secured my life and the twins. Calyx help them out. I may not have the father of the twins by my side but the men in my life stood as their father. Now, I'm tired of running away. I want my hiding to end because I also want my children to have a good life. It's not that I always move them to different places because of the fear that the killers of my parents will find us. Once I get the money I will pay off my parents' debt. I don't know if that will be enough, but I am ready to help my relatives to build it. I just really wanted to start a new life without fears and worries, not only for me, but for my beautiful children. I held my son's hands as we walked in NAIA. "Dada Primo" Octavia shouted and ran to my cousin. Brother Boaz and Brother Pierce also got out of the car next. "Dadas" Octavia excitedly kissed the cheek of my male cousins ​​while they stopped her "My son is very soft" I said to them "It's because our Octavia is so cute," O giggled when Brother Primo tickled her a little "Hi L, don't you miss your dadas?" Brother Boaz asked my son "We just video called earlier, Dada" he said rudely My cousins ​​came close to me and hugged me tightly. "That L is an inheritance from the inheritance. He looks like he still has a habit" said brother Primo with a laugh "Let me get my baby boy" said Brother Pie

Chapter 1 a Chance

Chapter 1

"Calyxta" Pov

I turned around when someone called me a girl. I sighed when I recognized her, Denise.

"Admit it, are you flirting with Vincent?" this question shocked me

I smirked at her.

"So what if yes?" of course I won't lose if he's cursed, I'm even more cursed

I saw his clenched fists so I made the smile on my face even bigger

"You're so flirty!" and he raised his hand to slap me but I immediately grabbed it

"Uh uh... no touching. So are you forcing yourself on him? You don't want him anymore, don't you?"

"What don't you want? Because you're flirting!"

"If he likes you he won't flirt. If he doesn't want you anymore don't force yourself. You look desperate"

I rolled my eyes and turned my back on her. I had a smile on my lips as I walked away from him but it was immediately replaced by a grimace when I felt him pull my hair.

"Flirt! You flirt!" it shouted and scolded me. I immediately grabbed her hair and twisted it in my two hands

I will not allow you to come home with hair!

I felt him scratching my neck up to my chin. I was about to retaliate with the hands that separated us.

There are many students around us!" he shouted

In my annoyance, I threw my shoe at him and it hit him in the forehead, which made me laugh out loud.

"Aaaarrrggghh" he moved forward to attack me again

"Denise!!" we turned around at the same time to the loud and angry shout

Vincent Hugo Villafuerte

He looked up at me. He looked at me from my messy hair and looked down at my neck. His eyes immediately became sharp and he came directly to me.

"F*ck, do you have a wound?" he grabbed my neck. I was startled when he touched the scratch that looked like it was still injured.

"Ask your desperate ex" I yelled back at him because of my annoyance.

He turned his gaze to Denise and took her by the arm.

"she was the first. He scolded me I was just walking"

I mockingly laugh at her.

"Lie better" I commented on his lying.

"Babe, see he teased me too. He's jealous because I'm your girlfriend" and Gaga apologized

"Ex. Ex girlfriend" corrected Vincent "and I don't care who started it, no one ever touches my Calixta, you understand?" he said emphatically and threw away Denise's arm that he was holding.

Vincent returned to my place. He took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders. Our eyes met as he fixed it in my shoulders. I can see the worry in his eyes.

"Let's go. I'm gonna treat your wound"

"Sorry" he mouthed the word to me and put his arms on my waist as we walked away from the scene.

He took me to his car and made me sit in the driver's seat while he stood outside facing me.

"C, I'm sorry" he said to me and held my hand

"I don't know about you Vincent, every time you break up, I'm the one who fights! I'm just your best friend and I feel sorry for your womanizing" I slapped his hand to let go of mine

He just chuckled and held my chin to face him. Electricity immediately crawled through my body because of what he did. I closed my eyes before I followed what he wanted. I faced him with an irritated face while my heart was banging so loud.

"Yes, I'm really going to stop, Denise is the last, I won't look for anyone else"

"Scam!! That's what you told me the last time your ex fought with me"

"I told you I'll stop chasing other girls if you agree to be my girlfriend" then he cupped my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips which immediately surprised me.

I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips against mine. His lips started moving. He held my nape and pulled me closer to him. I responded to his kiss and hooked my arms on his neck. He angled himself so he could deepen the kiss. His kisses are soft and slow, it's like him taking his time tasting my lips. His tongue is seeking for an entrance so I opened my mouth and let him in. I moaned as he started to taste every corner of my mouth. He tightened his grip on my waist when he heard my moan. I answered his tongue. Our tongues are swords like no one wants to lose. I don't know how long that kiss lasted because we were holding the same breath when we parted.

He brought our foreheads together and his thumb caressed my lower lip.

"See? I know you love me C. So take me as your boyfriend" he said softly

I look at him directly in the eyes. Yes, I know I love you but I just can't risk it. I can't risk the friendship that we have for the relationship that may not last. I witnessed how he would change girls from time to time. 2 weeks is the longest he's had. So what if I agree to be us and then we end up in divorce? It's a shame that our friendship lasted more than a decade

"You know my answer to that, V. I'd rather be your bestfriend than be part of your long lists of ex girlfriends" I told him sadly

He closed his eyes as I started caressing his cheeks.

"I can't afford to lose you in case we don't end up together. You are too precious for me and I can't afford to destroy anything we have" I said as I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Please, Calixta Alana Monteverde, give me a chance. I am in love with you"

He is now sitting beside me on the driver's seat

His gaze is really poignant. His gray eyes are looking at me directly. I couldn't react properly because these were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. When you look into its eyes it seems to take you to another place.

"What? Are you ready?" he asked me skeptically.

"It's okay V" I said to him annoyed "what if we don't stay together? What if our ending is different? Can you promise that we can still be friends? Are you willing to lose this kind of relationship with me?"

"C, I promise not to hurt you. Just give us a chance" he said softly and kissed the back of my palm.

I shook my head at what he wanted. His shoulders slumped and he looked out of the car. I can see redness in his eyes.

"Fine. I'll try better next time" he bowed as his thumb caressed my palm "Just promise me you'll stay by my side, you'll never leave me, okay?"

I smiled and nodded and hugged him.

He took me home to them to treat my wound. We caught up with his Mom and Dad sitting in the living room

"Hi Aunt Arisse and Uncle Mark" I came closer to kiss their cheeks

"Looking Gorgeous as always Calixta" Tita praised me

"So? Any improvements son?" Vincent asked angrily and looked at me casually.

"I don't want to, it's still friendzone" Vincent scratched his head before putting his arm around me

"You're weak with Calixta" he said laughing.

"Sister C" Kim, the youngest of Vincent's triplets, came to me and kissed me on the cheek "What happened to your neck? That looks awful"

"Let me guess, Brother 's ex noh" Ethan also came and gave his brother's stomach a soft blow

"Kinda" I hesitantly answered them

"Vicente! I'm telling you stop collecting your woman! Look at Calixta feeling sorry" Aunt Arisse's sermon

"It's okay Auntie, I made it back," I said proudly

"OMG, tell me the story Sister" and Kim pulled me away from them.

I detailed the story to Kim, he was very angry at what was done to me, which is why I was so happy with his reaction. She is really beautiful no matter how you look at it.

After a while, Vincent also attended us with a first aid kit. I told a story while he was busy arranging the first aid kit on the table.

"Then sister, what did brother say?" and even sneered at the brother

I looked at him and smiled before I returned my gaze to Kim.

"Of course, as always he says no one touches his Calixta"

Vincent suddenly touched my chin and let me face him. He lifted it slightly to see the scratch. I saw him purse his lips and clench his jaw.

"Awww, that's so sweet Brother. I'm the one who will come and tell my kim" he was still depressed watching how his brother would treat me.

"Awww" I flinched as the alcohol touched the scratch

"Tssk, it's really annoying! It's a trick because it's not allowed to retaliate when it's a girl" he said angrily

He continued what he was doing until it was finished. He held my hand and put it on his cheeks.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. We didn't talk but our eyes and our hearts have their own special way to communicate.

I am satisfied with this. Knowing I have him by my side to hold and to protect me. It's too much if I ask for more than this.

I'm willing to love him silently than to lose him permanently.

His my bliss and I'll keep him in ways I won't lose him.

"Hi, Alana" I turned to Jack angrily when he called me by my second name

"Stop calling me by my 2nd name"

"Why? It's beautiful like you"

"I don't know about you, tomorrow morning you have the strength to flatter" I led him to walk

"Hey, just wait. Here for you" he handed me a stalk of red rose.

I smiled as I saw the rose.

"Thank you. That's so sweet of you" and accepted that. I closed my eyes and immediately smelled it.

"So? When are you going to answer me?" it squeals again

"I told you Jack, I have no intention of having a boyfriend. I have been asking you to stop flirting with me for a long time. I can only offer friendship" and patted his shoulder gently.

"Just, I'll make sure I can get you too" and put his arm around me going to our building.

Jack is one of my closest friends. He's only 15 years old and he's flirting with me now. I'm 19 already but I really have no intention of answering any suitor because someone already owns my heart. I already closed the door for the other men. I have no problem making friends. I am a friendly person, that's why I know many people even in other courses and schools.

We are walking and laughing when I see a familiar face walking towards us. I waved and smiled at Vincent. He looked at me with his bloodshot eyes and then walked away from me.

I was confused so I quickly chased after him

"V!" I shouted but he didn't look at me. "Vincent" "Hugo" "Villafuerte" I called all his names but he still didn't look at me. "Vincet Hugo Villafuerte I shouted his full name but he still didn't look at me. I grabbed the attention of all the students in the hallway.

He suddenly stopped in front of Athena, the girl he often paired up with. Suprised is written all over Athena's face. I slowly walk as Vincent suddenly held Athena's jaw and pulled her for a kiss.

I can hear students gasp and murmurs. My eyes are attached on how they kiss each other as if there is no other person in the corridor.

My heart aches while seeing the man I love kissing someone else. I continued walking towards their direction. Some students were looking at me. I just bowed until I passed them. Hiding the tears that fell one after another.

I took a deep breath while wiping my tears when I sat down in the open field of our school.

"Why are you crying? Didn't you go shopping? It wasn't your choice to be his best friend so what else do you expect! Knowing Vincent he can't be bothered without a woman! You're not used to him always being like that! So stop Calixta! ! You love him but you don't own him!" I scolded myself for crying "It can hurt, I probably love it" I eased my feelings.

I stayed for almost 30 minutes in that field just to lighten my heart. I didn't go to the first class because I knew my eyes would close from crying.k

To Be Continued...

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Latest Release: Chapter 41 wedding night   09-01 18:54
1 Chapter 1 a Chance
3 Chapter 3 Jealous
7 Chapter 7 Your Love
10 Chapter 10 The twins
13 Chapter 13 My office
15 Chapter 15 be jealous
18 Chapter 18 My family
19 Chapter 19 The Morning
22 Chapter 22 My past
24 Chapter 24 the moment
28 Chapter 28 My Home
31 Chapter 31 my courage
38 Chapter 38 the office
39 Chapter 39 His kisses
40 Chapter 40 the DNA
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