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The Tormented Omega

The Tormented Omega

82 Chapters
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Maltreated and taken advantage of.That was the only definition an Omega, Isabella’s life had, until fate gave her a new reason to live and a new family to go along with the reason. She left her tormentor’s pack with the greatest gift she could never have imagined, and her life was going great with her new wealthy background until the past surfaced.Going broke and unable to care for his pack, Darian had no other choice than to seek out help from who he least expect it to be. Isabella, his past conquest.The tormentor and the tormented, how awkward could it be in a room?Should Isabella act like she had been treated to Darian or overlook his past mistakes simply because they have a child together?No! It doesn’t seem as easy as it sounds, or perhaps, there is always a way to make things work for both parties.

Chapter 1 Isabella

"Oh no no no! How could this happen!" Isabella paces around her basement room with tears in her eyes, streaming down her face like morning dew.After throwing up the little lunch she took, a was definitely convinced that she was pregnant. For the past two weeks she has been throwing up whatever little food the Alpha of her pack allow her to take. At first she thought of it as stomach bug, but it was different on this day.It was continuous, it was frequent.

She could not hold down her breakfast or lunch, the only two meals she was allowed in a day.Isabella knew it would be disastrous for her reputation and standing in the pack if the news of her pregnancy got out. She was not married, and the father of the child was not her mate. She knew she had to do something about it and fast.She thought about her options and decided that terminating the pregnancy was the only way out. She was not ready to face the shame and ridicule that would come with being an unwed mother.To top it off, she could never tell her impregnate about the child,that would mean death. A quick one."Alpha Darian must not know." She lamented, putting her hands in her mouth to prevent her sobbing sound from getting out.Alpha Darian was cruel, ruthless and not afraid to take what she wants when he wants it, and that was what led Isabella to her current predicament.He likes to play around, especially with weak Omegas like herself, so telling him that she was pregnant with his child would earn her nothing but disgrace, harassment then an eventual death.Isabella knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to get rid of the pregnancy. She couldn't risk anyone finding out, not even her closest friends. She paced around the room, her mind racing with thoughts of what to do.She remembered hearing stories of a witch who lived in the outskirts of the forest. Many people in the pack believed that she had supernatural powers and could grant wishes for a price. Isabella knew that seeking the help of a witch was risky, but she had no other choice.With trembling hands, she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note asking for the witch's help. She folded the note carefully and placed it under a rock near the forest's edge, where the witch was known to leave her responses.The next day, Isabella checked the spot where she had left the note and found no reply. All her hopes went into shambles like that."Isabella..." Darian called out in a sing-song voice in the night, walking towards the basement where the Omegas belong.Isabella trembled in her spot where she sat, Darian hated it when they spoke or fight back.She kept her head bowed as he entered."Did you miss me?" He questioned, placing his hand at the bottom of her chin, urging her to look into his eyes.All Isabella saw in those ocean blue eyes was cruelty of the highest order, but she was not the one with the upper hand, so she nodded."Good, I miss you too, it has been two weeks, and I need you now." With those words, Darian forced her to her knees, to get her to suck him off.The act that was supposed to give her pleasure now made her want to puke.Isabella closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She never wanted her life so badly."That's it, baby girl." Darian moaned, feeling her warm, soft lips sucking him.Isabella did not look up, she could not, it would make her remember those eyes and she could not bear to see them now."You like this, don't you?" Darian asked, she did not reply, she just continued to suck on him."Answer me, bitch." Darian growled, lifting her chin to make her look up at him.She hated the way he called her that, but she loved it at the same time. She wanted to slap him, to make him feel how she felt, but she knew that would only earn her another beating."Yes, Alpha." She replied, then her eyes ventured lower and she saw something she definitely did not like."Stop." Isabella said, her voice shaking.Darian's eyes fell on what she was looking at.On his shaft below his glans, was a small ring, it was black and there was something moving inside what looked like a small mouth."Isabella, finish me off." Darian ordered, his voice hoarse with pleasure."No!" She said, taking her finger to place it on the ring, but Darian pushed her away."You slut!" He yelled, holding his now flaccid penis.Isabella quickly ran up the stairs to her room, with Darian close on her heels."Bitch!" He hit her hard with the back of his hand.The sound of the slap echoed in the small basement room, Isabella's body slammed against the wall and she fell to the floor.Darian slapped her again, then he slapped her another time, buy he realized that she could die and that would make him lose his plaything, so he stopped."You belong to me Omega!" His voice boomed through the basement and in one single turn he left.Isabella was mortified by what just happened, she couldn't take it anymore, so she set her plan into motion, she was going to run away from the wretched pack she called home.Her weeping was the only lullaby that lulled her to sleep that night, but with the intention of running away the next.She quickly got to her chores the next day, she could feel the life slowly growing inside of her, the connection was there, she was even surprised that she did not lose the baby with the activities she has to endure the previous night.The kitchen? She made it sparkly clean, but as she was about to exit it, the Luna came in."This place is unclean, Omega, clean it again." She sneered at Isabella who didn't grumble. She simply cleaned it again, almost with joy bubbling in her heart.The night fell quickly than Isabella anticipated, but was all good for her plans.She took a little bag, gathered the essentials she thought she might need while on the run, then she sneaked out of the basement and made a run for the woods.For an Omega, the weakest of all wolves, she ran like her life depended upon it. It did depend upon it and she has every intention of saving herself.Carefully, but steadily she treaded the woods and was almost at the border the pack shared with the outside world when she heard a voice. A loud, booming voice."Stop right there! Where do you think you're going?" It was the warrior on patrol, she could not turn back. No.She never ever want that kind of life ever again so she dis the one thing she planned on. Run.She was able to escape, but sharing a life with another was a burden on its own and it was taking a toll on her, she saw a clearing to rest in, but the moment she laid down, her exhaustion caught up to her.Two old people were strolling out their garden when they heard rustling in the patches of forest behind them, surprised, they decided to check it out."Oh Richard, it's a child!" The woman gasped, putting her hands on her mouth."Not just a child, a pup, an Omega pup." Richard clarified with a subtle shake of his head.Their conversation was the last Isabella had before she gave in to the darkness to consume her.

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Latest Release: Chapter 82 Unknown Enemies   12-18 10:09
5 Chapter 5 Five
6 Chapter 6 Six
7 Chapter 7 Seven
8 Chapter 8 Eight
9 Chapter 9 Nine
10 Chapter 10 Ten
11 Chapter 11 The Wind
12 Chapter 12 Sam
13 Chapter 13 Met Before
16 Chapter 16 Rogues
17 Chapter 17 Captured
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20 Chapter 20 Awoke
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