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The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone

The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone

14 Chapters
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Gerald is on his way driving to school, when a portal appears on the road in front of his car and due to the speed he is driving, he enters the portal and finds himself in another ancient but beautiful world. he finds out he has magical powers. In this new world, he is in, the people that seek to capture him are many, but why?! Find out as you read the book..

Chapter 1 No.1

" Gerald breakfast is ready and mind you, if you don't come downstairs right now you'll be late for school, " Gerald's mom called out from downstairs to Gerald who was upstairs getting ready in his room.

" I'll be right down in a sec Mom, " Gerald answered from his room loud enough for his mom to hear... He took a last look at himself and put his necklace inside the shirt of his school uniform.

After that, he grabbed his school bag and car keys before dashing downstairs. If there was anything he hated the most, it was going to school late.

He didn't want people in school to notice him any more than they already did because he was already an object of ridicule in school, where they mocked him for bearing an ancient name and being a nerd.

As if it wasn't enough, he wasn't only being mocked, but he was also been bullied even though his parents were very wealthy. What escalated the bullying and ridicule was that Gerald wasn't handsome at all.

He had a round face, thick lips, and a big nose. Although his blonde hair was a beautiful sight to behold, it didn't stop students in his school from mocking him.

He had a chubby physique which made him look short and to crown it all up he had a big tummy. When he got downstairs he didn't wait to eat and dashed out of the house.

" Good Morning Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, because I'll have to skip breakfast this morning, I'm almost late for school. But I'll get something to eat at school. " Gerald said to his parents who were already seated at the dining table he rushed outside to get into his car.

Mr. and Mrs. Halloway just chuckled and shook their heads at his behavior because they already knew that was how he behaved whenever he was almost late for school and they wondered why.

Gerald got into his car and zoomed off. On his way to school, he began to think about how he would avoid his bullies in school and accelerated his driving speed so he could get to school early.

Gerald Halloway had lived in Seattle and his family was wealthy but he never for once told his parents how he was being bullied in school due to his fears that telling them would worsen the situation for him because those bullying him had wealthy parents too.

As Gerald accelerated the car so he could arrive at school early, a radiant light suddenly emerged on the road ahead of him.

The light dimmed to reveal a swirling mass of white smoke, with blue lightning crackling in the center like thunder clouds.

Gerald was taken aback by the sudden phenomenon because he had only seen a thing like this movie, however before he even had the time to react, a soothing voice whispered in his ears.

" Gerald, Gerald, Come forth, your destiny awaits! We need you now, " The voice kept saying.

The voice was hypnotic, leaving Gerald blank and in a trance, which caused him to drive straight into the portal.

Gerald snapped back to his senses as he passed through the swirling mass, he immediately felt weightlessness hitting him.

His vision became blurred and he could only feel as if he was falling through space itself, the intensity and pressure of the fall accelerating rapidly.

Gerald began to scream from fear and desperation, he didn't want to die in a mangled mess.

As he screamed his lungs out, the falling sensation suddenly disappeared or became as though he was never falling in the first place. Then he began falling with speed again. He continued screaming with closed eyes till he landed on the ground.

After he was sure he landed on the ground thinking that he may just have fallen from his car, he was shocked to see an entirely different and strange environment from the one he knew when he stood up.

He saw a vast sea and turned his gaze around in the opposite direction. He could see a vast forest and a small settlement could be seen on the far end of the forest.

" Sea?? Where Am I? " he mumbled still in a state of shock and tried to dust the sand and dirt on his uniform away but when he bent down to do so, he was directly staring at the water. Therefore he saw his reflection in the water and screamed out of shock.

Unlike himself that he knew, this version of himself that he saw on this water was the direct opposite. He now had blonde hair, forest-green eyes, a fine chiseled face and jawline, and Arbs that he could spot even though he was putting on his uniform.

Most of all he was now tall with eyelashes as long as though he was a female, he was now a true definition of handsomeness.

" I look handsome? " he asked himself subconsciously with uncertainty and surprise while clutching his face and body as he looked at the water. He was baffled at his sudden transformation.

" This is unbelievable, am I dreaming? " he asked himself aloud again and turned to take in his current environment; this was all strange and fascinating to him.

First, he was driving to school, when he saw a portal appear in front of his car, and then boom he found himself in a strange land and environment looking very different from how he knew himself to be.

He began to hear the rattling of bushes and the snapping sound of twigs as though someone was stepping on them.

After some seconds he spotted a girl whose hair was as white as snow, had a perfectly shaped oval face and striking blue eyes. Not to talk of her perfectly shaped body.

" She is beautiful " He whispered in awe and was grateful that she didn't hear him say that. He watched as she ran towards him with clothes in her hands.

She wore a long floral dress that had puffed hands and a corset that was interlaced in between her two breasts down to her belly button and boot that had short heels. She was indeed an epitome of beauty.

If he wasn't mistaken, this was how those who existed in the olden days dressed, does this mean the portal took him to the time of the olden days? he thought to himself.

" Good you are here, Mother said I should give you these to wear. Be fast so no one may spot us here, Magic of summoning is forbidden here so it's not good if anyone sees you here like this " the young lady said as she stared into Gerald's eyes, it was clear she was checking Gerald out.

" And you are? " Gerald asked her, giving her a questioning look. She smiled as she looked at Gerald and this made her dimples become pronounced.

" I am Gwendolyn of Bashkor and I know your name on earth is Gerald Halloway. You look a lot different and handsome from when I normally see you whenever Mother sends me to come to your world to check on you. I remember vividly that you had brown eyes, but now that you are here it's green. I guess your true self suits you more " Gwendolyn answered with a calm demeanor.

Gerald opened his mouth to say something but Gwendolyn interrupted her.

" I know you have a lot of questions but let's save them for when we get home. Mother will answer them all for she is the one who summoned you, " Gwendolyn said to Gerald who just stood there dumbfounded and utterly confused.

All of a sudden, a heavy wind began to blow and Gwendolyn immediately grabbed Gerald's hands and half dragged him even though he was way taller than she was and they ran into the forest which Gwendolyn came out from.

" What's going..... " Gerald wanted to continue with what he wanted to say but Gwendolyn used her free hands to cover his mouth and stopped him.

" Shhhh...King Nebeus's Mages must have noticed that someone was portalled into this world " Gwendolyn finally whispered after she and Gerald hid behind a huge tree in the forest.

" And what's wrong if someone portals into this world, " Gerald asked in a whisper with fear.

He instantly regretted what made him leave the house since he was already late and was sure his bullies would be waiting for him.

He began to think that he would have just faked being ill to skip school and maybe he wouldn't be here now.

" Here, wear these right now. I'll turn my back. You need to make it snappy because we need to leave now " Gwendolyn whispered to Gerald in a tone of urgency as she handed over the clothes and shoes that she was holding to Gerald.

Gerald quickly put on the black leather pants, and a cotton shirt after he took off his school uniform. he also wore the black knee-length boots which Gwendolyn gave to him.

" Make sure to tuck the pants you are wearing in the knee-length boot you are wearing. Also, tuck your shirt into your pants. If you don't, everyone will know you are a stranger here and that'll be very bad " Gwendolyn instructed Gerald.

" This dress code is outdated " Gerald mumbled as he looked at Gwendolyn who faced the opposite but still did as she instructed.

" I'm done, you can turn around now " Gerald whispered to Gwendolyn who immediately turned around.

She wanted to grab his hand for them to continue running but, Soldiers with armor as though they were out to fight a war surrounded them. Gwendolyn held Gerald's hands possessively when the soldiers surrounded them.

" Surrender him to us, he is charged with the crime of trespassing into our Kingdom, " An elderly woman with blonde hair who wore a black floral gown that had a high waistline and black lipstick on her lips said. The aura emitting from her was eerie and dark.

As the elderly woman took a good look at Gerald, a look of recognition flashed across her face and she gasped with her face immediately hardening.

" Get that boy!!! " The elderly woman yelled as she commanded the soldiers. The soldiers immediately charged toward Gerald and Gwendolyn.

" Never!! " Gwendolyn yelled and whispered something after taking out a cloak to cover herself and Gerald. They disappeared immediately the cloak touched both of them.

The elderly woman whose name is Ophelia sneered with anger.

" So the prophecy was true? The time King Nebeus has been dreading has come, I need to warn him, " Ophelia thought to herself.

" Find that boy in the whole seven kingdoms no matter what!!! He won't be in hiding for long. Find him!!! " Ophelia being the head of witches for King Nebeus the usurper of the Gorkazur kingdom commanded the soldiers and they all scurried away to find Gerald not knowing what awaited them.


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Latest Release: Chapter 14 No.14   09-28 20:14
1 Chapter 1 No.1
2 Chapter 2 No.2
3 Chapter 3 No.3
4 Chapter 4 No.4
5 Chapter 5 No.5
6 Chapter 6 No.6
7 Chapter 7 No.7
8 Chapter 8 No.8
9 Chapter 9 No.9
10 Chapter 10 No.10
11 Chapter 11 No.11
12 Chapter 12 No.12
13 Chapter 13 No.13
14 Chapter 14 No.14
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