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The Return Of The Forgotten Billionaire

The Return Of The Forgotten Billionaire

5 Chapters
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Falling victim to an ingenious scheme ,the entire Wilson's family was buried alive . Rose Douglas pulled Ben out of a deep pit with the help of some men risking her life . Years later, Ben made a sudden and a shocking return with purposes ,one was to repay Rose for her good deeds by fulfilling the marriage oath he made to her ,the other is to claim his child and the last is to bring justice to his late family's . After all the investigation to know where the bandits came from , the shocking truth revealed and the bandits were sent by Mr Douglas family ,His father in-law

Chapter 1 The Encounter

The wind howled in the bustling city of Texas and the chills seeped into the bodies of its inhabitants. Everybody seemed to be walking in different directions, each headed to different locations.

Amidst the crowd was Ben Wilson, a twenty five year old man that felt thoroughly defeated ,He was late again to work for the upteenth time,he walked hastily knowing that his boss would be furious about his tardiness.Ben knew better than to go to work late but there was no one to look after his ailing mother, so he did his best to be by her side at all times and also keep up with work, but it all seemed impossible to do at the same time

He picked up his pace ,the moment he realized he was about to enter the street of the restaurant he worked at.Upon his arrival he noticed that there were a large number of customers as usual.His boss's restaurant ectasy was rumoured to be the best in texas,It even had a five star rating,Only the affluent and wealthy could afford to get a reservation at ectasy,If Ben was not a member of staff he could have never dreamt of stepping foot into such a place.It was not for people like him who were tied to the chains of generational penury.

Finally getting to the front of the restaurant he showed the security his work identity card before he was able to get in,He scanned the environment trying to make sure his boss was nowhere in sight to witness his late coming.The erratic panting stopped when he saw that his boss was nowhere to be found.A huge surge of relief coursed through his veins.

Immediately he started working,moving from table to table and taking down orders.Members of the staff had tried ceaselessly to convince their boss Mr dan to make the restaurant a little bit more technologically oriented,life would be easier for the employees if customers could make the orders from their phone.By so doing all the waiters would have to do was serve the orders,so many people threw their weight in to convince mr Dan on how that idea would save time and also lead to happier customers,but he shut down their idea instantaneously.

Ben heard his name being called but he ignored and pretended not to hear,he hoped matthew his colleague who was calling him would take the hint and leave him but reverse was the case.

Instead Mathew walked up to Ben and gave him a tap on the shoulder "Hey didn't you hear your name being called ?" Mathew asked."No my attention was fixated on the orders at hand "Ben replied."Ben thought to himself what Matthew could possibly want this time,all Matthew did was ask for unending favours."Could you help me wait that table where those ladies are seated?". Matthew asked

Ben replied angrily"You know I'm not a waiter I'm a kitchen assistant I'm only doing this as a favour tonight because we are shortstaffed ". Matthew smirked cockily"Do it or I'll let mr dan know the time you clocked in for work today, I'm sure you won't like him to know about you coming late for the third time in a row".

Ben shuffled from feet to feet struggling to control his slowly budding anger, Matthew had thrown him into a tight corner,Of course he had heard the underlying threat in Matthews words,He decided that it was better he served the table ,If not matthew would make no hesitation in reporting him to Mr dan.

A stiff smile appeared on Ben's face as he glared at Matthew and asked "which table?". Mathew responded with a nod "The table over there, with the stunning ladies.Its a good thing you chose the wise option ,I've always known you to be a smart man"Matthew patted Ben's back stiffly and walked away.

What a piece of ass Ben thought as he made his way to the table.Upon his arrival at the table, the conversation between the girls ceased instantly Raising his head from the notepad he was holding he asked ,"What would you like to or....der"the words got stuck in his throat as he stared at the angel seated on that table,even though her friends where stunning she managed to stand out in her red dress that did wonders to her figure and her wavy brown hair,he was enthralled by her beauty .The most fascinating thing about her was her blue eyeballs it felt like he was staring into a beautiful ocean.

"Excuse me"One of the other ladies with the beautiful girl said ."If you're done shamelessly ogling our friend could you take our orders,you unprofessional fool?".Ben snapped out of his reverie, he felt a huge wave of shame pass through him"Please what would you like to order"he asked."Finally your attention is on us you could have stared at her forever,idiot, Rose it seems like the errand boy has a crush on you"she said as the other girl joined her and they cackled hysterically.

Ben was lost in thoughts,she seemed befitting of the name rose,After all a rose symbolises royalty and indeed she looked like a royal being.Rose interrupted their laughter "can you both stop laughing at him ? and don't you think calling him an errand boy is quite standoffish, You lot don't always have to be rude all the time"she said to her friends.

Turning to Ben she said"We'll all have penne pasta and could you bring the most expensive bottle of wine you can lay your hands on?."Ben nodded vigorously writing every thing down carefully in order to avoid missing any detail ,he wouldn't like to make any other mistake after he had embarrassed himself like that earlier.

As he walked away to relay their order to the kitchen he thought about how she stood up for him and he felt his heart racing.Ben felt so stupid,how could his heart be racing already for someone he just met ,besides judging from her looks as well as the expensive items she put on he could tell that she was way out of his league and would never stoop so low to be romantically involved with somebody like him.Ben slapped himself on the cheek remember you're just an errand boy don't get ahead of yourself.

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