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Legal Obsessions

Legal Obsessions

11 Chapters
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Taking both their sits in front of the holy fire, as the priest started the ceremony. Disha closed her eyes letting her tears fall freely, as she felt Xavier tie the mangalsutra around her neck. They both stood up and walked around the holy fire, as she gulped down her sobs, this was it, she was making a vow in front of the almighty. A vow that now ties her to a man she doesn't love, a man she knows nothing about, it now ties her to her crazy obsessor. Obsession is Fatal they say, but what will happen when a certain obsession turns into something more, destroying the life's of others around it. Follow the story of Disha and how she overcome her obsessor.

Chapter 1 1

A Visit from My Obsessor

A private jet landed at Indira Gandhi International Airport. As the packing apron was emptied for the arrival of a very special guest.

Six men dressed in an all-black suit and leather shoes waited patiently by the Maybach Exelero packed in front of the plane for the arrival of India's most special guest.

Letting down the air stairs, the six men immediately went towards the airplane and waited by the stairs to welcome him.

Putting on his glasses and facemask, he got off the plane and went straight to the black Maybach Exelero, not waiting or responding to the greetings of the scout men who followed beside him.

"Sir," the driver greeted him immediately as he sat down in the car.

"To the Baljiwan mansion." He ordered his eyes to never leave the iPad in his hands.

The driver bowed his head a little from the front of the car in acknowledgement before he started the car and drove out of the packing apron to the location given to him.


Everyone's attention turned to the luxurious car that entered the Baljiwan compound with speed. Stopping in front of the mansion, the driver came out of the car and opened the back door of the car.

Everyone held their breath as they waited patiently to see who was going to come out of the car.

Placing his foot on the ground, he sucked in a breath before coming out of the car. He looked around a bit, gripping the golden bracelet tightly in his palm.

He dipped his other hands into his pocket before trying to make his way through the media, who now crowded themselves around him, their cameras flashing, curious to know who the sudden guest was.

From inside the mansion, the commotion the media was making outside could be heard.

Getting up from his seat, Mr. Baljiwan excused himself from the ceremony to check exactly what was going on outside.

Mr. Baljiwan stepped out of his mansion with fur written all over his face.

He came into contact with a man standing in front of his mansion, his hands dipping into his pocket, as some men dressed in all black tried to stop the media from getting any more forward than they already were.

Going towards the man, he stopped in front of him and looked up, murmuring a few curse words at the height difference between them.

" Yes! And who are you, young man? ung man?" He asked.

He narrowed his eyes at him, raising an eyebrow before taking off the mask and eyeglasses he had on.

He stared blankly at the old man in front of him as his eyes widen in realization.

Mr. Baljiwan stayed rooted to his spot, shocked, not believing the presence of the person he was standing in front of.

Cleaning his hands unconsciously on his suit, he stepped a little bit forward and extended his hands for a handshake.

He stared down at the old man's hand, then back up at his face, making the man shift slightly on his spot before taking his hand out of his pocket and accepting the handshake.

The old man blew out a breath of relief before forcing a smile on his lips and then quickly withdrawing his hands to his side after the handshake.

"Mr. Ethan, please, to whom do I owe this pleasure?" He asked.

but only got shunned as Ethan put his hands back into his pocket and walked past him, making his way into the mansion, leaving him behind.

Mr. Baljiwan stood there, shocked, for the second time in just a few minutes.

Turning towards the door, he couldn't help but wonder what the great Ethan was doing in his house. Was he here for business or the ceremony? He wonder.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, the couple attending the ceremony were getting ready to take their vows in front of the priest and the holy fire.

The priest raised the mangalsutra before giving it to the groom to tie around his bride-to-be's neck.

Disha smiled as she closed her eyes, ready for her husband to place his claim around her neck.

Her smile vanished when she felt nothing around her neck, making her confused.

She opened her eyes to check what was going on, just to see her husband's attention focused on something else.

Turning in the direction her husband's gaze was directed, she saw a man standing on the red carpet placed on the aisle leading to the stage.

He was clapping and staring at them.

Her brows furrowed as she squinted her eyes, trying to check who the man was, as he looked unfamiliar.

"I'm not sure, but it seems like you have a death wish." He said it arrogantly, making his way towards the stage.

Disha turned around as she heard voices whispering to themselves, wondering what was going on.

She turned back to look at her husband-to-be, who now looked as pale as a ghost.

She couldn't help but wonder what exactly was going on here. Who was this man? She asked herself.

Turning back around towards the man, she saw him looking intensively at her, making her shift a little in her position uncomfortably.

She saw her father enter the hall and look around, confusion and worry clouding his face.

He politely turned and apologized to his guest on the high table, who now also has a mirror of the expression Mr. Bawljiwan has.

"Mr. Ethan, please, can we take whatever this is outside?" He asked, trying his best not to sound rude or offend him, even though he clearly wasn't far from being angry.

"My daughter's wedding is going on right now." The old man smiled, trying his best to sound polite so as not to offend the man.

"Stop the wedding." Ethan said he was not taking his eyes off the beauty in front of him.

"What! " Mr. Bawljiwan shouted, drawing the attention of his guests towards them.

"I don't like repeating myself, Mr. Bawljiwan." Ethan said before turning on his heels and leaving the hall.

Back in the hall, everyone's face held a confused and curious expression as they wondered what exactly was going on here and why the greatest businessman in America was here in India.

The priest cleared his throat, drawing everyone except Mr. Bawljiwan's attention to him.

"Shall we continue, Mr. Bawljiwan?" The priest asked the old man, making him turn and glare at him.

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Bawljiwan's hands formed into a fist as he pounded on what he was going to do.

No one needs to tell him that Ethan Grayson is a man not to be messed with, but still, he can't just stop his daughter's wedding halfway into the ceremony.

He looked at his daughter and saw worry in her eyes. Closing his eyes, he signed, then opened them back up and looked straight into his daughter's eyes.

"This wedding needs to be postponed." He said this, turning around to look at the guest they invited as they gasped and started whispering loudly.

Disha looked at her father in disbelief, then turned to her groom, who seemed to be lost deep in his thoughts.

Lowering her head, she tried her best not to let the tears of embarrassment flow down her cheeks.

After everything was sorted out and the guest left, the bride and groom family made their way to Mr. Bawljiwan's office, as they still had one more problem to settle: Mr. Ethan Grayson.

They entered the office to find him seated on a chair, his legs crossed, and the aura around him reeking of arrogance.

"I will make my purpose here very clear." He said he was getting up from the chair and dipping his hands into his pants pocket.

"I am here for my bride." He said it, making everyone's eyes go wide in surprise.

Ignoring all their surprised faces, he walked towards Disha and stopped in front of her before pointing at her.

"I am here for her." He said this as he looked into Disha's eyes, letting her see the emotions that were flowing inside his eyes.

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Latest Release: Chapter 11 11   11-16 16:16
1 Chapter 1 1
2 Chapter 2 2
3 Chapter 3 3
4 Chapter 4 4
5 Chapter 5 5
6 Chapter 6 6
7 Chapter 7 7
8 Chapter 8 8
9 Chapter 9 9
10 Chapter 10 10
11 Chapter 11 11
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