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Elemental Mage With Mage-System

Elemental Mage With Mage-System

10 Chapters
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Chapter 1 The Beginning: Death & Awakening

Planet Earth, Year 2022

Building, Fifth floor,

Morning, 9 Am.

In the apartment, A young and handsome, 22 year old guy is getting dress after taking a hot bath in the winter.

He had black hairs and blue pupils with the height of 170 cm. He wasn't the one if the best guy from his calls but he was surely above average.

Yes, Class. Today. He had recently finished his Exams of Bachelor Degree in University. He majored in Physics. Yup, Most common degree among Middle class people.

''So, The day has finally come. Huh'', He said aloud.

Today was the graduation ceremony, There was party held in University for the whole Physics Institute.

After getting ready, He went out of the apartment and lock the door. He went down using elevator and booked and Taxi. The distance from the his living place and University was 8 kilometres. He did have a Bicycle to ride one.

But, Today was the graduation ceremony. And only an idiot will attend the ceremony riding a bicycle. He didn't want to be looked like a poor idiot.

It took few minutes for the taxi to arrive. The taxi driver opened the door and said to Robert

''Good Morning, Young Man''. The taxi driver was 50 years old man.

''Good Morning to you too, Old Man'', Robert replied. Then he went in the taxi through the door the driver himself opened.

After he sat down on the back seat. He pulled down the half the window.

''Going for a party, Young man?'', Driver asked.

''Yeah, Today is the graduation ceremony in the university'', Robert replied.

He started reminiscing about his 4 years in the University. It surely was a long and hectic journey for him.

Doing assignments on daily basis and research in the last semester.

He didn't give in and somehow passed the exams with 80% C-GPA.

It didn't take long for him to reach the University gate. There was a No-Taxi sign in front of the gate.

After he got out and payed the driver, he went in from the gate. From the gate to his apartment was 600 meters distance.

''Have a good day to you'', Robert bid his goodbye to the driver and slowly started to walk towards it .

Along the way he met a few of his classmates and gave his greetings. He was a Introvert and shut-in type so he didn't have any close friends in the class.

After reaching the Venue, He met all his professors. He gave his greetings to whom he was familiar with. It's not like all the professors taught him during his courses.

Still not to be appeared Impolite. He gathered his courage to greet others and hoping that time would pass fast so that he can go back home and rest.

Though he maintained his polite attitude all the time. After everyone gave his greetings the graduation ceremony finally kicked start.

First it was the head of department who gave his long speech encouraging the students and then some professors gave their speeches in due time.

After that finally every student was awarded with their graduation certificates. This whole process took about few hours.

After that it was time for the dinner party and dinner was served. Though it was still early for the dinner.

It was night time when everything finally ended. Everyone started to disperse from the venue.

Robert booked a taxi again from the gate of the university and started headed back home to lay down and take rest.

He was pretty tired from the whole ordeal and just wanted to slump to bed and sleep for long time.

Slowly his eyes started to close and unknowingly he started to fall a sleep.

He heard driver's shouting and opened his eyes to look and he suddenly saw a blinding light.

And that was the last thing he remembered before taxi collided with something heavy vehicle and went flying to the sideways.

Robert's consciousness slowly sank down in the darkness.

After the collision, Ambulance was be seen around the accident site. There were two dead bodies found in the taxi who's faces couldn't be recognised due to the cruelty of heavy collision and mutilation.

Long time later, Robert opened his eyes, His head felt dizzy and he couldn't see his surroundings clearly. Everything was pitch dark and silence was covering the night sky


''Where am I?. Why everything is so dark? Ugh! My head hurts!'', he mumbled.

He figured that he was laying on a bed. He slowly got up. Though it was not as much soft as his bed in the apartment but it was doable. He looked around and started remembering what exactly happened.

''I thought I was in accident and died then what am I doing here? Am I alive somehow? But where exactly am I?''. Robert thought.

He had so many questions in his head and his head was hurting too.

So he couldn't think much and looked around. It was a small room. It had a window and there was AC in it.

There was a table in the corner. There was a Desktop computer on top of it. He felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

He couldn't put his finger on what exactly was wrong here. He got out of bed and opened the window.

Sky was dark, But there was light because of Moon. But Moon was way too big than the previous time he saw. It looked more like more than 20-30 times bigger than the full Moon on Earth.

The air was fresh giving him kind of magical feeling. He looked around there was many same kind of buildings just like the one he was staying in.

He couldn't understand anything. Everything felt so unreal. He let the window remain opened. So, light can brighten the room. He looked around and found mirror a dressing table right beside the bed. He went near and saw himself in the mirror and got shocked.

''What the! That's not my face. What's happening here?''. Robert was gasping for breath looking at his face.

It was the face of young probably 15 to 16 years old guy. A teenager. He had silver hairs and red eyes that stood-up pretty much.

He had to agree that he was quite handsome.

Slowly his headache started to increase more and he fell down holding his head. Some unknown memories started to fill his head and he lost consciousness once again...

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