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Possessive CEO

Possessive CEO

20 Chapters
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"Sir, where are you taking me?" Fear of telling him. He suddenly dragged me out of his office for some reason. I kept trying to remove his hand that was holding my arm tightly, causing me to feel pain. "Don't try to do that or else you won't like what I'm going to do to you here" he said sternly that I scared him. Today I saw sir that you are so angry for some unknown reason. . . . . . . "Get in" He shouted a little. That's when I realized that we were in the parking lot of his company. I forced my way in because I was afraid of him. I don't know what he is thinking of doing to me so I can't help but be afraid of him. "Sir please...where can you take me?..." Begging said to him. He didn't even listen and started the car. "Sir... Tell me what did you do if it was wrong for you to do this to me... Please, I'm begging you to put me down sir" he said crying. But he didn't even look at me, he continued driving. "No one will ever go near one dares to touch you, and come near you.... Because you are mine.... Mine!" he emphasized at the end which made me startle with a mixture of fear when he said that. "S-sir...."

Chapter 1 graduated from college

Chapter 1

Klio's Pov

"congratulations!!!..." we all screamed. I finally graduated from college with a BSBA. After several years of hard work, I was able to achieve my dream of graduating and that was because of my mother's tireless support. Yes, mom, she is the only one who insists on working so that I can finish my education.

I know if you are asking why not dad. It's sad to think, it's been a long time since dad disappeared from my mom and me. The unknown cause of his death. Even to this day, there is still no news about who shot my dad. But mom and I don't lose hope, because we know the day will come when the real culprit will be caught.

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly someone shouted in the distance.

"Besssss!!!..." Someone shouted so I looked at it. I only recognized who it was when I saw his face. Saichi is the only one of my younger siblings here in the province.

"Ohh Sai, did you run away?....what's the matter?" I asked him but he was still gasping for breath which made me laugh at him. He frowned.

"It's because of you that I can run hee!..." He said so I laughed again because of his poker face.

"Ahh just...I'm here to tell you that your mother sent you there" he said while pointing to the parents who were sitting there. I also saw which Mierna, Sai's mother. Sai's mother and mother are also close, so we have been friends since childhood.

I nodded in agreement and started walking, Sai followed.

"Ahh wait Leo, where is Luke?... Did you see him here? Did he go home?" He just asked me. Even I didn't see Luke so I answered him.

"I don't know either. I didn't see him either, maybe he went home first. Come on, maybe our mom was waiting for us there" I told him while pulling and he sent the tow if that was the case.

(Kringggg....) My alarm sounded causing me to wake up and look at my watch.

"Sh*t!" I exclaimed that I thought I slept that long. I know it's 8 in the morning and I need to find a job.

It's been a week since our graduation so here I am now preparing to look for a job. It's time for me to help mom. I will repay all his sacrifices for me, that I finish the course I took.

Then take a shower and do my daily routine. I came out of my room at the same time as I went down the stairs, so my mother saw me sweeping. He looked up at me.

"Ohh child... you're awake, eat... I cooked a hot dog there..." Mom said and continued what she was doing.

"Ma..." I called her. So he turned to me.

"Do you need anything son?" He said questioningly.

"I'm leaving to look for a job... It's a shame because the course I finished will be used somewhere else. And so I can make up for your sacrifice. Now I'll be the one working for us," he said happily, causing him to smile. mom because of that.

"You're really young... You really inherited from my father. Ohh, go ahead and eat so you won't be hungry while you're looking," he said, so I nodded as I went to the kuaina to start eating.

Matthew's Pov.

"Good morning mom" I said to mommy when I got to the kitchen to have breakfast... I have to go to the office early so I can finish a lot of paperwork.

"Good morning son, Matthew" he said back.

"How is your search for a new secretary going?" Suddenly, mom asked a question that made me stop for a while to take a bite to make sure she was answered.

"No one wants to be my secretary, mom" he said, not wanting to.

"And because of you... that's why no one wants to apply for a secretary because of your attitude..." He preached. It's not a wedding if I like this. I'm not nice to people I don't know anymore. Especially to my employees.

"I know mom.... I'm done, I'm living now" I said while taking my briefcase when suddenly mom spoke again.

"You're brother is going home, he's going home to the Philippines this week, I hope you treat him better Matthew, you're not a teenager anymore" when he said that I couldn't help but clench my hand. Because of that memory that I wanted to forget for a long time.

"I'm living see you later bye" I said goodbye with a kiss on his cheek.

"Take care son" he said before I finally got out of the house and went to the parking lot of my car.

I was just thinking that my brother would come home... I can't help but be angry, I know it's been a long time but why can't I forget?

"F*ck!" I shouted before driving the car to my company.

"I'm sorry sir.... there's no space according to our manager I'm so sorry" said the woman. I was sad when he said that. It's our third company, but at least one has a vacancy, but there is none.

"Ahh, is that so miss.... Alright, I'm going, thank you" I just said. So I left with sadness.

"Hist..." I exclaimed. I've been looking for 4 hours but I'm really disappointed. No vacancies. And I'm hungry. I'd better go home.






[At home]

"Oh son?... Are you looking for something?" Mom was happy to meet me.

"My God, I looked at me today...they said they don't have any vacancies. That's why I haven't found a job yet" sad if he sat down on the sofa.

"Hyst, you're young... That's the way it is, son... Not everyone who graduates can find a job right away," mom said, so I nodded in agreement.

"Ahh ma? you have food?... I'm hungry because I'm looking for a job," Kopa said, causing mom to laugh.

"You're really young... Ohh, go ahead and eat there. I cooked some fried fish for you a while ago" he replied so I didn't waste time I quickly went to the kitchen to eat because that's where the stomach is ache really came from me.

Matthew's Pov.

"Pre, don't you really intend to return to our group?...and what is your real reason for not leaving there" suddenly asked Jimmy, one of my friends since high school.

"You don't need to know" was the answer.

"I'm busy you can leave now if that's the only reason you came here to disturb me" he said a little annoyed. I don't want to because when I work I get teased.

"You haven't really changed" he exclaimed, but I didn't hear much, which made me look at him very seriously.

"What did you say?" It's serious.

"I said you haven't really changed in the past years, it's as if your attitude has gotten worse, your moody and strict nature, so your employees are undeniably afraid of you, even if you're a secretary, they don't want to apply because they're afraid of Matthew," he said.

"I don't have a reason to change my attitude" is the answer.

"That's the reason you were divorced by---" he didn't finish what he wanted to say because I interrupted.

"Don't you ever mention that name, or else you won't be able to leave my company completely" he said angrily.

"Okay okay... No" he said giving up while raising both of his hands.

"Okay, I'm leaving... Maybe you'll eat me. You're really scary Matthew" he said together and quickly left. So I continued what I was doing.

I am now in my room. After I sister, I went straight to my room to rest because I decided that I would search again tomorrow.

So while I was lying on my bed. I was just scrolling through Facebook when suddenly someone called so I answered it.

"Oh Sai, did you get called?" I asked on the other line.

"Where were you earlier? I went to your house earlier but your mom said you weren't there because you were looking for a job?" He said more

"You're right, I'm looking for a job so I can contribute to the house" I told him.

"You're right, it's time for us to make up for our parents..." He said.

"Ahh, well, I have something to tell you," he said so that I was excited about what it was, maybe because our friend has something to say.

"Oh what's that?"

"I know a company that needs a secretary" he said.

"Oh done?" No appetite to say.

"Why don't you take it?" he said.

"I'm sorry... The course I took to get there was not a secretary." Said cup.

"Ehh... This is a big salary, even bigger than a business administration" he said.

"Then how much is the salary?" I asked if the salary was really big.

"Ahmm, they say it's ₱30,000 a month"

My eyes widened when he said that... It's big but I know how difficult it is to be a secretary

"It's a big deal, but I don't know that job," I reasoned.

"stupid... Your job is simple.. you're the only one who puts the schedules in his meetings like that.. I applied too" he said.

"What is the name of that company?"

"Ahmm wait I'll look for it.... Ahhmm what's written here is 'M. Corporation' that's all.

"The owner of that company seems to be really rich.

"You're right, it's one of the richest companies in all of Asia. That's why I applied right away because you know if you're rich, the salary is big hehe" he said with a laugh.

"Then... Go ahead and try to apply" I said because the opportunity is a waste... Maybe this is the time to help mom.

"That's good bro.. I'll send you the link heheeh can't wait to join a company together.

"Alright..." I said as I hung up.

I hope I'll be lucky.. Mom doesn't want to work anymore at her age... So I'll do everything to make our life stable.

After a while someone texted my cell phone so I opened it. That's the link if you want to apply online, so I started answering that.

Klio's Pov.

I'm here in the room putting away the things that are scattered on the floor. I don't want it to be as if mom is going to clean it. I can do something like this so he did it.

After everything is fixed, I will go to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I got dressed like a house. I'm sure I'll go out.

After I went down the stairs, I immediately went to the kitchen where I saw mom cooking a dish. I went over there to find out what dish he cooked.

"Good morning mom" I greeted with a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning son, wait for it, it will be cooked soon and we will eat" he said so I sat down at the dining table.

"Ma'am, what are you cooking?" I asked mom. I don't know how to cook that's why I'm asking.

"Ginataag night, don't you want that?" When he said that, my stomach suddenly growled.

"Yes, of course, you cooked heheh" Kopa joked so mom smiled.

After it was cooked, we started eating. Because mom cooks well, I've eaten a lot of rice so I'm full.

Matthew's Pov

"Tina, can you buy me a coffee?" I ordered Tina. One of my friends in high school is the same as Jimmy.

"Wow, the king can give orders straight away..." He continued to blurt out. I just ignored it. I just felt him stand up at the door.

"What is coffee?" he asked.

"Just like before and make it fast" Kopa added. So he smirked.

"Yes Boss" he said as he left my office.

The reason why that girl is here is the same as Jimmy, they want me to return to the group, but my answer is still the same. I have no plans to go back at the moment. Besides I'm a busy person, it's not time for me to go back to them.

While I was typing on my laptop, my phone suddenly rang, so I answered it.

"You're brother is on the way to the airport Matthew. Follow him there" mom suddenly said.

"Why do I need to pick him up? Don't we have a driver to pick him up? Look, I'm busy here. I don't have time to waste time on unnecessary things" he said absentmindedly, knowing that this would make mommy angry.

"Matthew! many times do I have to tell you that be good to your brother" he shouted.

"Tskk... I need to end the call, I have some work to finish mom" he was asked to answer because he hung up.

Suddenly the door opened and Tina entered.

"Oh, here's your coffee," he said while handing it to me.

"You can leave now, and thank you for the coffee" he said with no appetite while focusing on what I did.

He didn't say anything and went out.

To Be Continued...

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