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Alpha's Rejection.

Alpha's Rejection.

11 Chapters
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Female wolf shifter Mera wolfe is determined not to become Ken Callahan's next victim. Ken is an alpha male wolf shifter with a reputation for violence. From the moment they meet, she knows she won't fall for his charms. She believes that Ken, who became alpha of his pack at the tender age of fourteen by defeating his own father in a fight, has nothing but trouble to offer the skilled healer. Ken's commanding presence and icy blue eyes captivate Mera, and as a result, she gives in and forms an awkward partnership with him. If they can convince their packs that they have mutually chosen each other as mates, Mera can avoid an awkward arranged marriage, and Ken can make some powerful political allies. A number of obstacles stand in the way of this plan coming to fruition, not the least of which is the possibility that the wolf shifters, overcome by the growing passion they feel for one another, will be unable to maintain their composure and carry out the deceit.

Chapter 1 First Chapter.

What in the name of the Almighty was that dreadful smell? Mera, whose eyelids were still too heavy to rise, opened one eye cautiously and saw that the smell wasn't offensive. On the other hand, it had no right to be in her bedroom in the first place. Her memory, which was impaired as a result of her lack of sleep, was able to recall three separate pieces of information.

The fact that the smell was really a person's signature scent was the first thing that jumped out at me about it. It had a really appetising scent that had undertones of fresh pine, rain from the spring, and cedar wood. Two, the enticing scent belonged to a guy who had masculine characteristics. And lastly, that guy was also a wolf shifter, just as she was. They were both the same. Despite the fact that these unknown guys had an alluring scent, Mera wolfe did not invite them inside the pack house to meet the others in the pack. She was able to push a drooping eye open and get a gscott behind her, where she was able to confirm her suspicion that the unidentified male had vanished quite some time ago.

She was relieved to have this information. She wrenched her head around, which felt unusually heavy, and peered at the alarm clock that was sitting on the table next to her bed. Or, if nothing else, that is what she would have done in the first place if it hadn't pulled a disappearing act in the first place. In addition to the table that was located next to her bed, She had been soundly sleeping on the cosy bedding of another person when she got the sudden revelation that the sheets did not belong to her. She jolted herself awake and sat straight up in bed. and vowed a curse on you. Because she wasn't in her room at the time, the answer is no.

It's a well-known fact that she wasn't even at her own home at the time in question. Not just as a reaction to the luxury that was all about her, but also as a reaction to the realisation that she was within what seemed to be a large cave. Her eyes widened as she warily studied her surroundings, and it was not only as a reaction to the luxury that was all around her. What's that? However, it was not a cave that existed during the Stone Age. Never in a million years. The walls were constructed of a light cream sandstone and were perfectly smooth, with the exception of the occasional nook that had been transformed into a tiny shelf. The walls were also completely smooth. The carpet on the floors had a plush beige colour, giving the impression that they were quite pleasant to walk on.

The headboard of the platform bed had a dark wood tone, which went nicely with both the triple wardrobe and the big set of drawers that were also made of dark wood. Both of the pieces of furniture featured a style that was mostly associated with men. Because of the smooth arch that had been cut into the wall of the cave where the bed was situated, the bedroom seemed to be rather pleasant, despite the fact that it was fairly spacious. But not to the point that she was able to unwind and take pleasure in this peculiar little circumstance. She did not experience any feelings of worry or anxiety, in spite of the fact that her inner wolf was keeping watch. Mera gave a sneer before speaking. Her foolish wolf didn't even have the good sense to be worried about the fact that she was in a strange location-a cave, of all things-and that she had no knowledge of how she got there.

She had no idea how she got there. Her stupid wolf it turned out that her latent status was perhaps a blessing in disguise. So let me get this straight: she went out with jenika, but she came back with someone else, right? It seemed like there was something missing from the situation. She couldn't recall even making plans for a night out, much less really going out on the town. For one thing, She couldn't even remember coming to the party. She never had the opportunity to become really drunk since the nature of her profession as a pack healer required her to be on call at all times. As a result, she never found the time to consume a lot of alcohol. In addition, she was dressed in garments that were much too informal for her to ever think of donning in public, and neither she nor the bed smelled like there had been sexual activity there. What was she doing just before she blacked out? What was the last thing she did before she passed out? She was able to recall that she had visited the internet café in the middle of the day, despite the haze that had begun to settle over her thinking processes. She was certain that she could not recollect how she arrived at that location, despite her best efforts. It was essential to keep in mind that she suffered from NRS Syndrome (also known as Never Remembers Stuff Syndrome), but this was in no way related to that condition. It was almost as if there was a gap in her recollection of the event.

Mera took a long, deep breath in, pulling in the air all around her and allowing her body to assimilate the plethora of smells that were present in the air. There were only two other people that she could smell except herself and the delicious-smelling wolf. Those two people were also there. It turned out that one of them was the wolf. A second man and a second female, both of whom were also wolf shifters but had no previous experience, Both of these individuals were likewise inexperienced. She was at least able to rest easy knowing that jaxson, that jerk of an alpha, was not in charge of her and didn't give a damn that she didn't want to be his claimant. She was able to have peace of mind knowing that she was not under the authority of jaxson.

In point of fact, her father didn't give a hoot about it either; he was too busy trying to form an alliance with the other pack, and if it meant exploiting his daughter to acquire it, he would gladly do it. Her mother, on the other hand, did give a hoot about it. In his game, she was nothing more than a piece.

She wished she could respond that it was only because he was so anxious to start a business relationship, but she was unable to do so. However, that wasn't the case since her father already had a significant number of ties with the packs in the area. The fact that she was latent was a blow to his dignity, and the fact that she was a member of his family made her an oddity. As a direct consequence of this, he lacked the capacity to give his whole attention to his single offspring. He had a deep-seated hatred for her since he had known, from the minute she was created, that she would be the cause of his downfall. She caused the other people in the group to have second thoughts about the 'greatness' that he possessed. Or at least that's what he thought at the time. He wouldn't bother putting her portrait on a milk box because he wouldn't want to waste his time doing it if it turned out that she never came back from wherever the devil she went.

As soon as she noticed a set of beige curtains in the room, she threw the bedcover to the side and got out of bed to investigate the new surroundings. She was overcome with a momentary wave of dizziness, which caused her to stutter just a little bit. Jesus Christ, the

Exactly what was wrong with her was unknown. She stumbled over to the drapes and pulled them apart in a manner that was ungainly and clumsy on her part. Regrettably, the bay window that she revealed could not be opened. At that point, the morning felt more like the late afternoon than it did the early afternoon did. Does it suggest that she only remained for a handful of hours and didn't spend the night at this location? Or did it indicate that she had just woKen up from a wonderfully peaceful nap?

As she peered at the surroundings, her brows came perilously close to reaching her hairline. The majority of packs had a large, opulent lodge with a number of smaller cottages surrounding it. Some of them even built cabins directly on the cliffs themselves. However, rather than being on a cliff, this site was the cliff itself. It reminded me more of those ancient cave dwellings than of the town of Bedrock, with its arched and illuminated balconies and its smooth stairs leading to the different stories

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