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I Was Destined For You

I Was Destined For You

16 Chapters
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My life was going perfectly until my parents summoned me back to the motherland. My father was persistent on my return and when I finally arrive I learn that I've been signed off into an arranged marriage.

Chapter 1 Deja


"Dad, I already said I can't make it back anytime soon." I didn't mean to raise my tone, but my parents were being overly persistent right now- more than usual.

"Dejare! I am your father and I do not need a reason to bring you back home" He coughed aggressively at the end of his rant. I could hear my mother telling him to calm down in our native tongue, Yoruba.

Home? The word sounded almost foreign on my tongue. I had stopped referring to that place as home years ago. It just didn't feel right to call it home after what happened.

"E pele sir" I apologized in Yoruba

"Don't tell me sorry, Dejare! Just come home. I didn't send you to school abroad only for you to disrespect me. Or was that a mistake?" My father asked

One thing about my father, Adebayo Bamidele. He never failed to remind me that he made my education and stay in Canada possible.

I ignored the question. "I'll think about it, Dad. I have to go now." This conversation had to end now. It's a Saturday morning and I have places to be.

"Deja don't think about it! Just make sure you come ho-" I pressed the red button and immediately turned my mobile data off

My father's anger-filled rants can wait another day. Right now my favorite pastry shop just opened for the day and there's no way in hell I'm going to fall back on my duty as Dakota's first customer.

A smile appeared on my face as I crossed the street and Dakota's beautiful shop sign appeared in my line of view.

The Pearl had become almost like a second house to me. If I wasn't at work or home, I was here; eating Dakota's amazing meat pies, donuts, and spring rolls.

Dakota and I met during my second week at university. She was also new like me and lost too. When we finally found our right class, thirty minutes later the professor made us partners for the whole of the semester.

We walked to the nearest pastry shop together to brainstorm on the assignment.

Dakota had used half our time to smile lovingly at the shop and used the other half to tell me how, one day she wants to own a pastry shop just like this but better.

To be honest, I had no interest in her pastry shop story then and it's not like I could get rid of the strange talkative girl, I was stuck with her. So, I listened to her story and prayed to whoever is up there that maybe she'd finally let us do our work if I just listen to her plan.

She didn't.

I open the door and the wide smile on my face is suddenly wiped off when something hard collides with my front.

The wet and cold feeling of iced liquid registers in my head as it drips down my shirt. I'm still trying to get over the damage to my amazing blouse when the grating voice belonging to the culprit speaks.

Oh wow, he's tall, really tall but that doesn't matter because I'm beyond pissed. "Watch where you're bloody going!" He exclaims rudely

Me? He bumped into me!

"Are you blind? You bumped into me and also ruined my clothes!" I retort angrily

He looks at my face briefly before his eyes rake the damage but he doesn't utter the apology I was expecting. Instead, he looks me in the eye and then looks down at his trousers, then he proceeds to give me a pointed look.

I'm taken aback but I don't say a word "An apology would simply fix all this. You're the one who bumped into me. So, apologize" he replied

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not the one who was on my phone or has my head so far up my ass I can't tell when I'm wrong. Choke on the apology, idiot" I hiss and step to the side before walking off in the direction of the counter where Dakota is supposed to be but is not.

I can feel the piercing gaze of his eyes on the back of my but I don't bother turning around.

A second later, Dakota appears from the kitchen. A huge smile appears on her face when she sees me "There's my number one customer and favourite Nigerian!"

I'm the only Nigerian she knows.

I give her a small smile as she walks around the counter to come and hug me.

She comes to a quick halt in front of me and I drop my outstretched arms "I have to tell you though, as much as I hate it you were late today for the first time and someone took your spot as number one customer." She sounded genuinely sad. And knowing Dakota, she probably is.

Well judging from the time on my watch that says eight fifteen AM, and Dakota opens shop by eight AM. I'm guessing we all know who the spot thief is. The idiot who spilled coffee on me. And if not for my parent's call I'd have been the first person in here.

"Dako-" I proceed to inform her

"Woah! Is there a new fashion trend I'm unaware of again?" She asks jokingly while reaching for napkins to clean my blouse.

I mutter a thank you "That's what I was about to tell you about"

"Don't delay! Get on with it then." I roll my eyes at her and she laughs "Miss Deja, please proceed."

I chuckle "So, just minutes ago as I was about to enter, some idiot that was too focused on his phone bumped into me and spilled coffee all over my blouse. That's not the worst part. The worst part is, he was expecting me to apologize. So disrespectful. Anyway, that's how I ended up with this. I'm surprised you didn't hear, we were a bit loud." I picked the napkin up and tried to reduce the damage done to my shirt.

I raise my head to look at Dakota, she has been quiet for too long. She's not one to stay quiet, especially for gist like this. I squint my eyes while they're on her "You're quiet. Why?"

"Okay, two questions." I nod "Was this idiot by any chance a 6'6ft hunk? And why were you late today?"

"I don't know about hunk but the idiot was tall, very tall. And I was late because Mr. Bamidele wants me to come back to Nigeria for something 'important' " I air-quoted the last word to show how I felt about the information.

"We're going to Nigeria! When?" She asked with sheer excitement

"We? No honey, not yet. I'm supposed to go to Nigeria. Just me." I drop the napkin on the table

She sighs dramatically "Shit! When will I get to finally visit the motherland?"

"Soon my love, pele." I console her in my language

"Oshe." Dakota thanks me and then smiles with pride at her Yoruba progress. Even though her pronunciation is still shaky

"Ah! You go girl!" I lift my hands to high-five her

"Thank you, thank you." She flicks her hair with pride "Okay so, back to the man who spilled coffee on you, can you describe him?"

As much as I hate it, I go back to his topic "Very tall, blue eyes, black hair, expensive suit, and watch." I give her the perfect description. And yeah, I'm very attentive.

Dakota's eyes widen "Yeah, that was my first customer. Deja, that's Maverick Wolfe"

"Mav what? Am I supposed to know him?" I get up and make my way to the hot meat pie tray. On my way, I hit my toe against the leg of the table causing me to knock over the glass of ice water all over my trousers.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Dakota exclaims and walks towards me with a chair

I take the chair "Thanks, I'm fine. My toe hurts though." Call me superstitious but my gut tells me this is a sign to book my flight tonight

"Want me to get the aboniki? I always keep one around now." I chuckle at the memory that brings up "That shit works like a miracle worker." She carefully steps over the spilled water and squats to take a look at my toe

I laugh at her "You're turning into a Nigerian at this point. And it's okay, but I need to get home and book my flight tickets. I'm going to Nigeria."

We stand together "What made you change your mind?" She asks surprisingly

"This morning my phone almost fell down the toilet, a rude man spilled coffee on me, and now I stubbed my toe and spilled iced water all over my body. Yeah, I need to go home and hear what my parents want." I kiss her on the cheek and make my way to the door

"You're so superstitious!" Dakota yells behind me

I halt and turn around "I can't help it. It's the Nigerian in me!" I yell back before crossing the road

"We still have to talk about Maverick Wolfe." She mutters a low curse word and then covers her mouth when she realizes that she let her intrusive thoughts win again in public.

I chuckle "Fuck Maverick Wolfe!"

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