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The Mafia Lover

The Mafia Lover

13 Chapters
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'I told you not to hit that girl anymore' Malli told me. I just frowned because of what he said. He really blamed me, I'm the one who doesn't have a place to live now. "I've told you many times Malli, I'm the one who avoids.. but she keeps on pestering me" I just scratched the back of my neck while walking on the side of the road. I was carrying a large suitcase that contained my belongings. The landlord of my apartment just kicked me out, just because that b*tch paid him to! "So annoying" I whispered. I begged my friend Malli that if possible, I would stay with them first. But she refused, and I understand why. 'You know there are a lot of us here at home.. Aunt Orlen's head will only get hot if there are more' Regretfully said my friend. She apologized to me for not being able to help me this time. But I assured her that it's fine. "What's up Malli, that's okay.. I should be thanking you, because you're always there when I have problems like this" I smiled while talking. We talked for a few more minutes and then I hung up. I let out a deep breath as I dragged the suitcase. When I got tired I stopped in an alley to take a rest. There is no one on the road because maybe it is getting late. But I was confused when I realized that it's so oddly quiet. "Weird" I whispered to myself. I started walking again, I had planned to go to my cousin's house and stay there at least one night. But I was stunned when I heard something. "Agh" I heard someone moan. I frowned when I saw a figure approaching in my direction. Do this while bent and holding the left arm. "Mister, are you alright-" What I was about to say was cut short when he suddenly pointed a gun at me. My eyes widened in shock. "stay away" His tone was cold and serious. I just nodded because I don't want to die! I swallowed when I saw his bloody arm that he was now covering with one of his hands. As he said I stayed away from him. I was about to leave because of fear when suddenly I heard a gunshot. "F*ck" said the man irritable. "Really f*ck!" I screamed when I realized that the bullet passed between us just close to me. I quickly ran and so did the man I was talking to. We passed several alleys but I still didn't stop running. This guy I'm with just follows me. "Why are you following me? They're after you, aren't they? Don't let me empathize!" I shouted while still running. I heard footsteps chasing us that's why I panicked. "I don't know this place that well, so please just shut up and lead me anywhere safe." He said it simply without any worry or fear on his face! But he is right, there are many alleys here so you may get lost or end up in a dead end. But given that I have memorized this place I will never get lost. I was so nervous that I almost fell, but the man with me immediately supported me. We stopped running for a while. "D*mn it" The guy groaned, I saw his leg bleeding. Passing it, I can see our pursuers. The man immediately pulled me to run to get away. "Jusko, what's the matter, I'm going to die today!" I was panicking, a few tears were building up in my eyes. "Don't be so dramatic" says the guy who dragged me into this! "Your face is dramatic! You're the reason why I'm in this situation and then you say something like that? What a j*rk!" I promise. We ran for a few more seconds until we got tired and stopped and hid in an abandoned building. "What now?" I will ask. "They're still following us" He says while ripping his black shirt and bandaging the wound on his arm. Now he doesn't have a cover anymore. I just averted my eyes because of that. We were sitting next to each other on the floor, even though it was dark around me I could see his muscular arms and chest. I can also see his bright eyes. There's a hint of gray in his eyes, I think it has a race. "They're only after you, I'm out of there" When I stopped. I crossed my arms and turned my back on him. I heard his gun go off that's why I looked at it. I see how alert and serious he is. I swallowed because those who were chasing us might have found us earlier. Well technically they are only after him, I just feel sorry for him! "I swear, when I die I will really haunt you." I said nervously as I seemed to hide behind him. He didn't even look at me, instead he focused on inspecting the surroundings. I made the sign of the cross because it looks like the people who want to kill him are already here. Lord, please don't leave me alone, I promise to be really kind. My little prayer, but. My eyes widened when my cellphone rang. The man next to me immediately picked it up and quickly hung up. My mouth fell when I heard a gunshot. "Oh my god" I whispered under my breath. "Fuck! ng bastards" The man beside me growled. He stood up and looked at the door. When it was sure that no one was there, it came out. "Don't leave me" I whispered. "Just stay there, I'll be back" He calmly says. I followed what he said and just hid. Why did I end up in this situat

Chapter 1 The Helicopter

Chapter 1

Loren's P.O.V

"And here I thought you were in great danger... But look what we have here"

The girl next to Calid looked at me, her eyes were glaring as if she wanted to scold me. It raised an eyebrow at me so I did the same. The helicopter started to fly so the pilot made me wear headphones. I followed what he said and stayed silent.

"Did you manage to pick up a stray kitten yet?"

Continuation of the woman. Even though it was insulting, I didn't show a reaction. I looked away and turned my attention to the window.

We're out of the city and it looks like we're heading deep into the jungle. Where can our helicopter take me? I hope I made the right decision to go with that man.

"How will you explain this to Caleb huh?! I'm sure he'll agree with me that, it's a really bad idea for taking this-- thing, with us"

It said ringingly. My ears were ringing so I looked at it. We stared at each other for a few seconds but I cut it off because it might annoy me even more.

"Can you please shut up?"

I looked at Calid who was next to the cursed woman. He was just looking out the window with his arms crossed. This bleeding arm caught my attention.

"You alright?"

I asked him, looking at his arm.

"Don't stare at him!"

The woman screamed. I was surprised because of the strength of his scream. What is the problem?

"Davis, can you please lower it down?"

The pilot, who had been listening to what the woman Davis had to say, spoke. This girl is crazy. Tsk tsk, it's good and I don't blame it.

I just kept quiet on the side and didn't even look at Calid. Davis might shout later.

"Shut up"

Calid said with his eyes closed. I don't know who it's talking to.

"I'm fine"

It woke up and looked at me. I just nodded and didn't speak. But a smile remained on my lips. When I realized this, I immediately stopped it.

'The h*ck was that?' I promised in my mind. Why do I feel like I fell for this guy right away even though I don't even know him that well? And wait, it seems like I'm forgetting something?

We've been in the air for an hour but we still haven't landed. It was dark down there, so I didn't plan to look down there because I might fall asleep. Calid is now sleeping.

I don't know if he is sleeping or just closed his eyes. Here is the girl next to him who has been observing me for a while now. I didn't realize I was paying attention to him because I might have been yelled at.

'It's quiet,' I whispered in my mind

I'm already outnumbered because I don't know them all. Why did I go with them? Ah yes, because I don't have a house to stay in anymore, I don't have any money. And I'm sure that people who want to kill Calid will hunt me down. For my safety, Calid probably won't hurt me. If he wanted to kill me, he would have just left me in the abandoned building.

After a few minutes, I seemed to be falling asleep. I tried to stop it but I failed. My eyes finally gave out, I couldn't stop the sleepiness.

"She helped me and I want to repay her"

"What you said, you took her in because she reminds you of her"

"Caleb, don't take this conversation to such issues.. What you are saying is not true"

"Well I hope I'm wrong brother."

I heard the conversation of two men with deep voices, which made me uneasy. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sunlight. I am now lying in a soft bed not my bed

"Where am I?!"

I screamed. I immediately got up and looked around. Three people were in the room and now looking at me.

"You... don't remember?"

Calid asked. Little by little I remembered what happened before I fell asleep. By the way, I went with someone I didn't know. What else did I expect, I'm defenseless and still only petiks petiks in front of people I don't know.

"Maybe he was traumatized by seeing the shooting so there was a little forgetfulness... By the way you're in our private island"

I was stunned for a few seconds.. I was stunned when a man who looked like Calid said that. Who is now standing not far from the bed I'm sitting on.

"On I-island?!"

I screamed again. I'm not in the city anymore. And now here on an island owned by people I don't even know! It was wrong for me to go with Calid. Maybe later what they will do to me! What to do now?

I got up from sitting on the bed and ran near the door. I was about to open it when suddenly someone spoke.

"You wouldn't like the scene if you open that door right now"

When Calid reminds me. He looked serious that's why I followed my instincts not to open the door.

"W-where am I?!"

When I panic. It's because I went with them. But I still couldn't help being nervous and scared especially when they said we were on a private island.

"Miss Louisiana please don't scream, calm down would you?"

Said another man sitting on the single chair and looking at me. The men's auras are so intimidating that's why my stomach feels like it's churning with fear. It looks like I have a stomach ache.

"And why do you know my name!?"

I said with a hint of surprise. I saw how Calid and the man who looked like him shook. I turned around to the two and the man sitting on the chair. He was scratching his hair when he realized something.

"Am I not supposed to say that?"

It's a strange question. I noticed her blonde hair that matched her green eyes. It obviously has a breed. He scratched his hair and laughed slowly.

"Shut up Tyler"

Calid sighed as he massaged the senses. It's a good thing they're not close to me, because if they were, I'd probably think they'd done something bad to me. But they don't really look like the kind of people who'll do such things. That's why I breathed a sigh of relief when my body was checked.

"You still haven't answered my question.. Why do you know me and I haven't introduced myself to you?"

I'm squeezing. I was just reassuring my safety so I wanted to know how they recognized me.

No one spoke to them. The only thing the two other than the man in the chair did was look at me. There is still a stain on my face. It's really wrong for me to be here.

"If you don't answer me.. I'll just leave"

I promised to open the door. My hair stood up when I saw a dirty man at the end of the hallway. I covered my mouth due to shock. My knees suddenly went weak but not enough to make me kneel on the floor. It just trembles and seems to give any second.


I screamed in fear. Why is there a d*goan man at the end of the hallway? It's not impossible for that to happen to me that's why my hair stood up again. I backed up from the stand, but something hard hit me.

I heard her breathing heavily, she was wearing an expensive perfume that's why the person behind me caught my attention.

"I told you"

His tone was straight. I looked up at him and saw how tall he is compared to me. I also just noticed that it has a small mole near its eyebrow.

"Tyler, I told you to clean up the mess.. look what happened"

I heard Caleb talking to Tyler in the room. I couldn't move from where I was standing as if I had become a statue because of fear. If that's what happened to that person, what will happen to me? Will i end up just like him?

"Don't be afraid.. we won't hurt you, only if you promise me one thing"

Calid said while tapping his right shoe on the floor repeatedly. I gulped and nodded at the same time.

"What's that?" I'm a weak question.

"Stay here with me"

This is a calm promise.

I blinked because of what he said. What? Can I stay here with him? Does that mean we'll live in the same roof? Well obviously this is his island after all! All the houses here belong to him!

I was speechless. What is this man going to say? He wants me to stay by his side? I thought that if I went with him, he would be able to hire me as an assistant, but now?

"Umm" I still can't speak, if I was speechless before now it's like I'm speechless.

This man, he's not offering me a job.. He is giving me a shelter! And on top of that he wants me to live with him! God, Holy Mary...How can i live with someone who would probably k*ll me....

I remained staring in front of Calid. Speechless and passive. My brain is still processing what he said earlier. I saw Tyler and Caleb come out of the room and I guess they were going to see the bloody man. I just didn't look at them and kept facing Calid who now had his hands in both pockets.

"A-are you sure?" I finally uttered after a long silence. Calid tilted his head to the side while still looking at me. His hair fluttered when he did that. His gray eyes were so beautiful yet cold.

"You helped me, and I would like to turn back the favor. It's for your own safety too, apparently I'm very sure you'll be dragged into this mess, they saw you with me after all."

This is a straightforward explanation. My nose is about to bleed from the length of his English. But I shook it off and gulped, trying to find the right response to what he just said.

"Yes, no, you drag me into this so you'll have to take the responsibility.. A-and you won't hurt me, right?"

I assure you. Maybe there is something in return for him staying with me in this house. Most likely I will become a slave if this man has bad intentions towards me.

"And why would I hurt you?" He asked with an amused tone. I saw a quick smirk on his lips but it suddenly disappeared when we heard his phone ring.

"Tsk" Calid irritatedly grabbed his phone and answered it. He moved away from me and started talking to the person on the other line. His forehead was wrinkled and he seemed to have a bad trip.

"Take care of that right now, then come back here."

That's all I heard him say. He hung up and came to me. I'm still here where I was standing before. I did not cough even a single strand.

"I'm leaving, you stay here and wait for me"

He said before walking away. I turned to face his back, he was walking down the hallway while wearing his leather jacket.

While walking, he met Caleb. The two talked before leaving together. The bloody man in the hallway is gone, so I can breathe a sigh of relief. I hope that person is okay.

Now that I'm alone here I don't know what to do. I looked out the hallway window and saw the beach. I was amazed at the beauty of the scenery, but I shook my head and said to myself 'don't be obsessed with the beauty of the place or the people here, you can ruin it!'

"What did I get into"

I sighed before returning inside the room. I looked around the whole room and I guess all the things here will be loved.

The bathtub in the comfort room is not an ordinary bathtub, it is made of rare material because it is blue in color with a shine. And the shower is automatic. Even the glass doors around the room are automatic.

High technology runs the electricity of this house. That's why I'm so amazed. After I finished going around the room I went out to the balcony. It looks like this room is on the second floor because I can see the sea. There was no one around, only a yacht I could see on the shore.

In the distance I saw a helicopter take off. Maybe that's where they were riding Calid. It went farther and farther until I could no longer hear the sound of its running.

The house was so quiet, only the splash of gentle waves and the silent blow of the wind could be heard. It was peaceful, as if I was living in the house that I've been dreaming to have.

"Can I really live here?" I asked myself.

I was thinking when suddenly there was thunder around my stomach. I winced as I remembered that I had nothing to eat. I walked out of the room and observed the surroundings.

I first made sure that there was no one else but me in this house. After making sure there was no one else, I went straight to the kitchen. I hesitated to open the fridge but in the end my hunger won.

I saw cereal so that's all I ate. After I ate, I washed what I ate and then left the house.

I remembered that there was a yacht on the shore so that's where I went. I curiously look at it and examine its engine. I don't know how to run it. I signed and crossed my arms.

"There's no other way, do I have to stay here from now on?"

I said while tapping my feet on the floor of the yacht. I came down here and entered the house.

I remembered what Calid said earlier.

'You stay here and wait for me'

It keeps repeating in my mind. I just shook my head and decided to just wait for him. I'll talk to him when he returns, I will definitely say that it was my mistake coming with them. And I would like to return to the city.

I nodded at my own idea. Agreeing that it was a good solution for me to get out of here.

And that's what I did. I waited and waited. I was bored all day doing nothing but watching the clock. It's already 4 pm! And he's not home yet. I sighed in annoyance and walked up the stairs stomping.

Just when I was about to reach the end of the stairs the door of the house suddenly opened. It was Calid.

"Finally" I whispered. I walk down slowly while staring at him.


He whispered under his breath while looking at me. I frowned, what? I saw how shocked he was, but then his expression changed. It turns from shock to being cold and distant.

"I'm back." Be said and nodded a little to me.

He sat on the couch and sighed, he looked tired. I was about to talk when I heard him breathing peacefully. He fell asleep. I remained standing at the end of the stairs while still looking at him.

"Who's Dianne?"

I whispered, curious about the woman he just mentioned.

To Be Continued...

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