"You didn't remember your name, little kitten?" the man with hazel eyes asked me that. I was lying on the bed and he was leaning on me so I could clearly see his beautiful features. His face is also close to mine. He had a square face that fit his undercut hair with a mix blonde and black color. His beautiful hazel eyes are so cold and blank. His long pointy nose, and his naturally reddish lips that are partly a bit. He's such a beautiful man but he doesn't have any facial expression, an emotionless guy. However, I can still feel my heart beating fast and his dark aura still gives me shivers. "Answer me, kitten," he complained that his voice was cold as ice but very husky. I close my eyes when I feel his gentle caressing my cheek. I feel an electric voltage coming from his hot palm. I was flattered when I remembered something. He is... This guy looks like... "Xenus..." I uttered his name and for the first time, I could read his emotions, shocked. "How about your name, hmm?" he asked me again. I shook my head because I can't even remember my name. How come that I forgot the most important things in my life? My name...and a blank memories... "You are Cashren Jhed Lindbergh, the beloved wife of Xenus Maicodel Levanna-Lindbergh. My kitten, you just woke up today after the comatose state. Welcome home, love," he whispered as he sealed me with a kiss. But he's fake... He told me that we are married. That we both got married because we love each other. I trusted too much because I believed that he was my husband even though I only remember a few things about him. But as the days pass and the year draws to a close, I gradually remember my past that he intended not to remind me of. He just used me...he just made me a...judgment... He also made me believe that he loved me very much but that was not the truth for the past four years. He's been in love with someone else and that's what I can't accept too much. He lied to me... I gave my trust and myself to him because I thought he was real but he wasn't. When I woke up from comatose, and after my therapy... She got me pregnant right away. We gave birth to twins but while he was missing from the mansion, he went to see his woman and that woman was legally adaptive to my children. Xenus meant it, because he was a heartless. I fell to the floor because I felt intense pain in my senses again. I've been suffering from my migraine but he didn't even know my situation. "Jhed!" I was relieved when I heard his voice and I immediately felt his presence enveloping me. He grabbed my arm but I quickly struggled. "Don't touch me!" I hissed him. "What... What happened?" he asked me worriedly. Even though I really see that I will not affect him anymore. "My love..." "Stop calling me that, Lindbergh. I'm not your love. It's Margaret," I said emphatically and he cupped my face. I hit his shoulder only for him to let me go. "Jhed, you're my love... I love you," he said and firmly kissed my senses but I hit his chest. "Stop! I don't want... I don't want to be with you anymore because I'm not you... You're not my real wife! I will still be back. I will return to where I came from..." "You... You're going to leave me, us?" How about them, our kids, Jhed?" he asked me. "Even if I wanted to include them...you know that's not possible! Because I am not their legal mother, even though I am the twins' biological mother! You are so... You are so heartless, Lindbergh... That's why stop pretending that you cared for me!" "That's not true, love..." "I'm leaving. You will take care of them. After all...the girl you love is already there," I said calmly and gathered all my strength to push her away from me. I stood up and walked towards the door. I can't be with the man who cheated on me anymore, no matter how much I love him, it's still irrelevant. He hurt me too much. "You're not going somewhere, my kitten," he said coldly and I was even more shocked when he quickly faced me. He effortlessly slung me over his shoulder and threw me on our bed. I was about to get up but he quickly passed me. My eyes widened when he tore my dress and planted a firm kiss on my lips, covering my left breast with one of his palms. My tears immediately flowed because of what I thought he would do to me. "Stop it... Stop doing this, Xenus!" I shouted and tried to move my face away from him. He ignored me. He quickly removed his necktie and tied it around both of my wrists, which were above my head. "My love... You can't go... You can't leave me like this... You know that I'm in love with you... You are mine... Mine, alone... I'm the only one...I'm the only one you should know as your husband..." he said coldly but there was tenderness in it. There is still tenderness in his voice. What he told me today was true but I tried to ignore it. "This is... Stop it, Xenus..." I warned him. He separated both my legs and because he had given me his full weight I could not move anymore. I don't have the
Chapter 1
"Do you have a group yet?!" I rolled my eyes when I heard her voice. His voice was irritating at times. Earache. I immediately put my things in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I ignored Giuseppe Salvatore.
"Cashren! Go ahead, join our group!" Consetta scolded me. Giuseppe's cousin. There's no doubt that they are cousins because they are both loud, naughty and talkative.
I left our classroom and I still felt them chasing me. Their ears are also hurt by wearing stilettos instead of black shoes without heels. I turned to them without emotion.
"Leave me alone," I said coldly as I turned my back on them. I don't want to be with anyone, I don't want to have friends because I don't like being noisy. So I really prefer a quiet place.
But these cousins, even though I repeatedly rejected them, they still continued to approach me. Sometimes I just let them go. Because it's tiring to disobey them that they don't listen to me. So it's really in their attitude that they are naughty.
I was on my 11th grade, and 19 years old. My parents even educated me in a private school. That's easy when your parents are rich. You can go to any school you want. You just say a word to your parents, it seems like you just flip and magic will come out. But of course not all of us get what we want. Only children like us are lucky and financial is not a problem.
My Dad, he has a business company while my Mom is also a stylist and has a boutique. Mostly our mothers are actually fashion designers. So I am one of the lucky children to have such a mother and a good father.
"Cashren, you made the top 3 again, didn't you?" Consetta asked me.
"What about you now?" I asked him without emotion.
He was always Top 1 in our class and Giuseppe followed. To be honest, studying is tiring, but it is necessary for our future. I didn't finish my studies.
There are businessmen who have no education but they do their jobs well. I am referring to their business company.
Eh, what do teachers just teach us? Just how to read, write and also to have knowledge in everything but they didn't teach us how to make money or how to become rich.
As Neil Gaiman said,
"I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing." It is up to us how we can increase our knowledge.
Because I know if you are just an employee you are chasing time. Without time you have no salary.
So after I graduated college I planned I was setting up a restaurant or is it just my perspective as a student?
Money is more important to us that's why they should teach us. Because even if you are a police officer, teacher, engineer and etcetera, I know that they are not rich and they will not get rich. With the amount of bills we have, right? Because I believe you can only be rich if you own a business company because you don't work yourself, money will work for you.
"I have a question," I said and the two looked at me. They were a little surprised when I suddenly spoke.
"What is that, Cashren?" Giuseppe asked me.
The three of us were on the rooftop. These two did follow me. They eat fries and soft drinks. For me it's just burgers and bottled water.
"As for ultimate freedom, what is important for you? Health freedom, financial freedom or time freedom?" I asked them and I looked at them seriously.
"Hmm, for me I don't need financial freedom anymore because I'm already secure there. So I am health freedom. Because we should always be healthy," replied Consetta. I understand why he wants health freedom and not financial freedom. Because I know he is a good person.
Next I looked at Giuseppe who was stunned for a moment because he also seemed to be thinking about what he would choose and answer me.
"I am... uhm. I'm healthy so I don't need health freedom anymore. Maybe... I'll choose financial freedom. I can buy as much as I want---"
"Your luxuries, you mean?" Consetta answered him.
"Shut up, Set! Me first. There you go, Cashren. I really have a lot of things that I want to buy or whatever so I should choose financial freedom," he explained.
"Is that you?" Consetta asked me.
I looked up at the sky. "Out of the two you chose, I wouldn't choose any of them," I answered.
"Eh, aren't you on time freedom?" they asked me at the same time.
"Because the teachers told us, time is gold. When I was young I was confused by that. Because how did time become gold?"
"I don't know that either," Giuseppe said shaking his head.
"Me too, I'm curious. How did time become gold?"
"Because time, with every flip of it, seconds pass, become minutes, hours and also become a day. The time that passes cannot be brought back, and if today is October 16, and tomorrow will be tomorrow, we can't bring him back. If it can be returned you will expect it to be another year. So I chose time freedom, because I don't want to waste my time here in this world. Our time that you just waste I know we should be doing a lot. We can't just sit back and let time pass. With time freedom, you will get financial freedom, I'm not sure about health freedom, but maybe," I explained to both of them at length and their lips parted in shock.
"You're right about that, Cashren. Time freedom is more important for us," Consetta said and nodded.
"Just like now it's time for our next class," I said and stood up.
I know it's hard to understand what I say sometimes. That is just based on my views on life.
Whether we admit it or not, time is really more important to me. The employee is chasing time so they can have wages and we are also waiting for the right time, right?
When our class was dismissed, instead of going straight home, I hung out at the park. What exactly am I doing in this place? I just like to watch people. Their faces portraying happiness.
You can also see their status in life from their clothes. Poor, well-to-do and rich. Why do we think there are poor people? It's not because that's what they were meant to do, because I believe that rich people started from poverty.
Bill Gates also has a saying, "If you are born poor it's not your mistake but if you die poor it's your mistake."
A person's life can still change, it's not our fault that we were born poor and it's our mistake when we die, it's also poor because there's a lot of time, time you should have done something. That something should at least change in the course of your life. That's our choice too. That's why I chose the time freedom. I took out my cellphone and called our family driver to pick me up. He always picks me up at the park. My parents don't scold me either because they let me do what I want. "Good afternoon, Mom. It's time for you to go home," I said smiling and kissed him on his cheek.
He immediately greeted me with a sweet smile. The tiredness I had earlier sitting in the park and listening to the professors disappeared like a bubble. Our parents are also really one of our stress relievers.
"Darling, you should be going home earlier so I'm actually ahead," she said accompanied by a soft laugh. I sat next to him. "Here, drink some apple juice first," Mommy offered me.
I took the glass filled with juice and apple flavor from his hand.
"Is it Dad, Mommy?"
"He's home safe," she replied and I nodded. "How are your studies, son?"
"Study is tiring, Mom," I said making her laugh.
"Son, that's for your future."
"It's not possible, Mommy. What the professors should teach us is how to earn money and how to get rich so that there are no people who are struggling today," I said.
"Cashren, not everyone is lucky. That they were not given the luxurious life."
"Mom, I don't believe that even before we are born, there is a destiny written for us," I promised and took a bite of the pancake she was eating.
"What kind of view is that, son?" he asked in amazement.
"We are the ones who make our own destiny. It's not in our palm, it's here," I said and pointed to my senses. "It can be in our hands because we will make the destiny that is for us. You and Daddy, I don't believe that you are destiny." Mommy's laughter grew louder at what I said next.
"You and your figurative words sometimes I don't understand, son," he said and shook his head.
"My mind is open to reality and I really think about a lot of things that the people around me don't understand."
"I will still try to understand you, son." It was Dad's voice that made me smile. I stood up from my seat and approached him. "Good afternoon, Daddy," I greeted him and kissed his cheek.
"If your Mommy is having a hard time understanding you, don't worry. I will always understand you and listen to you."
Daddy is a good father. I'm not a Daddy's girl because I'm also close to my Mommy. I don't have a favorite, I prefer them both. Because I owe them a lot.
Without them I wouldn't be here in this world. They are important to me and I love them very much. So while I'm still here I promise to take care of them both "If your father and I are not destiny then how did we meet and how are we now married and you are the fruit of our love?" she asked me.
"It's always our choice. To let someone into our lives. It's like having a friend, someone will come to you and say, 'let's be friends' it's our choice if we agree to what they want. So we often say that it is our destiny to meet them. If you refuse, do you think that person is still your friend until now?" I asked and he scratched his head.
"They say we have a guest from abroad coming today. One of the sponsors of our school," Consetta babbled again. Early in the morning you will have breakfast with his chatter.
We are all in the classroom and we are just waiting for our prof. Because it's class time but no one has come yet.
Consetta and Giuseppe have different desks but these two are really close to me. They both did it on purpose, eh. The one sitting next to me. To check me out. They're not noisy when it's class time, that's why they're in the top 10 because they're smart. You can't tell from their behavior. Because you think it's just carefree but it's serious when it comes to studies.
"What are they doing here?" Giuseppe asked and curiosity was evident in his voice.."Our school is having an event so the president of our school invited them," said another classmate.
"When was that?" asked Giuseppe. He's really loud no matter when.
"Next month. That event was the very day they got sponsors so it appears that event is for them."
"Can all of us students be invited?" Consetta, there are already rumors but she still lacks information. Ts
"Hmm, that's sure we're invited because they need a student's presence."
"Guys! They say we don't have class in the morning session today! But we'll be back in the afternoon!" As soon as I said that, I immediately stood up. Maybe I'll just sleep on the rooftop or go home first. Or hanging out in the park? "And Cashren, Prof Eldeyor is summoning you."
My eyebrows crossed at what I heard. What is the reason why our professor is still calling me? I didn't speak any more and left our classroom.
"Come with us, Cashren!"
To Be Continued...
Laurenestine Valencia, a 20-year-old nursing student in a Manila university is not caring much about others. But everything changes when she notices her professor, Zaiden Cairo Contreras, who has a captivating presence. Although she isn't usually interested in such things, Laurenestine becomes strangely obsessed with getting the professor's attention. Things take a surprising turn when Laurenestine discovers that her professor is engaged. In an unexpected move, Laurenestine tries to break up Zaiden's engagement. She transforms from a disinterested student into someone using desire and manipulation to get what she wants. But how will she face the situation upon realizing that she flirted with the wrong guy, not the professor?
"Shany, are you okay? Is there something wrong with you? Did Zack scare you?" aunt asked "My back hurts" I guess last night it was annoying "Ohh my honey my suspicion was right" said aunt then looked at uncle "Zack you need to marry Shany as soon as possible" tsh just marry? Huh? "Yes?" I screamed when I realized what Uncle said I'm getting married, I don't have a boyfriend after marriage "In case what happened to you is fruitful when you are married, there will be no problem" "What happened? What happened?" I will ask "I will marry her" Ali replied and I looked at him evilly "Please sweetie just marry my son this is for your good" aunt said gently "Please sister, you and brother are ok," Zai Zai said with his two palms still touching "Do you have anything to do with this?" I asked her seriously "Don't leave me, I don't know what Mommy will say," he answered "Can I talk to Ali for a moment" I stood up immediately and pulled him away "What, won't you object?" I said to him "They are my parents" he answered without emotion "How are you willing to marry someone you don't love?" He stared at me, I stared at him too, what is this staring contest? "You will marry me whether you like it or not" he turned his back on me "just zip your mouth I know you and Zaira have planned it, isn't this what you want" he left What does that mean? We? I don't want to, I don't want to marry someone who doesn't love me What on earth is happening before my sister has even given birth and then I will get married I want to scream that I don't want to but my voice doesn't seem to want to I came closer to her because it was my choice "Shany sweetie Zack and I have already talked about the engagement party next week, I want you to come with all the preparations" said aunt smiling
"What is this, Michael?" I asked him when he gave me an invitation card. Of course I know what it is but I want to ask him if what it is really for. "Invitation card, obviously. There's a big party and you have to go." He is stuck. He just rolled his eyeballs at me. I thought at that time that he had a surprise for me and that our relationship would be fixed just for our son Lenoah, but no. I attended a party just to get hurt too much. Because it was their engagement party. At first I thought Kalezy was just joking. I also know that Michael is her boyfriend but seeing me hurt face to face is what I couldn't handle. I had a quick breakdown. “W-We still haven't fixed our past problem, Michael. I kept your son from you for two years and even though I was hurt then that you let me go, I chose to introduce you to Lenoah as his father. I'm the first one who tried to fix our relationship but... I also suffered because you don't want me anymore. I know how much I wronged you before, Michael. I'm sorry but you gonna hurt me like this face to face? Michael, w-is it really gone? Don't you really love me anymore? Are you really giving up?” "A person's feelings change, Novy, and besides, it's been a long time," he said without emotion. I smiled bitterly. He's right. A person's feelings do change. "I understand. Sorry, if I'm too naughty. I'm sorry if I'm still trying to fix our relationship because I'm just thinking about our son," I said softly. "You planned to frame me up so I can get back to you, Novy. That's what I hate the most about what you did," he said coldly. "I'm sorry... I-I made a mistake..." I once let Michael go and it still hurt me too much. But I can handle it if I let him go a second time, right? I love Michael very much. But I know a different Michael now. The Michael I loved before and I was the only one he valued but now is gone. Another woman owns his heart and it's not me anymore. "S-Sorry... I promise you... I won't... I won't tease you anymore. B-I'll just visit Lenoah at your condo---" "We will also move to our subdivision." I quickly wiped my tears. It dripped one after another and my chest was tight. “In that case. S-We'll just meet outside," I said and sniffed even more. It's not just my tears, but also my cold. "I'll just give you a schedule." I nodded. "S-Alright, ah. I-I'll go first,” I said goodbye and because my knee was getting soft I almost lost my balance. He quickly grabbed my elbow to support me but I immediately pulled my hand back. "I'm fine..." I said and raised my hand and started walking. “New...” When I got out of the hotel, I just laughed so hard. Even the weather seems to be keeping up with my disappointment and sadness. It is raining heavily and the wind is also very cold. My tears are also pouring and it really doesn't stop. "New! Are you insane?!” my cousin Devillaine yelled at me. When he saw me walking and making it rain. "New!" “H-Leave me alone, Devi. I-I just want to... get wet in the rain.” "You are really crazy! You know you get a fever easily when you get wet in the rain!” He shouted at me while pulling my arm but I struggled. "I told you to let me go!" “New...” "N-I'm in pain, Devi... I-I just want... to forget even for a moment." "Then I will take you to the bar. I'll go get drunk with you if you want. Don't do this, Novy...” he said and just hugged me. I just cried on his shoulder. *** The news about their engagement party was hot and even though Michael and Kalezy were not engaged then he always went to the gym where the tennis players practiced. He does the same to me. He will watch our practice, even if it takes him an hour, he doesn't get bored waiting for me, but now... He's watching a different girl. Because I got wet from the rain last night, I did have a fever, but I also went in because we had practice. Our competition was coming up again but when our coach noticed that I was not myself, he gave me a break. I'm still wrapped in my varsity jacket and I'm really cold. "New! Your pogi boyfriend is looking for you. Cry without seeing you!” my tennis player friend also told me. Even though I was sick, I still smiled. Because I know who he is referring to as my boyfriend. It's my son. The net was blocking between us but that was often the scene between the two of us. He was holding it so I knelt down so that I could face his face. His eyes and nose were red. "Hi. Are you looking for me, babe?” I asked him and he snorted. “M-Mommy...” "Why is my boyfriend crying?" I asked him softly and he was about to touch both of my cheeks when I avoided it. "Your girlfriend is sick, babe. Kisses, hugs and touches are not allowed because Mommy's trying baby might get infected." "I just miss my girlfriend," he said and chuckled softly. "I miss you too, my baby." "You're close, Mommy. You will transfer your fever to me and then I will transfer it to Daddy." “Oh. You're with your girlfriend's rival again, hmm?” "Mommy..." "I love you,
I'm at my new friend Jaelly's house today and I'm sitting on the couch. She left me for a while to get a snack. But there's someone who pulled my skirt. I didn't notice it at first but it kept dragging so I've got it upside down. My eyes widened when I saw her. A little girl who is so pretty, curly hair and greasy eyelashes. Then her eyes were gray, innocent and pure. Her nose is pointed, her cheeks and lips are all red. “Oh, hello. You're such a beautiful kid!” I said astonishingly and out of excitement I picked her up to sit her on my lap. I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her tightly. I felt his head leaning against my chest. She smells so good. I untied to see her reaction and what a cutie! His eyes are closed and it seems he is immediately comfortable with me. “Oh, Dad!” he shouted suddenly and pulled my sleeves again. Her lips, she pointed somewhere. "Dada... Hmm, up Dada," she said. "Are you looking for your Dada? Let's go then," I said and picked him up. I saw the sparkle in his eyes and he smiled sweetly at me. “Mommy?” “Oh, little cutie. I'm not your Mom," I said and she snorted. "Okay..." So obedient. He was not a demanding child and did not even cry. "Are you Jaelly's younger brother? What's your name, sweetie?” I asked her but she didn't reply. When we finally got to the stairs, he let me down so that's what I did. He grabbed my two fingers and pulled me again. I chuckled softly and just let him go. He pointed to the door. "Open," he said. Her voice is naturally soft and gentle. I opened it because he wanted me to do it and I just laughed softly because he pulled me in too. His small hands were pointing at something again, accompanied by his snoring, so I followed that with my eyes. My heart beat even faster when I saw a man lying on a big bed. It doesn't have a top, it's like it's shivering in the cold? The girl got on the bed, I was supporting her so she wouldn't fall and enter the man's blanket. I was worried about what it would do. "Dada... Dada..." the girl called softly. "H-Hon... G-Get out, please... M-My fever is Dada... C-Call your Tita Ly," he said softly, his voice also hoarse but still snuggled up to her side the child. He hugged her left arm and leg. He even kissed her cheek. "Hon..." "Dada, wake up... Mommy is here..." she whispered and glanced at me. Eh? I'm not his Mommy. He just brought me here. Wait... Dada? Is this man her father? Aunt Ly? So, are they father and son? But who is this man then? Jaelly's older brother? “Hon... Go... C-Call your Aunt Ly...” "Mommy is here, Dada... She's here!" he insisted and beckoned to me as if he wanted me to come to him. A-I don't want to! He's just a kid! Even though he's cute, I don't want to follow him because his daddy is the one in bed. Maybe his Mommy will catch me here and wonder why I'm here. "Uhm..." I walked towards the door hoping to leave but he suddenly shouted. "Mommy!" "I'm not your Mom!" I also shouted back at him so the man woke up completely. My eyes widened when I saw his stony body. Because he did get up. He looked at me without emotion. My heartbeat suddenly accelerated when our eyes met. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice cold as ice. "It's my Mommy, Dada... Mommy, come here..." I shook my head. "I-I'm not your Mom..." I said but before I could turn the doorknob, my hair stood on end when someone hugged me from behind. My eyes widened when he suddenly picked me up. I was so shocked that I couldn't even protest. I only realized one thing. I was lying on the bed and he hugged me tightly and the child was still very happy. God! What the hell?! Why is he acting so fast?! Is he a vampire?
I'm walking now with Cheska, we're heading to Zach's office now, I'm going to bring him lunch I know he's as hungry as he is. When we were in front of his office, I was very surprised when it suddenly opened and Zach spat out, who was looking at him indifferently. "For you". I said with the big sweaty smile. But suddenly Zach didn't have that smile when he looked at me, I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes, He gave me a cold look and said "I don't like you and even your foods so pls stop bothering me" and left. I was brought back to reality when Cheska shook me, who was also shocked by what had happened "oh Are you ok Yannieee?" she asked. I just smiled at her as a yes. Cheska took my hand and said "Let's go I'll treat you to cheer you up". A lot of people were looking at us and I just noticed, I saw the eyes of the students full of pity. Why did you just love me like that? Is it bad to love? or I just don't really accept it, but why?.
"Stop! Get out!" I shook my head. "No! I'll stay!" I said. "I hate you so much!!" I had tears in my eyes after He said that. "How long will you be like this? How long!" The girl cried to her husband. "When I was 16 years old until now I'm 20 years old like that!" He just listened "We're 5 years married! D*mn! Do you still blame me? I'm sorry!" He was looking at the sky. He turned his back on me like that when he talks to me. "Can you please stop talking Kong It's not important!" He said coldly. "I love you so much, Zymon, no matter what I do, don't lose me because I'm your wife! Your wife! We have an oath" I stood up to stop him from leaving. "Husband on paper, remember that!" I was weakened by what I heard. "Zymon plssss don't do this to me--" I begged. Kuna didn't finish speaking when he left. "I love... you my Mafia Husband....you think I know nothing about everything... Your husband...I know something" I said crying. Even though he was no longer in front of me I was able to speak. "There.. I know...I.." I sobbed as tears fell from my eyes.. How long will my husband torture me.. I was 16 years old when our arranged marriage happened.. Because the woman he loves died... I! I blame everything... Zymon's girlfriend committed suicide on our wedding day So he blames it I'm the one to blame. If I don't come into His life, it won't happen... It's been 5 years nothing happened.... It's the same.. I look at my self.. Am I such a martyr... Just because of him..
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!
Maria took her sister’s place and was engaged to Anthony, a disabled man who had lost his status as the family heir. At first, they were just a nominal couple. However, things changed when things about Maria were gradually exposed. It turned out she was a professional hacker, a mysterious composer, and the sole successor to an international jade sculpting master… The more that was revealed about her, the less Anthony could rest easy. A famous singer, an award-winning actor, an heir of a rich family—so many excellent men were chasing after his fiancee, Maria. What should Anthony do?
In the eyes of the public, Elijah was ever the gentleman, always distant and reserved. But behind closed doors, he was an animal who relentlessly ensnared Ashley in a web of lust. No one knew of their secret relationship, yet at the same time, no one dared to bully her again. Then one day, she was hit with morning sickness right in front of everyone. To everyone’s shock, the aloof and domineering Elijah quickly knelt in front of her and caressed her pregnant belly. “Babe,” he crooned, “let’s go public with our relationship. I will give you my everything.”
After five years of marriage, my husband is always absent on my birthday. No gifts, no blessings. He said, "I've given you the money, buy whatever you want." But he started preparing for Fiona's birthday half a month in advance. He said, "She's different, she only has me." As the sole survivor of a unexpected fire, he has been heartbroken for over a decade. Watching Fiona in Moments holding a cake and kissing his face. I slowly commented. 【Just this useless person, I'm giving him to you.】
Rachel used to think that her devotion would win Brian over one day, but she was proven wrong when his true love returned. Rachel had endured it all—from standing alone at the altar to dragging herself to the hospital for an emergency treatment. Everyone thought she was crazy to give up so much of herself for someone who didn’t return her feelings. But when Brian received news of Rachel’s terminal illness and realized she didn’t have long to live, he completely broke down. "I forbid you to die!" Rachel just smiled. She no longer needed him. "I will finally be free."
The dream of everyone with regards to marriage is to be able to find that special someone and settle down with them. Even arranged marriages grant you an opportunity to meet your partner briefly before the wedding. How will you feel about waking up in the morning with someone sleeping next to you who is not just anyone but your legally married partner yet with no memory of how that had happened in just a few hours of going out the previous day? This is the story of Jason Haward and Julia Harrison, two strangers trapped in a marriage they never planned. The quest to find out why led to the unfolding of a mystery which made them realize they are both living a lie. To find out more, read this amazing story of love, betrayal, revenge and murder.