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Neuro Love: "A Sequel To My Type Of Girl"

Neuro Love: "A Sequel To My Type Of Girl"

17 Chapters
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The real love cannot be defined; it is just an emotion, and emotions are the language of our hearts. And the heart wants what it wants. This book is the sequel to the book My Type of Girl. The previous book made a strong impact among the youth, making it a great love story. But what are love stories, you may ask? Some love stories are inspiring, while others convey a message to do everything but never fall in love. Although I have never fallen in love and have never experienced it, one thing I believe is that it is not just a feeling; it is something even beyond that, yet to be defined. This story has defined love in such a way that you can understand that in love, anything can happen. And when I say anything, I mean anything. So, before you start reading this book, I recommend you to read the first part because at first, it may seem all shining, lovely, and charismatic. However, love tests the lovers to see if they can be together and what kind of love they have. To find the different shades of love, you will need to read the whole book. And I will tell you this, if you think that love is the end of suffering and the union of two souls, then think twice. Love comes with a cost - a cost of your own time, self-being, and many other factors. So, let's read the book My Type of Girl Part and give a second chance to your love life, if it has not worsened and you don't want to kill each other on certain days when you want to be all alone.

Chapter 1 The Interview

"Sally, are you coming? I am getting late for the show," Selena says. "You go, and I will join you there as I need to send some important documents to your editor. Since you don't work and have made me your assistant," she adds.

Manish comes back to the room and says, "Sally babe, if you are my assistant, then I am ordering you to come with me. If you don't, your salary will be deducted."

Selena replies, "Yes, sir. What if I kill you with my own hands? Because of you, I had to pause my film career, and now I'm just assembling your papers and paychecks. But I like it. You idiot, I don't know how you write all of these stories, but I'm glad that I am your wife. Otherwise, I would have killed you after those hard days we had to go through."

Manish responds, "Yes, ma'am. I am unfortunate, shit, I mean lucky to have you."

Selena warns, "You better get out of the room, or I will kill you this time."

Manish comes closer to her, kisses her forehead, and says, "Baby, you are everything to me. Now get up and let's go. I feel really proud when you are with me. Not because you are beautiful, shit, sorry, but because I am proud to be yours. When I am in public with you, I feel complete. So get ready, or I am canceling the interview."

"Wait, you dumb head! I am coming. Wait for two minutes," says Sally as she goes into the changing room. Manish comes to the living area and sees some letters on the table. He takes all the letters in his hand and opens them one by one. A few of them are his paychecks, and in the end, there is a letter from a director who wants to adapt one of his books that he wrote a few years back. He opens the letter, and it says, "Manish, my name is David Borsh, and I am a new director. Actually, it will be my first project. I wanted to make a masterpiece for my entry. I have nothing to offer, instead, I want you to be my producer and actor because I think you could do justice to what you have written. If you would help me, I would be in debt to you for life." Manish smiles, takes out his phone, and starts to dial the number written on the letter.

"Manish, "Hello, is that David?" "Yes, it's me, David. Who are you and how can I help you?" said David.

"Manish," said David. "It's me, Manish, the person you sent the letter for the movie."

David stood and said, "Sir, is it really you? I mean, I cannot believe it. Wow, oh my God!"

Manish said, "Yes, my friend, it's me. And I would love to work with you, but I have a different notion to introduce to you."

David said, "Yes, sir. Please tell me. I would definitely love to work with you."

Manish said, "David, in the evening, meet me at the Rockers Café at 6 PM, and I will tell you the rest there."

David said, "Definitely, sir." And Manish hung up the call.

The moment Manish ended the call, Selena came and asked, "Who were you talking to? And who is David?"

Manish said, "Baby, in the evening, we have to go meet a director, and I will take my secretary with me to take notes."

Selena said, "Yes, sir. But before that, we need to go for the interview."

Manish said, "Yes, now we must leave. And when we come back from the set, I will take you to your favorite restaurant for lunch."

Selena smelled something and said, "Okay, lunch. But what is cooking in your mind? Tell me everything."

"Manish said, 'I will tell you everything. Now let's go, I have something on my mind.' Selena said, 'Does something mean that the director is someone big, or are you working on another sci-fi movie like you did with Sam, based on your book series, The Book Volume One?' Manish replied, 'No, this time I have something different in mind. I am thinking of showing reality to people.' Selena asked, 'What kind of reality?' Manish answered, 'The real life of a normal human.' Selena said, 'I still don't understand. What do you mean?' Manish said, 'I will explain during lunch. We have arrived at the set.' The valet came, and both Manish and Selena got out of the car. A few people gathered around them to take photos and get autographs. After a few minutes, they left for the set. Inside, the whole crew greeted them, and the director said, 'Manish, you have tested my patience.' Manish smiled and replied, 'It's not me, Pete. It's just work, and I don't intend to make you wait for my availability.'"

"Pete said, 'You come here!' and they both hugged. Pete asked, 'How was my line?' Manish replied, 'Yes, I could give you a role in one of my adaptations.' Pete said, 'That's really helpful. It's better to be an actor rather than a director.' Selena chimed in, 'Do your directing and leave the acting to people like us.'

Pete turned to Selena and asked, 'Hey Selena, are you resuming your career?' Manish answered, 'Yes, she will soon be seen on the big screen.' Selena added, 'Yes, and I am not even aware if I am resuming or not. He knows everything; he has seen a vision in his dreams.' Pete teased, 'What, Manish? You are having visions now? You never told me. Okay, tell me when is my wife dying, or do I have to wait?' The three of them burst into laughter.

Selena playfully slapped Pete's hand and said, 'Yes, Manish, do you want to see a vision where I am killing you?' Manish joked, 'Pete, why don't you see visions for me and set me free?' They all laughed, and Selena gave Manish a look. Pete said, 'Okay, no issues. Manish, you can sit on the set, and the show will go on air in a few minutes.'

Manish asked, 'By the way, who is the host? Is it Jenny again?' Selena became serious and said to Pete, 'Pete, you better get some better anchors. Yes, it's just too much.' Manish sensed some jealousy and said, 'Selena, I am sensing some jealousy here.' Pete laughed, and Selena warned, 'You better be in your shoes, or you know you have to come back to me after the shoot.'

Manish intervened, 'Pete, you are making it worse for me. Just get the work done. I have to go somewhere.' Pete replied, 'Yes, I know where you are going.' Manish confirmed, 'Yes, you know.' Pete joked, 'Yes, straight to hell. Do spare a seat for me. I will shoot your interview in hell for the Hell TV.'"

"And the three of them were laughing when Jenny entered the conversation and said, "Hi Manish, how are you?" Selena replied, "Same as he was earlier when you took the previous interview." Manish said, "Babe." Selena responded, "Yes, I remember the rule. I am going to my seat and you enjoy your interview with Jenny." Selena left and Jenny and Manish started talking. Manish said, "Okay Jenny, without wasting time, let's work. Then, it's a beautiful day. You go home and I will enjoy lunch with my wife."

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