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34 Chapters
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PROLOGUE ............................. "MILK, where are you going? It's getting late," I heard Ashia say. "Just a moment, I'm going to take pictures of wild animals," I replied before completely moving away. Well, I love mystery. I just want to know how lions take care of their babies. I've been searching for minutes, but I haven't found anything, so I decided to go back. On my way back, I accidentally bumped into an old man, and he was bleeding profusely. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Instead of answering, he handed me a small USB. "Miss, hide that. The files inside are important. Please find Marvin Alderama and give it to him-" "-Wait, what happened?" "They're already here; you need to escape now!" Without thinking, I started running. I stopped when I heard a series of gunshots. "What's that?" I turned to Ashia. I held her hand. "Let's go now, Ashia, there are bad people here." I pulled her away, and as soon as we got into the car, someone started shooting at us, so I ducked. "DRIVE NOW, MILK!!!" Ashia shouted. I immediately drove away quickly. "Who are they? Why are they chasing you?" Ashia asked. "I saw an old man earlier, he was bleeding a lot, and he gave me a USB, said there were important files on it. He told me to find Marvin Alderama." "What the hell, Milk? You put yourself in danger. Looks like you bumped into someone big." "I'm just panicked, okay." The three-hour journey was shortened to two hours. When we arrived at Kuya Milo's house, we quickly went inside. "Kuya Milo!!" I called out in frustration. I found them eating in the dining area, and Kuya Khalil was also there. "What happened to you, Milk? Why is your shoulder bleeding?" Kuya asked, approaching me. "Is that a gunshot wound?" I hadn't noticed that I was bleeding. "Your sister got into a big mess, Kuya Milo," Ashia said. "Someone wants to kill her." "What happened?" Ate Saphira asked. I told them what I told Ashia, and Kuya reacted immediately. "Wtf! Milk, just tell me if you want to die, I'm going to shoot you," he angrily said. "I'm sorry, okay? I just panicked." "Where's the USB?" I raised the USB I was holding. "Give me that USB now!" "No way, Kuya Milo. I'm the one who will find Marvin," I said, hiding the USB again. "If you want, you can also look for bad guys with hidden agendas-" "-MILK GAUDINO! I'M NOT JOKING HERE!" He shouted in anger. "Okay, I'm sorry," I said. "I'll go back to my condo now. I need to treat my wound." "Khalil, escort her to ensure her safety-" "-Why me again? Am I always the one? I'm busy eating here," brother Khalil interrupted brother Milo, earning him a glare. "Saphira, your husband is glaring at me, break up with him." "Khalil Cavort!" "Fine." Annoyed, he stood up with a chicken leg in his mouth. "By the way, from now on, you'll be the one watching over Milk until she finds this Marvin. And don't you dare hang out with my sister." "Brother!!" I protested. "Enough, Milo," sister scolded him. "Go ahead, escort her." "I'm quiet here, and you're dragging me into this mess," Kuya Khalil complained before leaving. We quickly followed him. Brother halil, tell me how old you are," Ashia asked. "I'm thirty-two but still hot and fresh," he replied before getting into the car. Ashia and I exchanged looks before getting into the backseat together. "You're thirty-two, but you look like twenty-five," Ashia said. She's right; even with half his face covered, his handsomeness is still evident. "You're thirty-two, but you're still acting like a five-year-old. What a child," I said. "Nye nye nye..." I wonder what will happen to me now. I don't really want to be with brother Khalil; he might cause more trouble for me.

Chapter 1 Part 1

I woke up with a sore arm from last night. As I glanced at the sofa, brother Khalil was sitting there, looking at my laptop.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing on my laptop?" I asked with a furrowed brow.

He just signaled for me to be quiet, so I stood up and approached him. I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe at what he was watching.

"Seriously? Mermaid Barbie?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Shhhh, you might be heard by the enemy; they might catch Barbie." He said, fully engrossed in what he was watching.

Honestly, I wanted to smack him. I could understand if someone in their twenties watched Barbie, but a thirty-year-old guy? It's tempting to give him a good smack.

"I can't believe this. Maybe your mom dropped you too hard in the crib, that's why you're like this." I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

"The USB..." I quickly grabbed my bag, searching for the USB.

Once I found it, I snatched it from Kuya Khalil and plugged it into my laptop.

"Not finished yet," he complained. "Milk!"

"Shut up!" I snapped.

I inserted the USB into my laptop, and there was only one file. I opened it, not realizing it was a mistake.

"Stop! Ughh!!"

"Wahhh! My virgin eyes!!!" he shouted, covering his face and running out of my room.

That serves him right.

I sighed and took out the USB, putting it back in my bag. Who are those people in the videos? Is that Senator Mujeño?

"YES, MILO, THAT'S TRUE!! MILK IS WATCHING PORN!!!" Brother Khalil's voice echoed.

My eyes widened in shock. He was talking to brother Milo. I quickly snatched the phone from him.

"Brother don't believe him! I'm not watching porn! I just checked the USB's contents."

"Wtf, Milk! You almost died because of that USB full of porn!" Brother Milo said, and I ended up hitting my forehead.

"It's not porn videos on the USB; it's videos of rape. The men are killing the women after assaulting them. Think, brother, do you really believe I'm confronting these bad guys just for porn?" I argued.

"You have a point," he admitted. "But be careful, Milk, you're dealing with powerful people."

"I just need to find Marvin, and my problem will be solved."

"Why not report it to the police?" Brother Khalil suggested.

"One of the men in the videos is a senator; he could bribe the police to get the USB back."

"Then give it to the senator and let him pay you," Kuya Khalil proudly smiled.

I could kick him.

"Kuya, can't someone else watch over me? I feel like I'll die if I stay with Kuya Khalil!" I complained to Kuya Milo.

"He's the only one available; don't worry, he's capable even if he's like that. Call me if anything strange happens."

"Okay, Kuya." I hung up and handed Kuya Khalil his phone.

"I'm done watching porn. Can I watch Barbie now?" he teased.

"I wasn't watching porn! Just get out of my sight before I kick you!"

"How would you kick me?"

I was about to show him when he quickly ran into my room.

Early morning stress.

I made my coffee and prepared a sandwich, sitting down. As I was about to relax, my phone rang.


"Hello, Milk? Is Sofia there?"

It was Tita Fina. Sofia is one of my friends.

"No, Tita, why?"

"She hasn't come home since last night. I called Brandon and Ashia; they said she's not with them. She's not answering her phone either. Something might have happened to her."

"Don't worry, Tita, I'll call her."

"I tried, Milk, but her phone is dead."

"I'll look for her. I'll keep you updated."

"Okay, dear. Thank you."

I hung up, feeling a sudden unease. I stood up and headed to my room.

"Kuya Khalil, I'm leaving," I informed.

He closed the laptop. "I'll come with you; your life is in danger."

He was the first to leave, so I followed, not having the chance to change.

"Wait, where are we going?" he asked, puzzled.

Anywhere, as long as I find Sofia," I replied.

"Who's Sofia? What does she look like?" he inquired.

"She's my best friend." I scrolled through my phone to show him a picture of Sofia. "There's Sofia."

"That? I just saw her earlier--"


"On Facebook. She was found dead. I think she's already in the funeral home."

My phone rang just in time.

"Milk, Sofia is gone," Ashia cried. "They found her lifeless earlier."

I broke into tears before hanging up.

"Why are you crying?" Brother Khalil asked, bewildered.

"Sofia is dead, and you're still joking."

He suddenly burst into tears. "Huhu, I'm a great fortune teller. Ouch, why!"

"You're celebrating when someone is dead!"

I was about to knock him down Brother

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1 Chapter 1 Part 1
2 Chapter 2 Part 2
3 Chapter 3 Part 3
4 Chapter 4 Part 4
5 Chapter 5 Part 5
6 Chapter 6 Part 6
7 Chapter 7 Part 7
8 Chapter 8 Part 8
9 Chapter 9 Part 9
10 Chapter 10 Part 10
11 Chapter 11 Part 11
12 Chapter 12 Part 12
13 Chapter 13 Part 13
14 Chapter 14 Part 14
15 Chapter 15 Part 15
16 Chapter 16 Part 16
17 Chapter 17 Part 17
18 Chapter 18 Part 18
19 Chapter 19 Part 19
20 Chapter 20 Part 20
21 Chapter 21 Part 21
22 Chapter 22 Part 22
23 Chapter 23 Part 23
24 Chapter 24 Part 24
25 Chapter 25 Part 25
26 Chapter 26 Part 26
27 Chapter 27 Part 27
28 Chapter 28 Part 28
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30 Chapter 30 Part 30
31 Chapter 31 Part 31
32 Chapter 32 Part 32
33 Chapter 33 Part 33
34 Chapter 34 Part 34
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