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Heartless Alphas Unperfect Mate

Heartless Alphas Unperfect Mate

59 Chapters
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Daisy Bradden had married Grayson Watson for two years, and she followed everything he said. She was gentle and was willing to be a substitute. When Grayson's first love returned, Daisy proposed a divorce. Grayson did not care about her at all. "Have you thought it through? If you want to go back on your word, I won't give you the chance even if you beg me." Daisy was resolute. "I'm serious." Grayson looked at her, his gaze cold and disdainful. He wondered how she would come to him again. ... After the divorce, Daisy turned into the daughter of the richest man and worked in the entertainment industry. On Daisy's journey to becoming the best actress, things developed beyond Grayson's expectations again and again. The wife he once thought of as a good-for-nothing was actually a chief designer, composer, top racer, and youngest doctoral supervisor... When Grayson finally came to his senses and began to pursue Daisy, he found that Daisy was with him because his face resembled Daisy's late fiancé. ... Later, everyone saw that the high and mighty Grayson was willing to be a substitute and humbly begged, "As long as you are willing to be with me again, I can act like him."

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

(Eva's POV)

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Eva Happpppppppyyyy Birthdayyyyyy too YOUUUUUU". My brothers sang, loud and off key I might add. Yes, I'm finally 20. One more year and I'll be old enough to buy my first legal drink!

As I look up from my bed, I see Kyle holding an Ice cream cake, Anthony with 18 regular turquoise balloons, and two very big balloons that are in the shape of the number 20. While, Henry is recording. This is my family. I smile the biggest smile I have because the only downside to this is Dads not here, again. "Hahaha thanks guys! So where are my presents!?" The guys all looked at each other and I already knew, they forgot. "Uhhhhh well, you see what had happened was...." Henry said elbowing his twin Anthony. "Oi that hurt! But, oh! Uhhhh we were going to pick it up and this big tree fell from the sky and uhhhhh.." Henry jumped in "We swerved! And hit a cat! So we took the cat the doctors! And the cat was just in soooo much pain Eva! So we went to go buy medicine and stuff..." This time Kyle spoke ... "The idiots forgot to pick up your present. Which is why I had it delivered." I looked at him as he leaned against the door frame and smirked. I love my brothers so much but they can be such idiots at times. So I did what I always do when I want to get them back. I pretended I was disappointed in them. So I stood up, shook my head at them, while wagging my finger at them and said "I thought you were my favorites. How could you forget? Am I that unimportant that you could forget about me? I just thought.... *sniffs* we were family." I turn around and put my head in my hands to give it a little more "poor me" affect. Next thing I know I'm being crushed by four arms saying "We love you!! We're so sorrrrrry! Please Eva, don't cry!!!" I turn my head to look at Kyle who's smiling and shaking his head because he knows what I'm doing. I just wink at him and turn to back to the twins. "GUYS! Can't breathe" they let go. Anthony looks at me with the saddest eyes and says "Eve (pronounced E-Vee) we're really sorry we" Henry jumps in "promise to never forget! We just wanted ice cream" and they both look down. Dammit. They know. "Idiots. I thought I had you." I cross my arms and roll my eyes. They both start laughing and sling their arms over me. "No really though, we are sorry. Right Anthony?" Anthony looks at us "hmmm what? Oh yea, he's sorry. I'm not. That was some good ice cream." He sprints to the door before I can hit him. Like I said, Idiots. Haha I blow out my candles, take the balloons, and connect the video camera to my computer so I can download the video later. This has been the routine ever since I was 10. Before then, we had nanny's waking us up. But, soon we didn't need them anymore. The boys leave to get ready for school, and work. While I have a day off, and class was cancelled, I sit in my room eating my delicious Oreo ice cream cake. My eyes wonder around my room but land on the one and only photo. We each have a copy of our own, but mines is the original. It's my dad, my mom, laughing and kissing while the boys and I are covered in mud. Kyle was 9 at the time. Anthony and Henry were 7 and I was 5. That summer is when mom was killed. We don't know how, or why. Dad just came home, packed up all our things and we moved from New York City to a Small town called "Green Bay". It wasn't until I was 10, the twins were 12, and Kyle was 14 that he told us mom died. He never really went into detail. Dad was always one for secrets. Shaking my head of all thoughts I decided to go for a run. Knowing Kyle would want to go with me, I decide to tell him to go get change. As I'm walking up to his room I smell this cologne. And it doesn't take a genius to know who that belongs to. Dad. I can't believe he's home. Although I love my dad he's always been a strict person. Only speak when spoken to. Knock before entering a room. Respect those who are above you. Never ask questions, just obey. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Since we always listen, we've never been punished. Last but not least, Never go anywhere alone. I've never understood that but, I never questioned it either. I can feel my heart beating as his smell gets stronger. But it's not leading to Kyles room, it's leading to the study. I wipe my hands on my pj's, pat my curly hair down, fix my shirt, and make sure my breath smells ok. I clear my throat and knock three times. "You may enter Evangeline." My dad spoke. I never knew how he knew it was me, but again... I never questioned him on it. I peek inside to see where they are at when I go falling face first at my fathers tone. "I am your father Evangeline not some stranger. Next time enter like the young lady you are. And please, look presentable. What if I had colleagues over?" He tsk at me. I groaned as Kyle walked over and helped me up. I gave him a short nod telling me I'm fine. Which, he returned. I cleared my throat again "Dad, I wasn't expecting you to come home." I say with a straight face. It's weird, he radiates this power of authority so we never really smile, laugh or play around him. It's strictly business. "Yes, well. I decided to come say Happy Birthday and to give you this." He pulls out a box with a letter attached to it. I smile while taking the gift. "It was your mothers. I found no use for it so I thought you would want it." He said while looking through papers. I open it and it's a heart shaped necklace with a turquoise diamond on it. "I love it. Thank you dad!" I half screamed. "Please, Evangeline I'm right here. Do not scream. But you are welcome. Happy birthday. Now, if you don't mind I came to talk to Kyle. We have some business to discuss." And just like that he wasn't my father but a man who rarely visited. I gave him a short nod and turned to Kyle, "I was going to go for a run and wanted to know if you'd like to accompany me. But I see you are rather busy, another time." Before I can take two steps my father was grabbing my arm and turned me around. "You will take Anthony or Henry with you. You are not to be left alone. Am I understood Evangeline?" I bowed my head in defeat. "Yes father" I said barely above a whisper. We all have really good hearing so I knew he heard me. "Very well. You are dismissed." And with that I turned and left. I swallowed the golf ball sized lump in my throat and got dressed. Before I went down stairs, I passed by the game room and saw the twins fighting over who had the best car. Idiots.

"Guys?" Nothing "Guys!" Well, might as well. "Dads here" and with that they stopped dead in their tracks. They both got up from the floor and instead of being the 22 year olds with short black curly hair, and grey playful eyes, they were the 6ft tall, body building dudes, who stood confidently and now, terrifying even to me. They had a blank expression, and crossed arms. "Where" they both said. "Study with Kyle. But he said to go running with me, because you know the rules" I said with crossed arms. "Never go anywhere alone." Again they both said. "Alright give us 2 minutes to change we'll meet you outside." With that they both headed to their rooms stiff as a tree. Dad always seems to change us. I'm thankful we live in a secluded area by the woods. We can literally do anything and everything. This is my personal Serenity.

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4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4
5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5
6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6
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8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8
9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9
10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10
11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
12 Chapter 12 Chapter 12
13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13
14 Chapter 14 Chapter 14
15 Chapter 15 Chapter 15
16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16
17 Chapter 17 Chapter 17
18 Chapter 18 Chapter 18
19 Chapter 19 Chapter 19
20 Chapter 20 Chapter 20
21 Chapter 21 Chapter 21
22 Chapter 22 Chapter 22
23 Chapter 23 Chapter 23
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25 Chapter 25 Chapter 25
26 Chapter 26 Chapter 26
27 Chapter 27 Chapter 27
28 Chapter 28 Chapter 28
29 Chapter 29 Chapter 29
30 Chapter 30 Chapter 30
31 Chapter 31 Chapter 31
32 Chapter 32 Chapter 32
33 Chapter 33 Chapter 33
34 Chapter 34 Chapter 34
35 Chapter 35 Chapter 35
36 Chapter 36 Chapter 36
37 Chapter 37 Chapter 37
38 Chapter 38 Chapter 38
39 Chapter 39 Chapter 39
40 Chapter 40 Chapter 40
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