Despite five years since their painful breakup, Nicolas and Amelia find themselves haunted by lingering emotions, their hearts still attached despite the passage of time. Nicolas, now a powerful figure in the corporate world, bears hidden scars unknown to the public. Yet, beneath his tough exterior lies a heart still wounded by their past events. Determined to face his past, he is determined to reconnect with his former love, Amelia, the woman who wrecked his world. Meanwhile, burdened with the weight of her late mother's debts, Amelia struggles to deal with the memories of their love together with the pain of betrayal. Can fate give them another chance? Or will they allow the past to determine their future, letting their wounds from the past finally heal, or will they move on with their lives forever?
Amelia awoke to the blaring of her alarm clock. She groaned and rolled over, slapping the snooze button. Just five more minutes. She had worked late again last night coupling her work at the company and the Cafe, and her body ached for more rest.
But duty called. With another groan, Amelia forced herself to sit up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She winced as her sore muscles protested. It was going to be another long day.
After a quick shower, Amelia shuffled to the kitchen, hair still damp. Her father sat at the table reading the newspaper.
"Morning," she mumbled.
"You look tired," her dad said, peering at her over his reading glasses. "Those double shifts are running you ragged."
"I'll be fine, I still have my other job at the entertainment company" she assured him, pouring a large cup of coffee. The bitter liquid burned her tongue.
"If you need help with your mother's medical bills..." her father began.
"I've got it covered," Amelia said firmly. She felt a pang of guilt at the worry in his eyes. "Anyway, I should get going. See you tonight."
She hurried out the door before he could protest, shoulders slumped with exhaustion. The bus stop was still a few blocks away. She wondered if she could power nap on the ride to work. Just a few minutes of rest would get her through the day.
With a sigh, Amelia trudged onward. She couldn't give up now. She had to do this for her mom, she may be gone now but it is her responsibility. She owes it to her. Soon she'll be all done with the bills, just a little more she sighed again.
Amelia hurried along the busy sidewalk, dodging pedestrians as she made her way to the bus stop. By the corner of her eyes, she noticed a small group of people gathered around a folding table. Curious, she slowed her pace to see what they were doing.
As she drew nearer, she saw stacks of pamphlets, sign-up sheets on the table, and banners hung.
One of the banners read "5K Fun Run - Raise Funds for Families in Need." She realized it was a charity event to raise money for people who couldn't afford medical treatments.
As Amelia approached, a cheerful woman with a clipboard waved her over. "Good morning! We're raising money for families struggling with medical bills. Would you like to sign up to walk or run in the 5K?"
Amelia hesitated, knowing she didn't have time for a 5K today. But the cause spoke to her situation. "I...I wish I could, but I'm on my way to work right now," she explained.
The woman smiled sympathetically. "No problem! We also accept donations if you'd like to contribute.
Amelia paused, considering the woman's words. A donation, even a small one, would make a real difference for families like hers. She dug into her bag for her wallet, hoping she had a few spare dollars.
"I don't have much right now," Amelia said apologetically, fishing a crumpled five-dollar bill from her wallet. "But I want to help."
The woman's face lit up as she accepted the money. "Every bit counts! Thank you so much for your generosity. Here's a pamphlet with more info about our organization if you want to get involved."
Amelia smiled and tucked the pamphlet into her bag before continuing her way. As she walked, she felt a warmth in her heart. It was nice to be on the other side for once, to be the one helping instead of needing help. Even though she badly needed one.
She continued her walk to the bus stop and arrived just in time. She got in and took a sit by the window, settling in she exhaled slowly.
Once the bus had carried all the passengers, she checked her time only to see that she was running late.
Sometimes, she despised the fact, that she had to work so hard, leaving no time for herself.
Looking out the window, she admired the beautiful houses and nature wishing one day when she finally paid up all her mom's medical bills, she could buy a house for her and dad to enjoy their lives.
Speaking of the devil, or the angel in this case, she gets a call from her dad, she accepts the call
"Hey Dad, are you fine? do you need anything ?" She asks her dad, her tone a dual mix of affection and despair.
It was only two of them against the world now, when her mom died it was like a dark phase for them and she never wanted to relive that time ever again.
'' Of course, my darling, why wouldn't I be fine? I'm speaking with my beautiful daughter right now. You ran out of the house so fast without having breakfast, you make me worry so much Amy bug." Her dad said, laughing softly but in a pained tone.
You don't have to worry about this old man, okay, just take care of yourself and make sure you get something to eat.'' he added quietly.
'' Yes, Dad I will, just take care of yourself. I'll be back soon okay," Amelia said assuredly to her dad.
'' Quit worrying about me, you're young and have a life ahead of you. You don't deserve to be stuck in this mess. I'm so sorry. " He said apologetically, his voice thick with emotion.
I shake my head in a No movement, only realizing he can't see me.
'' Of course, not Dad, don't ever say that. You don't have to apologize for anything alright? For what is worth I'll take extra care of myself. I love you Daddy please " I tell him as my eyes welled up with unshed tears. Perhaps I just needed this moment.
'' I'll talk to you later, Bye. " I hang up the phone, full-blown crying to work and I don't want anyone seeing me in this vulnerable state. She cleaned her tears and rearranged herself.
The bus stopped her at her usual spot, just a block away from her workplace.
She stood up and headed for the door " Thank you Mr herringbone" she said loudly as she ran down in a hurry.
I arrived at my workplace, a high-end cafe that sells all types of coffee, both locally blended and internationally sourced. It was fun working there sometimes, at least you get free coffee for the day and your pain.
"Hey, Amy bug, you're here a little late. Don't let Mr Grumpy's pants catch you slacking off," her co-worker, Jenny, teased with a smirk, smacking her back softly.
Amelia rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, you know me. Always fashionably late."
Jenny chuckled and handed her an apron. "Well, you better get to it. It's going to be a busy day."
Amelia nodded and put on the apron that had the cafƩ logo Thirsty on it, as she took her position behind the counter 'Barista duties'. The familiar scent of coffee filled the air, and Amelia felt a sense of comfort despite her fatigue. The cafe was bustling with customers, and she jumped right into taking orders and making drinks.
As the day went on, Amelia's fatigue started to catch up with her. She was running on autopilot, barely registering the conversations around her. Her mind wandered to the conversation she had earlier with her dad and the mounting medical bills. She pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand.
Suddenly, a not-so-familiar voice cut through the noise of the cafe. "Is this seat taken?"
Amelia looked up to see a tall, impeccably dressed man standing right in front of her. His piercing blue eyes met hers, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
"Um, no," Amelia stammered, gesturing to the empty seat across from her. "You can have it."
The man smiled, revealing a perfectly straight row of white teeth. "Thank you."
As he sat down, Amelia couldn't help but sneak glances at him. There's something about him that seems out of place in this ordinary cafe. His presence exudes wealth and confidence.
"Are you a regular here?" Amelia asked, trying to make conversation.
The man chuckled softly. "You could say that. I own a few of these cafes in the city."
Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. " You're kidding me, right? that's amazing. So... does that make you the owner?"
He nodded a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You never know. But please, call me James."
She has been working here for a few months and never knew he was the owner. Well, sue her for never keeping tabs on her surroundings.
Amelia's mind raced with questions. What is a possible billionaire doing talking to little ole her though? She couldn't care less anyway, let's just go with the flow.
'' You seem pretty good at your work.'' James complimented, staring at her as she made the drinks.
'' I know right, Everyone denies it but they all know my drink hits the spot.'' Amelia continued as she finished up with some orders.
I guess he's going to watch me work too.
"Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" James offered, interrupting her thoughts.
Amelia hesitated. She knew she should decline, that accepting such an offer would be crossing a line. But she was tired, both physically and emotionally, and the idea of a small act of kindness from a stranger was tempting.
"I...I guess that would be nice. Thank you," she finally said, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
As James ordered their drinks, Amelia's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nerves.
They engaged in a little conversation, as Jenny covered for her before she stood up to get back to work.
This made her remember Nicolas, it's been five years since she heard from him. After their breakup, she fell into depression, together with her mom's illness and having to work she had little to no time to even think about her love life.
She missed him so much, but she hurt him badly, without leaving an explanation to back it up. She wished it were all different then, she didn't want to go to that length, but she had to for his good.
'' Hey...'' James said embarrassed that he didn't get her name
'' Amelia " she finished off for him.
'' I'm so sorry, that's so not gentlemanly like of me", he apologized sincerely for not asking for her name while standing up with her.
Well, this is a first, being apologized to twice in a row.
'' I know we just met, but I'd love to hang out with you sometime again,'' James said, his voice so husky.
'' By hangout you mean. '' Amelia pressed, waiting for his answer
'' It means I would like to take you on a date if you'd let me,'' James said throwing the ball to her court with a smirk.
This progressed a lot faster than I had imagined. She was trying to come to terms with what he just said.
''I would love that too.'' She finally replied to him, grinning from ear to ear
Do you mind if I get your number", he looked at me expectantly with those blue eyes that reminded me of someone who still makes my heartbeat fast.
There's no harm there, she thought. She doubts he would even remember her after this conversation.
'' Sure, here you go " The corner of his mouth quirked up as she handed him the note.
'' Thanks for the coffee ", Amelia said, lifting the cup in a thank you sign.
He stared at her with a smirk on his face as she walked off. She turned back to look at him and caught him still watching her.
A flush crept up her face as she shyly walked back to the counter.
'' Ohh, who's got Amy smiling like that? Who was that eye candy anyways ", Jenny's eyebrows waggled as she looked at her coyly, a little smile playing on her lips.
'' Nobody, just a customer that came in. He was trying to get some coffee and all ", she said, as she nibbled on her bottom lip, trying to cover the blush forming on her cheeks.
Girl, has anyone told you before, how bad of a liar you are ? ", She said pointedly while laughing loudly.
"Get back to work you slacker ", she winked at her, whistling with a big smile on her face.
Amelia sighed softly; Jenny was going to be the death of her, but she loved her anyway.
She had a few tables to go, and she was done for the day. Honestly, she had thought about quitting so many times, but the pay is quite good, and it helps her pay for her mom's medical bills.
It was time to go, she was usually the third person to leave but she decided to wait for Jenny today.
She sat by the counter, peering through her phone, there was no new notification at all. None from James.
She decided to go through her TikTok, and she got engrossed, she didn't notice Jenny come up behind her.
'' Whatcha doing baby doll''. Jenny whispered in her ears
'' Jeez Jenny! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? ''Amelia jumped up in fear, her hand placed on her chest.
Jenny adjusted her hair slightly, reapplying her gloss '''Calm your tits, Amy. Why are you so jumpy though? I didn't even do anything''. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
''It was creepy Jen and that was hella scary. ''Amelia glowered at her, as she stood up.
''It doesn't matter anymore, let's get our butts outta here already.'' She dragged me by the arm as we stepped out into the cold streets of LA.
We walked, humming to ourselves, and enjoying the night scenery. Jenny always treated her like she was her little sister and she loved that. She never got to experience that, but Jenny made it so worth it since she started working at Thirsty.
They got to the bus stop, and she bid Jen goodbye once the bus arrived. She could feel how sore her bones were when she sat by the window.
She couldn't wait to get home and take a hot shower.
In the pre-dominant pack of Silver Moon, a young werewolf struggles to control his inner beast and his desire to prove himself to the Silver Moon pack. His dreams are short-lived when rogues invade and threaten the peace of the pack, and Ethan's journey takes an unplanned turn. As prophecies unravel and betrayals shake the foundation of the pack into oblivion. Ethan takes it upon himself to uncover the darkness that befalls them knowing fully well that the future of his pack rests upon his shoulders. Ethan sets out on a dangerous journey to unravel the truth and defend those he loves, with secrets hiding in dark places and the pack's future in jeopardy. Ethan must risk it all as it is his destiny.
Must heartbreak and unrequited love go hand in hand? Scarlet is madly in love with her best friend's brother and childhood friend but shockingly, she finds out Jaxton her forever love is coming back to town after two years of playing professional football but not alone, he's returning with a brand new trophy in human form, his Girlfriend. Completely stunned by this news, Scarlet is overwhelmed by heartbreak and makes a difficult decision to move on. But fate has different plans for her when trouble knocks on Jaxton's door and the only person who can redeem his name is Scarlet and her Agency unknown to him. As the story unfolds, confessions and secrets are unveiled but one thing is for sure Jaxton's heart belongs to Scarlet and has been since the beginning. Will he fight for her? or will they leave everything to chance?
Charlee was left at the altar and became a laughingstock. She tried to keep her head high, but ultimately lost it when she received a sex tape of her fiance and her half-sister. Devastated, she ended up spending a wild night with a hot stranger. It was supposed to be one-time thing, but he kept popping up, helping her with projects and revenge, all while flirting with her constantly. Charlee soon realized that it was nice having him around, until her ex suddenly appeared at her door, begging for another chance. Her tycoon lover asked, āWho will you choose? Think carefully before you answer.ā
Rejected by her mate, who had been her long-time crush, Jasmine felt utterly humiliated. Seeking solace, she headed to a party to drown her sorrows. But things took a turn for the worse when her friends issued a cruel dare: kiss a stranger or beg her mate for forgiveness. With no other choice, Jasmine approached a stranger and kissed him, thinking that would be the end of it. However, the stranger unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "You're mine!" He growled, his words sending shivers down her spine. And then, he offered her a solution that would change everything...
Rachel used to think that her devotion would win Brian over one day, but she was proven wrong when his true love returned. Rachel had endured it allāfrom standing alone at the altar to dragging herself to the hospital for an emergency treatment. Everyone thought she was crazy to give up so much of herself for someone who didnāt return her feelings. But when Brian received news of Rachelās terminal illness and realized she didnāt have long to live, he completely broke down. "I forbid you to die!" Rachel just smiled. She no longer needed him. "I will finally be free."
Looking at the divorce papers my lips curled up into a mocking smile. 'How big fool I am? How can I think that he will give a chance to this marriage? How can I forget that I was nothing more a tool in his eyes to vent his anger until his beloved Tara is back. Since, she was back, how can he let me stay there?' "After you will sign these papers, you will receive 100 million dollars as alimony." the lawyer added. Because of his words, I came back to my senses took the pen from him, and signed the name. I have also gotten exhausted from this marriage both physically and mentally. Even though I had wanted my child to be born into a complete family, I didn't want my child to have a stepmother and live miserably like me for the rest of his life. After taking the papers from my hand, the lawyer gave me the bank card, turned around, and was about to leave when he paused at the door. He then turned around and added, "Mr. Carter said that he hoped that you won't pester him, or you have to bear the consequences." The lawyer's words were like a knife stabbing in my heart, but I still nodded. Anyway, I also don't plan to have anything to do with him anymore. I just want to live a good life with my children. After the lawyer left, the ward fell into silence. I placed my hand on my belly and said to my children, "Baby, I am sorry, Mommy can't give you a complete family! But I promise you, I will do my best to give the love of both mother and father." 'As for giving one of my child, I will never do that. They are my babies and my alone. I and I will give birth to all of them and raise them no matter what.' Four Years Later... Anya came back to the country with her three kids, to inherit the company left by his grandfather...
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..."Ā But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."