Lyric Rivera with her head held high and an air of confidence, she exuded an arrogant aura that drew both admiration and envy from her peers. A vision of beauty and arrogance,with dazzling blue eyes that glistened like cascades of golden curls that framed her delicate face,she was the center of attention everywhere she went. Lyric held herself with an air of superiority, confident in her privileged upbringing and assured of her place among the elite all her college life. But all this stopped when she fell victim to a merciless act that shattered her world entirely. She was drugged and raped on her graduation day. A day meant to be a good day,turned into her worst nightmare. After she discovered she was pregnant,her once family turned their backs on her,their pride and reputation meant more important than the broken soul standing before them. Disowned and cast away like a forgotten heirloom,Lyrics heart ached with betrayal and despair. The golden cage that had once protected her had crumbled,leaving her vulnerable and alone but,she needed to survive with her unborn child, Leaving behind a wounded soul seeking justice, she accepted what life holds for her but then,she got entangled with an arrogant boss when she went out for job hunting. Who's he? Leonardo Hernandez,a multi billionaire in his early twenties, a man of good reputation,calm but arrogant dude. He's someone who detest women talk more of them having body contact. Rumour had it that he had a hidden secrets on why he hates woman,but what could that be?? Despite being from a well known family, Lyric had to hide her name from the public and put up with him her new boss,for the sake of her twins. A once arrogant bully becomes a gentle and calm dove. What happens when he gets entangled with Lyrics and discovered he's falling for her? What happens when he also finds out she's having two kids? Will he profess his love or fight against it cos she's mother of two?
A black luxurious Ferrari droved into the estate,and a guy in who looked in his early twenty's, gets out of the car, wearing a tailored suit in a dark color, like navy or charcoal.
The suit is expensive and well-fitting, and the shoes are polished and expensive-looking.
His hair is neat and well-styled, and he exudes an air of confidence and sophistication.
His eyes drawn upward,at the big house, its whitewashed walls gleaming in the sunlight.
He let out the most charming smile ever before began walking to the house.
At the edge of the property, admiring the sweeping lawns, the rows of tall, perfectly trimmed trees, and the smooth, elegant facade of the house.
The garden looks like something out of a painting, with its neat flowerbeds and perfectly trimmed hedges.
He could hear the chirping of the birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle breeze through the trees. The sun is warm on my face, and he can smell the subtle scent of roses wafting from the garden.
As he approach the front door, he take in the scent of roses wafting from the nearby garden. The house is indeed overcome by a sense of peace and serenity as you reach for the brass doorknob and enter the main house.
He was welcomed by the elegance of the space, The walls are lined with marble and a crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
There is a sweeping staircase leading to the second floor, and a large mirror reflects the sunlight streaming through the windows. The floor is tiled in a rich, dark wood, and the air is scented with the aroma of roses.
To the left of the foyer,is a long hallway and at the end of the hallway,and at the end of the hallways is a sets of double doors.
He take a deep breath, and gently push one of the doors open.The room beyond is bathed in light, and you're greeted by the sight of a massive mahogany desk, complete with leather chairs and a stately bookshelf.
Beyond the desk, spotted a door leading into another room.
The room beyond is clearly the master bedroom. The bed is enormous, covered in a plush, navy blue comforter. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook a verdant garden, and a walk-in closet beckons from the far wall.
The room is immaculate, and everything seems to be in its proper place.
The guys eyes fell on a figure lazilly stretched under a thick duvets.
"Boss!!!" He finally announced his presence and a figure pushed the duvets off his body at once and his face came to view.
His slightly dazed expression on his face as he slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a few times, trying to get his bearings.
Even in his disheveled state, the man is undeniably handsome.
His dark hair is tousled, framing his face in a way that only enhances his chiseled features. His strong jawline is lightly dusted with stubble, and his cheekbones are prominent and striking.
Even though he's wearing a simple white t-shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants, there's no mistaking the fact that he's a man of privilege and power. His brown eyes are piercing and intense.
Why won't he has all this features??
Leonardo Hernandez, twenty five, the only heir to the Hernandez family,the richest and most famous family in New Zealand and the youngest CEO in the country.
Not even the president dares not to speak,when it's comes to them.
Since thier dad's death. He took over almost all the property.
Not because he's the only child,he has two sisters. Josephine and Mikaela.
Josephine is the eldest,she's 31 and happily married,she's staying in Australia managing thier business over there.
While Mikaela Is just 19,a college student. She's staying in the same house with Leonardo.
"Good morning!" Princeton bowed and Leonardo only nodded
"Don't tell me it's already time?" Leonardo asks, his voice low and slightly rough from sleep.
"Sorry boss! It's pasted the time given" Princeton,His PA replied
Leonardo graoned and sat by the edge of the bed. He put his feet on the floor and reached under the bed for his plush slippers. He slipped them on, and stood up, stretching his arms over his head, and made his way over to Princeton.
Leonardo took the tablet from Princeton, who smiled and bowed slightly.
"So what am I supposed to do? Am I really needed at the meeting? I fell like staying home all day" He yawned as he scroll through the tablets.
Princeton only smile as he makes sure to maintain one metre away from him as he followed him out.
"A new game has finally been launched and it's can't be announced yet if you aren't present,you don't have to say a word. All they need is you" Princeton explained
"New game? Why don't I know about this?"
Princeton made to show him but he stopped him.
"I'll just see it for myself at the meeting,wait for me downstairs! I'll join you in few minutes" He returned the tablet and shoved his hands in his pocket,heading back to his room.
Princeton was making his way to the living room, when he sight Mikaela eating alone at the dining room.
"Princeton!" Mikaela waved at him and immediately stood,and rushed to him
"Ma'am Mika!" Princeton bowed and Mikaela frowned
"I thought I told you to stop bowing and addressing me as ma'am or miss,Just call me Mikaela or Micky!" She said
"I'm sorry ma'am,I really can't do that!" Princeton bowed again
"Is it because of my brother? I promise he won't get mad if he found out, or you can simply call me by my name when we're together alone" She smile hoping he'll just do it.
She badly wanna hear how her name will sound in his cute lips.
Leonardo showed up that minutes,he's already dressed.
"You're still here?" Leonardo turned to Mikaela.
Mikaela rolled her eyes and went back to her seat.
"Eat with me! I don't wanna eat alone! Again?" She pouted
Leonardo checked his watch before facing her.
"I know it's gonna be No! Again? You can leave,I'm used to this anyway" She muttered sadly
"I'm sorry Micky? I'll make it up to you later ok?" Leonardo stroke her hair and she gave him a smile in return
"Take care and don't stay out late" He added and starts to walk out. Princeton immediately followed him.
Mikaela eyes followed him till he was out of sight.
"I wonder why he never smiles at me? Does he hates me?" She mumbled and her phone rang at once.
It's from her friends.
"No! Please!!!"
"Please! No!!"
"Don't do this!"
"I'm begging you... please!!"
The alarm began ringing and the sound woke Lyric. She sat up turning her face to the widow side.
The sun warmed my face, and the breeze lifted the hair from her neck,Her beauty and innocent face came to view.
She just had a dream of her that tormenting night again. She's use to it,and sometimes wish it's really turned out to be a nightmare but.
Something suddenly rang in her head and she immediately get off the bed. She ran out,entering the room next to hers.
She dashed into the room and met Granny Lupe, already cleaning the room.
"Nanny! Why are they still sleeping? It's pasted 7!" She exclaimed, attempting to wake Pearl and Starr.
Her two kids.
"It's Saturday, there's no school....." Granny Lupe said
Lyric moved back
"That's true,can't believe I forgot that again!" She ruffled her hair
"It's normal to forget sometimes! After all you're not that young anymore" Granny Lupe smiled
"I'm still young Nannyy! If I didn't know you and tells you I've kids will you believe?"
Granny Lupe shooked her head and they both laugh.
Lyric sat next to kids,and touched thier hairs brushing it from thier face.
Granny Lupe stopped what she was doing to watch,a smile spread on her lips.
Lyrics raised her head and thier gaze met.
"Wanna tell me something?"
"I'm really proud of who you've become Lyric! I love the bound you and your kids shared! You're not hating on them anymore" Granny Lupe said
"That's all I'm the past now! I know it's hard to forget about all what happened to me, but I'll do it for thier sake! Right now! All I need is them for me to survive,even if I didn't get them like how I pictured,I'm happy they are my children"
"I don't want to see them go through what I've been through... I'll try my best to protect them! Always!"
"That's great my dear,and I'll always be here to protect you" Granny Lupe smile and kiss her hair.
"Thanks nanny,what will I ever do without you?" Lyrics hugged her.
"It's nothing! It's my duty to always take care of you" Granny Lupe hugged her back
"I love you nanny!"
"I love you too!"
Mikaela got down from her car and the students started passing comments on her dress.
It's had always been like that.
"What time will your class end Ma'am?" The driver asked her.
"I'll just call you when you're done!" Mikaela grabbed her bag as the driver drove off
"Bestie!! Micky?!!" Eclipse waved,rushing to her
She got to her,and they hugged.
Eclipse broke the hug shortly and adjust her headphone. In her usual baggy jeans and oversized shirt as usual.
She's the type of girl who hates girly stuff alot,make ups,lashes,not even a dress.
Even with that, she's one of the prettiest in the school,she's the next after Mikaela.
They are her bestfriends,since Highschool.
"Guess what?!!" She gushed as they both started entering the school
"You've a new crush for this week? What's his name and his department? What year is he in?" Mikaela threw her questions
"Micky!!" Eclipse snapped
"Why do you think I was going to say that?" Eclipse pouted
"Of course it's you! Micky's one and only bestie! You change crushes every week,it's nothing new babe. So tell me who the Lucky guy is!" Mikaela said
Eclipse pulled down her headphone down to her neck before showing Mikaela her phone.
"He said he's gonna show himself to you today? Whao! After all this months? I'm so happy for you bîtch!" Mikaela gushed and they both started jumping
The students passing the hallway staring at them but they cared less.
Eclipse dipped her hand in her back,and brought out a star shaped fluffy teddy.
"I know right! I really can't wait to see his chilsed jawline and cute dimple like he described! he said he's gonna show up here with this so we can easily recognize! he's got one too" Eclipse grimaced.
"I don't think you'll be that happy to see him!" Mikaela tapped her and pointed at the guy standing behind them.
"Why?!" Eclipse raised her brows and turned to the guy,her eyes widened at once,she couldn't even close her mouth when he eyes landed on the same star shaped fluffy teddy with the guy.
"What the f*ck is this? Don't tell me you're froggy?" She gasped in shock
"Of course I'm froggy! And you must be Puppy? Right?" The guy reference to as froggy smile making his chubby cheeks bounced out
"No! You must be joking! You can't be my froggy! Froggy was supposed to be skinny and tall handsome guy,, where is my chilsed jawline and cute dimple?? You've got to be kidding me?" Eclipse screamed
"Those were my brother pics! I thought you won't like me if you knew I'm fat and ugly! But don't worry we're just slightly different,I still have his face. What matter is I love you puppy!" Froggy held Eclipse
"Mummy!!! A frog just said he loves who! How dare you lie to me? How dare you? Just when I thought I've finally met the one!" Eclipse snapped and Froggy stepped back
Mikaela who has been watching the scene,while trying to hold her laughter.
"I'm sorry angel eyes!! Just give me the chance to make it up to you,I truly love you with all my heart" He made to touch her again but her glare stopped him
"Stop calling me that and never contact me ever again! I'm blocking you right now! F**k love and f*ck you! I hate fatsos you ain't my type so f*ck off pregnant boy!" Eclipse shot and threw the teddy down. She started walking away.
He made to go after her but Mikaela stopped him.
"I'll talk to her don't worry! I'm sure she feel the same way about you,infact she loves you more,madly!" She assured and a smile formed his lips.
"Thank you!"
Mikaela nodded and went after Eclipse.
"Angel eyes!" She didn't know when she broke into laughter,on her way.
Leonardo car halted in front of the building and four of his Bodyguard got down first,then he stepped out with Princeton beside him.
If you knew how the house looks,there won't be need to talk about how the company looks like.
All the staffs in the floor bowed completely, till he got to his office.
"Boss!" Princeton called and he turned.
"The meeting right? When is it starting?" Leonardo asked
"It has started, they've been waiting for you" Princeton announced
"Alright! Lead the way!" He replied and Princeton did as he said.
It's not surprising on how they both clicked pretty well,compare to how he treat his other workers.
He treated Princeton differently.
To Leonardo, he's like a good companion and friend to him.
They got to the meeting room,and all the board members stood at once to welcome him.
They weren't expecting him to really show up at a company meeting, he had never did.
Leonardo went to seat at the seat meant for the president and he signalled them to sit.
"It's really surprising to see you here Mr President!" Mr Ling, one of the board member said with a smile.
"So true! We're really glad to have you here! It's meant a lot" Mrs Ryder added.
"Who said I'm here for the meeting?" Leonardo said and Mr Ling brows ceased.
"If you're here it's only means it's to join us for the meeting? Or do you have another business here?" Mr Brown chirped in.
"Of course! I'm here to tell you to go on with the meeting without me! I won't be joining you! I payed you'll right? Then one of you should pretend you're me and act my role. Just make sure the person matches my looks" He stood and shoved his hand in his pocket,before started walking out.
"Wait what?" The board members mumbled among themselves.
The church was silent as the priest guided the couple through their vows, the tension palpable as the groom slowly slid the ring onto his bride's finger. But just as the ring was about to touch her skin, he abruptly pulled his hand away. "I can't do this." He declared, his voice echoing through the silent church. The audience gasped in shock as he turned to the back of the church, pointing to the open door. "I'm calling this wedding off. I'm marrying her instead." All eyes turned to the door as a woman marched gracefully down the aisle, her head held high and a smirk playing on her lips. Dressed in a breathtaking wedding gown that outshone even the bride's, she strode confidently toward the groom, ready to take her place by his side. The shock was palpable as the guests realized that the woman was none other than the bride's younger sister. The younger sister reached the altar, the groom gently took her hand, and together, they moved to stand before the priest. The stunned silence of the guests was punctuated only by the soft sound of the bride's sobs as she watched her groom and sister walk away from her. Even the priest seemed at a loss for words, but he regained his composure and resume the ceremony. "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked the groom. "I do" the groom replied, his voice firm. The couple exchanged vows, their gazes locked on each other as if they were the only two people in the room. "You may kiss the bride" The priest announced and they embraced, their kiss passionate and lingering,as the real bride, unable to bear the sight any longer, fainted. ***** The story began long before the dramatic wedding day, in a cruel twist of fate, Kayla, the elder sister stole away the Delaney, the younger sister's college boyfriend. Delaney, heartbroken and unable to forgive her elder sister's betrayal, harbored resentment for years. Despite appearances of moving on, the Delaney never forgot the man she had loved so deeply and how Kayla cruelly snatched him from her. Years passed and Kayla announced her engagement to a man from another country, Delaney saw her chance for revenge. She hatched a plan to not just ruin her sister's wedding, but to steal the groom for herself. With careful manipulation and cunning, Delaney managed to win over the groom, setting the stage for the ultimate betrayal. And so, on that fateful day, the younger sister marched down the aisle, ready to claim her sister's husband as her own and exact her long-awaited revenge.
Not the story!!!!! The real version is Stolen Vows - The Their of Happiness. Trying to delete it but it's hard, trying to change the name as well, If you have any idea how to do that, kindly drop a comment.
My life was a whirlwind of privilege and innocence until everything changed. As the only child of wealthy parents, I'd always had everything I needed, but never really connected with the girly scene. My best friend Travis, the ultimate playboy, was my rock, and we shared a bond that went beyond siblings. But when my dad's business went bankrupt and my parents left me in Travis's care, and my world practically turned upside down. Living with Travis all alone in one house. I struggled to cope with the loss of my old life and the secrets Travis kept from me. Little did I know, our summer of solitude would lead to a truth or dare game that would change everything..."
"Then do as I said hottie" She unbolt my trouser which she tossed away smiling at my rod again "Will I be her paid for this or what? I don't understand" I thought. "If it's about the money then don't worry cos I can give you any amount you want,as long as you pleasure me" She fell on the large table and widened her leg pulling me to the middle. "How come she knows I'm thinking about the money? Does she heard me or what?" I hesitate. "This isn't right" "5 thousand dollars? What do you say?" She smirked My eyes widened. In my whole existence,I've never make as much as 5 dollars. She want to give me for pleasuring her. What more? She'll be pleasuring me equally. "Deal!" I uttered out and immediately dived my dick inside her,fucking her fast immediately... "Fuck!" **** Claire Walker is 25,a pretty,curvy young independent and successful lady. She lives alone since age of 16 after she lost her parents to plane crash. As the only child with no siblings/half siblings she inherit their whole riches and wealth alone. After college she started managing her family's company. She's tactful and dedicated,kind loved by everyone especially her workers. All Claire ever wanted was to have a family of her own. Get married at the right age and have her own kids. But,she suddenly develop a strange wild urge. She got nymphomaniac at age 23 and she her wild urge for sex grows every single day,she can't go without having sex a day or she'll die. Yes she will. She became a regular customer at different hotels and bars,get fucked by random mans every single night. She become a professional night stander,she doesn't get payed for getting fucked. She paid them instead.
If you ask a normal person, How does it feel to be 25? "A new bright age, for any gender to start thinking of how to settle down with his/her partner" Yes, that's the correct answer, I think it is for everyone but definitely not Jasper Wealth. He his q only a playboy who enjoy his life for fucking a hole all around, but he also hates the word marriage. He never believes thier is something called LOVE OR MARRIAGE. His parents died at a very young age and he only has his grandma left as his family. Even though he his the only Son, His grandma never agree to him taking his inheritance at a young age, unless he turned 25. The day he turned 25, was the most happiest day of his life and he was all excited to take his money and of course start spending it's all on drinks and party. But, what if his Grandma's has another plan in store for him. What if he will never get to collect his money unless he got married Will he agree to her wish or not?? And how is gonna find a perfect girl to play the role of his wife without being caught??
A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!
After five years of marriage, my husband is always absent on my birthday. No gifts, no blessings. He said, "I've given you the money, buy whatever you want." But he started preparing for Fiona's birthday half a month in advance. He said, "She's different, she only has me." As the sole survivor of a unexpected fire, he has been heartbroken for over a decade. Watching Fiona in Moments holding a cake and kissing his face. I slowly commented. 【Just this useless person, I'm giving him to you.】
It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but Carrie made the mistake of falling in love with Kristopher. When the time came that she needed him the most, her husband was in the company of another woman. Enough was enough. Carrie chose to divorce Kristopher and move on with her life. Only when she left did Kristopher realize how important she was to him. In the face of his ex-wife’s countless admirers, Kristopher offered her 20 million dollars and proposed a new deal. “Let’s get married again.”
Despite being an illegitimate daughter, Lena bore a striking resemblance to the young lady of the Evans family. Faced with their threats, she was forced to take her half-sister’s place and marry Dylan. As an act of defiance, Lena seduced Dylan night after night, until she had him completely wrapped around her finger. Using his affections to her advantage, she set out to undermine the Evans family. Over time, Dylan began to notice something odd about his beloved wife...
During her three years of marriage with Brendan, Adeline had become as humble as dust itself. However, what she got in return wasn't love and affection, but endless indifference and disdain. Worse yet, when the woman in Brendan's heart suddenly showed up, he further distanced himself from her. Finally, Adeline couldn't stand it anymore and asked for a divorce. After all, why should she stay with such a cold, distant man? The next one would surely be better. Brendan watched as his ex-wife left with her luggage in tow. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and he made a bet with his friends. "She'll definitely regret leaving and will come crawling back to me in no time." After hearing about this bet, Adeline sneered. "Dream on!" A few days later, Brendan ran into his ex-wife in a bar. It turned out she was celebrating her divorce. Not long after, he noticed that the damned woman seemed to have a new suitor. Brendan was starting to panic. The woman who had clung to him for three years suddenly didn't seem to give a damn about him. What was he going to do?
Lindsey's fiancé was the devil's first son. Not only did he lie to her but he also slept with her stepmother, conspired to take away her family fortune, and then set her up to have sex with a total stranger. To get her lick back, Lindsey decided to find a man to disrupt her engagement party and humiliate the cheating bastard. Never did she imagine that she would bump into a strikingly handsome stranger who was all that she was currently looking for. At the engagement party, he boldly declared that she was his woman. Lindsey thought he was just a broke man who wanted to leech off her. But once they began their fake relationship, she realized that good luck kept coming her way. She thought they would part ways after the engagement party, but this man kept to her side. "We gotta stick together, Lindsey. Remember, I'm now your fiancé. " "Domenic, you're with me because of my money, aren't you?" Lindsey asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Domenic was taken aback by that accusation. How could he, the heir of the Walsh family and CEO of Vitality Group, be with her for money? He controlled more than half of the city's economy. Money wasn't a problem for him! The two got closer and closer. One day, Lindsey finally realized that Domenic was actually the stranger she had slept with months ago. Would this realization change things between them? For the better or worse?
Linsey was stood up by her groom to run off with another woman. Furious, she grabbed a random stranger and declared, "Let's get married!" She had acted on impulse, realizing too late that her new husband was the notorious rascal, Collin. The public laughed at her, and even her runaway ex offered to reconcile. But Linsey scoffed at him. "My husband and I are very much in love!" Everyone thought she was delusional. Then Collin was revealed to be the richest man in the world. In front of everyone, he got down on one knee and held up a stunning diamond ring. "I look forward to our forever, honey."