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When you hear of the angel of death what comes to your mind? Probably and ugly creature with horns right? However he is a far cry from that. He's in the form of Emerald DeVille the riches man in the town of Snowville. No ugly looks and definitely no horns. He has golden eyes and silver blonde hair falling to his waist. He can make a girl wet with just a smile. Plus he's an unserious bad boy. However during one of his pickups he couldn't get the daughter of his victim out of his head. Now harboring feelings for a mortal is a sin talk less of getting into a relationship with one. What will happen when the heavenly host hear of this? Who captured the the bad boy's heart? What is in store for the poor mortal who gets involved with a heavenly being? You won't want to miss this ride.

Chapter 1 1

The sun rays peeked through the window of a dark themed room and bathed the figure sleeping on the bed. Emerald groaned and tossed around in bed several times before sitting up. He looked at the time and gasped. Past nine.

Stepping down from the bed he moved to the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath before stepping out of the bathroom. He put on a white tee shirt over grey sweatpants before brushing his hair and tying it in a red elastic band. He starred at his self in the mirror and smiled.

Slipping his phone into his pocket he headed downstairs. When he got down he heard laughter from the kitchen and moved towards it. On getting there he met Celia and Snow.

"Hey ladies". He greeted earning the attention of both women. Celia was busy with the stove while Snow sat at a table.

"Someone decided to wake up". Celia said sarcastically handing him a cup of coffee. He sipped and let out a smile.

"Good morning Mr DeVille". Snow said standing up. "Celia I'll head home now. I need to go to work and I'm late already".

"Don't worry about your father Snow. He'll be fine". Celia said giving her a hug. Snow smiled and left the kitchen.

Celia turned her attention to the pot. She stirred it for a while and turned off the stove.

"You know he's gonna die right?" Emerald asked leaning by the kitchen island and folding his arms.

"Yes but I can't tell her that". Celia replied. She began putting food on a plate. " Do you want some?"

"No thanks. I should head to work". With that he disappeared into thin air.


The students were in class when Phyna walked in loudly popping her gum.

"Phyna can you please stop with the noise?" A student said and Phyna rolled her brown eyes.

"If you got a problem hearing it then shut your ears". She said popping louder. She took a seat beside her best friend Olive. "I got gist".

That's Phyna for you. Beautiful, slim with brown hair and eyes. She's also a very annoying person and this made her classmates wonder how she became friends with Olive.

"What news do you have this time Phy?" Olive asked looking up from her book.

"DV Enterprises is holding an event next two weeks". Phyna said checking her looks in the mirror of her phone case.

"I heard that too. My mom told me the CEO will be present". Larise confirmed and suddenly the whole class became interested in the discussion.

"I'll give anything to see Emerald DeVille". Another girl said dreamily and Roman rolled his eyes.

"Jesus! You guys make it sound like he's a god. He's just another human". He said upset.

"Maybe. But he has more money and looks than your next ten generations will ever have". Phyna said and the whole class burst into laughter.

"Well the event is for the rich people. Not everyone will attend. I don't think I'll attend". Olive said finally deciding to join the conversation.

"Why not?" Larise asked. " You are rich girl".

"Yes. But with my dad's condition I don't think I'll be able to party. 'sides Snow won't be home to look after him".

"Where would she be?" Phyna asked. She wasn't happy her best friend won't be going with her to the party. But she'll find a way to convince her otherwise.

"She works at DV Finanxes and employees are mandated to attend ". She explained. Just then the bell rang. Some of the students stood up and began packing their books.

"Let's head over to the lab for Chemistry ". Larise said carrying her red handbag.

"You girls go ahead. I'll get my lab coat from my locker and join you". Olive said packing her bag.

"Okay then ". Phyna said carrying her bag. " Come on Larise. Let's go "

Both girls moved out of the classroom chatting. Olive took her bag and made for the locker. She moved through the not so quiet hallway and got to her locker. She dropped her books and her bag inside before taking out her lab coat, exercise and text book. She shut the locker and walked away.

After hours of intense studying school was finally over. The students were going home some standing and conversing. Phyna stood by her white car with her friends. She had a pleading look on her face.

"Please I really need someone to follow me to the mall. You all know I have trust issues". She pleased with her face in a pout. She wanted her friends to follow her to the mall for new outfits.

"Sorry Phyna you'll have to go alone. I've got to go home and do chores like laundry. You mom's out of town and I'm in charge". Larise explained

"And I can't go with you either. Snow Will kill me if she finds out I stayed long. I'm grateful James insisted I keep schooling. I can't overdo it". Olive also explained.

Phyna sighed in defeat. Seems like she'll have to shop alone. Ugh.

"Fine then. Be careful okay". She said embracing her friends

'We should be telling you that. Don't drive too fast ". Olive warned

"Okay momma ". Phyna said and they all laughed. Phyna got into her car and drove away. Olive and Larise began strolling, looking for a cab.


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