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Trapper To Love

Trapper To Love

1 Chapters
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Lucas is a young man with a history of using relationships for personal gain. He meets Eleanor, an older woman with a magnetic charm and a deep sense of purpose, and initially sees her as an easy target. However, as he gets to know her, Lucas is drawn into Eleanor's world of philanthropy and social change. She is dedicated to her nonprofit organization, the Bridge Builders Foundation, which works to empower communities and create sustainable solutions to social issues.

Chapter 1 The plan

Lucas Carter leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling of his small, cluttered apartment. The hum of the city outside his window was a constant reminder of the life he felt slipping through his fingers. At 27, he was nowhere near where he had imagined he would be. His job at the marketing firm was uninspiring, his social life was a revolving door of superficial encounters, and his bank account was perpetually teetering on the edge of overdraft.

It wasn’t that Lucas lacked ambition. On the contrary, he had dreams of a better life, one filled with luxury, stability, and purpose. But every step he took seemed to lead him further away from that dream. His job, though it paid the bills, left him feeling unfulfilled and stuck in a monotonous cycle. He craved something more, something that would give his life meaning and direction.

One evening, after yet another frustrating day at work, Lucas found himself at his favorite bar, nursing a drink and contemplating his future. The bar was a dimly lit, cozy place, frequented by a mix of locals and young professionals like himself. It was a place where he could temporarily escape the pressures of his life and lose himself in the background noise of conversations and clinking glasses.

As he sat there, his mind wandering, he couldn’t help but notice the interactions around him. Groups of friends laughing and sharing stories, couples engrossed in intimate conversations, and solitary figures like himself, lost in their thoughts. One particular group caught his eye—a table of older women, elegantly dressed and clearly enjoying their evening.

Lucas watched them with interest. There was something captivating about their confidence, the way they carried themselves with a sense of self-assuredness that came from years of experience. They seemed so different from the women his age, who were often still trying to figure out who they were and what they wanted from life. These women knew what they wanted, and they had the means to get it.

An idea began to form in Lucas’s mind, a plan that seemed both daring and risky. What if he could charm one of these women? He had always been good with people, his natural charisma and good looks opening doors for him that might otherwise remain closed. But this would be different. This wouldn’t be about a fleeting connection or a one-night stand. This would be about securing a future, about finding someone who could offer him the stability and lifestyle he craved.

The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. Older women often had established careers, financial security, and a wealth of life experience. They knew what they wanted, and they appreciated someone who could offer them companionship and affection without the baggage of youthful indecision. Lucas believed he could be that someone.

With a new sense of determination, Lucas began to outline his plan. He would start by identifying potential targets, women who were successful, sophisticated, and preferably single. He would attend events where he might encounter such women—charity galas, art exhibitions, high-end social gatherings. He would need to present himself as someone worth their attention, someone who could hold his own in their world.

The first step, he decided, was to upgrade his appearance. His wardrobe, though functional, was far from the polished look he needed to fit into the circles he aimed to infiltrate. He spent the next weekend shopping for clothes that would help him blend in at upscale events—tailored suits, crisp shirts, and classic accessories that spoke of understated elegance.

Next, he worked on refining his social skills. Lucas was naturally charming, but he knew he needed to be more than just a pretty face. He read books on conversation, etiquette, and body language, absorbing tips on how to navigate high society with grace and poise. He practiced in front of the mirror, perfecting his smile and his confident yet approachable demeanor.

With his preparations complete, Lucas felt ready to put his plan into action. He researched upcoming events in the city, choosing a high-profile charity gala as his first target. It was an annual event, attended by the city’s elite, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to make his debut.

The night of the gala, Lucas felt a mix of nerves and excitement. He dressed carefully, making sure every detail was perfect. His suit fit him like a glove, his shoes were polished to a shine, and his hair was styled just right. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he felt a surge of confidence. He could do this. He had to.

Arriving at the grand hotel where the gala was being held, Lucas took a moment to compose himself before stepping out of the taxi. The entrance was bustling with elegantly dressed guests, the air filled with the hum of conversation and the soft strains of a live orchestra. He took a deep breath and walked inside, his heart pounding with anticipation.

The ballroom was a sight to behold, with crystal chandeliers casting a warm glow over the room and tables adorned with floral centerpieces and fine china. Lucas scanned the crowd, his eyes searching for potential targets. He spotted several groups of older women, each engaged in animated conversations. He made his way to the bar, ordering a glass of champagne and taking a moment to observe.

As he sipped his drink, Lucas’s eyes were drawn to a woman standing near the edge of the dance floor. She was stunning, her navy gown shimmering under the lights, her presence commanding attention even in a room full of glamorous people. She seemed to radiate confidence and grace, her smile genuine and warm as she chatted with those around her.

Lucas felt a spark of recognition. He had seen her before, in magazines and on television. Eleanor Mitchell, the successful businesswoman and philanthropist. She was exactly the kind of woman he had been looking for—successful, sophisticated, and seemingly unattached.

Gathering his courage, Lucas made his way towards her, weaving through the crowd with a practiced ease. He waited for a lull in her conversation before stepping forward, his smile charming and sincere.

"Good evening," he said, offering his hand. "Lucas Carter. I couldn’t help but notice the wonderful job you’ve done with this event."

Eleanor turned to face him, her eyes assessing. "Thank you, Mr. Carter. I’m Eleanor Mitchell. It’s always nice to see new faces at these events."

"The pleasure is mine, Ms. Mitchell. Your reputation precedes you," Lucas replied smoothly. "I’ve heard a lot about your company’s work. It’s truly impressive."

Eleanor’s expression softened slightly, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. "Well, I do try my best. But enough about work. What brings you to our little soirée tonight?"

Lucas launched into a carefully crafted story about his interest in philanthropy and his admiration for the causes she supported. He spoke with genuine enthusiasm, highlighting his own volunteer work and his desire to make a difference. As they talked, he could see her relaxing, the initial wariness in her eyes giving way to genuine interest.

Eleanor found herself drawn to Lucas in a way she hadn’t anticipated. There was something refreshing about his enthusiasm, a stark contrast to the jaded attitudes of many of the men she usually encountered. As the evening progressed, she found herself enjoying his company more than she had expected.

By the end of the night, Lucas had managed to secure an invitation to Eleanor’s next charity event. It was a small victory, but a crucial first step in his plan. What he didn’t anticipate was the growing knot of guilt in his stomach as he watched her leave, her smile lingering in his mind long after she had disappeared from view.

This was supposed to be simple, he reminded himself. Just a means to an end. But as he lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was already in deeper than he had planned.

The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity for Lucas. He threw himself into his work with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to make a good impression on Eleanor at the next event. He researched her interests, her achievements, and the causes she was passionate about, wanting to be well-prepared for their next meeting.

He also began to question his own motives. The more he learned about Eleanor, the more he admired her. She was not just a successful businesswoman; she was a person of depth and integrity, someone who had worked hard to achieve her success and used her influence to make a positive impact on the world. The idea of using her for his own gain began to weigh heavily on his conscience.

Lucas knew he had to tread carefully. He had set out to secure a better future for himself, but he was beginning to realize that the cost of that future might be higher than he had anticipated. He didn’t want to hurt Eleanor, and he didn’t want to lose her respect. He needed to find a way to reconcile his ambitions with his growing feelings for her.

As the day of the next charity event approached, Lucas felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He was eager to see Eleanor again, but he was also aware of the delicate balance he needed to maintain. He couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.

When the evening of the event arrived, Lucas dressed with the same care and attention to detail as before. He chose a classic black tuxedo, making sure every element of his appearance was impeccable. He wanted to look his best for Eleanor, to show her that he was someone who belonged in her world.

The event was held at a prestigious art gallery, the walls adorned with masterpieces from renowned artists. Lucas arrived early, taking the opportunity to familiarize himself with the layout and the exhibits. He wanted to be well-prepared for any conversations that might arise.

As he mingled with the guests, Lucas kept an eye out for Eleanor. When he finally spotted her, she was standing near a striking painting, deep in conversation with a group of guests. She looked stunning, her red gown a bold contrast

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Latest Release: Chapter 1 The plan   06-23 19:04
1 Chapter 1 The plan
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