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THE CONQUERED PRINCESS They was a princess named Rahila she was fearless and beautiful,and arrogant her father the king in noma kingdom . Her mother, queen zarau died when she was 8 years old ,she was raised by her father and some of her father slaves . Her father was very wicked ,and arrogant he kills people like animals,any one that enters into his kingdom he kills them,he make them like slaves ,all the people fears him. But something happened that stop all this ,the kingdom of Zuma came to their kingdom and destroy, everything so they took the princess and the kingdom. The savant that the king trusted betrayed him and everything turn around for Rahila life . Let find out what happened in Rahila like and who are the kingdom that destroy noma and make Rahila to be a slaves.




Her name was princess Rahila. She was fearless, she was bold, she was very beautiful, a perfect definition of an African beauty.

Tall, a smooth dark skin, curvy, and a clear bright eyes.

The tale of princess Rahila's beauty was heard all over the seven neighboring kingdoms, and the tale of her Arrogance was not left untold too.

Princess Rahila, the daughter of king Lamido who had everything she wanted in life felt that she was better than everyone else in Noma, her father's Kingdom and any other neighboring Kingdoms close to Noma.

Rahila lost her mother, queen Zarau at the age of 8, so she was raised by her father, king Lamido and the servants in her Father's big palace.

King Lamido was very rich, he had so many ranches where his slàves rear animals for him. He owned so many cows, sheep, goats and the rest.

Apart from what he personally owned, he claimed to be the owner of everything the people of his kingdom owned, and anyone who refuse to give him what he wants would be exècuted immediately.

As years passed by, king Lamido began to conquer other kingdoms and his cruèlty and wîckedness spread far and wide.

He never remarried after his wife dîed, but he was nótorious for rapîng his female slàves and sodómîzing his male slaves.

King Lamido was an evîl king and he also influenced his daughter negatively too. She was very arrógant and inconsiderate .

At the age of 20, so many noble men had come to seek for princess Rahila's hand in marriage but the warrîor princess thought that everything starts and ends in her father's Kingdom, so she turned all of them down dîsrespectfully.

Princess Rahila couldn't imagine herself being under any man.

She wanted to be in her father's big palace for the rest of her life.

Where her servants would be at her beck and call.

It would be dîsgusting for her to lay her beautiful body in bed for any man to do with her as he please.

No! She would remain unmarried forever.


Princess Rahila had her mind made up and there she remained in her father's place, arrógantly treating people like they were not humans.

King Lamido supported everything she did. She was his only child after all, the apple of his eyes and his existence.

He loved his daughter to a fault and that was why he had plûcked out the eyes of not less than 5 male servants in his kingdom for simply looking at his beautiful daughter.

King Lamido had a special guard who made sure that men who were not of noble birth in the kingdom lose their sîght if they dare look at his daughter.

Princess Rahila thought that her father would live forever, she thought that her life would remain perfect forever.

She thought that her father's slaves would serve her forever, but things suddenly changed one day. Written by (Safiya T Idris)

Something terrîble happened in Noma kingdom and it changed princess Rahila's life forever.

That hot afternoon, Rahila was in her chamber with her servants running around to please her.

She was seated on her royal bed as she had just returned from her private river where she had gone to take her bath.

Yes, she had a private river meant for herself alone and anyone who dares go close had himself or herself to blame.


Princess Rahila was seated majestically like a princess that she was as some of her servants adorned her hair with expensive beads while others moisturize her skin with flower oil.

Some of her servants were just standing with their head bowed, waiting for orders.

Princess Rahila was enjoying the pampering when a servant rushed into her chamber without being given a permission.

Princess Rahila who was startled by the servants insolence stood up immediately and gave the servant a hàrd kîck on her stomach followed by a dîrty slàp.

"What could be so important that you had to barge into my chamber the way you did?" Princess Rahila inquired, fumîng.

The servant who was in pain couldn't speak but that earned her another kîck from Rahila who didn't like to be ignóred.

The servant had to fórce herself to speak before more hàrm would come her way.

"His Majesty seek... your presence... immediately my princess." The servant stuttered in paîn.

"That can wait right? Why were you in a hurry? He is my father and I can go and see him whenever I like." The princess replied, still very angry.

"It can not princess." The servant managed to say.

"Excuse me?" Princess Rahila said, dismissing the servant.

The servant was arguing with her and she had to send her away because she was very angry, she could commît mûrder.

The servant had barely left when her father, the king rushed into her chamber by himself.

King Lamido looked a bit worried, making the princess scared even though she had not known fear all her life.

She had never seen her father like that, he was always in control.

What could be happening? Why did her father rush into her room like that?

"My jewel, we must leave Noma immediately!" King Lamido said to his daughter firmly.

"Leave Noma? Our kingdom? Why father? What is happening?" Princess Rahila asked ?

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