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My Billionaire Flirt Husband

My Billionaire Flirt Husband

26 Chapters
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"I will assist you on one condition, if you would agree to marry me". He gave a lopsided grin. Maureen had no choice but to sign a contract marriage with Billionaire Michael Williams to save her late father's company from crashing off because of debt. She broke up with her long-time boyfriend, John. Who pleaded with her not to give up on their love yet. "You want to marry me, but what do you have huh? Maureen is a resilient ambitious lady who has faced several challenges, after the death of her parents. Unknowing to her, John was the reason behind her parents' accident. Heartbroken and devastated, she ran to meet her best friend, Melissa to explain to her what she had found out. She met her on the bed with her ex-lover, John. Will she forgive them for breaking her trust? Will she find solace in the hands of Michael, the flirt? Read on!

Chapter 1 Collateral

"Ugh! My stomach hurts! I have to get something to eat, but how? This rain has refused to stop. I don't want to get drenched and I am so hungry". I said, rubbing my stomach and looking through the window to check if the rain had stopped a bit.

I decided to call my friend if she could get something for me. "Hi Melissa, how are you doing? Where are you now? I was hoping you could help me buy food. I'm starving".

"Girl! I'm not around. You know it's raining and I need to be kept warm, you know". She giggled.

"You and this invisible man. When do you intend to show me your precious man? Let me try to get something to eat. Some are looking for what to eat while some are being eaten". I teased her.

"Maureen! You are acting this way because John is not there with you. If he was around, I am sure you would scream your lungs out". She laughed out loud. "I will call you later, girl. I don't want to keep my man waiting". She said, hanging up the call.

I have to start getting ready to go to the office. It's getting late. I will send the gateman when I get to the office to get the food for me.


I got to the office and saw a letter on my desk. "Who could have dropped this letter? I wasn't expecting any letter from anyone". I thought, opening the letter to read the content in it.

"No way! This can't be happening now". I screamed, grabbing my phone to call Melissa.

"Can you come to my office please? It's urgent. I need to show you something".

"Okay, I am on my way now. Let me quickly freshen up".

After my parents had passed away in a ghastly accident on their way home, Melissa and John were the only family I had left. And the only memory I had with my parents is about to be taken away from me.

"What's the problem girl? You sounded so serious on the phone". She said, dropping her bag on the table.

I replied in a sobbing voice. "The bank wants to take my company from me. I just got to the office and I saw a letter on my desk. I decided to read the content in it, and I saw that my dad collected a loan from them to build this company and he used it as collateral. But he couldn't pay up the loan before he passed away. I can't let them take it from me, Melissa. You know it's the only thing I have left".

"How much is left and didn't they give you time to pay up?". She asked, looking worried.

"Two hundred million! And I have to pay up within five days or I vacate the premises. Where do I get that kind of money from?".

"We have to act fast before the given time elapses. But where do we get that kind of money from? John doesn't have that kind of money and I don't too". She signed.

Maureen kept on pacing around. Thinking of what to do, and where to get the money from. I decided to call my boyfriend, John to come over.

"Hi babe". I said in a low voice. I explained everything that happened.

"You know I don't have that kind of money. What do we do?". He said.

"I don't know. That was why I called you to come over. Do you have anyone or know anyone that can lend you some money? I will pay the person back. I just want to sort out this one first".

John smiled. "Even if five of my friends should add up their money together, it won't be up to five hundred thousand let alone two hundred million".

We were all contemplating on our next step. I can't let them take my dad's company away. I will be left with nothing. Where do I start from? My boyfriend can't assist me financially, Melissa doesn't have up to that amount, and I don't have up to that amount either.

"Maureen, can't we plead with them to extend the date a little, so we can look for who to lend us the money. Five days is too small". Melissa said, looking at Maureen who was going through her contact to see if she could call anyone for assistance.

"What if I sell my car and some assets in my house?". I asked, biting my finger.

"Girl, don't make me laugh. Who will be interested in your Toyota Camry 2010? It's an old model. People don't use that car now, you know".

"Sigh! I'm hungry. I need to eat something". I said, dialing the gateman's number to get me food.

"Are you telling me you haven't eaten since you called me in the morning?". She asked surprisedly.

"After reading the letter, I lost my appetite. But I can't bear it any longer. Before I will add an ulcer to my problem". I sighed.


It's getting late already and we were preparing to go back home. I still haven't figured out how to pay back the loan. I couldn't eat the food the gateman bought for me. The only thing I had in mind was how to pay back the loan.

"Let's go home. Tomorrow might be a better day". Melissa said, tapping my shoulder while I let out a faint smile.

"I hope so. I'm so confused right now. My head is banging so bad. I need to rest". I said, carrying my bag to leave. "Babe, should I drop you and Melissa off?

"No worries baby, go home and relax. We shouldn't add to your stress. Hopefully, we will sort things out before it gets to the due date". He said, trying to comfort me.

Melissa bid her goodbye and promised to call her when she got home. John saw her off and waited till she drove off before leaving.

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