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A Typical Transmigration: Regressed, Reincarnated and Transmigrated

A Typical Transmigration: Regressed, Reincarnated and Transmigrated

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Is it a typical story about an author transmigrated into his own novel? >Yes. Is there a regressor? >Yes. Is there someone who reincarnated into my novel? >Yes. Are there other who transmigrated here? >Yes. Is there someone transmigrated by a truck. >Yes. So, does it mean that the legend of Truck-kun real. >Yes. So, who is the MC. >You can just choose it yourself. But is this is all there is to my story. >No, surprises are bound to be found anywhere or everywhere. Surprises that even I didn't knew of. I will keep it short. So, just read the introduction chapter then it's yours choice to read it or not.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Let's start with an introduction.

My name is Joey.

And from what I can remember, I was an orphan from birth trying to survive in a society where being poor was a sin and I am the sinner(poor).

People won't care even if someone like me were to die in front of them, they will only find it nauseating 'as we aren't needed in the society'.

Well there is always an exception for all I can remember, in my case it was a friend(one and only). I can't tell you much about him like- his name, etc. as my memories are hazy. But he was pretty packed(rich). I guess, perks of being a millionaire's son.

Only because of him, was I able to survive and come this far.

Oh! Sorry! My bad, for getting off-topic and let's leave this talk for else where.

So, as I was saying, my name is _____.

I was a software Engineer with a decent package.

As for my hobbies:- I am a novelist and also an avid reader.

A lot of you may have this one question, like- why waste time writing novels when I can use it on something more productive as I was an orphan without any sort of inheritance, like how much can I even earn from writing novel or how many novel I had written or is my novel good enough for me to be talking about it like this ,etc.

The answer of this question is-

I write novel because I want to. No, I love to. At first I started to write for a few bucks but soon fell in love with it.

I don't know how or why but whenever my mind isn't busy with something, I have this strange urge to write something and it only stops when I write what's on my mind. It all started after I first picked a pen to write (novel).

As for how many novel I had written or was still writing, the answer is I had only written one novel. And the title is "Saving the world with my system".

I have written a 1000 chapters or maybe 999 not sure about it as I clearly can't remember much about my last moments on Earth.

And 'By last moments', I mean to say that I am most probably dead.

Oh! yeah I forgot to tell you that my novel ranks 1st in popularity and recently won price money of 10,000 USD.

It is a typical novel with gates and dungeons. Aside from human there are other species like elves, orcs, dwarfs, vampires and demons or maybe devil and angels. You can also found dragons or other races inside the dungeon.

The story takes place in a planet named Euro.

My novel starts 100 years after the 1st dungeon break. At that time, monster wreak havoc all over the world. The guns and missiles weren't able to deal any damage to the monsters. When all the hopes were gone heroes began to emerge.

"Yes ,' Heroes '(people who can use mana)".

Heroes are people with supernatural powers, someone who can break the mountains with a single punch, can shoot fire ball, fly in air or in simple words fight monsters and everything that humans thought only happen in movies became a reality. They began to fight with monsters and this was how the first generation of heroes came to be.

After killing all the monsters, humanity began to gradually recover from the damage.

After recovering from damage their civilization began to grow rapidly. Things like teleportation gate and others that would have taken decades to develop were invented in just a span of few years.

Due to a shift in tectonic plates, all of the land of the planet become inter-connected.

The average life span of all the species increased by more than twice due to availability of mana.

Just when all was going well, gates began to open and species other than human flooded in to take shelter in their planet.

The other races like elves were struck in awe due to millions of other species that lives on this planet and it's rich environment, dwarves were struck in awe due to their technology and large buildings. Well I will not talk about orcs as they still think anything that is smaller than them is weaker than them.

At first, they were just wary but after finding out that the humans were too weak, not trustworthy, lustful, selfish, arrogant, etc. they began to have clash between their ideals and started to fight against others for a piece of land.

But they soon came to an agreement, as the other races didn't want to fight with the races that were living in Euro 'for who knows how many years' because if they do fight for a piece of land then what difference does it make between them and demons(who did the same to them).

The southern plains was left in hands of elves.

The northern plains in hands of dwarves.

The eastern in hands of orcs.

And the western beings in hands of human.

50 years after the first dungeon break, demons began to invade Euro.

They were also the reason for other races invading Euro.

The demon destroyed all other planets.

Their next target being the planet Euro (the final planet alive).

And you may be thinking why the hell am I talking about it, the reason being I have transmigrated into my own novel.

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